How long can a Bitcoin transfer take? (2025)

How long can a Bitcoin transfer take?

Standard Transaction Time

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Why is Bitcoin transfer taking so long?

It takes some time for the transactions to get confirmed on the blockchain and depending on the fees you selected, it may take from 1 minute to several hours. Network congestion also has a big impact on how long you need to wait. If many people are doing transactions right now, it will increase the waiting time.

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Can a Bitcoin transaction take 24 hours?

In general, Bitcoin transactions will be confirmed between 10 minutes and over a day later. The two biggest influences on the confirmation time are the amount of transaction fees and the activity on the network.

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What can delay Bitcoin transfer?

Blockchain Network Congestion:

The number of transactions waiting to be processed on a blockchain network can cause delays in your crypto transfer. When the network is congested, like during periods of high activity (e.g., when there's a surge in people trying to buy crypto), transactions may take longer.

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Why is my BTC withdrawal taking so long?

Network Congestion: During periods of high network traffic, such as when the Bitcoin network is especially busy, confirmation times may be delayed. This can extend the time required to complete your withdrawal.

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What is the longest time for a Bitcoin transfer?

The record for the longest time a bitcoin transaction has remained unconfirmed is around 14 days. However, it's important to note that this is an extreme case, and most bitcoin transactions get confirmed withing minutes or hours.

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(Bitcoin University)
Can a BTC transaction be stuck forever?

If new transactions pay higher fees than you, your transaction could get stuck pending indefinitely, as it will constantly get moved to the back of the line.

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(The CryptoDad)
How long should a Bitcoin transfer take?

How Long Does It Take To Send Bitcoin? Bitcoin transactions typically take between 10 and 60 minutes to complete, with an average of 11 minutes. Several factors influence the speed of a Bitcoin transaction, including the number of validations, fees, congestion, and block size.

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(Bitcoin University)
How to check status of BTC transfer?

Bitcoin's blockchain can be accessed at Here, you'll be able to enter your Bitcoin TxID, or your exchange or wallet address, to track your transactions. You will see a summary of information about the transaction, including the number of confirmations it has.

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What should I do if my bitcoin transaction is pending for more than 24 hours?

If the transaction is still pending, you must wait for it to be confirmed. For senders, it's essential to use the suggested transaction fees to avoid delays. Miners prioritize transactions with higher fees, and by using the recommended fee, you can help your transaction be processed quicker.

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Can a BTC transfer fail?

A bitcoin transaction can fail or get “stuck” for a variety of reasons: Insufficient fees — If the fee you include is too low, miners may ignore your transaction and it won't confirm.

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How to speed up BTC transfer?

If your ongoing transaction has been pending confirmation for a long time or you want to accelerate it, the Bitcoin network offers a Replace-by-Fee (RBF) feature, which lets you replace an unconfirmed transaction with a newer version that offers a higher network fee.

How long can a Bitcoin transfer take? (2025)
Why haven't I received my Bitcoin?

Close and re-open your app or browser. Update your app to the latest version (if necessary). Confirm the sender used the network you're expecting to receive the funds on and the correct address. Ask the sender to provide the transaction's block explorer link to confirm the correct address and network were used.

How do I check the status of my BTC withdrawal?

From the top of the page you can see your transaction ID. If you were not automatically redirected, you can manually check your transaction status by copying and pasting your transaction ID into the search bar of our Blockchain Explorer .

How long can BTC withdrawals take?

Bitcoin withdrawal delays can be unpredictable. Many factors, like network congestion, the asset, or the platform, can impact the time for a withdrawal to move from pending to confirmed. Generally, withdrawals take 30 minutes to 2-4 hours.

How long are BTC transactions taking right now?

On the Bitcoin network, the average confirmation time for a BTC payment is about 10 minutes.

Why is my crypto transfer taking so long?

Delays can happen if the global transaction volume is high, resulting in more transactions than the available space in each new block.

Why do some Bitcoin transactions take so long?

Why do some bitcoin transaction confirmations take so long? Each block can only contain a certain number of transactions, and that number is determined largely by the space available in each block, or the 'block size,' which is 1MB.

Are Bitcoin transfers immediate?

Transactions on the Bitcoin network are typically processed in around 10 minutes. Other cryptocurrencies run on networks that can be much faster, with some averaging near-instant processing times. One analogy for this process is sending physical mail.

What happens if a Bitcoin transaction doesn't go through?

However, if a transaction remains unconfirmed for an extended period, it may be due to a low transaction fee or network congestion. In such cases, you might need to cancel the unconfirmed transaction to recover your funds or expedite the process.

How can I track a Bitcoin transaction?

On the blockchain explorer
  1. Go to the blockchain explorer that you'd like to check the transaction on.
  2. Paste the transaction ID or address into the search bar.
  3. On the transaction screen, you'll see whether the transaction was confirmed, unconfirmed or has failed.

Can my Bitcoin be seized?

Bitcoin seizure is the process by which the government legally dispossesses a citizen of bitcoin. Bitcoin is seizure-resistant and can only be seized by obtaining the private key to a bitcoin address. Assuming probable cause, bitcoin which funds or facilitates criminal activity will be subject to government seizure.

How long do Bitcoin cash transfers take?

On average, a Bitcoin transfer between Cash App and Coinbase can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. However, in some cases, especially during periods of high network activity, transfers can take several hours to be confirmed.

Can you cancel a Bitcoin transaction?

No, once confirmed, crypto transactions are permanent. They can't be canceled, altered, or reversed. Once transactions have been written to the blockchain (confirmed), no one can cancel or reverse them. This includes the sender, the receiver, Exodus, or any other platforms (custodial or self-custodial) involved.

How to speed up a BTC transaction?

How do I accelerate a stuck Bitcoin transaction? If you set your custom fee too low or there is a sudden spike in network fees, your transaction might get stuck pending. If this happens, you can accelerate the transaction with either replace-by-fee (RBF) or a child-pays-for-parent (CPFP) transaction.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

Last Updated: 02/11/2025

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.