Blood Ties (2024)

Don't you understand me? I killed them, okay?! My mother and father are dead because of me!Ian West

Blood Ties is a Fallout 3 side quest. It is also an Xbox 360 and PC achievement, and a PlayStation 3 trophy.

See Also
The Family


  • 1 Quick walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed walkthrough
    • 2.1 Quest start
    • 2.2 Deliver Lucy's Message
    • 2.3 Report to Evan King
    • 2.4 Locate the Family
    • 2.5 Locate Ian West
    • 2.6 Settling accounts
  • 3 Quest stages
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Behind the scenes
  • 6 Bugs

Quick walkthrough

Side Quest: Blood Ties
Speak to Evan King in Arefu about their troubles with the Family.Speak to Lucy West in Megaton and agree to deliver her message.
Check on the residents of Arefu and find the Wests dead.
Report back to Evan King, where he gives you four possible locations for the Family.
Investigate Hamilton's hideaway.Investigate Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema.Investigate Northwest Seneca Station and find manhole to Meresti service tunnel.Investigate Meresti trainyard.
Locate the Family, negotiate your way past Robert and search for Ian West.
Speak to members of the Family to get the terminal password.Convince Vance to give you the terminal password.Research the Family's ways and speak to Vance.Kill the Family.
Speak to Ian.
Ian decides to leave the Family.Ian decides to stay.
Inform Vance of Ian's decision and arrange a truce with Arefu.
Reward: Schematics - Shishkebab
Return to Evan King and finalize the truce.
Reward: 300 XP and good Karma

Detailed walkthrough

Quest start

The quest can be started by speaking with Lucy West in or around Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton, by talking to Evan King in Arefu or by reading "Regarding the Arefu Incident" in the Family's terminal in the Meresti Metro Station.

Deliver Lucy's Message

Lucy West asks the Lone Wanderer to deliver a letter to her family in Arefu. If the quest is accepted, Lucy will give the player character an envelope, and mark the location of Arefu on the Lone Wanderer's Pip-Boy 3000.

Report to Evan King

Evan King will toss a grenade as the player character approaches Arefu. King then apologizes and explains that the town has been under repeated attacks by The Family. Evan will ask the Lone Wanderer to check the Ewer, Schenzy, and West residences to make sure everyone is all right (this starts the quest for the player character if he/she did not pick it up from Lucy).

When checking in on the residents, the Lone Wanderer discovers that the Ewer and Schenzy families are safe, but further investigation finds the dead bodies of Lucy and Ian's parents; further examination shows they have bite marks on their necks (requires 30+ in Medicine skill) with no significant blood amount on their bodies (50+ Medicine skill), that the marks are from human teeth (70+ Medicine skill) and that there is train yard residue on the bodies (90+ Medicine skill).

When the player character reports back to Evan King, he will ask about Lucy's brother, Ian West. Upon discovery that he is missing, Evan will mention having seen Ian with Vance, the leader of the Family. He will also add three markers to the map if prompted: Hamilton's hideaway, Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema and the Northwest Seneca Station - none of which are correct, though Murphy in the Seneca Station will tell the player character to follow the sewers if they ask about the Family. If the player character noticed the train yard residue, it will be possible to ask Evan if there are any train yards in the area. This will allow Evan to add a marker for the correct location, Meresti trainyard.

If one has the Scoundrel perk, before finding Ian, one can return to Lucy and demand caps before going to look for her brother. She gives 100 caps, with no Karma penalty.

Locate the Family

The Family resides in the Meresti Metro station which can be reached easiest via the tunnels under the Meresti trainyard, or much more inconveniently, through the tunnels found under the radioactive barrels in the back of Murphy's place in Northwest Seneca Station. There are various traps, including bear traps, frag mines, a rigged baby carriage and an assortment of tripwire traps that set off rigged shotguns, grenade bouquets and even a pitching machine.

