10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (2024)

10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (1)

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Marriages require work, and as much as we would like these relationships to be full of romance and bliss, it doesn’t always work out that way. Through the challenges and ups and downs of life, you may find yourself thinking, “I feel disgusted when my husband touches me!”

If you’ve thought about, “My skin crawls when my husband touches me,” it’s important to get to the bottom of it. In some cases, there may be a relationship problem leading you to despise his touch. In other situations, you might have a personal problem that’s getting in the way.

Below, learn the reasons behind the feeling, “I can’t stand my husband touching me anymore.”

Why do you feel repulsed when your husband touches you?

For many people, physical touch is important in a relationship. It helps them to feel loved and strengthens their bond with their spouse. However, when you start to feel, “I don’t want my husband to touch me anymore,” there is usually some sort of underlying problem causing the issue.

Maybe there has been so much conflict in the relationship that you just don’t want to be close to your spouse right now. On the other hand, it could be that you’re coping with a personal issue that is making touch difficult for you.

If you start to notice, “my skin crawls when my husband touches me,” you can explore the underlying reason for this issue and take steps to correct it.

10+ reasons why you feel disgusted when your husband touches you

If you’re caught in the trap of, “I feel disgusted when my husband touches me,” there are a number of reasons you could be feeling this way. To begin to get to the bottom of the issue, consider the following 10 reasons you might feel disgusted by his touch.

1. You’re angry about unresolved conflict

Many relationships hit rough patches from time to time, and if this is the case for you and your husband, you may dislike his touch because of anger over unresolved conflict.

If you’re upset about recent fights, you may crave physical distance from him. The anger and conflict can lead his physical touch to feel quite irritating to you.

2. He’s not meeting your emotional needs

Emotional intimacy and connection are critical in marriage. In order to achieve a state of emotional intimacy in marriage, it is important for partners to accept each other, share their thoughts and feelings, and have a deep understanding of one another.

When your husband doesn’t meet your emotional needs, you may feel disgusted by his touch. Being close to another person can involve both physical and emotional closeness. If the emotional intimacy isn’t what you need, the physical connection may feel upsetting.

Learn more about the problems that can arise when emotional needs are not met in a relationship in the following video:

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3. Sex hasn’t been great

Physical touch doesn’t just have to center around sex, but if sex hasn’t been great, it can influence the way you feel about your husband’s touch.

If sex is unpleasant, you may start to feel anxious when your husband touches you because it triggers the feelings of dissatisfaction you have with your sex life.

Sex can begin to feel forced or as if it’s a chore, which can send you into a cycle of anxiety when your husband comes close. This could be the reason behind your feeling, “I don’t want my husband to touch me anymore!”

4. There is abuse in the relationship

In many cases, feeling disgusted by your husband’s touch points to a resolvable issue, such as an emotional disconnection within the marriage. However, it is also possible that your lack of desire for his touch is because of a more serious issue, including physical and/or psychological abuse in the relationship.

When you have been endangered or otherwise traumatized by abuse in your relationship, it can interfere with the intimacy between you and your husband. Physical and emotional abuse signal to your brain that he is not a safe person, so you may understandably be frightened or repulsed when he physically touches you.

5. You’re dissatisfied with your body

If you’re not feeling good about your own physical appearance, you may physically distance yourself from your partner. Maybe you’re worried that if he gets too close to you, he will notice flaws in your body.

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A lack of confidence in your own body can also lead you to avoid sex. You might then feel disgusted when your husband touches you because you’re worried it will lead to sex, which would heighten your insecurities about your body.

6. You’ve lost your feelings of love for him

When you can’t help but feel, “My skin crawls when my husband touches me,” you might worry that you have lost your loving feelings for him. In some cases, feelings of love and passion can dwindle over time.

This may mean that you just aren’t excited about his touch anymore, or you may begin to pull away from him because the desire just isn’t there anymore. If you find yourself in this place, you may benefit from trying to rebuild the spark between the two of you.

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7. Sex is entirely one-sided

If physical intimacy is all about your husband’s needs and pleasure, you may begin to avoid it. This means that when he tries to touch you to get you in the mood, you want no part of it.

Why do you get irritated when your husband touches you?

