Juan's arms dealers? (2024)

How do I get all of Juan's weapons?

To acquire the rest of these weapons, collect depleted uranium at anti-aircraft sites and trade it for these weapons at Juan's arms dealers or Juan's office on Libertad Island. Each weapon costs 100 depleted uranium. Juan initially offers three Supremos and four Resolvers. More will become available as you rank up.

(Video) Juan's Arm Dealer Location | Far Cry 6
What weapons to buy from Juan Far Cry 6?

The MP7 is the best SMG in Far Cry 6 and can be purchased at the Juan's Arms Dealers or from the vendor at a Guerilla Garrison found in one of the three main base camps in Yara. It's a great weapon for when things get chaotic if or when the stealthy approach has failed.

(Video) Juan's Arm Dealer Location | Far Cry 6
Do arms dealers still exist?

Believe it or not, dealing in private arms is a perfectly legal profession in most countries. In fact, few countries have any laws at all that forbid brokering an illegal arms deal. Remember; the broker is usually nothing more than a middleman with a phone, a computer and a bank account.

(Video) How to Buy Guns in Far Cry 6 | Get Regular Weapons Shop Locations & Unlock Guerilla Garrison
(HTF Games Studio)
Which Juan's weapons are best?

Exterminador (starting Supremo)

As mentioned, the Exterminador is the best Supremo for pure offensive firepower, launching a barrage of homing missiles that should end practically any threat ahead of you. It's given to you for free by Juan early in the game, but you can use it effectively across the campaign.

(Video) Far Cry 6 Best Weapons You Want To Get Early (Far Cry 6 Weapons)
Where can I buy Juan's weapons?

These weapons can be purchased from Juan's Arms Dealers or from the Guerrilla Garrison. Juan's Arms Dealers set up shop in captured FND bases. The weapons they offer will increase in rank as you increase your rank.

(Video) Far Cry 6 UNLIMITED GUN POWDER | How to Farm Gun Powder Guide
What happens when you buy all of Juan's weapons?

Acquire all of Juan's weapons

Your first Supremo is part of the Storyline, and the Yaran Story “Triada Blessings” rewards you with a Supremo and Resolver Weapon each, which are the only one's not to be acquired through Juan. This finishes Supremacy Yaran Story in Far Cry 6.

What is the most powerful assault rifle in Far Cry 6?

All in all, there isn't a more powerful and balanced weapon in Far Cry 6 than the SSGP-58 assault rifle.

(Video) How To Solo Special Operations For Best Weapons In Far Cry 6 (Far Cry 6 Moneda)
What is the most powerful gun in Far Cry 6?

La Varita. This Resolver Weapon is the strongest in the game. This rifle comes equipped with powerful bullets that can drop Castillo's forces quickly with unparalleled stopping power. Even better is that if you pair this with the Triador Supremo, you can shoot through walls and pieces of cover.

(Video) Far Cry 6 - Supremacy - Collect Depleted Uranium From Anti-Aircraft Sites
(Ottster Gaming)
What is the most powerful sniper rifle in Far Cry 6?

The MBP. 50 isn't unique but it's the most powerful sniper rifle in Far Cry 6.

(Video) Far Cry 6 All Depleted Uranium Locations (Materials for Juan's Weapons)
(Gaming with Abyss)
How do you get all resolver weapons Far Cry 6?

Resolvers can be crafted at the Resolver / Supremo Workbench at Juan's Office on Libertad Island, or any of Juan's arms dealers. Crafting a Resolver will cost 100 Uranium. Uranium can be found at AA Gun Sites in boxes of 50 Uranium each.

(Video) Far Cry 6 Isla Santuario All Collectibles (Weapons - Gear - USB - Roosters - Criptograma - Idols)
(Gaming with Abyss)

How do you get all resolver weapons?

Resolver weapons can be purchased from Juan's Arms Dealers with Uranium once you have completed the Supremacy mission. More arms dealers become available as you liberate parts of Yara.

(Video) How to unlock juan's weapons
(Classical Gamer)
How do you unlock all weapons in Far Cry 6?

How to Acquire Weapons
  1. Find and Open FND Caches: This applies to most Standard Weapons. ...
  2. Find and Open Yaran Contraband: This applies to most Unique Weapons. ...
  3. Purchase with Pesos: This applies to the same standard weapons that can be found in FND Caches, as an alternate method for obtaining the weapons.

Juan's arms dealers? (2024)
How do you unlock all weapons in Far Cry 3?

Signature Weapons are unlocked (but not owned by Jason until purchased) in the shops after certain criteria are met. Liberate 17 Outposts. Collect 10 Memory Cards. Collect 10 Relics.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Last Updated: 14/02/2024

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.