If the player character enters by Northwest Seneca Station, they will find Murphy's chem lab operation. To the right, in the back of his office one will find a hatch leading to the Meresti service tunnel. The player character will encounter two mirelurks there. After going through the cave one will enter the old train trail, then make a left at the first train wreck with the dead mirelurks. The debris here conceals many traps: frag mines on either side, two bear traps in the middle. Heading left comes to two miniature tripwires between the carriages and walls. The first has a rigged shotgun straight ahead, the second a heavy weight that falls from the ceiling.

The front gate to the Family's hideout is guarded by Robert, who will allow the player character into the Family's home for 100 caps, or for free if the Lone Wanderer has Lucy's letter for Ian. The player character can also gain peaceful entrance by passing a Speech check with Robert, or by using a speech option from the Cannibal perk, which also opens up many more speech options making the whole quest much easier. Alternatively, the player character can kill Robert and hack the terminal adjacent to his post to unlock the station door, although this and the option of sneaking past Robert will turn the family hostile.

Locate Ian West

The next task is to locate Ian West to determine if he is still alive. Several members of the Family will reveal Ian's location and the password to unlock the room where he is meditating. These are the possible scenarios:

  • The leader of the Family is Vance - a mysterious and charismatic man who is trying to help the members of his "Family" overcome their hunger for human flesh by drinking human blood akin to the mystical vampires in the stories from before the Great War. If the player character fails a Speech check, Vance will advise the player character to learn the rules of the Family by asking other members and reading from the terminal in the main lobby. If the player character passes the Speech check, uses the Cannibal perk, or reads the rules and explains they understand the Family, Vance will give the pass code that allows entry into Ian's meditation room.
  • Alan notices that Justin has been trying to befriend Ian and suggests the player talk to Justin about him.
  • Justin believes that Ian belongs with the Family, having witnessed the murder of his parents and done nothing. If the player suggests that Ian needs an 'outside voice' to help and passes a Speech check, Justin will reveal the pass code that allows entry into Ian's meditation room. The Impartial Mediation perk gives a similar dialogue option with an identical result (even if one does not have neutral Karma when asking the question).
  • Karl will become annoyed if asked about Ian. Karl can be seduced by a female Lone Wanderer if they have the Black Widow perk or convinced with high Strength (both sexes). In either scenario, Karl gives up the pass code to Ian's meditation room.
  • Brianna also feels that being with the Family is the best for Ian but that he could use an outside friend. If the Lone Wanderer is male and has the Lady Killer, Brianna can be seduced into handing over the password to the room where Ian is. The Scoundrel perk or a high Charisma will work as well.
  • Holly, Vance's wife, can be persuaded to reveal the pass code with the Scoundrel perk or a high Charisma.
  • Vance can simply be killed and the pass code looted from his remains. This will cause the rest of the Family to become hostile towards the player character, attacking on sight. Each family member killed will result in negative Karma at this point. Ian will be angry that Vance has been killed but will give the player character the same options regardless, as long as one does not respond flippantly to his death. (Responding with "Well, he's worm food now." results in Ian turning hostile and the quest to fail.)
  • One may also goad Vance with certain conversation options, finally calling him a "psycho", and he will order the Family to attack - this will allow one to follow the above option but result in no negative Karma from killing them. (Note: This path must be taken before Ian comes to any decision. See Bugs.)

Talking to Ian will confirm he was not kidnapped but voluntarily joined the Family after killing his parents. After a childhood encounter with a threatening wastelander, Ian has craved human flesh and blood, even that of his own mother and father. One is then faced with the choice of convincing Ian to leave - which requires either the letter from his sister Lucy or passing a Speech check if Vance is still alive - or leaving him with the Family.

Settling accounts

Ian's decision must be relayed to Evan King back in Arefu. Depending on which choice Ian made, the appropriate parties will react with enthusiasm or disappointment. Reporting the news of Ian's decision to King will result in a sizable amount of good Karma regardless of Ian's ultimate choice. After Ian's decision, the Family and the residents of Arefu are considered to be the same faction even before the deal is made with Vance.

