9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (2024)

Hashiras are an integral part of the Demon Slayer Corps as they are the strongest members of the organization. These characters boast a level of strength and endurance that cannot be compared to normal human beings.

They are skilled enough to take on some of the strongest demons in the series. However, not all Hashiras are equally powerful as some of them specialize in certain areas other than combat. That being said, let us compare the nine Hashiras based on their strength and overall combat abilities.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the manga.

Demon Slayer Hashira's ranked based on their strength

1) Gyomei

KNY RANKING RESULTS #20 Gyomei Himejima - 11 votes https://t.co/Mlhisc8mfr

Gyomei Himejima is the strongest Hashira in Demon Slayer. This fact has been established in the manga as Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu all agree that he is the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

His strength was showcased during the fight against Kokushibo. Even the Upper Moon 1 himself appreciated the refinement of Gyomei’s body and strength. He even mentioned that Gyomei was the strongest fighter he came across in 300 years.

2) Sanemi Shinazugawa

WIND PILLAR ❖ SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI➢lit / detail➢RP ENG/TH➢Multi-timeline➢Rude"I'm the wind that'll ripped your head off!"#knyrp https://t.co/xzoyXrnCm9

Sanemi Shinazugawa is one of the strongest Hashiras in the series. He was so strong that he went around hunting demons with mountain blades as a child. He dedicated all his time and effort towards perfecting his skills as a swordsman which was shown during the fight against both Muzan and Kokushibo.

Apart from Muichiro, he and Gyomei were the only ones who were able to deal significant damage to Kokushibo. His speed, strength and endurance are among the best in the Demon Slayer Corps.

3) Muichiro

Happy Birthday to Muichiro Tokito ! https://t.co/t59shRmkT0

It is safe to say that Muichiro is the most talented swordsman in the Demon Slayer Corps. He was able to become the Mist Hashira in a span of two months after picking up a sword. He was the youngest Hashira as he was just 14 years old when he was selected for this position.

Upon activating his Demon Slayer Mark, he was able to easily overwhelm Gyokko and easily defeat him during the Swordsmith Village arc. His contribution towards killing Kokushibo was vital as his Nichirin sword turned red and weakened the Upper Moon 1.

4) Giyu Tomioka

all of you are not giyu tomioka and THAT IS NOT OKAY. please fix it https://t.co/1jNZZ56g7p

Giyu and Obanai Iguro are similar in terms of overall strength and abilities. While he wasn’t necessarily impressive during the fight against Akaza, he proved to be quite strong during the fight against Muzan.

Despite fighting the Upper Moon 3, Giyu was able to keep up and land attacks on the Demon King. The fatigue and exhaustion that Giyu experienced must have been at its peak after defeating the Demon King.

However, he was able to dodge and simultaneously save one of the members of the Demon Slayer Corps from Demon Tanjiro’s attack which showcased his ridiculous endurance levels.

5) Obanai Iguro

⠀ Iguro Obanai⠀⠀ 伊黒小芭内 https://t.co/KuCXYzhF48

In terms of overall combat abilities, Iguro is quite close to Giyu Tomioka. However, fans believe that he is stronger than Giyu since he was able to last longer than the other Hashiras during the fight against Muzan.

One needs to understand that Gyomei and Sanemi took on Kokushibo and Giyu fought against Akaza just before engaging in a fight with Muzan. Obanai took on Nakime who was far weaker compared to Akaza and Kokushibo.

This could serve as a potential explanation as to why Obanai was able to last longer than the other three Hashiras. That being said, he is ridiculously strong and went toe to toe with Muzan.

6) Kyojuro Rengoku

Kyojuro Rengoku (煉獄 杏寿郎) https://t.co/kUtbT1V2Vw

Rengoku is yet another strong Hashira who almost stalled Akaza until the sun burnt him. He was so strong that Akaza initially refrained from hurting Rengoku since he recognized his potential and combat abilities.

He offered Rengoku to turn into a demon who obviously refused the proposal. While he was close to beating Akaza, the Upper Moon 3 didn’t really reveal his true potential and managed to escape into the forest.

He is definitely stronger than Mitsuri since he was her mentor when she entered the organization.

7) Kanroji Mitsuri

Mitsuri Kanroji won the poll <3 https://t.co/4TBwgNce7o

Kanroji doesn’t seem like a character who possesses a lot of strength but that is not the case at all. She possesses a level of strength superior to average human beings due to her muscle constitution.

