Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (2024)

Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (1)

The main difference between bake and convection bake is in how heat is distributed. With convection bake, an air circulation system distributes air inside the oven cavity.With a conventional oven, two heating elements heat air inside the cavity without the use of a fan to circulate the hot air.

Depending on the model, some convection ovens utilize a third heating element in addition to the fan called true convection that can help some foods cook faster than traditional thermal bake settings.

If you have a convection oven or wall oven with convection bake settings, like this model by KitchenAid brand, understanding how different baking cycles work and when to use them can help you achieve the ideal cooking environment for different dishes. Read on to compare convection vs. regular bake and learn when to use convection bake for your recipe.

Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (2) Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (3)


With true convection baking, your oven is able to help maintain optimal temperatures as you cook. The fan used in convection baking helps evenly distribute hot air to help remove excess moisture from the surface of foods and help ensure consistent results across dishes when cooking on multiple racks.


Convection ovens work by using a fan and exhaust system to circulate air distributed from the heating element throughout the oven cavity. On most convection oven models, convection settings can be turned on or off, giving you the flexibility to cook with conventional thermal settings when you like.

Some convection ovens, like this True Convection range model from KitchenAidbrand, feature a third heating element that can help foods cook faster compared to its traditional thermal-bake cycle.

Unlike convection bake, regular bake cycles allow the oven to operate like a conventional, thermal oven. Conventional ovens lack the air distribution system used by convection ovens, distributing heat instead via the active one of two heating elements.


Convection bake is best used for recipes that could benefit from the even heat distribution of hot air circulated throughout the oven via the fan and exhaust system. This heating method makes convection baking particularly useful for baking multiple batches of cookies or dishes on multiple racks.

When you use convection baking settings, you can elevate your roasted meals by achieving crispy, flavorful skins on meats or delicious caramelization on vegetables.

Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (4) Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (5)


In addition to even baking, convection bake settings can help you achieve the ideal environment for cooking specific recipes. Convection settings can fulfill most baking needs and can be used to cook a wide range of foods, including meats, vegetables, casseroles, cookies, pies and more.

Use convection bake to achieve light and flaky baked goods or cook through layered casseroles and pasta bakes. You can also use convection baking to provide the dry environment needed to start experimenting with recipes involving dehydrated or toasted ingredients.

Certain baked goods, however, are best cooked using conventional oven settings. Avoid convection baking foods like cakes, quick breads, custards and other delicate desserts and pastries.

Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (6) Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (7)


Because of the radiant heat produced by conventional oven heating elements, dishes may cook faster or slower depending on their location inside the oven. With a convection oven, the circulated air throughout the oven cavity helps deliver consistent heating to dishes regardless of their placement.

Convection baking also reduces the likelihood of hot or cold spots in your dishes. As a result, your food may cook faster without the need to rotate dishes or adjust cook times to accommodate uneven heat distribution of regular bake cycles.


The even baking and heat distribution of a convection oven provides the ideal environment for making a variety of dishes, including homemade pizzaand oven-baked ribs. With convection baking, hot air is delivered to each area of the pizza for even cooking across the pie.

On most conventional ovens, heat is usually distributed by the bottom heating element, leaving the crust without targeted heat. With convection baking, you may achieve a crispier crust thanks to the circulated hot air inside the oven cavity.Experiment with the many cooking possibilities of convection bake for other homemade recipes like baked desserts or golden, fluffy loaves of sourdough bread.

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Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (10)


KitchenAid® ranges and wall ovens with Even-Heat True Convection combine powerful convection cooking technology with intuitive design to help you achieve consistently delicious results. Browse the full collection of ranges and wall ovens by KitchenAid brand to discover the appliance that’s right for your kitchen.


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Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid (2024)


Convection Bake vs. Bake: What’s the Difference? | KitchenAid? ›

The main difference between bake and convection bake is in how heat is distributed. With convection bake, an air circulation system distributes air inside the oven cavity. With a conventional oven, two heating elements heat air inside the cavity without the use of a fan to circulate the hot air.

