About Us (2024)

About Us (1)

From our farms to your family.

Welch’s is on a mission to deliver flavorful moments to families everywhere. And, like you, we care about where our food comes from. In fact, we’re owned by 700 family farms, rooted in tradition and hard work since 1869.

About Us (2)

Our Flavor Starts in the Earth…

Welch’s goodness starts in the vineyards, orchards, and farms where our farmers nurture their land so it will continue to be fertile and produce for generations to come.

Our grapes are 100% grown in the USA and go from vine to press within 8 hours of picking. We use 90% of the grapes we harvest, pressing the skin and seeds to maximize health benefits. This means no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners in our 100% juice.

Real Fruit, Real Families, Real Flavor

Our family farmers harvest their fruit at peak quality and process it locally to give you the freshest flavor built on real, wholesome, farm-grown ingredients every time.

Concord Grapes

Did You Know?

Concord grapes, first grown in Massachusetts nearly 170 years ago, are non-GMO and offer many health benefits.

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Westfield, New York

Betts Family Farm

The Betts family has been grape farmers for 5 generations. They have 175.9 acres of land full of Concord grapes in Westfield, New York.

About Us (8)

By planting the different cover crops, we’re hoping to build up the soil for a more sustainable, more regenerative product.

Featured In

About Us (9)

Betts Farm Grapes Featured In

100% Grape Juice Concord Grape

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About Us (10)

Betts Farm Grapes Featured In

Natural Concord Grape Spread

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Niagara Grapes

Did You Know?

Niagara grapes are fresh, green, and naturally crisp offering many health benefits.

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Ripley, New York

Chess Family Farm

The Chess family has been grape farmers for 7 generations. They have 65.9 acres of land full of Niagara grapes in Ripley, New York.

About Us (16)

Some of the vineyards are as old as 100 years.

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About Us (17)

Chess Farm Grapes Featured In

100% Grape Juice White Grape

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About Us (18)

Chess Farm Grapes Featured In

Sparkling White Grape Juice co*cktail

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About Us (19)


Did You Know?

  • • Our whole and cut apples are non-GMO

    • Many are grown on family farms in North America

    • Harvest time is late August through late October/early November

Note: Apples come from our sourcing partners and are not part of our grower owner network.

Yakima, Washington

Hansen Fruit Company

Eric Hansen, President/CEO (3rd generation) and Kyler Hansen, Operations Manager (4th generation), are building on the legacy founded by Wilbert Hansen (Bill) in 1948. This family-run business dedicates 2,400 acres to conventional and organic certified apples and maintains high quality standards at the warehouse and orchards.

About Us (20)

Our vision is to be a financially successful, innovative, family-owned and run growing and packing operation that is viable and sustainable for future generations.

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About Us (21)


100% Apple Juice

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About Us (22)


100% Juice Orange Pineapple Apple

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About Us (23)


Orange Pineapple Apple

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About Us (24)


Sparkling Cider 100% Juice

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About Us (25)


Did You Know?

  • • Our whole and cut strawberries are non-GMO
    • Many are grown on family farms in North America
    • Harvest time is Spring through late Summer

Note: Strawberries come from our sourcing partners and are not part of our grower owner network.

Salinas, California

Blazer Wilkinson Gee

Blazer Wilkinson Gee, or BWG, was founded by three families. Still family-run today, BWG farms 700 acres of strawberries and uses crop rotation and precision input control to support the sustainability of their land and crops.

About Us (26)

As a family run business, we understand the importance of our role in supporting a healthy and vibrant community.

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About Us (27)


Natural Strawberry Fruit Spread

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About Us (28)


Strawberry Spread

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Where Our Farmers Grow Grapes

About Us (29)

Where Our Farmers Grow Grapes

Every Welch’s product is made from Concord and Niagara grapes grown at family farms across the United States. Requiring the right mix of sunshine, rainfall, and cool nights, grapes can be picky about climate - so we grow in regions with the perfect conditions.

Niagara and Finger Lakes Region

Near Niagara Falls in New York, this region’s 42 growers harvest tons of Welch’s Concord and Niagara grapes every year on nearly 1,300 acres.

Lake Erie Region

Harvesting Welch’s Concord and Niagara grapes near the smallest of the Great Lakes, this region is home to 339 growers with over 17,000 Concord and Niagara acres.

Michigan Region

Nestled on the shores of Lake Michigan, 157 growers grow Welch’s Concord and Niagara grapes harvested on over 7,000 acres.