Vance may also be convinced to either not attack or to defend Arefu if he and the family are not already dead. If one simply asks Vance to stop attacking Arefu, he will agree. Through a successful Speech, Medicine, or Intelligence check, the player character can also convince Vance to enter into a deal to use blood packs instead of attacking the residents of Arefu. Regardless of the conversation choice, Vance will award the player character with the Shishkebab schematics, after the initial conversation about the deal is over.

If one has brokered a deal between the family and Arefu, they can return to Vance after the deal is relayed to King and ask to be shown the ways of the vampire. one will then be taught to drink blood and awarded the Hematophage perk which modifies blood packs to heal 20 HP instead of 1 HP.

If one suggested the Family guard the town in exchange for blood, Alan will be dispatched to Arefu, fulfilling their end of the deal. At that point, one can enter Alan's residence in Arefu (located at the entrance to town, near the Brahmin pen) to find a copy of Pugilism Illustrated on a table in the corner.

After successfully dealing with the problem of Arefu, each of its inhabitants will show their gratitude in the following ways:

Quest stages

10 Deliver Lucy's message to Arefu.
15 Discover what the Family did in Arefu.
20 Check the West Residence.
21 Check the Ewer Residence.
22 Check the Schenzy Residence.
25 Report to Evan King.
30 Locate The Family.
40 Locate Ian West.
50 Speak to Vance about Ian's decision.
60Blood Ties (1)Return to Evan King.
65 Return to Vance to confirm deal (if applicable)


  • If the Lone Wanderer goes straight to Arefu and does not talk to Lucy West, he/she may not be able to convince Ian to leave the Family later in the quest.
  • If one decides to strike a deal with Vance and tells him to defend Arefu in return for blood packs, the Lone Wanderer can 'donate' their blood packs for 15 caps each.
  • If the player character convinces Ian to remain with the Family, there may be only three options when telling Evan King about his fate - that Ian was not found, that he is dead, or that he has gone to live with Lucy. All three options are listed as lies in the dialogue box, but any of them work to complete the quest and reward XP and positive Karma.
  • If one chooses to complete the quest by giving Ian Lucy's letter, she will react very nonchalantly about what happened. She even says "I almost forgot about it", even though if one earlier told her about her parents death and missing brother, she worriedly said "I've got to know if he's still alive!" If one leaves Ian with the Family (the letter will still be in one's inventory) the letter cannot be given back to her, although if one speaks to her before completing the quest by speaking with Evan King, one can give Lucy some information as to Ian's fate.
  • Upon leaving Ian with the Family and finish the quest, one can still give Lucy's letter to Ian. He will like the letter, but he will not leave the Family. Lucy will thank the player character.
  • Killing any resident of Arefu will automatically fail the quest.
  • Ian cannot actually go live with Lucy in Megaton.
  • If one takes Lucy's note directly to the Family's hideout without going to Arefu first, Robert will still let the player character in if they tell him they have a note for Ian from his sister, despite the fact that one does not know Ian's whereabouts at this point in the plot. If one kills Vance and uses his password to open the door to Ian's meditation room, he is not even there. Talking with Vance can still provide access to the Family's terminal and find out the true nature of the Family. Also, the objective will be updated to "Find out what happened in Arefu." Once in Arefu, one will have an extra dialogue option with Evan King, but the quest proceeds as normal from this point.
  • One can kill all members of the Family, and then give the letter to Ian. He will still decide to leave, but upon returning to Arefu, the citizens will become hostile and the quest will be failed.
  • If the player kills any member of The Family after Ian makes his decision, the inhabitants of Arefu will turn hostile even though no one from the town was directly attacked or killed. This is due to the fact that Arefu and the Family become one faction after Ian makes his decision, rather than after the deal is struck between Evan and Vance. If the player attacks The Family instead of talking to them initially, this can be a problem if Robert is not killed before speaking with Ian. When one leaves, Robert will be hostile but if the player character kills him, the quest will be failed. If one kills all residents of Arefu, the quest will also fail. One can work around this problem by simply sneaking past Robert without killing him.
  • If one returns to Lucy after discovering the bodies of her parents but before visiting the Family, one will be able to tell her about the deaths of her parents, and she will ask one to find out what happened to Ian. If the player character chooses not to tell her before speaking to Ian, they will never get to tell her, and upon returning to her later one will only be able to tell her that the letter has been delivered to Ian. If the player character does tell her that her parents are dead, they will be rewarded later with an additional string of dialogue, following the string in which she says she almost forgot about the letter, in which she thanks the player character properly.
  • If one completes the quest in favor of Ian returning to Arefu using the speech check and Vance defending Arefu while using blood packs, one can deliver the message to Ian at his parents' home after completing the quest by speaking with King.