Should I use convection bake or just bake? ›

Convection Bake is best for browning, roasting, and quick baking. The convection bake circulates air, which results in a steady, dry temperature. This means that foods will cook faster and the surface of foods will be dry. While these settings make for a delicious roasted chicken, your cake may not fare so well.

When should I not use convection bake? ›

Because the fan blows air around the inside of the oven, moist foods prone to shifting or splattering (like quick breads, custards, and other baked goods) can come out dry and unevenly baked.

What is hotter convection bake or bake? ›

These are some additional differences to keep in mind when cooking on convection bake vs bake: Lower temperatures: Since the circulated air inside a convection oven is hotter, you may need to lower the oven temperature to avoid overcooking food.

How much faster is convection bake vs bake? ›

Convection ovens cook food faster than conventional ovens. To cook in a convection oven, follow this easy formula: reduce the temperature by 25 degrees or reduce the cooking time by 25%. Some ovens today even offer convection conversion, eliminating any guesswork!

What foods are best baked in a convection oven? ›

The Best Foods to Cook in a Convection Oven
  • Bread and Pastries. Convection ovens are great for baking bread and pastries because they provide even heat distribution, resulting in a crispy crust and a tender interior.
  • Roasted Meats and Vegetables. ...
  • Cookies. ...
  • Pizzas. ...
  • Casseroles and Baked Dishes.
Jul 21, 2023

Can you use convection bake for everything? ›

Certain baked goods are best prepared using traditional oven settings. Some recipes will suggest regular bake or convection, but as a general rule, don't use the convection setting for delicate desserts and pastries such as custards, souffle, chiffon and angel food cakes, to name a few.

Is there a downside to a convection oven? ›

1. Expensive: Convection ovens can be more expensive than conventional ovens due to their additional technology. 2. Not as user-friendly: Cooking with a convection oven may require adjusting recipes and cooking times due to the oven's faster cooking times and lower temperature settings.

Should you use bake or convection bake for muffins? ›

BONUS TIP: Use your oven's convection setting!

If you have one, using the fan setting can help to encourage your muffins to rise up nice and tall. Some convection ovens automatically adjust the oven temperature, but if yours doesn't, be sure to reduce your baking temperature or you'll overcook your muffins.

Why does convection baking take longer? ›

Dishes that are baked can take longer to cook than foods that are convection roasted because convection baking is done at a lower temperature. The fan that circulates the air is the primary cause of the speed difference. Even though the temperature remains constant, heat is transmitted more quickly.

Is it better to bake or convection bake potatoes? ›

If your oven has a convection setting, use it. (This temp will help the potatoes get crisper and brown more evenly.) Keep in mind that the convection fan circulating hot air inside will amp up the temperature, so set it closer to 400 F if you're using convection heat.

Should you bake bread in a convection oven? ›

At higher temperatures with water in the bottom, it's a good setting for baking artisan breads: quick oven spring and usually a better crust. Try making Artisan Sourdough Bread in a convection oven.

Is convection bake the same as air fryer? ›

Air fryers and convection ovens have similarities, but they are not the same. Air fryers are much smaller than convection ovens. They may have different methods of heating and different capacities. They also may yield different recipe results.

How to use convection bake? ›

So cooking in a convection oven means you'll have to convert. This is a fairly simple matter of either lowering the temperature or shortening the cooking time (or a bit of both). The simplest method is to set the oven 25 to 50 degrees lower than the recipe says. So if it says 400 F, you go with 375 or 350 F.

Does convection bake go higher than 350? ›

The convection cooking modes automatically reduce the oven temperature by 25 °F (14 °C) by using a feature called auto conversion. For example, Conv. Bake, enter 350 °F, and 325 °F shows on the display after preheat if auto conversion is enabled.

Should I use bake or convection bake for cookies? ›

In conclusion, both convection and conventional ovens can be great for baking cookies, depending on the type of cookie you're making and your personal preferences. Convection ovens are great for thin and crispy cookies, while conventional ovens are better for thicker and chewier cookies.

Should I use a convection oven for baked potatoes? ›

I personally think the best method is conventional or convection, as both uniformly 'cooks' the potato throughout, with the convection oven being different in regard to achieving the same result, at a slightly lower temperature, and cooking in a little less time.

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