Gordon Ramsay: Daily Routine - Balance The Grind (2024)

OnDaily Routines, we profile successful leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, executives and athletes to explore their routines, schedules, habits and day in the life.

In between managing his 35 worldwide restaurants, yelling at wide-eyed cooks on TV shows, starring in reality TV hit shows, Hell’s Kitchen and MasterChef, and building his media empire, Gordon Ramsay also likes to compete in Ironman triathlons twice a year.

“My father passed at 53 with a heart attack. My brother’s an addict,” Ramsay said, talking to Delish about the motivations behind maintaining an active lifestyle. “So I’ve got that scare-mongering going on, on a weekly basis, that I need to stay fit.”

There’s also the fear of the cooking industry consuming him, like it has so many of his peers. “I don’t want my industry to kill me. I know how unhealthy chefs are at the top level,” he told The Daily Mail in 2018. “Stress. Suicide. There’s a big downside to cooking loads for a living. It’s lethal: from obesity to heart attacks to cocaine habits.”

Ramsay’s intense persona on TV is no act, and is indicative of his daily routine. On most days, he’s up at 5am, working 15 to 16 hour days and juggling multiple time zones at any given moment. During a 2015 reddit Q&A, when asked how he manages work-life balance, Ramsay provided a breakdown of his typical working day:

I work my ass off – you know, 15, 16 hours a day. I quite enjoy the time difference when I finish, for instance, last night we were taping Master Chef until 9 or 10 PM at night, I’ll have a quick bite to eat, and then I’ll call the UK at midnight – because come midnight LA time, West Coast time, it’s 8 o’clock in the morning. I’ll say good morning to the kids, I’ll catch up with my business in London, and then from 2-5 o’clock, I sleep, get up, go to the gym, and then start my day again.

I am Gordon Ramsay. AMA. | Reddit

To cater to his demanding lifestyle, as well as maintain his health, Ramsay keeps a close eye on his diet and exercise. For breakfast, he’ll usually keep it simple with a bowl of oatmeal. During the reddit Q&A, Ramsay described his go-to oatmeal recipe:

“The night before, put 3-4 bananas in the oven on a pilot light. And the next day, squeeze the bananas into almond milk, bring it to a boil, then add the oatmeal and dried cranberries, and you’ll have the most amazing oatmeal for breakfast.”

When it comes to the rest of his meals, Ramsay likes to stick to grazing on small dishes throughout the day. “I like the Asian approach of four, five meals a day—small meals—because by the time I get to an entree, I’m full,” he explained to Delish. “I like eating small bits and moving on. I’m pretty picky on that front.”

For his Ironman training, Ramsay will train up to 5 days a week; swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, then putting an 8-hour day on Sunday, which includes an 180 kilometre bike ride and then a 10-15 kilometre run after that.

With a bedtime of 2am, Ramsay averages about 3 hours of sleep every night — similar to Dwayne Johnson’s daily routine, who survives on 3 to 5 hours. It’s certainly an intense schedule, but Ramsay balances it out by backing off on the weekends — Saturdays and Sundays are strictly no work days.

My flagship restaurant in Chelsea has never been open on a Saturday and Sunday – it’s never been open on a week-end, because I thought if we’re going to do this, I’d like to do this properly, so my staff needs time off. So I work hard, but I give myself time off on the week-end. I cut it off, and power down for 48 hours.


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Gordon Ramsay: Daily Routine - Balance The Grind (2024)


Gordon Ramsay: Daily Routine - Balance The Grind? ›

With a bedtime of 2am, Ramsay averages about 3 hours of sleep every night — similar to Dwayne Johnson's daily routine, who survives on 3 to 5 hours. It's certainly an intense schedule, but Ramsay balances it out by backing off on the weekends — Saturdays and Sundays are strictly no work days.

What does Gordon Ramsay do every day? ›

Here is a general outline of his daily routine: 5:00-6:00am - Wake up and go for a run or workout. 7:00am - Arrive at one of his restaurants to oversee the preparation of ingredients and the day's menu. 9:00am - Conduct a briefing with the chefs and kitchen staff to discuss the day's menu and expectations.

