Bone-Penetrating TASER Bolt: A Rare Case of Penetrating Injury to the Middle Phalanx of the Little Finger (2024)

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  • Cureus
  • v.13(11); 2021 Nov
  • PMC8665366

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Bone-Penetrating TASER Bolt: A Rare Case of Penetrating Injury to the Middle Phalanx of the Little Finger (1)

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Cureus. 2021 Nov; 13(11): e19461.

Published online 2021 Nov 11. doi:10.7759/cureus.19461

PMCID: PMC8665366

PMID: 34912604

Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler

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TASER©(Axon Enterprise, Scottsdale, Arizona) is a type of electric gun that delivers a sudden shock to temporarily disable a human subject. It is used by law enforcement, as well as civilians, worldwide. Despite its wide use as a “non-lethal” form of self-defence, it can lead to serious injuries. We are presenting a rare case report of a 28-year-old man who presented to our Plastic Surgery Trauma Service following a penetrating TASER bolt injury to the middle phalanx of his left little finger.

Keywords: finger, upper limb, foreign body, non-lethal weapon, taser


TASER©guns (Axon Enterprise, Scottsdale, Arizona) fire barbed dart-like electrodes attached by wires to penetrate the subject’s skin and deliver an immediate electric shock. This device is believed to deliver electricity potentially as high as 50,000 volts [1-2]. Once the electricity is passed through the electrodes, skeletal muscles contract, stimulating motor neurons until a refractory period is achieved, leaving the affected subject in a state of paralysis. They are becoming increasingly popular among law enforcement forces worldwide as a replacement for firearms [3].

Serious injuries resulting from the direct penetration of the electrodes have been reported in the literature [4-8]. Injury to the fingers has been reported, causing underlying structural damage requiring formal surgical exploration and repair under regional anaesthesia [1]. The purpose of this case report is to highlight a serious outcome from using this product, as the bolt had penetrated through multiple tissue planes including bone. The patient underwent exploration under general anaesthetic to know the extent of damage, both for medical and legal purposes.

Case presentation

An otherwise fit and healthy 28-year-old man with no previous hand injuries presented to the accident and emergency department after midnight with a retained bolt in his little finger. While resisting police arrest, the police had to use TASER guns to detain him. The patient was awake with no other significant injuries and reported that he was hit with bolts from a distance of approximately two meters. Police officers were able to remove all bolts from his forearms and thighs except for this one in his left little finger, which was fixed to the middle phalanx. After primary and secondary surveys where no other injuries were noted, the patient was referred to the Plastic Surgery Trauma Service. Clinical examination revealed that the bolt entered the dorsum of the middle phalanx with no exit wound. Capillary refill was normal at the tip of the little finger, he had normal sensations in both digital nerves distribution, and the flexor and the extensor tendons were intact.

His X-ray (Figure ​(Figure1)1) showed the bolt penetrating both the cortices of the middle phalanx from dorsal tovolarwith the tip ending in volar soft tissues. From a clinical point of view, the main concern was that the deep, pointed part is barbed at right angles, which would suggest difficult retrieval through the same entry point (similar concept to fish hook barbs). The patientrefused overnight stay, as he was in police custody and preferred to return to receive his treatment the following day. He was discharged with oral amoxicillin/clavulanate 625 mg three times a day.

Figure 1

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Plain radiographs of the little finger

(A) The anteroposterior view shows the TASER bolt with the barbed element (yellow arrow). (B) The lateral view shows the TASER bolt extending through the middle phalanx into the volar soft tissue.

Under regional block and arm tourniquet control, the surgeon retrieved the entire bolt through the entry point and confirmed the complete removal using fluoroscopy. The wound was explored dorsally by a lazy S incision, andthe extensor tendon was split longitudinally at zone II. ABruner’s type incision was used to explore the volar aspect. A hematoma was identified within the flexor sheath, but the flexor tendon was found to be intact. The injury was distal to the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis insertion. Both neurovascular bundles were intact. The flexor sheath, as well as the bony tract, were thoroughly washed out with normal saline. No structural repair was required. The patient was later discharged with oral amoxicillin/clavulanate 625 mg for five more days. No further complications were encountered in the immediate post-operative period.


Thomas A Swift's Electric Rifle or TASER© is a type of electric gun that fires two barbed electrodes attached with an isolated wire to deliver an electric shock to a living subject. It was first invented by an American inventor and later became commercially available via TASER international [3]. It comes in different varieties, including military, police, and civilian self-defence grades. Some models have the option of acting as a stun gun when held directly against the subject [1,3].

When fired, the two dart-like electrodes travel at a speed of 50 meters/second up to a range of 10 meters. Once through the person's clothes/skin, they deliver an immediate electric shock of up to 50,000 Volts over five seconds [1]. The physiologic effect of such a shock is stimulation of presynaptic motor neurons, leading to tonic-clonic contractures followed by a refractory period, during which the person affected is paralyzed [3-5].

Even though TASER guns were introduced to law enforcement agencies worldwide as a non-lethal replacement to firearms [6], serious complications have resulted from its use. Apart from the implications of sustaining a mechanical fall with the potential head and bony injury, structural injuries have been reported to the skinsuch as wounds and burns [1], fractures [7], injury to the eye [4],altered mental status, and even strokes [8].

