What is the real identity of Upper Moon Rank Six demon in Demon Slayer? (2024)

Demon Slayer, as the name suggests, is set in a world in which humans are fighting to survive in a world infested with demons. These demons vary in strength, personality and overall combat abilities. But certain characteristics are common among all demons, such as drinking human blood and the fatal effects of sunlight.

Since these demons vary in strength, there are ranks allotted to some of the strongest demons in the series. The 12 strongest demons are a part of an elite group known as the Twelve Kizuki or Moons. While only one demon is given its respective rank, there is an exception for the Upper Moon 6.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the manga.

About Upper Moon 6 in Demon Slayer

Within the 12 Moons, the entire group is further divided into two sections namely the Upper Moons and Lower Moons. The Upper Moon demons are stronger as they have a higher content of Muzan’s blood which gives them advanced combat capabilities and regenerative abilities. While each demon is given a particular rank in this series, the Upper Moon 6 title has been given to a total of three demons.

The first set of Upper Moon 6 demons that the viewers have encountered are Daki and Gyutaro. While they are two separate demons with separate bodies and minds, they are considered to be one unit. They also happen to be siblings with the latest episode of Demon Slayer properly introducing Gyutaro.

What is the real identity of Upper Moon Rank Six demon in Demon Slayer? (1)

Both these characters have impressive abilities. Daki uses her Obi, a silk sash, to cut her enemies while Gyutaro can manipulate his blood into sickles that slice people in an instant. Both these characters have a strong Blood Demon Art which gave Tengen Uzui and his squad a tough time when they were conducting an investigation in the Yoshiwara district.

#DemonSlayer this episode is my favorite in the series. (So far). Can’t wait for some of the later manga fights to get adapted like Kaigaku vs Zenitsu. https://t.co/uE2LFdO7C1

When the siblings were killed, another demon was considered to be a replacement and was given the title of Upper Moon 6. This demon was once a senior to Zenitsu as they trained in the same dojo. Kaigaku was the Upper Moon 6 demon who could perform techniques from the Thunder Breathing Style. He was trained by a former Hashira, making him a ridiculously strong demon.

Zenitsu talked sh*t this whole fight and took his top off😭things you love to see https://t.co/m1z1exNzb0

Fortunately, Zenitsu was able to single handedly beat the Upper Moon 6. Not only did he defeat the demon, he also created a seventh form called the Flaming Thunder God. These are the demons who have been given the title of Upper Moon 6 in Demon Slayer.

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What is the real identity of Upper Moon Rank Six demon in Demon Slayer? (2024)


What is the real identity of Upper Moon Rank Six demon in Demon Slayer? ›

Gyutaro and Daki are the twin demons that jointly hold the position of Upper Rank 6. Gyutaro is the older twin, and Daki is his younger sister. They are both extremely skilled in combat and possess exceptional abilities.

Who is the true upper moon 6? ›

Overall Abilities

As the true Upper Rank Six, Gyutaro was an extremely powerful demon with over a century's worth of combat experience under his belt, having killed and devoured 15 Hashira in the past.

Who is Moon rank 6 in Demon Slayer? ›

Gyutaro and Daki shared the Upper Rank 6 title, living as one after becoming demons. Their poignant backstory was highlighted during the Entertainment District arc. Daki and Gyutaro impressed the audience with their sheer strength as a formidable brother/sister demon duo.

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As such, the anime is now going to introduce a new character, Kaigaku, who will replace Daki and Gyutaro as the new Upper Moon 6. Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers from the manga chapters and contains mention of suicide.

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It's revealed that Nakime has replaced Hantengu as the new Upper Rank Four and that Kaigaku (a former Demon Slayer and senior to Zenitsu Agatsuma) became the new Upper Rank Six after an encounter with Kokushibo, thereby replacing Gyutaro and Daki.

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He is a powerful Demon under Muzan Kibutsuji as Upper Rank Two (formerly Upper Rank Six) of the Twelve Kizuki. He serves as the overarching antagonist of the Red Light District Arc and the secondary antagonist of the Dimensional Infinity Fortress Arc.

Who kills Daki? ›

After becoming a Demon Daki grew strong enough to kill and eat seven Pillars and gained the attention of Muzan Kibutsuji who allowed them to join the Twelve Demon Moons. She later dies after being beheaded by Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira.

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His condescending attitude towards humans was also showcased when he was decapitated by the combined efforts of Shinobu Kocho, Inosuke Hashibira, and Kanao Tsuyuri. He felt insulted to be killed by individuals whom he thought lowly of.

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Upper And Lower Ranks

Divided into Upper Ranks and Lower Ranks, the twelve demon moons are numbered through one to six in both groups, the ranking system is based on their strength and power, with upper rank one being the strongest and lower rank six being the weakest.

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We first see Doma when he is still the Upper Moon Six while he is in the middle of eating a geisha. Later he becomes even stronger and rises to the position of Upper Moon Two. He dies because of the lethal amount of poison he absorbed through Shinobu Kocho's body followed by Kanao Tsuyuri beheading him.

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Following his demise at the hands of Akaza, Flame Hashira's position fell empty. The only person who could fill the position and carry on the family tradition was Kyojuro's younger brother, Senjuro Rengoku.

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After various battles within the Dimensional Infinity Fortress the remaining Upper Moons are killed by the hands of various Demon Slayers. The last member, Upper Moon Four Nakime, ends up being killed by Muzan Kibutsuji himself to stop the Dimensional Infinity Fortress from being controlled by his enemies.

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However, Yoriichi was able to defy the fate of those with the demon slayer mark, and he lived to about 85 years of age. He died during his final battle with his older twin brother, a powerful upper-rank demon, Kokushibo, also known as Michikatsu.

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2 Daki Was Never The True Holder Of The Upper Rank 6

The fact that she teamed up with Gyutaro meant that she could break into these ranks, with the sibling duo establishing themselves as one of the most powerful demonic pairings around. However, Daki was never the true holder of the Upper Rank 6 in any way.

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Upper Moons
  • Upper Moon One: Kokushibo.
  • Upper Moon Two: Doma.
  • Upper Moon Three: Akaza.
  • Upper Moon Four: Nakime.
  • Former Upper Moon Four: Hantengu.
  • Former Upper Moon Five: Gyokko.
  • Upper Moon Six: Kaigaku.
  • Former Upper Moon Six: Daki and Gyutaro.

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Kaigaku (獪岳 Kaigaku) was a former Demon Slayer and uses the Breath of Thunder in the Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) series. After becoming a Demon he replaced Daki and Gyutaro and gained the position of Upper Moon Six of the Twelve Demon Moons.

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We first see Doma when he is still the Upper Moon Six while he is in the middle of eating a geisha. Later he becomes even stronger and rises to the position of Upper Moon Two. He dies because of the lethal amount of poison he absorbed through Shinobu Kocho's body followed by Kanao Tsuyuri beheading him.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.