The Family (2024)

The Family (1)

For the Three Families of Fallout: New Vegas, see Three Families.

We are the remnants of society, cast aside like the clean-picked bones of a hunter's feast. I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean.Vance

The Family is a gang of self-proclaimed vampires that live in Meresti Metro station, east of the settlement of Arefu.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Family members
  • 3 Organization
  • 4 Outside relations
  • 5 Related quests
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 Behind the scenes
  • 9 Bugs
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 References


The Family is a small commune of cannibals, formed by Vance over the years by gathering people like himself: people who all experience a cannibalistic hunger. Vance intends to help these outcasts survive and find some sense of community by banding together and adopting a strictly vampiric lifestyle, as opposed to cannibalism.[1][2][3][4]

Within the Family, they are taught how to keep their hunger under control,[5] and their shame, fears, and inhibitions are eliminated.[6] Furthermore, they justify their lifestyle by emphasizing survival above all else; they only kill what they consume; nothing more, nothing less.[7] However, before they join the Family, each prospective member is asked to seek solitude and meditate on whether or not they should stay with the Family or control their urges by themselves.[8]

The Family is named for their metaphorical relation to each other by blood (or rather, their thirst for it). Vance takes in all that the greater wasteland deems a monster and teaches them to suppress their craving for human flesh by only partaking of blood instead, but more importantly, they are "normal" within the Family, tolerated and understood for what they are.[6]

The humans of the wasteland brand them as "monsters, villains, criminals, animals"[9] and call for their extermination or reform, but reform would imply that something is wrong with the cannibals; Vance obviously does not agree with this notion and sees his teachings of vampirism as an improvement and a way to transcend their otherwise cannibalistic nature.[10][11] He preaches to the Family that they are no different than any other wastelander that has killed in order to put food on their table or protect their territory, and that the Family would be insane to ignore the adaptation they have been provided by evolution.[9] However, despite his zeal, Vance knows that they do not truly possess any extraordinary abilities and the mantel of "vampire" only serves to hold the Family together.[3][12] In fact, their "adaptation" is nothing more than a product of their "will and sincere meditation" that allows them to focus as they drink the life force of another being. The ability can be taught to anyone willing to learn.[13]

They have recently taken to raiding Arefu, a small village west of their sanctuary, and the mere mention of the Family invokes fear in even the most intrepid of Arefu residents. In their latest raid, they kidnapped Ian West once they discovered he shared the same condition as them. Ian was lucky that Vance found him when he did, as Vance covered for Ian's act by masquerading it as a routine Family attack.[5] Evan King pleads with the Lone Wanderer to deal with them, and gives hints to the Family's home; where a deal can be struck between the Family and Arefu and either the Family will protect Arefu in exchange for donated blood packs, or they leave Arefu alone, for which Arefu either donates or sells blood packs to them.[14]

Family members

  • Vance: The leader and guide. He is trying to make his cannibal charges leave their urge behind and feed only from blood, adopting the ways of the vampires of legend. After completing the quest Blood Ties, speaking to him and asking if he can teach the Lone Wanderer the ways of the vampire will result in him teaching the Hematophage perk allowing to regain +20 HP by consuming blood packs.
  • Holly: Vance's wife, who has reservations about some of Vance's beliefs, but supports him completely out of tradition and dedication. The Lone Wanderer can acquire the access code to Ian's room via a Speech check, high Charisma, or with the Scoundrel perk.
  • Alan: A new recruit who sees Vance as the savior of his kind. Depending on how Blood Ties is completed, he can be sent to protect Arefu from wasteland threats.
  • Brianna: She offers prostitution services to male members of the Family, in exchange for moderate caps. With the Lady Killer perk, the Lone Wanderer is able to persuade her to divulge the entrance code to Ian's room.
  • Karl: The storekeeper. He does not believe in Vance's teachings, but pretends to in order to maintain a store in his tunnels. He can be seduced with the Black Widow perk into giving the password of the security computer terminal. The Lone Wanderer can also threaten him into giving up the password with a Strength check.
  • Justin: Ian's confidante within the Family. Justin guides Ian in the various teachings of Vance, and serves as a surrogate elder brother. The Lone Wanderer can convince him to divulge the entrance code to Ian's room either by passing a Speech check or with the Impartial Mediation perk.
  • Robert: The sentry and first member of the Family the player character will meet. Robert is the only member of Meresti that doesn't act like a member of the Family, which is discovered through the Cannibal perk or an out of conversation dialogue.