Behind the scenes

  • "Vespertilio", the password to Ian's cell, is a genus of bats.
  • When you speak to Karen Schenzy in Arefu, she mentions how the Family "taunt us to open our doors, throw bottles at our houses and scream at us." This was the behavior of the vampires in the novel I Am Legend.


  • Blood Ties (2) Blood Ties (3) Upon first approaching Arefu, Evan King may run past the player character to attack an enemy if they led them there. If this happens, the explosion will still occur and one will be frozen in place as the game waits for the encounter to occur. You can either load a previous save from when not on the bridge and kill the enemy, or wait for Evan King to come back, which can take a while. Eventually, he will return to his usual position, in which the dialogue sequence will then initiate. The game may freeze. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (4) If the Family is inexplicably hostile, Vance may never appear in the game, making the quest impossible due to the lack of password for the terminal. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (5) If Robert or another member of the Family has already been killed, but one has not yet received the message that this faction is now hostile, you can restart this by repeatedly pressing the "wait-button". Doing this, one can still talk to Evan and finish the quest successfully. Waiting for 24 hours seems to work the best. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (6) Blood Ties (7) While the Family's terminals are not read when highlighted (it will be your regular HUD color, as if open-use), being seen hacking into them by any member of the Family will result in the Family turning hostile as soon as one exits. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (8) While checking on the residents of Arefu, after the player character checks on one, the door is locked. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (9) Blood Ties (10) Blood Ties (11) Sometimes, after getting Ian West to return to Arefu, the residents of Arefu will turn hostile for no reason and the quest will fail. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (12) Blood Ties (13) Rarely, upon starting the quest normally from Lucy in Megaton then talk to Vance, giving the letter to Ian when talking to him will not remove it from one's inventory. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (14) After checking in on the Ewers, one will sometimes find Evan King in combat with a mirelurk outside. The mirelurk will easily kill Evan, thus making the quest impossible to complete. This can be fixed by reloading the previous save. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (15) Blood Ties (16) Blood Ties (17) In the entrance area to the Family's hideout, just behind the guard, there is a radio that is marked in red upon hovering over it, which is tuned to Enclave Radio. If the radio is turned off without being hidden, the guard will immediately turn hostile. [verified]
  • Blood Ties (18) Sometimes, Lucy will die inexplicably. This means one cannot get a reward from her for completing the quest. [verified]