What is Gordon Ramsay's workout routine? ›

Normally, however, the three weeks leading up to any race are a flurry of activity. Ramsay will swim every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a swim club that's a few minutes from his house in Los Angeles, and rides his bike on the weekends. Sundays are his most intense training days, when he gets in an 8-hour workout.

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Staying Active is Key

Ramsay is a strong advocate of maintaining an active lifestyle. His personal fitness routine includes a combination of strength training, cardio exercises, and even participating in triathlons. Embracing an active lifestyle helps increase metabolism and improve overall health.

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With his current weight hovering around 196 pounds, Ramsay stands as a living testament to the rewards of unwavering dedication and determination when it comes to achieving fitness goals.

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Ramsay explained that instead of eating the traditional three meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner, he instead enjoys five small meals a day. He continued: “I like to keep on my toes and eat small bits. Almost like in Hong Kong - four or five times a day, small bowls of food.”

What's Gordon Ramsay's favorite meal? ›

Ramsay previously said if he could choose his last meal on Earth, it would be beef Wellington. Ramsay is a huge fan of the British dish, and many regard his own recipe as his greatest of all. In most of Ramsay's restaurants, you can find it on the menu.

How many hours does Gordon Ramsay sleep? ›

With a bedtime of 2am, Ramsay averages about 3 hours of sleep every night — similar to Dwayne Johnson's daily routine, who survives on 3 to 5 hours. It's certainly an intense schedule, but Ramsay balances it out by backing off on the weekends — Saturdays and Sundays are strictly no work days.

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Ramsay eventually forced himself to begin an exercise routine, running on a regular basis. He also began sticking with a healthy diet. His excess weight soon melted off, and he was relieved to find himself looking and feeling much better.

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Example Daily Routine of a Professional Chef. 5:30 AM: Wake up and start the day with a cup of coffee. 6:00 AM: Check emails and review the day's reservations and menu. 6:30 AM: Head to the local market to source fresh ingredients for the day's specials.

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In October 2013, the Gordon Ramsay at The London restaurant in New York lost its two Michelin stars owing to issues encountered by the Michelin reviewers. The guide's director Michael Ellis stated that he was served "some very erratic meals" and also experienced "issues with consistency."

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Ten years ago, approaching his 40th birthday and worried about his health, Kerridge 'went on a massive health journey'. He quit drinking ('I used to have about 20 pints of lager every day') and he started swimming a mile a day, ultimately losing more than a third of his bodyweight.

What is the best exercise for chefs? ›

Jog in place – Jogging in place is the perfect cardio exercise for chefs and kitchen staff. To jog in place, simply lift your knees as you simulate moving forward. Just remember not to actually move forward. You might find yourself running into the dishwasher!

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Gordon Ramsay explains the advantages of having size 15 feet - Los Angeles Times.

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Yet Deen is hardly an anomaly among chefs, or even celebrity chefs. Many of her peers, including Emeril Lagasse, Ina Garten, Mario Batali and Graham Elliot Bowles are extremely overweight and could be at a higher risk for diabetes.

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Gordon Ramsay – Net Worth $220 Million

Having amassed a net worth of $220 million, he can rightfully claim the title of second wealthiest chef globally. Even though he first gained notoriety in the food industry, his television programs account for the majority of his current income.

What are Gordon Ramsay's hobbies? ›

Besides cooking, his hobbies include various sports: he's a triathlete, an avid boxer, a black belt in karate, and a marathon-runner.

What do chefs do all day? ›

Develop recipes and determine how to present dishes. Plan menus and ensure the quality of meals. Inspect supplies, equipment, and work areas for cleanliness and functionality. Hire, train, and supervise cooks and other food preparation workers.

What did Gordon Ramsay do for a living? ›

Aside from his television personality he also owns over 30 restaurants, made head chef at the young age of 27, and is overall quite an impressive chef to follow.

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