Washington Region

Our Washington vineyards are home to 191 growers who grow Welch’s Concord and Niagara grapes harvested on over 10,000 acres, including 750 certified organic acres.

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Meet More of Our Families

About Us (30)


Ned Totzke


Baroda, MI


The Totzke’s are not just farmers. They are part of a family of growers who not only own the Welch’s brand, but also are responsible for its quality and iconic reputation. Since 1958, they’ve fine-tuned the art of harvesting grapes, celebrating that it is what they were meant to do in life. Pride, love, passion – it’s why the Totzke’s keep crushing it.

I enjoy being out in vineyards every day, walking down the fields seeing what we’ve transformed - start to finish.
About Us (31)


Jeanette Nichols


Niagara County in New York


Lewiston is right near Niagara Falls. So it’s natural that, in addition to Concord grapes, Nichols Farm grows Niagara grapes for Welch’s. These Niagara grapes go into Welch’s products like 100% White Grape Juice and Sparkling White Grape Juice co*cktail.

What makes it taste so great is the sun, the rain and the soil. And we put a lot of love in it here in Lewiston.
About Us (32)


Tim Grow


Grandview, WA


Tim’s a 3rdgeneration Welch’s farmer who understands that delivering quality makes you feel accomplished. For Tim, quality is the preservation of the land he farms and in the precision of when his Concord grapes are harvested. This quality makes Tim proud that he has an amazing legacy to leave to his kids.

Delivering quality makes you feel accomplished!
About Us (33)


Tracy Beckman




For over 50 years, the Beckman’s have done just that, harvesting quality grapes – with kids working alongside their parents. For them, the farm is where they live, create memories and show their family that a job can equal joy. Keep Crushing it, Beckmans!

Work starts at 3 in the morning…but even during the busiest times of harvest, we still find time to come together and enjoy our vineyard.
About Us (34)


Todd Wheeler


Sunnyside, WA


Todd’s a 2ndgeneration Welch’s farmer. His passions caring for the nutrients in the ground, the strength of the vine, and his family. Todd’s love for what he does drives him every day, whether it be working alongside dozens of people on his farm or overcoming Mother Nature’s unexpected winter freeze to still deliver a delicious grape.

The sky is the limit with what Todd can do as a farmer — it’s built into his DNA.
About Us (35)


Paul Kilian


Sunnyside, WA


Paul is a 3rd generation Welch’s farmer.He feels working in agriculture is a dream, not just a job. It’s fueled his work ethic “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” This has inspired his kids and grandkids to always “put in the work” to achieve their dreams too.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

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About Us (36)

Fun Facts

Mickey’s Main Squeeze

In 1955, Welch’s appeared on The Mickey Mouse Club and opened the famous juice stand at Disneyland.

About Us (37)

Fun Facts

Filled with Joy

In the 1970s, Welch’s introduced Jelly Donuts, becoming a sensation for years.

About Us (38)

Fun Facts

The Welchkins

The animated, gnome-like Welchkins debuted as a commercial in 1981, winning the hearts of kids everywhere.

About Us (39)

Fun Facts

Grape Stomping Ball

Welch’s set a world record for grape stomping at the Lucille Ball Festival, as 1,232 people stomped 60 tons of grapes.

About Us (40)

Fun Facts

Largest Toast

Welch’s sets the world record for the largest toast, raising 32,906 cups of grape juice with sports fans at Fenway Park.

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Our History

  1. About Us (41)


    The First Concord Grape

    Ephraim Bull grows the first Concord grape on his farm in Massachusetts.

  2. About Us (42)


    Seeds for Sale

    Bull places his first harvest of Concord seedlings on the market.

  3. About Us (43)


    Dr. Welch's Discovery

    Dr. Thomas Bramwell Welch bottles his first batch of grape juice in his kitchen.

  4. About Us (44)


    Dr. Welch's Grape Juice

    The name changes from Dr. Welch’s Unfermented Wine to Dr. Welch’s Grape Juice.

  5. About Us (45)


    World's Fair Debut

    Welch’s Grape Juice makes its debut at the World’s Fair in Chicago, becoming a household name.

  6. About Us (46)


    Processing Grapes

    Charles Welch processes 300 tons of grapes at Welch’s plant in Westfield, NY.

