What did Romeo do for fun? (2024)

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What did Romeo do for fun?

The son of a wealthy patriarch, Romeo resembles a socialite more than a student. Because he's so rich, Romeo's only job is to pine after girls and party with his best friends, Benvolio and Mercutio

Mercutio (/mərˈkjuːʃioʊ/ mər-KEW-shee-oh, Italian: Mercuzio) is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's 1597 tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. He is a close friend to Romeo and a blood relative to Prince Escalus and Count Paris.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mercutio
. Interests… dancing, having fun, and waxing poetic about women.

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What does Romeo do in the play?

Hearing from his servant that Juliet is dead, Romeo buys poison from an Apothecary in Mantua. He returns to Verona and goes to the tomb where he surprises and kills the mourning Paris. Romeo takes his poison and dies, while Juliet awakens from her drugged coma.

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(On Demand Entertainment)
What did Romeo do after the party?

Instead of returning home, where does Romeo go after the ball? Romeo jumps the wall and goes into the Capulet orchard.

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What is Romeo passionate about?

Romeo is passionate when he meets Juliet for the first time. At the Capulet party, he declares his love for Juliet as she is so beautiful and promises they will get married in the morning.

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Why does Romeo stay at the party?

Benvolio wants to help Romeo let go of his obsession with Rosaline, and he explains that, while at the party, Romeo will be able to compare her to other girls and realize she is not the most beautiful. Romeo, on the other hand, says he will go to the party just so he can see Rosaline, the woman he believes he loves.

(Video) Video SparkNotes: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet summary
Who is Romeo and what does he do?

Romeo Montague (Italian: Romeo Montecchi) is the male protagonist of William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The son of Lord Montague and his wife, Lady Montague, he secretly loves and marries Juliet, a member of the rival House of Capulet, through a priest named Friar Laurence.

(Video) Romeo and Juliet Petrol Station Scene
(Sophie Robson)
What are Romeo's views on love?

For Romeo, true love is a liberating force. Love gives him not just wings, but “light wings” and the power to overcome all “stony limits.” Romeo answers Juliet's serious and practical question with a flight of romantic fantasy. Throughout the play, Juliet is more grounded in the real world than Romeo.

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(My Pingu English)
Did Romeo kiss Juliet at the party?

Romeo and Juliet's First Meeting

Romeo is overheard talking about Juliet by Tybalt. Tybalt wants to remove Romeo from the party but Lord Capulet stops him. Romeo and Juliet meet and kiss each other before the Nurse calls Juliet away. Afterwards, they discover each other's true identity.

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What does Romeo say before going to the party?

Romeo says Mercutio is talking nonsense and Mercutio, our resident skeptic, retorts that dreams are for idiots. Before entering the party, Romeo says he has a feeling that "fate" may have something bad in store for him.

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How many times does Romeo kiss Juliet when they first meet?

PLU Center for Gender Equity

It is not until after a brief chat and two kisses that Romeo discovers whom he has just fallen for, and is horrified to discover he is in love with a Capulet. Juliet finds out who Romeo is shortly after and utters the line, “Too early seen unknown, and known too late!” (1.5.

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(Romeo Santos)

Who does Romeo originally love?

Romeo is the only child of Lord and Lady Montague. When we first meet him, he believes he is in love with Rosaline, but then he meets Juliet at a party. They instantly fall in love and are married in secret the next day. The pair are separated after Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished.

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Who does Romeo love the most?

Although an unseen character, her role is important: Romeo's unrequited love for Rosaline leads him to try to catch a glimpse of her at a gathering hosted by the Capulet family, during which he first spots her cousin, Juliet. Scholars generally compare Romeo's short-lived love of Rosaline with his later love of Juliet.

What did Romeo do for fun? (2024)
Who teases Romeo about love?

Act 2, Scene 1

 Benvolio and Mercutio do not know that Romeo is headed to the Capulet orchard.  They do not know Romeo is now in love with Juliet  Mercutio calls out to Romeo in search of him by teasing him about Rosaline's seductive beauty.

What does Romeo not want to do at the party?

Romeo tells his friends that he doesn't plan on dancing tonight—he's too sad. Plus, he had a dream the night before that gave him a bad feeling about the party. Mercutio teasingly thinks his dream is the result of a visit from Queen Mab.

Why does Romeo refuse to dance at the party?

Romeo compares his sorrow over Rosaline to him having a “soul of lead.” Thus, he does not want to dance because he is “weighed down” with sadness over Rosaline's rejection.

What persuades Romeo to attend the party?