Main questsBaby Steps· Growing Up Fast· Future Imperfect· Escape!· Following in His Footsteps· Galaxy News Radio· Scientific Pursuits· Tranquility Lane· The Waters of Life· Picking Up the Trail· Rescue from Paradise· Finding the Garden of Eden· The American Dream· Take it Back!· Project Impurity
Side questsAgatha's Song· Big Trouble in Big Town· Blood Ties· Head of State· The Nuka-Cola Challenge· Oasis· The Power of the Atom· Reilly's Rangers· The Replicated Man· Stealing Independence· Strictly Business· The Superhuman Gambit· Those!· Tenpenny Tower· Trouble on the Homefront· Wasteland Survival Guide· You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head
Unmarked questsA Manhandled Manservant· A Nice Day for a Right Wedding· Happy Birthday to You· Church Donations· Collecting Holotags· Council Seat· Economics of Violence· Election Day· Fungus Deal· Gallows Humor· Geomapping with Reilly· Grady's Package· Hired Help· I Want to Drink Your Blood· Jiggs' Loot· Just for the Taste of It· Keller Family Refuge· Leo's Drug Habit· Lincoln's Profit Margins· Merchant Empire· Mississippi Quantum Pie· Murphy's Bombing Run· Nectar Collecting for Fun and Profit· Our Little Secret· Ryan Brigg's Wonder Meat· Searching for Cheryl· Slave Hunt· Strictly Profitable· The Kid-Kidnapper· The Lost Initiate· The Outcast Collection Agent· This Old House· Treatment· Walter's Scrap Metal· Water Beggars· Yearning for Learning· Zip's Nuka Fix
Add-on questsOperation: AnchorageAiding the Outcasts· The Guns of Anchorage· Paving the Way· Operation: Anchorage!
The PittFree Labor· Into The Pitt· Mill Worker· Toys for Tots· Unsafe Working Conditions· Wild Bill's Last Stand· Slave Snitch
Broken SteelThe Sorrowful Suitor· Blood Brotherhood· Death From Above· Getting Ready for Prime Time· Shock Value· Who Dares Wins· Holy Water· Protecting the Water Way· The Amazing Aqua Cura!· Wastelander Water Request
Point LookoutThe Local Flavor · Walking with Spirits· Hearing Voices· Tailing the Tomboy· Thought Control· A Meeting of the Minds· A Spoonful of Whiskey· An Antique Land· Plik's Safari· The Dark Heart of Blackhall· The Velvet Curtain
Mothership ZetaNot of This World· Among the Stars· This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...· The Legend of Zeta


LocationsArmory· Atomic bomb· Billy Creel's house· The Brass Lantern· Children of Atom· Clinic· Common house· Craterside Supply· Jericho's house· Lucas Simms' house· Lucy West's house· Men's restroom· Women's restroom· Mister Burke's house· Moriarty's Saloon· My Megaton house· Nathan and Manya's house· Water processing plant
CharactersAndy Stahl· Billy Creel· Burke· Child of Atom· Doc Church· Colin Moriarty· Cromwell· Deputy Steel· Deputy Weld· Gob· Harden Simms· Jenny Stahl· Jericho· Leo Stahl· Lucas Simms· Lucy West· Maggie· Manya Vargas· Mother Maya· Megaton settler· Mercenary· Micky· Moira Brown· Nathaniel Vargas· Nova· Patient· Rory Maclaren· Rosa· Stockholm· Wadsworth· Walter
QuestsMainFollowing in His Footsteps
SideBlood Ties· Holy Water Blood Ties (19) · The Power of the Atom· Wasteland Survival Guide
UnmarkedLeo's Drug Habit· Treatment· Walter's Scrap Metal
Blood Ties (2024)


How are Blood Ties created? ›

Among vampires, as seen between the Carter siblings and the three Redfern sisters in Daughters of Darkness, the ritual is carried out by ingesting the blood of each person of the opposite clan or family involved, and vowing to remain kin to one another, promising protection and defense to the opposite party.

Is Blood Ties movie a true story? ›

And that film was based on a book, which was based on a true story about two brothers.

Why did Blood Ties get Cancelled? ›

Despite the fact that thousands of fans pleaded for more adventures of Vicki and Henry, Lifetime opted to leave Blood Ties off their schedule. There was interest among Canadian broadcasters in continuing the series but it wasn't possible without Lifetime's portion of the funding.

Does Netflix have Blood Ties? ›

In early-1800s Colombia, three high-society sisters act as spies to help rebels fight against Spanish rule, and to seek justice for their mother's death. Watch all you want.

What does it mean to have Blood Ties with someone? ›

/ˈblʌd ˌtaɪz/ the relationships that exist by birth rather than through marriage.

What Blood Ties in a relationship? ›

Blood relationship is the tie that exists between individuals who are descended from the same person. Legally, we define: straight line relationship: the one between people who descend from one another (e.g. father and son);

What was the ending of Blood Ties? ›

Blood Ties (canceled in 2008):

What is this? Cliffhanger: By the end of the season, Vicki had to make some dark choices which created a rift between her and Henry. And at the end when she refuses to make a choice between Mike and Henry, they both leave her behind with Vicki left alone and crying.