  7. About Us (47)


    Introducing "Grapelade"

    Welch's develops its first jame "Grapelade," and the U.S. Army enjoys it with peanut butter. The famous PB&J is born!

  8. About Us (48)


    First Grape Council

    The National Grape Cooperative holds its First Annual Meeting.

  9. About Us (49)


    Frozen Concentrate

    A pioneer in frozen concentrate, Welch’s introduces Frozen Grape Juice Concentrate.

  10. About Us (50)


    Purchased by the National Grape Co-op

    National Grape purchases Welch's Grape Juice Company.

  11. About Us (51)


    A New Line of Products

    New products are introduced, from fruit spreads to fruit punch.

  12. About Us (52)


    Packaging Innovations

    A first for the industry, Welch’s jellies and preserves are sold in squeezable containers.

  13. About Us (53)


    Expanding Crop

    The largest crop in company history is received, measuring over 414,000 tons.

About Us (2024)


What to answer how did you hear about us? ›

We're about to share some tips to help you knock this question out of the park:
  • Be Specific: Don't be vague like a ghost in the night. ...
  • Showcase Your Research: If you found the job through a specific source, do mention it. ...
  • Express Enthusiasm: ...
  • Highlight Relevant Connections: ...
  • Emphasize the Fit:
May 14, 2024

How to reply is that clear? ›

1 Answer. When "Is that clear enough?" means "Do you understand it clearly?", you can't use clearest. Use: Yes, it is very clear to me.

How are you better answers? ›

Respond and continue the conversation
  • I'm fine, thanks. How about you?
  • Good, thanks. And you?
  • I'm good. And yourself?
  • Not bad. How are you?
  • Fine, and you?
  • I'm doing well, and you?
  • Good, how about you?
Apr 6, 2023

How did you come to know about us? ›

Answer #2. I was browsing on social media, and I came across your company's hiring post and the job description matched my profile. I have heard some good things about your company. Hence, I decided to apply as I know it will help me grow in my career and provide me with a better opportunity to learn more.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

How do you describe yourself? ›

I am ambitious and driven.

I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I am not comfortable with settling, and I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, I was promoted three times in less than two years.”

What is a smart way to say clear? ›

  • obvious.
  • apparent.
  • evident.
  • unmistakable.
  • straightforward.
  • distinct.
  • broad.
  • transparent.

How do I agree to a request? ›

Instead of yes, you can say:

Yes I can/Yes, sure thing. Yes of course!/Of course I will. Yes I can. It's this way.

How do you say just to be clear professionally? ›

For clarity” operates like a professional and direct synonym for “just to clarify.” It works exceptionally well in emails aiming to straighten out finer details. This phrase is polite yet straightforward, making it ideal for communications within the workplace.

How are you doing flirty responses? ›

Better, now that I'm talking to you.”

Texting is also a great way to deepen an intimate connection with someone by flirting, so try to make your response a little playful and intriguing. “How do you want me to be?” “I'd be better if you were with me.” “Extremely good looking, I'd say!”

How to reply to i'm good text? ›

If someone says "I am good", a common response would be to say something like "That's great to hear!" or "I'm glad to hear you're doing well."

How did you hear about US answers? ›

Specify where you found the job listing. The company website, a job board, and an employee referral are a few examples. If you can't remember, don't come up with a random source because the interviewer knows where they advertised the job opening.

Why do you want a job? ›

Sample Answer 1: Passion and Alignment

"I am genuinely excited about this job because it aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and personal interests. I have a strong foundation in [relevant field], and this role at [company name] presents an exciting opportunity to apply and further enhance my skills.

How did you hear about this role answer? ›

“I recently got the chance to network with one of your representatives. at an industry convention, and he spoke enthusiastically about the company. Their advice motivated me to learn more about the position.” “I found out about this opportunity when looking for possible employers on your company's website.

How did you hear or how did you heard? ›

How did you hear . . .” is correct. Generally, when you look at the verb in any sentence, “did . . . hear,” in this case, only one of the words making up the verb needs a final -d in the past tense (or a final -s in the present tense).

How do you reply to can you hear me? ›

If someone asks you, “Can you hear me?” say “I can hear you just fine.” If they ask a personal question, ask them why they want to know.

How do I respond to good to hear from you? ›

A common way to reply to "good to hear from you" would be to say "It's good to hear from you too!" or "Likewise!" Another way to respond would be something like "I've been thinking about you too!" or "I'm glad we finally connected!" depending on the context.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6287

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.