It is said that she could lift a rock that weighed 15 kilograms when she was just 13 months old. She was able to hold off Hantengu and deal a lot of damage as well. However, she definitely isn't one of the strongest Hashiras in the series.

8) Tengen Uzui

smiling tengen to brighten up your day https://t.co/6uPCGDPrkr

Tengen Uzui was introduced in the Entertainment District arc and was struggling against Upper Moon 6 despite having taken Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke’s help. In the end, he needed Nezuko’s help to live since Gyutaro’s poison would have definitely killed him.

This makes him one of the weakest Hashiras, but his overall abilities as a swordsman is quite impressive.

9) Shinobu

𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐊𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨⇢ Kimetsu no yaiba https://t.co/CQhuArDgup

When it comes to pure strength, Shinobu Kocho is the weakest Hashira in Demon Slayer. She doesn’t even have enough strength to decapitate a demon’s head and she makes up for it by injecting poison into the demons.

She is more of a support-type character since she concocts poison and medicines which have cured the members of the organization on numerous occasions. However, in terms of combat ability, she is definitely the weakest on this list.

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9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (2024)


9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest? ›

Shinobu Kocho Is the Weakest Hashira

The Insect Hashira, Shinobu's petite frame prevents her from being physically able to decapitate any demon, be it an Upper-Rank or the weakest demon in Japan. At one point or another in the manga, all nine Hashira in Demon Slayer encountered an Upper-Rank.

Who is the top 9 strongest Hashira? ›

  1. 1 Gyomei Himejima, The Stone Hashira.
  2. 2 Sanemi Shinazugawa, The Wind Hashira. ...
  3. 3 Giyu Tomioka, The Water Hashira. ...
  4. 4 Muichiro Tokito, The Mist Hashira. ...
  5. 5 Obanai Iguro, The Serpent Hashira. ...
  6. 6 Mitsuri Kanroji, The Love Hashira. ...
  7. 7 Kyojuro Rengoku, The Flame Hashira. ...
  8. 8 Shinobu Kocho, The Insect Hashira. ...
Mar 12, 2023

Who is the most weak Hashira? ›

Shinobu Kocho Is the Weakest Hashira

The Insect Hashira, Shinobu's petite frame prevents her from being physically able to decapitate any demon, be it an Upper-Rank or the weakest demon in Japan. At one point or another in the manga, all nine Hashira in Demon Slayer encountered an Upper-Rank.

Who is the 8 strongest Hashira? ›

8. Tengen Uzui. Tengen, the Sound Hashira, is the major leading force in the Entertainment District Arc of the Demon Slayer anime. That's also when we get to witness the extreme level of his skills.

Who is top 1 Hashira? ›

1. Gyomei Himejima – The Stone Hashira.

Can all 9 Hashira beat Muzan? ›

No they would not the fight happened, in the manga and the Hashira needed “extensive” outside help to beat Muzan Rengoku Muichiro and Tengen weren't there because two are dead, and one retired but the 9 Hashira by themselves cannot win.

Who is the fastest Hashira? ›

Truly, Tengen is the 2nd strongest Hashira in terms of Raw power and fastest Hashira.

Who is the most fearless Hashira? ›

Kyojuro Rengoku is the beloved flame Hashira, and he learns from his father, a former flame Hashira himself. Kyojuro is also known for being an enthusiastic and friendly person who will gladly take on any challenge, no matter the risk.

Who can beat Hashira? ›

Shinobu Kocho is a particularly concrete case for a Hashira Tanjrio could beat in Demon Slayer. As seen during the Infinity Castle arc, Shinobu does indeed lack the upper body strength to cut the head off a demon. This is why her Insect Breathing Style relies on quick jabs and Wisteria poison to kill her enemies with.

Which Hashira is blind? ›

Sanemi Shinazugawa: The Wind Hashira with a Tragic Past

Despite being blind, he maximizes his concentration through painful memories, making him a formidable fighter. His toughness, concentration, and immense strength make him an unbeatable force, and he is widely regarded as the strongest Demon Slayer in the Corps.

Why is Tengen weak? ›

people also like to say tengen is weak because he had trouble with "upper moon 6" gyutaro was stated to be stronger than what his place would seem because daki holds him back.

Who is the least liked Hashira? ›

Sanemi is quite possibly one of the rudest Hashira to have ever existed. Although he's a powerful individual, as seen in the manga during his fight against Doma, one of Muzan's 12 Kizuki, he severely lacks people skills. Sanemi's rise to unpopularity stemmed from his treatment of Nezuko the first time he saw her.

