Ethyl Alcohol vs. Isopropyl Alcohol: Uses and Effectiveness (2024)

Ethyl Alcohol vs. Isopropyl Alcohol: Uses and Effectiveness (1)Share on Pinterest

Ethyl and isopropyl alcohol are both used as disinfectants and antiseptics and can be effective at killing germs. Ethyl alcohol may cause less skin damage.

If you look at the back of your bottle of hand sanitizer, you’ll likely see ethyl or isopropyl alcohol listed in the ingredients.

Both types of alcohol can be effective at killing germs and are used in healthcare as disinfectants and antiseptics. Studies have found that both alcohols are most effective at killing germs when they’re diluted with water to about 70 percent.

When buying a hand sanitizer, you should check the label to make sure it contains a minimum of 60 percent of either type of alcohol. You may also see ethyl alcohol listed as ethanol or simply “alcohol.”

Isopropyl alcohol can also appear as “2-propanol” on labels.

Keep reading to learn how ethyl and isopropyl alcohol differ and which one is more effective.

Ethyl and isopropyl alcohol are similar molecularly but have different chemical structures.

In chemistry, the definition of alcohol is an organic molecule that contains a hydroxyl group bonded to a saturated carbon atom. A hydroxyl group is an oxygen molecule bonded with hydrogen, written as -OH.

Ethyl alcohol

Ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol, is the most well-known alcohol. It’s the type of alcohol people consume in alcoholic beverages. The chemical structure of ethanol is C2H5OH.

Ethyl alcohol is naturally produced by yeasts when they ferment sugars. As well as being consumed in beverages, it’s used medically as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Ethyl alcohol is a common addition to motor fuels. More than 98 percent of gasoline in the United States contains ethyl alcohol.

Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is also commonly called “rubbing alcohol.” Its molecular structure contains one more carbon and two more hydrogen molecules than ethyl alcohol. Its formula is written as C3H7OH.

Like ethanol, it’s commonly used as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It’s also found in lotions, cosmetics, and face washes.

Ingesting hand sanitizers can lead to death

Consuming hand sanitizers and other alcohol products not made for consumption can lead to serious health consequences or death, even if the label says “ethyl alcohol.” Hand sanitizers made outside the United States can contain another highly toxic alcohol called methanol.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 15 cases of methanol poisoning associated with drinking alcohol-based hand sanitizers from May 1 to June 30, 2020. Four of the people died and three had permanent vision loss.

Even drinking small amounts of isopropyl alcohol is poisonous to children. Coma, seizures, and dangerously low blood sugar are some of the possible side effects.

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The CDC recommends choosing a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent ethyl or isopropanol alcohol and avoiding products that contain less than 60 percent. Both types of alcohol can kill bacteria, viruses, and other germs that can make you sick.

Ethyl alcohol is effective at killing a large range of viruses, but this doesn’t include hepatitis A or poliovirus.

Isopropyl alcohol isn’t as effective against a class of viruses called nonenveloped viruses but is effective at killing enveloped viruses.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is an enveloped virus. Both types of alcohol are effective at killing it, but ethyl may be more effective.

Ethyl vs. isopropyl alcohol for skin health

A 2017 study compared the effects of three types of alcohol on skin health. The researchers found that isopropyl alcohol and n-propanol caused significant damage to skin condition and function, but ethyl alcohol didn’t.

They concluded that ethanol is the best alcohol to apply to your skin, especially if you use it frequently.

Should you use ethyl or isopropyl alcohol for babies and children?

Hand sanitizers containing isopropyl, or ethyl alcohol aren’t dangerous for children or babies when used correctly. But drinking even small amounts can lead to alcohol poisoning, so the FDA recommends only giving them to children under 6 with adult supervision.

The FDA also notes that there’s no need to be concerned if your child licks their hands or eats with their hands after applying hand sanitizer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ethyl is generally considered superior to isopropyl alcohol, but both types of alcohol are effective at killing flu and cold viruses.

A 2021 study published in The Journal of Hospital Infection found that isopropyl or ethyl alcohol in concentrations of 62 to 80 percent was very efficient at disinfecting surfaces from the virus that causes COVID-19.

Ethyl alcohol is safe for consumption in small amounts when it’s consumed in alcoholic beverages. But alcohol is linked to numerous negative health effects and over-consuming ethyl can lead to alcohol poisoning.

Drinking isopropyl alcohol is extremely dangerous and can easily lead to alcohol poisoning. It’s about twice as potent as ethyl alcohol. It’s estimated that about 250 milliliters (8.5 fluid ounces) is lethal to humans. In some cases, as little as 100 milliliters (3.4 fluid ounces) can be fatal.

A concentration of about 70 percent isopropanol or ethyl alcohol is most effective for killing germs.

In general, solutions with 60 to 90 percent alcohol tend to be more effective at killing viruses than solutions with alcohol concentrations outside this range. Weaker concentrations are noticeably less effective because less alcohol comes into contact with germs.

Stronger concentrations may be less effective because there’s not enough water. Water is needed to increase contact time with viruses and slow down evaporation.

Alcohol destroys germs by breaking down fats and proteins that they need to survive.

The exact mechanism of isopropyl alcohol’s ability to break down germs isn’t known, but it’s thought to break down proteins and the DNA that viruses, bacteria, and other germs need to survive. It’s also thought to dissolve the fat and protein that make up their protective outer membrane.