Over time, if your husband continues to be selfish in the bedroom, you can begin to feel as if his needs always come before yours. When you reach this point, your desire for physical connection may be lost.

10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (2)

8. You have resentment toward him

Long-term relationships require work, and life can take its toll over time. If you feel that you have done the majority of the heavy lifting in your relationship, or you feel as if your husband doesn’t appreciate you, resentment can begin to build.

For instance, if you’re both working full-time, but you carry the burden of most of the childcare and household duties, you can begin to feel overwhelmed and taken for granted.

If your husband doesn’t pitch in or value your efforts, you may not want to be close to him at all, and physical intimacy is probably the last thing on your mind.

9. It feels like he only wants sex

In many cases, women want to feel that their husbands are meeting their emotional needs, in addition to their need for physical intimacy. If it seems that your husband only wants to spend time with you or show affection for the sake of sex, you may avoid his touch altogether.

Physical touch that centers only around sex can make you feel as if you’re just an object to him. If this is the case, it’s no wonder you feel disgusted when your husband touches you.

10. You’re dealing with unresolved trauma

If you have unresolved trauma from childhood or a past relationship, you may cringe when your husband tries to touch you. Trauma interferes with our sense of safety and leads us to be hypervigilant of our surroundings.

When you’re trying to cope with past trauma, an innocent, loving touch from your husband can feel threatening, triggering a fight-or-flight reaction in your body.

11. Loss of personal autonomy

When a wife feels like her personal boundaries and autonomy are not respected, it can lead to discomfort when her husband touches her. If she constantly feels that her consent or preferences are not acknowledged in physical interactions, she may begin to resent or feel disgusted by his touch.

12. Lack of communication

Poor communication or a lack of open dialogue in a relationship can also contribute to this syndrome. When a wife and husband are not communicating about their physical and emotional needs, it can lead to misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and discomfort during physical contact.

13. Neglect of self-care

A wife’s lack of self-care, such as neglecting her physical and emotional well-being, can also contribute to these feelings. If she is not prioritizing self-care and self-love, she may become more sensitive to physical touch and experience discomfort due to her own dissatisfaction with herself.

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5+ tips to enjoy being touched again

If your aversion to your husband’s touch is leading to distress or problems in your marriage, there are steps you can take to enjoy his touch again. The following five strategies are helpful when you realize that you can’t stand to have your husband touch you.

1. Work on problems in the relationship

If lack of communication, ongoing conflict, or emotional disconnection is making it so that you do not desire physical touch from your husband, tackling relationship problems is the first step toward addressing your aversion to his touch.

Sit down with each other and have a talk about how to address the problems in your relationship. This could include making a plan for more open communication, reaching a compromise on issues of disagreement, and spending more quality time together.

As your relationship improves, you’re likely to find that your desire for physical intimacy increases.

2. Address any personal issues leading to the problem

Maybe you recognize that your disgust over your husband’s touch is because of a personal problem, like body image issues or unresolved trauma. If this is the case, addressing the underlying issues will help you to overcome your discomfort with your husband’s touch.

10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (3)

In the case of body image issues, you can focus on taking steps to feel better about yourself, whether that means making time for exercise or spending more time on self-care. If underlying trauma is the problem, it may be time to work with a therapist to learn coping strategies.

3. Express your needs to your husband

You’ll likely have a stronger desire for physical intimacy if your needs are met within the relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that you can expect your husband to read your mind or magically know your needs without you expressing them.

If the issue in your relationship is that your emotional needs aren’t met, or you feel that your husband’s needs always come first, have an open conversation about this. Clearly state what is lacking and what you need to feel appreciated, and his physical touch likely won’t feel so repulsive to you anymore.

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4. Find touches you enjoy

It could be that you don’t find all touches from your husband to be repulsive. Perhaps you just prefer gentler touches in comparison to sexual or rough touching.

You can make the transition to greater amounts of physical intimacy by starting with small touches that you enjoy. This can increase your comfort level with physical touch and actually help you to enjoy a physical connection with your husband again.

5. Consider couple’s therapy

Marital therapy is a suitable option when you find that you’re disgusted by your husband’s touch and the issue is bigger than something you can resolve on your own.

If you just can’t get on the same page or you cannot resolve ongoing conflict, therapy provides a safe space for addressing issues in the marriage, including a negative reaction when he touches you.