Is there a sequel to Blood Ties? ›

Sequel. In December 2010 the sequel to Blood Ties was published called 'Blood Ransom' which continues the story of Rachel and Theo as they struggle to stop Elijah's plans.

What year is Blood Ties set in? ›

"Blood Ties" is a remake of the 2008 film "Rivals" which starred this movie's director, Guillaume Canet. James Caan, one of the stars of this film, helped him infuse the translation with some New York lingo. The movie is set in the '70s, with Chris (Clive Owen) just being released from prison after 12 years.

Did the cast of Family Ties get along? ›

We have family members that are on different pages and we do get along." Fortunately, the cast got along just as well offscreen. "I think I took some of how great we were together for granted," said Gross. "I didn't know how contrary some shows could be and how some casts quarreled the way they did.

What city was Blood Ties filmed in? ›

Production. Filming started on May 3, 2012 in Woodmere, New York.

Does Vicki end up with Henry? ›

Vicki was mortally wounded and Henry was forced to turn her into a vampire to save her life. Henry took Vicki and Tony and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. At the end of their year together, Vicki returned to her mortal lover, Mike Celluci, in Toronto.

Where can i stream Blood Ties? ›

Blood Ties, a crime drama movie starring Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, and Marion Cotillard is available to stream now. Watch it on Tubi - Free Movies & TV, The Roku Channel, Pluto TV - It's Free TV, Freevee, Vudu, Prime Video, Redbox. or Apple TV on your Roku device.

How do I find secret channels on Netflix? ›

To explore these collections — ordering off the secret menu, if you will — all you need to do is fire up your web browser, type in “” and then add your ID code of choice to the end of the URL.

Is True Blood on Netflix or Hulu? ›

Watch True Blood Streaming Online. Hulu (Free Trial)

What are the signs of soul ties? ›

7 signs you have a soul tie with someone:
  • You feel connected on a deeper level.
  • They elicit strong reactions from you.
  • They feel familiar.
  • You may feel like they "complete" you.
  • Your relationship feels unique or one-of-a-kind.
  • They showed up at a significant time.
Apr 30, 2021

How long can a soul tie last? ›

A soul tie connection can be romantic or platonic, and it can last decades or weeks. It can be a person you encounter only once, or someone you return to again and again throughout your life.

Which blood group can marry together? ›

Although O+ red blood cells are not universally compatible with all types, they are compatible with positive red blood cells (A+, B+, O+, AB+). AA marrying AA: It is the best compatibility as a person doesn't have to worry about the genotype compatibility of their kids and posterity.

How does soul ties affect men? ›

There is an intense attachment

The soul tie meaning is essentially a more profound connection than you would generally have in a standard partnership. The “tie” to that person is powerful because of that connection you establish, often through physical intimacy.

How do you cut ties with your ex? ›

The no-contact rule refers to cutting off all contact with an ex following a breakup, and it's the best method for moving on from an ex. No contact should last for a minimum of 60 days, and it includes no texting, no calling, and no interacting on social media.

What happens in blood ties podcast? ›

When Eleonore and Michael Richland lose their parents unexpectedly in a small plane crash, they must choose between honoring their father's legacy as a world-renowned cardiologist and health... Read all.

How many seasons of blood ties are there? ›

What happens at the end of Season 2 of blood and water? ›

At the very end of “Blood & Water” season 2, Nwabisa is taken out of her prison cell by some of the police personnel, and she is then taken into a van, seemingly to be transferred to some other prison.

What vampire series was filmed in Canada? ›

Forever Knight is a Canadian television series about Nick Knight, an 800-year-old vampire working as a police detective in modern-day Toronto, Ontario.

Is Blood Red Sky a sequel? ›

Possible sequel

Due to the success of Blood Red Sky, a sequel reportedly began development by Netflix a few months after the first film was released.