The Family is a self-reliant commune built around the cult of personality that surrounds Vance, whose rules are law in the underground Sanctuary of Meresti.[15] The Family's Laws are a code of conduct that Vance expects to be followed by all members, and each member is expected to remember and enforce one of these laws.[16][17]

The First Law
"Feast not on the flesh; consume only the blood. This is our strength."

We do not eat the flesh of those we kill for food. We will only drink of their blood and leave the body intact. The consumption of flesh is filthy and unclean. This action is what causes the humans to treat us like animals. We are not animals, we are the Family.

The Second Law
"Bear not the child; welcome only the exile. This is our fate."

Because we carry the stain of our past in our bodies, we can never let it pass to our offspring who would in turn carry out those foul actions beginning the cycle anew. The Family must seek the Wasteland for others of its kind in order to maintain itself. That is our fate.

The Third Law
"Feed not for pleasure; partake only to nourish. This is our dignity."

We only kill the humans when we are hungry or when we must defend ourselves, we never hunt for sport or pleasure. We do not prey on children for they are not yet tainted by society's view of us. The Family will not tolerate murder.

The Fourth Law
"Seek not the sun's light; embrace only the shadows. This is our refuge."

Because we are creatures of the night, we must not set foot in daylight. We move silently across the ground only under the watchful eye of the moon above. At the rising of the sun, we must seek the embrace of the shadows and never again gaze at its brilliance. The Family seeks the dark as its refuge.

The Fifth Law
"Kill not our kindred; slay only the enemy. This is our justice."

Above all, no member of the Family will ever take the life of another member without the consent of the current leader. Anyone disobeying this action, the most heinous of all our crimes, will be exiled from this place forever. We must not let our own inner demons cause us to fight amongst ourselves. We number only in the few, and we cannot risk extinction.

Outside relations

Given that the Family is not welcomed by human society, they are hesitant to allow a human into their sanctuary and will protect themselves against violence if need be.[18] Still, they can be reasoned with and will form a compromise with Arefu if the deal is favorable to them.[14] Attacking anyone within Arefu even before the deal is struck will cause the Family to become hostile.

Related quests


  • All of the Family members are initially non-hostile, unless provoked.
  • If an event happens which results in the death of any member of the Family, Ian will become hostile when the Lone Wanderer talks to him, until he is offered the letter written by his sister in Megaton. After that, Ian will ask to be left alone. The next time the Lone Wanderer returns to Arefu, they will be told that Ian had returned, and that the Lone Wanderer will be offered a reward.
  • The Family will become hostile if the Lone Wanderer sneaks past Robert without being allowed in initially.
  • If being rude and impolite when first talking with Vance, he will warn the Lone Wanderer about their behavior before he and all the other members of the Family turn hostile.


The Family appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes

  • The password to open Ian's room is "Vespertilio," a genus in a family of the bats.
  • The Family bears resemblance to the antagonists in the 1971 Charlton Heston film The Omega Man, a nocturnal breed of pale, vampiric mutants that live underground and refer to themselves as "The Family."
  • Organization of the Family's laws is very similar to the Camarilla's traditions from the table-top RPG Vampire: The Masquerade.