After learning about the upcoming party at the Capulet house, Benvolio persuades Romeo to attend with him to meet other girls who will make him forget about Rosaline. Romeo reluctantly agrees to go but says he is doing so for personal reasons, not because he thinks Benvolio's plan is good.

What are Romeo's hobbies?

The son of a wealthy patriarch, Romeo resembles a socialite more than a student. Because he's so rich, Romeo's only job is to pine after girls and party with his best friends, Benvolio and Mercutio. Interests… dancing, having fun, and waxing poetic about women.

Why was Romeo so in love?

More experienced characters argue that sexual frustration, not enduring love, is the root cause of Romeo and Juliet's passion for one another. Mercutio tells Romeo “this drivelling love is like a great natural that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole” (2.4.).

What are Romeo's strengths?

Romeo used his strength of romanticism to woo Juliet. Which at the end of the conversation, leads to them agreeing to marriage. On the flip side, Romeo has a weakness, his impulsiveness.

What is Romeo's famous line?

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.”

What did Romeo say to Juliet?

My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word. This is the first of the shared lines between Romeo and Juliet.

What does Juliet say before she dies?

Hearing the approaching watch, Juliet unsheathes Romeo's dagger and, saying, “O happy dagger, / This is thy sheath,” stabs herself (5.3. 171).

Why did Romeo kiss Juliet twice?

Juliet agrees to remain still as Romeo kisses her. Thus, in the terms of their conversation, she takes his sin from him. Juliet then makes the logical leap that if she has taken Romeo's sin from him, his sin must now reside in her lips, and so they must kiss again.

What did Romeo say before he kissed Juliet?

O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again. You kiss by the book. If they do see thee, they will murder thee.

When did Juliet fall in love with Romeo?

Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet a Capulet. Their families are enmeshed in a feud, but the moment they meet—when Romeo and his friends attend a party at Juliet's house in disguise—the two fall in love and quickly decide that they want to be married.

What did Romeo dream?

On Wednesday morning, on a street in Mantua, a cheerful Romeo describes a wonderful dream he had the night before: Juliet found him lying dead, but she kissed him, and breathed new life into his body.

What scene did Romeo sneak into the party?

Act 1, scene 4 Romeo and Benvolio approach the Capulets' party with their friend Mercutio and others, wearing the disguises customarily donned by “maskers.” Romeo is anxious because of an ominous dream.

What did Romeo say when he first saw Juliet at the party?

First, Romeo addresses Juliet by metaphorically referring to her as a “holy shrine.” He then refers to his lips as “two blushing pilgrims.”

How long were Romeo and Juliet in love?

Answer and Explanation:

Romeo and Juliet takes place over five days.

How many days did Romeo and Juliet love last?

Encapsulating the tragedy, within a span of three to four days Romeo and Juliet fall in love, get married and die 'for each other', besides triggering other deaths.

How long was Romeo and Juliet in love?

Don't fall in love too quickly, this is Shakespeare's warning to us when he says, "Wisely and slow/they stumble that run fast." The entirety of the play's theme is summed up in this quote. The whole play takes place in a time span of three days and in those three days they fall in love, get married,…show more content…

Did Romeo cheat on Rosaline?

Rosaline, the red-haired Capulet with a flair for rebellion enjoys her share of the forbidden romance, which soon comes to a halt when Romeo cheats on her with her younger cousin Juliet.

Who is Romeo jealous of?

Romeo imagines Juliet as a worshipper of Diana, the goddess of chastity and virgins, whose symbol is the moon. In his description, Diana is envious because Juliet is more beautiful than she.

Why can't Romeo marry Rosaline?

Answer: Rosaline doesn't like Romeo because she has chosen to become a nun and has taken a vow of chastity, which means she cannot reciprocate Romeo's feelings.

Was Romeo a womanizer?

Romeo was a womanizer, as seen in the fact that he was more than willing to do anything for his previous love interest Rosaline, in order to take her virginity. Juliet sacrificed her body, family and life to Romeo, believing that he had concern for her as his better half.

Do Romeo fall in love so quickly?

From the moment he sees her at the Capulet party, Romeo immediately falls in love with Juliet. They both fall head over heels for each other as the night progresses. During their time together, they completely put all things aside and forget everything about the world except for their love for one another.

Who is Romeo heartbroken over?

At the beginning of the play, Romeo, a Montague, is heartbroken because of his infatuation with a girl named Rosaline, a Capulet. Romeo secretly attends a Capulet ball in the hopes of meeting Rosaline, but instead, he meets Juliet, another Capulet, and the two immediately fall in love.

Who is Romeo depressed because he is in love with?