Is of blood and bone a trilogy? ›

Acclaimed epic fantasy author John Gwynne's second book in his Of Blood and Bone trilogy, an epic fantasy perfect for fans of George R. R. Martin, Brandon Sanderson, and David Gemmell.

Is Blood Ties a good movie? ›

There are some very good performances and parts of performances in “Blood Ties,” but the movie fails to convey a sense of tribal identity within this world. Although Chris and Frank's love-hate relationship is dramatized, there is no sense of kinship between them. None of the actors' voices coordinate as they should.

How long do Blood Ties last? ›

put them in the cup with the weed and put in fridge, turn them every day...... I've had them last for 2 weeks or better.......

Did Courteney Cox and Michael J. Fox date? ›

A Rumored Off-Screen Romance

I'm having a great personal relationship with Tracy and a great professional relationship with Courteney," said Fox, addressing the rumors. As Cox put it, she never had a relationship with her co-star.

How old was Michael J. Fox in Family Ties season 1? ›

After working in a few television series, he finally secured a part in “Family Ties,” acting the part of Alex P. Keaton. He was 21 years old.

Which Friends star had a recurring role on Family Ties? ›

Courteney Cox (1987-89)

One of TV's most famous "Friends" had a recurring role as one of Alex P. Keaton's girlfriends, psychology student Lauren.

Where was first blood filmed in what state? ›

Filming. The film was shot in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada on a $15 million budget beginning on November 15, 1981, and continuing until April 1982.

What state is blue bloods filmed in? ›

The stages for @BullCBS are set up near the border of Brooklyn and Queens in New York City, a prime location that allows the show to film all around the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

How many episodes are in season 2 of blood ties? ›

Listen to all six episodes ad free on Wondery+ on May 9.

Who kills Vicki? ›

In the novel, Vicki has a personality disorder due to the constant attacks of the vampires and is eventually murdered by an Old One vampire (Klaus). In the series, Vicki is converted into a vampire by Damon and is staked by Stefan to save Jeremy and Elena.

Who does Vicky end up with? ›

Vicky is engaged to stable, safe Doug, the two who plan to get married in the fall after Vicky's return to New York.

Who does Vicky end up with in blood ties? ›

In Blood Pact, Vicki was mortally wounded and Henry was forced to Change her to save her life. Henry took Vicki and Tony and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. At the end of their year together, Vicki returned to her mortal lover Mike Celluci in Toronto.

Is Blood+ on Amazon Prime? ›

Watch BLOOD+ Season 1 | Prime Video.

Is blood bloods on Hulu? ›

Available with Hulu (With Ads) for $12.99/month or with Hulu (No Ads) for $19.99/month.

Is Blood Ties on Amazon Prime? ›

Watch Blood Ties | Prime Video.

Is there an Adults Only Netflix? ›

But 2022 will see the streaming service provide its first ever movie that is intended for adults only. Blonde has been rated NC-17 in the States - the equivalent to an 18s certificate in Ireland - for its sexual content, making it the first ever Netflix movie to receive that certification.

Does Netflix have hidden content? ›

You might think you've binged every decent movie and TV show on Netflix. But the titles you can see on your home screen are based on the previous content you've watched or added to your list, and there are in fact thousands of films and TV series tucked away in secret.

What does 9875 mean on Netflix? ›

9875: Crime Documentaries. 180: Sports Documentaries. 1159: Travel & Adventure Documentaries. 5349: Historical Documentaries.

Did True Blood get taken off HBO Max? ›

Right now you can watch True Blood on HBO Max. You are able to stream True Blood by renting or purchasing on Amazon Instant Video, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.

Is there a spin off of True Blood? ›

True Blood: Jessica's Blog (TV Series 2010–2014) - IMDb.

Why Was True Blood canceled? ›

And I think in the case of True Blood, it just felt like we had reached a place where the storytelling was hitting a wall." With no ideas of where to take the series, it was decided by HBO and the show's producers that it would be best for True Blood Season 7 to be the show's last.