The Family (2) Hacking into the Family's terminals will turn the Family hostile, even though the terminal itself is not marked as owned. This happens only if Vance or any other member of the Family did not give you the password. [verified]


The Family (3)

Family's sign in West residence


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What is this place?"
    Vance: "What you see before you is the last bastion of hope for the downtrodden and misunderstood. It is a sanctuary for the oppressed and a beacon of faith for the tyrannized."
    The Lone Wanderer: "<Allow Vance to continue.>"
    Vance: "We are the remnants of society, cast aside like the clean-picked bones of a hunter's feast. I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  2. Vance: "Welcome to our home. My people call me Vance. I lead this group of weary travelers and outcasts who need a home. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Lone Wanderer: "If I said vampires, and you said I was right, we'd both be crazy."
    Vance: "Do you think I believe I can turn into a bat and fly away? Of course not. Do I cast my image in a mirror? Absolutely. Now ask me if I believe these individuals from every corner of the Wasteland need me to give them a sense of purpose and identity. I have shown these people the ways of the vampire. I've provided them shelter, organization and a sense of belonging."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "A cannibal by any other name is still a cannibal."
    Vance: "That is completely untrue. Your difficulty grasping the concept that change is possible in my people perplexes me. Let me try a different approach. Let me counter that ignorance with a lesson in objectivity. I say we are no longer cannibal, only consuming the blood of our prey. What would that make us in your eyes?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "I still say you're cannibals."
    Vance: "It saddens me to think that your failure to understand us could be my fault. If that is the case, allow me to enlighten you. We call ourselves vampires; a brotherhood that honorably stretches back thousands of years."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Wait a minute... What happened to him?"
    Vance: "Ian's hunger for flesh overwhelmed him... it drove him to kill his parents. Because of my intervention that night he stopped just short of being lost forever to his cravings for flesh."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Are you telling me that Ian is a cannibal?"
    Vance: "I am telling you he will no longer be labeled as such. He has become one of us... a member of the Family. The hunger that drives us must be kept in check. It is one of the most difficult things to teach. Ian lost control because no one was around to guide him. His own family was alien to him."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What you're doing here is brainwashing them, plain and simple."
    Vance: "Yes. In a way, I am brainwashing them. I am eliminating their fears, their inhibitions and their shame. I have reined in their cravings and taught them to eat not of the flesh, but to drink of the blood. Most importantly, they have a Family. A place where their quirks are tolerated and understood."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "You people murdered his parents!"
    Vance: "Murder is a very strong word, my friend. Do you consider it murder when a hunter stalks his prey in order to put food on the table? The Family must do what it can to survive, and Ian provided us the way. Ian is at a critical moment in his life right now. After all that occurred in Arefu, he is scared and confused."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "How did you know Ian was trying to decide to stay or leave?"
    Vance: "My fine friend, that poor soul has been wrestling with the same question every new member of the Family asks himself when they arrive. Do I belong here, or should I depart? All I ask is that they spend the time to reflect before deciding in solitude."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Vance: "Monsters! Villains! Criminals! Animals! Every one of us has been branded with these insults at some point in our lives. But why? Are we THAT different from those who hunt for meat to survive or from those who kill for territory? Of course not. I submit to you that we are the victims of evolution; the next step in mankind's acclimation to this hellish existence. The adaptation we were given wasn't meant to be ignored or persecuted. It's our way of survival. We can not allow the humans to hunt us down and kill us like dogs! We must show them we are a force to be reckoned with! Well rest easy now, my brothers and sisters. It's time to stop all of the running, all of the hiding and all of the denying. We will organize, we will prepare, we will teach you to cope with your differences and we will keep you alive. We are the Family and together we will stand united!"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "Now that I have a better understanding of the Family, may I speak to Ian?"
    Vance: "I had always assumed if a human happened upon our home, it would be for the purpose of our extermination. It appears my fears were ill-placed. It is a pleasant surprise to meet someone as amenable as yourself. Very well. I will allow you to speak to Ian. Perhaps you can help him come to grips with his greatest enemy. Himself."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you mean?"
    Vance: "Humans call for our extermination or reform. Reforming implies something is wrong with us and needs to be eliminated. I think of my teachings as more of an improvement, a way to transcend our cannibalistic nature."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  12. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "The Family
    The Family is a group of cannibals who have banded together thanks to the efforts of Vance, their leader. Living under the ruins of Meresti Trainyard, the group keeps out of public view, staying away from larger towns and settlements and only surfacing to feed. Realizing that the cannibal is both feared and hated even in the lawless Wasteland, Vance has decided to teach his people the way of the vampire as he interprets it from classic literature. He's convinced most of the Family that they are indeed true vampires, teaching them to drink the blood of their prey and not to feed upon the their flesh. Vance believes this gives them a sense of belonging and purpose in a world that doesn't understand their unusual trait. Although the Family may truly believe they are like the vampires in traditional works of fiction, they retain no abilities or "powers" that distinguish them from any other cannibal in the Capital Wasteland."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "Can you teach me the ways of the Vampire?"
    Vance: "To be a vampire is a life commitment. It is not achieved by my words, it is something you earn by your own will and sincere meditation. Sadly, I cannot fully make you one of us, but I can teach you how the life blood of others brings us regenerative powers. Since your body lacks the way to extract blood as we do, you must find alternative sources for your nourishment. Drink deep of the blood, allow not a drop to spill. Feel the warmth as it spreads inside you. You are becoming one with the life force of another. They lend a part of themselves to you. For a brief moment, you are two entities becoming one. Allow the feelings to course through your body as you partake of the blood... feel it empower you and make you stronger. Once you have done this deed, only then will you know what it is like to be a vampire."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Blood Ties
  15. Vance: "I will make this as clear as possible, Karl. Never again. You disobey my laws once more and you will be out of Meresti for good!"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "I have no idea."
    Vance: "Then that is a mystery you will have to solve on your own. In ceremony, each member of the Family must speak one of the Laws... it is theirs to remember and to enforce. Perhaps from these Laws you can discover what we are. Return to me when you are ready."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  17. Meresti Metro station terminal entries#The Family terminal
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "Enough talk! I'm here to wipe your kind out!"
    Vance: "I would choose your next words VERY carefully if I were in your place. Your self-applauding notions are the sole reason we are down here in hiding like Mole Rats. I will warn you only once. Do NOT test me. I have no qualms about having your blood running down my throat."
    (Vance's dialogue)