Romeo is initially sad because he is deeply in love with a woman named Rosaline who does not return his affections. He is depressed and feels that he will never be able to find love again. However, he soon forgets all about Rosaline when he meets Juliet and falls deeply in love with her.

Who was Romeo's crush before Juliet?

Rosaline is the gorgeous and aloof woman Romeo crushes on until he meets the love of his life, Juliet.

Who is Romeo rejected by?

Rosaline's rejection of Romeo is really the impetus for his meeting Juliet. We didn't make that up. It's in Shakespeare's original text. It's the impetus for him to go off and meet Juliet, and after he meets her, Rosaline is never mentioned again or thought of again.

Who let Romeo stay at the party?

Capulet's servant Peter chats with Romeo and Benvolio and invites them without realizing they're Montagues. Even though Romeo's love, Rosaline, will be at the party, Benvolio urges Romeo to attend and seek a new love interest there. Romeo reluctantly agrees.

Why couldn t Romeo and Juliet be together?

Answer and Explanation: As mentioned by the chorus at the start, the Montagues and Capulets have been feuding for some time. No specific reason is given but they despise each other. With this force of will against them, Romeo and Juliet will never be able to be together.

Does Romeo have a bad feeling about the party?

Romeo's soliloquy at the end of the scene; he says he has a bad feeling about the party—that something will begin there that will result in his early death.

Why does Romeo decide to go to the party even though he is not invited?

Why does Romeo decide to go to the Capulets' feast even though (being a Montague) he is not invited? He saw that Rosaline was going. Describe Juliet's relationship with her family.

Who is the last person to see Juliet before she stabs herself dead?

He implores her to leave the tomb, saying that he will "dispose of thee / Among a sisterhood of holy nuns." Overcome by sorrow, Juliet sends him away and kills herself soon afterward. Thus, a strict interpretation of the text reveals that Friar Laurence was the last person to see Juliet alive.

How does Romeo learn of the party?

Capulet instructs his servant Peter to invite a list of other guests; the illiterate Peter enlists Romeo's help in reading the list, whereby Romeo and Benvolio learn of the party and make a plan to join the festivities in order to see Romeo's love, Rosaline, who is invited to the party.

How does Romeo act at the end of the play?

At the end of Romeo and Juliet , Romeo returns to Verona because he believes Juliet is dead. When he arrives at her tomb she appears lifeless, and in his grief he kills himself by drinking poison.

What does Romeo bring to the play?

He brings the news of Juliet's death. A note from the Friar about death. After hearing the news, where does Romeo plan to go?

How is Romeo introduced in the play?

At the beginning of the play, he is madly in love with a woman named Rosaline. Romeo is initially presented as a Petrarchan lover, a man whose feelings of love aren't reciprocated by the lady he admires and who uses the poetic language of sonnets to express his emotions about his situation.

What is Romeo's main goal?

Romeo is the son and heir of the Montague's, he is likeable and quick to love, 16 years-old, immature, and impulsive, his concern and goal is to be a devoted friend, he is concern with the feud, and he wants to marry and love Juliet, his enemy.

What are Romeo's last words?

Here's to my love. O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.

What is the last thing Romeo does before he dies?

Romeo speaks to Juliet of his intention to spend eternity with her, describing himself as shaking “the yoke of inauspicious stars / From this world-wearied flesh” (5.3. 111–112). He kisses Juliet, drinks the poison, kisses Juliet again, and dies.

Who does Romeo end up killing?

Romeo and his companions almost immediately encounter Juliet's cousin Tybalt, who challenges Romeo. When Romeo refuses to fight, Romeo's friend Mercutio accepts the challenge and is killed. Romeo then kills Tybalt and is banished.

What does Romeo say before he kills himself?

He attempts to defy that fate by killing himself and spending eternity with Juliet: “Well, Juliet,” he says, “I will lie with thee tonight” (5.1. 34). Tragically, it is Romeo's very decision to avoid his destiny that actually brings fate about.

What was Romeo like in the play?

A young man of about sixteen, Romeo is handsome, intelligent, and sensitive. Though impulsive and immature, his idealism and passion make him an extremely likable character. He lives in the middle of a violent feud between his family and the Capulets, but he is not at all interested in violence.

How does Romeo show loyalty?

Romeo is a member of the Montague house but he secretly marries Juliet a member of the Capulet family which causes him to feel loyal to the house of Capulets as well.

What kind of animal would Romeo be?

By fate, the dog Romeo and the cat Juliet fall in love with each other at first sight...

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Author: Corie Satterfield

Last Updated: 09/08/2024

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.