Who is Muzan scared of? ›

The warrior Muzan feared was a swordsman named Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Yoriichi was the only slayer before Tanjiro who came close to killing Muzan, and the flashback of their fight occurred in Chapter 187.

Who is the 6th weakest Hashira? ›

Shinobu Kocho (The Insect Hashira) While we don't necessarily think Shinobu Kocho is physically weak by any means, we do believe that she is currently positioned at the bottom of the totem pole compared to her fellow Hashira members.

Why was Rengoku so weak? ›

Rengoku's Unwavering Will Was His Greatest Weakness

Since he believes it is his responsibility as someone strong to protect those weaker than him, he will make sure he does just that. Rengoku sees any mission through to the very end, even at the cost of his life.

How many Hashira are left? ›

There are nine total active Hashira in the anime. Each Hashira has their own region to patrol, as well as their own unique style, Breathing Technique, and abilities.

Who killed akaza? ›

Tanjiro decapitates Akaza with the Hinokami Kagura: Setting Sun Transformation. Akaza was bewildered, wondering how Tanjiro did not have any fighting spirit, comparing this feeling to fighting against a plant. He acknowledges that Tanjiro surpassed his speed.

What is Tanjiro's rank? ›

Tanjiro's Current Demon Slayer Rank Is Kanoe

Murata, the Demon Slayer, who was almost digested on Mount Nagumo, is also a Kanoe.

What is Muzan's weakness? ›

The only thing he's weak to is the sun. That is why he turned other humans into demons and spread his blood so that one of them might find a solution against the sunlight, so he can become truly perfect.

Who fought Muzan first? ›

Tanjirou and Giyuu are the first one to approach him. There they fight Muzan Together without stopping. They realized that the only way to kill Muzan is to drag him into the sun.

Who almost kills Muzan? ›

Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the first swordsmen to ever use Breathing Styles, once nearly killed Muzan with Sun-Breathing, and Muzan has been both physically and psychologically scarred ever since.

Who is faster than Rengoku? ›

Rengoku's fight in the Mugen Train arc showed his incredible speed and reflexes. He was able to match Akaza's speed, and his movements were so fast that it was almost impossible for the naked eye to keep up. Tengen, meanwhile, is the fastest runner out of all the Hashira.

Is Zenitsu faster than all Hashira? ›

But, comparing the two characters in their best forms, Zenitsu might be just a tad bit faster owing to his Godspeed move.

Who is the smartest Hashira? ›

1) Shinobu Kocho

The Insect Pillar of Demon Slayer Corps, Shinobu is undeniably the smartest individual. She might not be physically stronger than others, but her intelligence is what kept her going.

Who is the 2nd smartest Hashira? ›

14-year-old Muichiro Tokito ranks second on the list of most intelligent Hashira followed up by the strongest Hashira Gyomei Himejima in third place.

Who was the first Hashira that died? ›

1) Kyojuro Rengoku

Kyojuro Rangoku is the Flame Hashira that was loved by the entire fanbase. His enthusiasm and an unwavering sense of justice enabled him to become the man that he was. Unfortunately, Rengoku was killed by Akaza, the Upper Moon 3.

Who can beat Tanjiro? ›

Muichiro Tokito – Mist Hashira

In direct combat, he easily overpowered our protagonist Tanjiro so his strength is not to be taken lightly. Another testament to his skills is his win over Gyokko, an Upper Rank Five demon, whom he defeated all by himself – too with ease.

Can Zenitsu beat Hashira? ›

Zenitsu is clearly on the same level as Hashira. If we compare him to Shinobu, his speed is far better, while she lacks quite a lot in raw power. There is a good chance that he could beat Shinobu if the two decide to fight.

Who can beat Giyu? ›

Sanemi is inarguably one of the strongest Hashira in Demon Slayer who has the potential to gain victory over Giyu. Both the characters possess immense speed and endurance, and they also can take on an Upper Rank demon head-on.

Who cut off Muzan's head? ›

The explosion, which was enhanced by spike traps, manages to injure Muzan. Before he is able to regenerate fully, Tamayo appears and uses her Blood Demon Art to keep him in place, while using a drug that can turn him into human. Using this opportunity, Gyomei Himejima appears and destroys Muzan's head.