Major factionsBrotherhood of Steel· Enclave
Secondary factions2nd Monument Defense Detachment· Abolitionists· Brotherhood Outcasts· Chinese remnants· Church of the Children of Atom· Enclave Department of the Army· Enclave Research and Development Division· The Family· The Institute· Littlehorn & Associates· Lyons' Pride· Nuka-Cola fan club· Project Purity· Raiders· The Railroad· Regulators· Reilly's Rangers· Rivet City Council· Rivet City Security Force· Slavers· Sudden-Death Overtime· Talon Company· Treeminders· Tunnel Snakes· Vault 101 security
Add-on factionsMothership ZetaAlien (Fallout 3)
Broken SteelApostles of the Eternal Light
Operation: AnchoragePeople's Liberation Army· United States Army· United States Army Corps of Engineers
The PittPitt slaves· Pitt raiders
Point LookoutTribals
The Family (2024)


Has anyone got 200 points in the first round of fast money? ›

yes someone did get 200 points in the 1st round. His name is john ohurley is the guy who got 200 points in the 1st round.

How do you win on Family Feud? ›

If the team can guess all of the most popular answers on the board before getting three strikes, they win the round. If a team ends up with three strikes, control of the round goes to the opposing family.

Has anyone won more than $40000 on Family Feud? ›

The Vega family has won four games in a row on the popular game show Family Feud, winning more than $40,000.

Does Family Feud pay for travel expenses? ›

Travel expenses are covered by the show.

Who is the biggest winner on Family Feud? ›

The Daniel Family won big, becoming the grand prize winners after competing on the iconic game show, Family Feud, hosted by Comedian Steve Harvey. The Daniel Family, from Madison, put their heads together to guess the most popular survey answers for a chance to win up to $100,000.

Who is the longest running host on Family Feud? ›

Its original run from 1976 to 1985 aired on ABC and in syndication, with Richard Dawson as host. In 1988, the series was revived and aired on both CBS and in syndication with Ray Combs hosting until 1994, with Dawson returning until that version ended in 1995.