How do you complete Blood Ties? ›

  1. Deliver Lucy's Message.
  2. Check the West Residence.
  3. Check the Schenzy Residence.
  4. Check the Ewers Residence.
  5. Report to Evan King.
  6. Locate The Family.
  7. Locate Ian West.
  8. Speak to Vance about Ian's decision.
Oct 28, 2008

How does Blood Ties end? ›

Blood Ties (canceled in 2008):

What is this? Cliffhanger: By the end of the season, Vicki had to make some dark choices which created a rift between her and Henry. And at the end when she refuses to make a choice between Mike and Henry, they both leave her behind with Vicki left alone and crying.

How does a blood bond work? ›

The blood bond is a mystical connection forged between two individuals when one drinks the other's blood. One of these individuals must be Kindred though the other can be almost anything. This bond gives the vampire whose blood was consumed (know as the regnant or sire) power over the other individual (the thrall).

How long can blood tubes sit? ›

EDTA whole blood samples must be run within 1 hour at room temperature+, and may be stored refrigerated++ for up to 12 hours. 7 Blood should return to room teperature prior to running on the HM5. * Stored plasma and serum samples must be separated and kept in a stoppered test tube containing no additive.

How long should Bloods take to come back? ›

Some test results will be ready the same day or a few days later, although others may not be available for a few weeks. You'll be told when your results will be ready and how you'll be given them. Sometimes, receiving results can be stressful and upsetting.

How long does drawing blood last? ›

A blood draw (sometimes called a blood test) is a way to collect blood so that lab testing can be done to check your child's health. Each blood draw takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

Where is the Family blood ties? ›

The Family resides in the Meresti Metro station which can be reached easiest via the tunnels under the Meresti trainyard, or much more inconveniently, through the tunnels found under the radioactive barrels in the back of Murphy's place in Northwest Seneca Station.

Is Vance a vampire in Fallout 3? ›

Vance is the leader of a group of "vampires" called the Family in 2277.

What are the best perks in Fallout 3? ›

Fallout 3: 20 Best Perks, Ranked
  1. 1 Educated. Requirement - Level 4, Intelligence: 4.
  2. 2 Swift Learner. Requirement - Level 2, Intelligence: 4. ...
  3. 3 Grim Reaper's Sprint. Requirement - Level 20. ...
  4. 4 Tag! Requirement - Level 16. ...
  5. 5 Intense Training. Requirement - Level 2. ...
  6. 6 Animal Friend. ...
  7. 7 Comprehension. ...
  8. 8 Bloody Mess. ...
Dec 24, 2022

Do Henry and Vicki get together in Blood Ties? ›

In Blood Pact, Vicki was mortally wounded and Henry was forced to Change her to save her life. Henry took Vicki and Tony and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. At the end of their year together, Vicki returned to her mortal lover Mike Celluci in Toronto.

What episode does Vicki become a vampire in Blood Ties? ›

"Love Hurts" is the sixth episode of season one of the Canadian supernatural television series Blood Ties. The episode was directed by Allan Kroeker with a script written by Shelley Eriksen. It first aired in the US on Lifetime TV on April 8th, 2007.

What are the side effects of a blood bond? ›

The blood bond can be broken by the death of the regnant, however, the effect on the thrall is variable: some feel relieved or even joyful; others experience pain and desolation; others yet fear their independence and look for a new bond. A few may even kill themselves.

What should you spend Blood Bonds on? ›

Usage. Cleaning your weapons and unlocking legendary weapon and hunter skins are purely cosmetic applications for Blood Bonds. Cleaning a weapon costs 2 Blood Bonds, and unlocking a legendary skin costs between 200-700 Blood Bonds. Blood Bonds can also be used to re-spec the hunters in your roster.

How do I take a blood oath with my partner? ›

If a person is so dedicated to the one they love that they are willing to have a blood oath with that person, then the person has to take a cut on their skin and let the blood seep out into the other person's cut. While the blood is still connected, you both have to say the vows that you want to say to each other.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.