Who killed Tomioka GIYU? ›

Giyu Tomioka Fulfilled His Promise to Protect Tanjiro

The Water Hashira, Giyu, survived the "Infinity Castle" arc after fighting beside Tanjiro against Akaza and Muzan. Though his sword was snapped by Akaza, and he lost an arm to Muzan, Giyu fought with Tanjiro and his fellow Hashira with everything he had.

Who killed Mitsuri? ›

Muzan was responsible for killing many humans and Mitsuri was one of them.

Who kills Tengen? ›

Nezuko setting Tengen on fire. By the end of the battle, Gyutaro's poison has spread throughout Tengen's body resulting in his inability to speak. As he lays dying from the poison, Nezuko Kamado intervenes and uses her her Blood Demon Art to burn the poison out of his system, allowing him to rejoice with his wives.

Can tengen stop his heart? ›

During his battle with Gyutaro, Tengen used his muscles to stop his heart to temporarily prevent the poison from circulating, which let him get the drop on Gyutaro who believed he was dead.

Who can beat Rengoku? ›

1) Shinobu Kocho

Shinobu Kocho is considered to be the weakest Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps. Physically, she is far weaker than Rengoku. She doesn't have enough strength to decapitate a demon's head but she makes up for it in her ability to craft lethal poison.

Who is Muzan's least favorite demon? ›

The only Demon he despises the most is the Upper Rank Two: Doma. It is quite a shocker that the second most potent Demon in the Demon Slayer is not Muzan's favorite.

Who is Nezuko's favorite Hashira? ›

14 She Has A Really Sweet Relationship With The Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji. In the manga, Nezuko gets to know the Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji and looks up to her like an older sister, which makes their relationship interesting since Nezuko usually sees female humans as either a surrogate mother or a young sister.

Who is Muzan's favorite demon? ›

Akaza was also one of Muzan's favorite demons out of all his subordinates. The reason behind this is Akaza's extreme loyalty to his master.

Who is Muzan's brother? ›

However, in truth, as revealed after her death, Muzan sees Daki as a tool to keep her brother, Gyutaro, in line, deeming her to be the main reason why the "true" Upper Rank 6 was killed and in truth does not think highly of her and deeming her as someone not very intelligent.

Who kills DOMA? ›

Unable to fight back, Doma realized he was tricked but it was too late. He was soon decapitated by the combined force of Kanao and Inosuke, avenging Shinobu and her family.

Who is the pink haired Hashira? ›

Mitsuri is a young curvaceous woman with fair skin and round, light green eyes with long eyelashes, a small mole beneath each of them. She has long, pink hair that fades into a neon green color at the halfway point, which she swears in three thick braids with five shorter clumps hanging over her face as bangs.

Who is the Thunder Hashira? ›

Who is Jigoro Kuwajima? Jigoro was a former Hashira who practiced Thunder Breathing, which ended up giving him the title of "Roaring Hashira". Naturally, he was a very powerful demon slayer who successfully killed many demons.

Why can't Rengoku beat Akaza? ›

At the end of the day, none of the Hashira could've defeated Akaza – even though a few of them could've succeeded in decapitating him. Akaza proved himself to be too strong to be dragged into sunlight, meaning there'd be no way for any of the Hashira to kill him.

Who is stronger Tengen or Rengoku? ›

Kyojuro Rengoku surpasses Tengen on many levels, be it strength, Breathing Technique, or battle Intellect. So to cut a long story short, Kyojuro Rengoku is more powerful than Tengen Uzui.

Who is faster Zenitsu or Tengen? ›

Supposedly Tengen is faster than Zenitsu, but there are some posts around saying once Zenitsu masters form #7 in the manga, he becomes the fastest demon slayer.

Who is the most powerful in Hashira? ›

Sanemi Shinazugawa: The Wind Hashira with a Tragic Past

His toughness, concentration, and immense strength make him an unbeatable force, and he is widely regarded as the strongest Demon Slayer in the Corps.

Who is the rank 6 Hashira? ›

Shinobu Kocho (The Insect Hashira)

Who is the strongest Hashira in? ›

1) Gyomei. Gyomei Himejima is the strongest Hashira in Demon Slayer. This fact has been established in the manga as Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu all agree that he is the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Corps. His strength was showcased during the fight against Kokushibo.

Who killed Akaza? ›

Tanjiro decapitates Akaza with the Hinokami Kagura: Setting Sun Transformation. Akaza was bewildered, wondering how Tanjiro did not have any fighting spirit, comparing this feeling to fighting against a plant. He acknowledges that Tanjiro surpassed his speed.

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