What's the total amount of points needed to win Family Feud fast money round? ›

The first team to score 300 or more points wins the game and moves on to the Fast Money Round. The winning family selects two of its members to play this round. The first member has 20 seconds to answer five survey questions, with the second member sequestered backstage so that he/she cannot see or hear the answers.

Why do losing families return on Family Feud? ›

Usually because they won their previous game and haven't yet reached five. Occasionally they may bring a family back if there is a mistake that could have made them lose.

How much does Steve Harvey make per episode? ›

Steve Harvey is an American television host, actor, writer, producer, and comedian. Steve Harvey earns up to $100,000 per episode, which makes him one of the highest-paid in the industry.
Steve Harvey Net Worth 2023.
Net Worth:$280 Million
Name:Steve Harvey
Salary:$100,000 per episode
Monthly Income:$3 Million
Date of Birth:January 17, 1957
4 more rows
Mar 1, 2023

Does the losing family on Family Feud win any money? ›

No, they do not. As fun as it is to watch these shows, you do not want to be a contestant unless you already have plenty of money. They don't pay the expenses and some people think 'Well, I'll just spend the money and the prize will make up for it!

Who is the highest paid Family Feud host? ›

Harvey has become very wealthy from his numerous ventures, with his celebrity status growing more every year. At least $10 million comes from his hosting duties on Family Feud out of his roughly $45 million in an average annual salary. He also receives another $20 million from his radio hosting duties.

Who is the most successful Family Feud host? ›

1 Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey has been the game show host since 2010, brandishing his sarcastic, dumbfounded sense of humor and wisdom with families and audiences every time. He has suffered the slings and arrows of not dumb questions, but dumb answers.

Do celebrities get paid on Family Feud? ›

When it comes to whether the celebrities are compensated for appearing on the series, it seems that when a celebrity team wins, they give the money to charity. According to the Wiki for Celebrity Family Feud, the stars who don't win still have some money that they can donate to charity and they are given $5,000.

Do you pay taxes on Family Feud winnings? ›

The short answer: yes, even if it's not in cash. And where you live has a lot to do with what you pay.

Do the contestants on Family Feud pick their own clothes? ›

And if you think it's hard getting your family on the same page for one outfit, think about what it's like for multiple outfits. “You have to bring three outfits and they choose, so you have to have three outfits with you. You wear one and they decide if they like it and if not you have to change,” said Lanelle Simons.

What happens when you win a car on a game show? ›

You don't receive your winnings immediately.

You don't get to drive off the set in the new car you just won, nor do they immediately pay you any money you win once you step off the stage. It usually takes between 90 and 150 days to receive your prizes.

Has a team ever passed on Family Feud? ›

Has anyone passed on Family Feud? Most families are overly-confident and choose to PLAY, but yes I've seen families PASS. I think it's a good strategy for a difficult question, or one with many answers, because you get to collaborate, and only have to get one answer to win all the money.

Who runs Family Feud now? ›

Family Feud fans, your favorite game show — and host Steve Harvey — will be on your screens for a little while longer. On February 1, Deadline became the first to announce that the hit competition series scored a season renewal through 2025-2026.

What's the most money won on a game show? ›

Ken Jennings is the highest-earning American game show contestant of all time, having accumulated a total of $5,296,214.

Who will host Family Feud in 2023? ›

Family Feud, one of America's longest running and most popular game-shows, is returning to ATLANTA! Don't miss the chance to see Steve Harvey host the world famous show LIVE!

How many Family Feud shows are filmed in one day? ›

The taping schedule can be a bit hectic — especially if your family moves on to film another episode. According to a former contestant, producers shoot anywhere from four to six episodes in a day.

Which Family Feud host married a contestant? ›

On retiring, Dawson remained in Beverly Hills, California, where he had lived since 1964. He met his second wife, Gretchen Johnson (born 22 September 1955), when she was a contestant on Family Feud in May 1981; they married in 1991. A daughter, Shannon Nicole Dawson, was born in 1990.

How long does it take to get fast money on Family Feud? ›

Fast Money (known as Big Money in England) is Family Feud/Fortunes bonus round, where two members of the winning family attempts to guess the highest scoring answers to five different questions as they can within the time limit, originally, it was 15 seconds for the first player, then 20 seconds for the second player; ...