Ethanol kills germs in a similar way, by breaking down their essential fats and proteins they need to survive.

Ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are commonly used as disinfectants and antiseptics. Both alcohols are effective at killing germs when used in concentrations over 60 percent, but there’s some evidence that ethyl alcohol is less damaging to your skin.

It’s extremely dangerous to drink products containing either type of alcohol that aren’t meant for human consumption. If your child drinks hand sanitizer, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Ethyl Alcohol vs. Isopropyl Alcohol: Uses and Effectiveness (2024)


Ethyl Alcohol vs. Isopropyl Alcohol: Uses and Effectiveness? ›

Ethyl alcohol is effective at killing a large range of viruses, but this doesn't include hepatitis A or poliovirus . Isopropyl alcohol isn't as effective against a class of viruses called nonenveloped viruses but is effective at killing enveloped viruses.

Which is more effective, isopropyl or ethyl alcohol? ›

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that 70% ethyl alcohol is a powerful broad-spectrum germicide and is considered generally superior to isopropyl alcohol. However, both provide adequate germicidal properties. The antimicrobial activity of alcohols results from their ability to denature proteins.

Why is isopropyl alcohol used instead of ethanol? ›

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is the more common choice for cleaning electronics because it evaporates more rapidly than ethanol and also because it does not leave any traces of oils upon evaporation. Similarly to ethanol, most laboratories have ample quantities of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) around for general purpose use.

What is ethyl alcohol effective against? ›

Ethyl alcohol, at concentrations of 60%–80%, is a potent virucidal agent inactivating all of the lipophilic viruses (e.g., herpes, vaccinia, and influenza virus) and many hydrophilic viruses (e.g., adenovirus, enterovirus, rhinovirus, and rotaviruses but not hepatitis A virus (HAV) 58 or poliovirus) 49.

What are the advantages of ethyl alcohol? ›

Uses & Benefits

Ethanol is a common ingredient in many cosmetics and beauty products. It acts as an astringent to help clean skin, as a preservative in lotions and to help ensure that lotion ingredients do not separate, and it helps hairspray adhere to hair.

What is the best alcohol for disinfecting? ›

You can buy rubbing alcohol with a concentration of 70% or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Even though you may think the higher concentration is more effective, experts say 70% is actually better for disinfecting. It has more water, which helps it to dissolve more slowly, penetrate cells, and kill bacteria.

Can I clean electronics with ethyl alcohol? ›

For cleaning electronics you should only use ultra-pure electronics grade ethanol, which is completely mineral-free and contains (almost) no water. Ethyl alcohol is not a particularly strong solution, but it is relatively inexpensive and ideal for such routine tasks as removing layers of accumulated dirt or corrosion.

Is it okay to mix isopropyl and ethyl alcohol? ›

There's no problem with mixing up any co*cktail of alcohols, as they won't react with each other. The only consideration is that, if you're planning to use it for disinfecting, you should stick to water-miscible alcohols. That means methanol, ethanol, or propanol and isopropanol.

Which rubbing alcohol is best for cleaning electronics? ›

Isopropyl alcohol removes oils, adhesives, fingerprints, soldering flux and other contaminants, making it ideal for cleaning electronics. However, it is important to note that only alcohol with a grade of 90% or more should be employed on circuit boards and other internal electronics.

Can you clean glass with ethyl alcohol? ›

The anti-bacterial properties Ethanol possess means that is awesome for disinfecting surfaces like wood, plastic and glass. The quick evaporation means that it leaves no residue behind. The denatured component of Ethanol means that prevents bacteria growing and kills the present bacteria.

What are the disadvantages of ethyl alcohol? ›

Ethanol is harmful by ingestion, inhalation or by skin absorption. Repeated contact can dry the skin resulting in the skin cracking, peeling and itching. Ethanol can depress the central nervous system, the eyes and upper respiratory tract (nose and throat).

What conditions should be avoided when using ethyl alcohol? ›

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.

Why is ethyl alcohol bad? ›

► Exposure to Ethyl Alcohol can cause headache, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, and unconsciousness. It can also affect concentration and vision. nervous system.

What's the difference between ethyl and isopropyl alcohol? ›

The vital difference between isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol is that the latter is safe for human consumption, while the former is hazardous for ingestion. However, denaturants added to ethanol in industrial disinfecting and cleaning products make it unpalatable for consumption.

What is ethyl alcohol 70 percent used for? ›

First, it has been found to be more effective at killing microorganisms than higher concentrations of isopropyl alcohol. This is because the water content in the 70% IPA solution allows for better penetration into the microorganisms and denaturation of proteins.

What are two pros and cons of ethanol? ›

Ethanol has both pros and cons as a renewable fuel source. While it is renewable, domestically produced, and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than non-renewable sources of energy, it is less energy-dense, expensive to produce, and can have negative impacts on the environment.

Why is it better to use 70% isopropyl alcohol than 100% ethanol to use as a disinfectant? ›

70% IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell, coagulates all proteins, and therefore the microorganism dies. Extra water content slows evaporation, therefore increasing surface contact time and enhancing effectiveness.

Which is better 70% or 80% of ethyl alcohol? ›

Ethanol for Disinfection

Ethanol is an effective disinfectant at concentrations between 70% and 90%. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, 70% ethanol seems to be the most effective concentration, as 90% ethanol coagulates the protein, and the protein layer that is created effectively renders the cell dormant.

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