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Jay Metcalf

As the founder of BetterSax.com Jay’s mission is to help developing saxophone players break away from traditional music learning methods and discover a more efficient, practical and fun way to become a Better Sax player.

The Better Sax YouTube channel’s videos have been watched by millions and thousands of students have made meaningful progress on their instrument thanks to Better Sax courses.


  • BetterSax Jazz Cut 2.5 alto sax reeds
  • BetterSax Jazz Cut 2.5 tenor sax reeds

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  • BetterSax Deluxe Wooden Reed Case
  • BetterSax Ultimate Sax Swab Kit

Saxophone and Me

My name is Jay Metcalf and the saxophone has been a major part of my life from the age of 10.

I started out in the school band. Perhaps like many of you, I played in the band and kind of enjoyed it, but the music we played was really boring to me, and wasn’t at all the sort of music I listened to. We learned how to read the notes on the pages of sheet music, but lots of kids lost interest along the way and gave up.

Because of my intense love of music I continued and took every opportunity to play any kind of music I could, but all along the way, I was always given sheet music for classical music that was complex and sounded a bit weird sometimes when I practiced my part on my own. Half the time I was supposed to be counting rests!

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Throughout my teenage years, I was into rock and roll music like most of us are, and at some point I developed a love for the Blues and Soul music. My school had a jazz band, which was a bit more fun, but it was the same old story of reading complicated sheet music for songs I’d never heard before, and having to understand really complex chord symbols and rhythms in order to play solos. In any case, the music never sounded anything like what I listened to on my own, and what I imagined myself playing.

I went to a prestigious music school after high school, but the program focused on classical music and modern jazz. I spent countless hours practicing very complex styles of music but still didn’t know how to play the music I listened to most. How could this be? I wanted to jam with my non-music major friends who played rock and popular music in the local bars, but when I got on stage with them, everything I played sounded wrong.

I eventually found my way as a saxophone player and musician. Over the past 20 years, I have been performing professionally all over the world in just about every musical style you can imagine. All along the way, I’ve been teaching, learning, and expanding my understanding of music and how it really works.

A few years ago while on tour, I came up with an idea about how to simplify the approach to learning to play the saxophone. This idea bounced around in my head for a while and was gradually molded into the Pentatonic Foundation Course.

My program is all about how to solve the most common problem that most saxophone players have. At the moment, if you want to learn the saxophone you have a choice between the Jazz method, and the Classical method. I want to fill in the gap and teach the information that has been the most useful in my saxophone playing career and was never taught to me in music school.

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That’s right, with all honesty I can say that 90% of what I play is stuff I learned outside of classical and jazz music school and method books. I want to show saxophone players the things they need to learn in order to play popular styles of music without having to read music.

In fact, I have found in my teaching that reading sheet music actually slows students down tremendously. When I started implementing the concepts and exercises from the Pentatonic Foundation Course with my students, they were amazed at what they could do and how much faster they could get a grasp on new material.

About – bettersax.com (2024)


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Jay Metcalf

Who is Jay Metcalf? ›

Jay Metcalf is a saxophonist from New York living in the French Riviera. For more than 20 years he has been performing all around the world while being based in his adopted home town of Nice, France.

Does playing saxophone improve lung capacity? ›

Strengthen your breath

Playing a woodwind instrument will force you to become conscious of every facet of your breath, from relaxed and open inhalations to sharp and controlled exhalations. Woodwind instruments will absolutely give your lungs a serious respiratory workout.

What is the Better Sax members area? ›

The BetterSax Members Area is our meeting place where thousands of like-minded saxophonists from around the world come together around our favorite topic.

Who makes better sax? ›

So, in partnership with Conn-Selmer the leading manufacturer of wind instruments we have developed the brand new Better Sax alto saxophone.

Who is the best sax player? ›

Charlie Parker is often cited as the greatest saxophone player in history. Parker, nicknamed Yardbird, or Bird for short, elevated jazz from entertaining dance music to the highest form of spontaneous artistic expression.

What is the price of a saxophone? ›

New good quality alto saxophones should approximately cost anywhere around 40,000 rupees. whereas, new soprano saxophones can range from 25,000 to 1,00,000, and new tenor saxophones start at 45,000 and go up to 1,50,000.

Who is the best smooth jazz sax player? ›

We can't discuss any type of Smooth Music without mentioning Kenny G. He is one of the best known saxophonists to have recorded smooth jazz, yet there are many other musicians including Bob James, David Sanborn, Chuck Mangione, and Chuck Baker that play a similar melodic style.

What is the hardest thing about saxophone? ›

The Five Biggest Challenges When Learning to Play the Saxophone
  1. Finding the right instrument. The saxophone is one of those instruments where you have to have the right kit if you're going to enjoy both learning and playing. ...
  2. Playing the right notes. ...
  3. Learning not to slouch! ...
  4. Embouchure. ...
  5. Sax maintenance.

Why is playing the saxophone hard? ›

Students younger than middle school age would have a very difficult time learning the saxophone because of their smaller hands and mouth. On the other hand, people who have prior experience with any wind instrument, especially woodwinds such as the clarinet, will adapt to the saxophone more quickly.

How many years does it take to get good at saxophone? ›

How long does it take to learn saxophone? It depends. For most people, it takes around two years to reach a basic level of proficiency. However, some people may be able to pick up the basics more quickly, while others may find that they need more time to really get comfortable with the instrument.

What is the best saxophone position? ›

Fine Tuning the Setup Before Playing
  • You are standing straight up with good posture.
  • Your neck is not tilted to either side nor front of back.
  • Make sure your neck strap is holding the saxophone high enough. ...
  • Your fingers are resting lightly on the key pearl, and your wrists are straight.

What is the most popular saxophone size? ›

The Alto Saxophone is the #1 type in terms of worldwide sales. It has become very popular due to the size and versatility of tone. The Alto is used in all types of musical scenarios, from jazz to classical. It has a higher 'voice' compared to the Tenor, but is not as high pitched as the Soprano.

Which sax is better for jazz? ›

The alto saxophone is a versatile instrument that is used in various musical genres. It is particularly prominent in jazz, where it has been a staple since the early days of the genre.

What sax is higher than alto? ›

The tenor saxophone is slightly larger and deeper sounding than the alto; however, like the alto, it has become a prevalent instrument across a wide variety of popular musical genres.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.