A therapist provides a clinical lens and a neutral point of view to help you work through problems that are interfering with physical intimacy in the marriage.

You may be able to explore unhealthy patterns that are contributing to problems between you and your husband. In fact, therapy has been found to be beneficial for improving both physical and emotional intimacy within marriages.

6. Experiment and communicate about physical intimacy

Sometimes, aversion to physical touch can be linked to a lack of variety or excitement in one’s intimate life. Encourage open and honest communication with your husband about your desires, fantasies, and what kinds of touch you find more enjoyable.

By exploring and trying new things together, you may find that the physical connection becomes more appealing. Experimentation can rekindle the spark in your physical relationship and make it more satisfying for both you and your husband.

Remember, if your husband repulses you sexually, the key to overcoming this aversion is communication, understanding, and mutual effort from both partners. Each person’s experience is unique, so tailoring your approach to your specific circ*mstances is crucial.

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It’s not uncommon to experience discomfort or lack of enjoyment in physical touch with your partner. This FAQ section will provide more insight into the matter if your skin crawls when your husband touches you, along with tips to avoid feeling this way.

  • Why do I feel disgusted when my boyfriend touches me?

If you feel disgusted when your partner or another person in your life touches you, you’re likely dealing with problems within the relationship. For instance, resentment, conflict, or unmet needs can make physical touch unappealing.

Feelings of disgust when someone touches you can also arise from personal problems, such as trauma or body image issues.

  • What should I do if your husband disgusts you sexually?

If you experience disgust when your boyfriend touches you, prioritize self-care. Communicate your feelings with him honestly, consider seeking professional guidance, and work together to understand and address the underlying concerns.

  • How can I communicate my feelings to my boyfriend about not wanting to be touched?

Open and honest communication is key. Choose a calm and private setting to express your feelings. Use “I” statements to explain your discomfort and your reasons, and encourage constructive dialogue to find common ground.

  • How can I set boundaries with my boyfriend about touch?

Boundaries are essential in any relationship. Discuss your boundaries with your boyfriend, clearly stating what you’re comfortable with and what makes you feel uncomfortable. Respect each other’s limits and adjust your actions accordingly.

Watch this video to learn more about boundaries in a relationship and how they are good for relationships:

10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (4)

  • Where can I find professional help for my feelings of disgust towards touch?

Seek professional help from therapists, counselors, or psychologists who specialize in relationships and intimacy if you feel repulsed by your husband.

You can find such professionals through online directories, recommendations from friends, or your healthcare provider. They can offer guidance and support in understanding and addressing your feelings of disgust.

Some form of touch or affection is generally beneficial and necessary in a relationship. This doesn’t always mean sex.

While touch is beneficial, some couples may not desire a high level of passion or physical intimacy in their marriage. If this works for both partners, the relationship can survive.

However, if one or both partners are dissatisfied with the lack of sex or physical touching in the relationship, it’s not likely to work out over the long term.

Be open in conveying your feelings and needs

It can be upsetting to realize, “I feel disgusted when my husband touches me!” The good news is that, in many cases, there are steps you can take to resolve the problem.

Improving your communication and taking time to express what you need from your husband can go a long way toward solving the problem. If you need some additional support, a couple’s counselor can help you to overcome issues related to physical intimacy.

Even if you feel like you’ve fallen out of love with your husband, you can make an intentional effort to rebuild the spark in your relationship.

10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You (2024)


10+ Reasons Why You Feel Disgusted When Your Husband Touches You? ›

It's normal for couples to go through ups and downs when it comes to physical intimacy. Women tend to experience the “I don't like my husband touching me” phase when they go through life changes or when their bodies change. Whatever the reason, it's ok if you don't want your husband to touch you.

Is it normal to not want to be touched by your husband? ›

It's normal for couples to go through ups and downs when it comes to physical intimacy. Women tend to experience the “I don't like my husband touching me” phase when they go through life changes or when their bodies change. Whatever the reason, it's ok if you don't want your husband to touch you.

Why am I disgusted by being touched? ›

People with low self-esteem often judge themselves as being unworthy of affection. They cannot fathom why anyone would want to touch them in an intimate or caring way. At an extreme level, feeling severely unattractive or unlovable leads to beliefs that touch would be unwanted, inappropriate or disgusting.