How long does it take to get on Family Feud? ›

Fill out the application online. They'll let you know in 4 weeks if they're interested in having you on. Write a short description of your family and shoot a short video introducing you and your family to apply. Make your application as positive and upbeat as possible to increase the odds that you're selected.

How does Family Feud get their answers? ›

The show uses a polling firm called Applied Research-West. The firm calls people randomly to ask them the questions. To keep the process discrete, the callers don't tell the people they speak to that they're collecting responses for Family Feud. In about three weeks, those questions are used on the show.

Can you be on Family Feud more than once? ›

If anyone on the team is running for political office or has been on more than two (2) game shows in the last year they are also ineligible. If you or anyone on your team has appeared on Family Feud before, it must be 10 years since the prior appearance to be eligible to play again.

Why do the contestants on Family Feud wear the same clothes? ›

So on the break, at the end of the first show, I'll say, 'Hey, stay tuned. We'll have new families come up,' and we didn't know who I was going to tape, so they asked me to wear the same thing all the time. In the first few years of Celebrity Family Feud, if you go back, that's all I had—the same suit.

Why do they clap so much on Family Feud? ›

Why does everyone give high fives and clap on Family Feud? They are encouraged to look and sound supportive to their family member, and say “Good Answer!” no matter how stupid the answer is, or if they get an X without saying anything/0 point answers on Fast Money (and say “That's ok, that's ok!”)

Who pays the money on the judge Steve Harvey show? ›

According to the show's official casting website, “all awards/judgements are paid by production.” In other words, if two sisters sue each other for $6,000 (which Steve recently revealed to be one of the cases) and one of them wins, the sum would be settled by the show instead of the participants.

How much does Pat Sajak make a year? ›

What is Pat Sajak's net worth? Celebrity Net Worth estimates Sajak to be worth $70 million, while Money Inc. guesses he's worth slightly less: $65 million. Both these estimates use Sajak's most recently announced salary of $15 million a season (per Forbes).

How much does Pat Sajak make per episode of Wheel of Fortune? ›

That's 48 days per year, $312,500 per workday, and $52,083 per episode. With respect, how do I... take over for him when he retires?

Do game shows pay for travel? ›

You can take it whenever you want. You also don't have to go at all, if you don't want to. Basically, the game show will pay for your tickets after (and if) you purchase them.

How much does one episode of Family Feud make? ›

Steve reportedly rakes in an estimated $20,000 per half-hour episode of Family Feud. According to IMDB, there were 175 game show episodes in the current Season 21, and 200 episodes in Season 20 from 2019. That's $3.5 million per season for Steve, according to our math.

How much does the losing team get on Celebrity Family Feud? ›

In the current Steve Harvey version, there were two games per show. The winners of each game went on to play Fast Money for $25,000. In addition, the losing celebrity team received $5,000 for their charity regardless of the outcome.

Does anyone on Family Feud ever pass? ›

Has anyone passed on Family Feud? Most families are overly-confident and choose to PLAY, but yes I've seen families PASS. I think it's a good strategy for a difficult question, or one with many answers, because you get to collaborate, and only have to get one answer to win all the money.

Does the losing team on Family Feud get any money? ›

If you lose, you don't go home empty-handed.

A former contestant revealed that once her family lost, they were given a $500 debit card before being whisked to the side of the stage to watch their competitors play Fast Money.

How far into Family Feud is fast money? ›

The Fast Money Round is played with two players from the winning team. One player gives answers first; the other remains in isolation. If the performance of the combined players exceeds 200 earned points, the team wins the bonus round. Hit the Show Timer button to load up the 20 second timer for the first player.

What time limit is fast money on Family Feud? ›

Fast Money (known as Big Money in England) is Family Feud/Fortunes bonus round, where two members of the winning family attempts to guess the highest scoring answers to five different questions as they can within the time limit, originally, it was 15 seconds for the first player, then 20 seconds for the second player; ...

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