In our case, the damage was mostly inflicted via the penetrating element of the injury. While upper limb involvement is reported to be present in 7.9% of cases [6], composite finger involvement is rare, with only a few cases published in the literature [1,9]. The injury in our case has involved the extensor tendon, middle phalanx, and flexor sheath, sparing both neurovascular bundles. Although the police officers initially attempted removing the electrode manually, surgical exploration was warranted to identify underlying structural damage and irrigate the affected bone and flexor sheath.


TASER guns are non-lethal weapons used by law enforcement to control subjects by delivering incapacitating electric shocks. The penetrating element of the gun electrode can result in a severe structural injury. Our case is an example of a finger injury that required surgical exploration under regional anaesthesia with underlying bony and tendon damage. We want to draw the attention of the clinicians to refer cases of phalangealbolt injuries for the input of ahand surgeon for removal, exploration and structural repair as required.


The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Human Ethics

Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study


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Articles from Cureus are provided here courtesy of Cureus Inc.

Bone-Penetrating TASER Bolt: A Rare Case of Penetrating Injury to the Middle Phalanx of the Little Finger (2024)


Can a Taser break a bone? ›

For example, individuals who experience taser-induced muscle contractions may fall and suffer from severe head injuries or broken bones. The risk of fatality after a taser shock is relatively low, but it can increase if the individual has pre-existing medical conditions or if certain precautions are not taken.

How effective is a Taser? ›

TASER energy weapons have been used over 5 million times in the field, and in a study of 1,201 field cases of TASER energy weapon use, 99.75% resulted in no serious injury. TASER technology is one of the most studied, safe and effective means of quickly stopping a threat.

What does Taser stand for? ›

The term Taser was initially “TASER,” abbreviating “Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle” after the 1911 novel Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle. The acronym is trademarked but has become informally used to refer generically to similar devices.

How does a Taser work? ›

The darts can penetrate clothing and, once they make contact with the target, deliver the electric shock, which disrupts the target's nervous system, resulting in temporary incapacitation. The Taser is not considered a firearm, because it uses compressed nitrogen to launch the darts.

How painful is being tased? ›

Strikes from stun guns "cause severe, uncontrollable contractions of your muscles, which are very painful," Dr. Jonathan J. Rasouli, a neurosurgeon with Staten Island University Hospital, said, adding: "This is what gives Tasers their incapacitating power and can stun an individual quickly and reversibly."

How long does it take to recover from being tasered? ›

An electric Taser can incapacitate someone for as long as its electrical cycle lasts, typically around 5 seconds. People usually recover immediately and feel no residual side effects, but it's important to keep an eye on them afterward to make sure that there was no injury for at least 20 minutes afterward.

How much damage can a Taser do? ›

Loss of consciousness, abnormal brain function, and even seizures can result from being hit by a taser. In addition, a victim may suffer permanent damage from falling. Also, a taser can cause permanent damage in the form of scarring at the place of impact of the taser.

What is the strongest taser on the market? ›

1. Vipertek VTS-989: Best overall.

What is the failure rate of a Taser? ›

When the stun guns fail to subdue a suspect, however, confrontations may escalate to police using deadly force. And studies, as well as the experience of individual police departments, have shown that Tasers fail to bring down their target as much as 40 percent of the time.

Does a taser pierce the skin? ›

Taser Injuries

electrodes at the victim. The barbs penetrate the skin, causing a painful wound that requires careful treatment, especially if the barbs penetrated near a sensitive body part like the neck or face.

Can civilians buy taser 7? ›

Are Stun Guns and TASERs Legal in California? It is generally legal in California for you to purchase, possess or carry a stun gun or taser for lawful self-defense.

What taser do police use? ›

The M26 differed from other TASER designs in both output and in physical design, and made to function a lot like a standard duty pistol. It has become one of the most popular less lethal weapons in law enforcement, proven safe, effective, and easy-to-use.

Does a Taser make a noise? ›

It makes a loud crackling noise which will tend to intimidate a cognizant person. The Taser is an electrical weapon used for immobilization.

Can I protect myself with a Taser? ›

Use of a Taser

Self-defense is generally only justified in response to an immediate threat of violence. Use of a Taser in situations that are not legally self-defense or use of a Taser as a weapon against another person may be considered assault and can lead to both criminal prosecution and civil liability.

Can a Taser injure you? ›

The TASER's effect on the human body

On skin, the most common affects are superficial burns or small puncture wounds, caused by the metal probes that deliver the current not being immediately pulled off after a person has been tased.

Does a Taser puncture you? ›

The darts leave small punctures. It's important to keep these puncture wounds clean while they heal. Stun guns may cause other medical problems such as burns and muscle problems. Your muscles may be sore for a day or two.

Can a Taser really knock you out? ›

For instance, the TASER® fires at 50 thousandths (0.05) of an amp, but the TASER® XREP uses about 13 milliamps (0.013 amps). TASERs® and TASER® XREPS are both designed to cause pain in addition to their electrical current. But the TASER® is not going to knock someone out unless they're hit on the head with it.

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