Why do I feel disgusted by my partner? ›

It's a result of having negative thoughts about your partner for a long period. If contempt in the relationship is present, it takes a lot of work to resolve relationship issues and reconcile because your partner can tell you're disgusted with him or her.

Why does physical affection gross me out? ›

Why you feel disgusted could be due to a variety of reasons including your parents, childhood, old relationships etc. The simplest answer is that you're not attracted to the people who try to show you affection. (One of my daughters would refer to men attracted to her that she had no interest in as “creepers.”)

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Groping and grabbing her in sexually sensitive areas of her body gives her the impression that he considers her to be a sexual object rather than a sexual partner. She feels that it really wouldn't make much difference who she is when he's in that mood.

Why do I pull away when my husband touches me? ›

In many cases, feeling disgusted by your husband's touch points to a resolvable issue, such as an emotional disconnection within the marriage. However, it is also possible that your lack of desire for his touch is because of a more serious issue, including physical and/or psychological abuse in the relationship.

Why am I disgusted by physical intimacy? ›

There are a number of things that might cause someone to fear intimacy. It may have to do with past experiences, especially those of childhood. It's likely a defense mechanism. You don't allow yourself to become vulnerable or trust in someone else because you don't want to get hurt.

What is the condition where you hate being touched? ›

Haphephobia (haf-uh-FOE-bee-uh) is an intense, overwhelming fear of being touched. Many people don't like being touched by strangers. But haphephobia is significant distress over being touched by anyone, even family or friends. For some people, the fear is specific to touch by people of one gender.

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Dr. Nuñez explains that there are several common reasons that someone might feel uncomfortable with touch, including trauma and bad experiences in their past.

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You might feel turned off by your husband because you feel emotionally distant from one another. Taking time to rebuild your bond may help you feel more attracted. Stress and low confidence may make it hard to feel aroused. Mitigating stress and boosting your confidence may help you feel more “in the mood.”

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An ick is a point at which your initial attraction to a person flips into a feeling of disgust. The causes are many and various, but once someone gives you the ick, all desire is killed. You only want to get away. You cannot ignore an ick, despite your better judgment.

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Physical attraction can fade: Over time, you may no longer find your partner physically attractive anymore. This could happen if you lose the chemistry that existed between the two of you. Or, you may feel unattracted to changes in their body or appearance.

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Postcoital dysphoria can be caused by a range of issues, from sexual trauma to general stress and anxiety. If you often feel upset after sex, speaking with a therapist may be best. Therapy can help you identify and address the underlying feelings that lead to postcoital dysphoria.

Why don't I want to be touched by my partner? ›

Some people shy away from their partner(s) when they're going through a rough time. Others stop being affectionate when they feel less attracted to someone. And for still others, conflicts in relationship that go unaddressed or unresolved can lead to a lack of interest in being physical.

Why am I uncomfortable with physical affection from my partner? ›

“The fear of intimacy can be caused by different reasons including abuse or neglect, medical problems, fear of abandonment, or religious beliefs. Sometimes, it can even be a combination of issues and securing the help of a professional is necessary.”

Is it normal to not want to be intimate with your husband? ›

If you're wondering the same thing, I have good news! There are many reasons why women may have fluctuating desire for sex in marriage. Children, fatigue, hormones, work, illness, medications, emotions, and stress are some of the obstacles in enjoying or desiring sex.

Why doesn't my wife want to touch me? ›

If your wife won't touch you, maybe something has changed. She may be experiencing depression or a lack of self-confidence, or maybe she feels like she's failing at this parenting thing. Even if it is difficult, do everything you can to put yourself in her shoes.

What is the fear of being touched by husband? ›

Haphephobia isn't a physical sensation. It is not the same as allodynia, which is hypersensitivity to touch. People with haphephobia do not feel pain when touched. Rather, the fear of being touched is so strong that it is often paralyzing.

Can a marriage last without physical touch? ›

If it's not a problem for the couple, then a sexless marriage isn't a problem, says AASECT-certified sex therapist Jessa Zimmerman. (Here's our full guide to sexless relationships.) Even if one or both people aren't happy with the lack of physical intimacy, that's an issue that can be worked on and improved over time.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.