Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (2024)

|Updated: Jan 21, 2018, 12:38 PM IST

Banning of books is not a new phenomenon, several governments in the world have banned books due to some reason or the other

Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (1)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (2)

Trump's rage

As President Trump raged against the book "Fire and Fury" threatening legal action, the publishers quickly published it days ahead of schedule. However, this is not a new phenomenon, several governments the world over have banned books due to some reason or the other.


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (3)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (4)

China bans book for 'insult' to humans

Alice in Wonderland was banned in China’s Hunan province by the Governor as far back as 1931.

The primary reason for the ban was because the censor general believed attribution of animals acting like humans with the same complexity was an “insult”. The Chinese believed teaching children to have animals and humans on the same level could prove to be disastrous.


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (5)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (6)

India bans Naipaul’s book

India hasn’t been too far behind while banning books, it is surely not a recent phenomenon, Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie came much later.

VS Naipaul's 1964 book “An Area of Darkness” was banned in 1964 for "negatively portraying India". The book is still on the “banned list” 60 years later.

The book which is in the form of a travelogue looks at India through the eyes of an “outsider”. The book looked at India’s caste system, poverty and nostalgia for the British Raj which did not go well with Indian authorities in the 60s. (Image source:


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (7)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (8)

Pakistan bans book on Jinnah

The book written by Professor Stanley Wolpert was banned in Pakistan in 1984 by general Zia’s government.

The Pakistan government requested Wolpert to delete a few pages but the author rejected it. Benazir’s government however allowed the book to brought back and it went on sale after 1989.

The book was banned in Pakistan for “misinterpreting” the Jinnah. (Image source:


;Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (9)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (10)

Soviet Union bans Dr Zhivago

The iconic novel written by Boris Pasternak was banned by Soviet Union in the 1950s. It was smuggled to Italy and then published in Milan.

Pasternak won the Noble Prize for literature

Some passages were declared “anti-Soviet” as authorities believed it portrayed individualism over socialist ideas and was critical towards communism.

The book was later adapted into a Hollywood film starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie and became even more famous.

The Soviet government, however, lifted the ban after 1988 and it became freely available after the fall of the Soviet Union.(Image source:


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (11)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (12)

Bangladesh’s ‘lajja’

The Bangladesh government banned “Lajja”(shame) written by Taslima Nasreen in 1993. The book was published later but Taslima was forced to flee Bangladesh after receiving death threats.

The Bangladeshi writer still hasn’t returned home living in India and elsewhere in Europe since then.

The book has been translated into several languages. The book talked about the plight of Hindus in aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolitions in 1992.(Image source:Amazon)


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (13)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (14)

All Quiet on the Western Front

The book was written by Erich Maria Remarque who was a German veteran of World War I.

Adolf Hitler’s Germany banned the book as it felt it could demoralise troops. The book published in 1928 was openly burned after the Nazis came to power in 1933. It was deemed “anti-German”.

The “anti-war” book was attacked by the Nazis for pushing a “pacifist agenda”.

It became a Hollywood classic after it was adapted into a movie in 1930.( Image source:


Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (15)Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (16)

Shivaji – Hindu King in Islamic India

The Maharashtra government banned the book written by James Laine in 2004 after Hindu nationalist groups namely the Maratha Mahasangh stormed an acclaimed research archive in Pune and destroyed several manuscripts.

Although India’s then PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee condemned the violence, the state government went ahead and banned it.(Image source:

Fire & Fury: When China banned 'Alice in Wonderland' & India stopped Naipaul's book (2024)


Why was the book Alice in Wonderland banned in China? ›

The book was reprinted and re-released in 1866. By 1884, 100,000 copies had been printed. In 1931, the work was banned in China by the Governor of Hunan Province on the grounds that “Animals should not use human language, and…it [is] disastrous to put animals and human beings on the same level.”

Why Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ended up on the banned book list? ›

And roughly a decade after Disney's 1951 animated production of the film Alice in Wonderland, the book was again met with dismay—this time by parents in culture-changing America during the 1960s, as they believed that it, along with the movie, encouraged the evolving drug culture with its “overt” allusions to ...

What famous book was banned in Hunan China because of their laws against animals using human language? ›

1931: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll was banned by the governor of Hunan province in China because, he said, animals should not use human language and it was disastrous to put animals and humans on the same level.

Are there any books banned in China? ›

Books of allegorical fiction that obliquely criticize the Chinese government. Censorship in mainland China also extends from political topics into social taboos. The CCP has made strict regulations on books that have explicit descriptions of sex, like extramarital sex.

Why was the book The Truth About Alice banned? ›

A book review committee jointly made up of Flagler Palm Coast High School and Matanzas High School representatives on Tuesday voted unanimously to keep The Truth About Alice in circulation at both schools' libraries. The book was challenged on claims that it contained “p*rnography.”

What's the dark story behind Alice in Wonderland? ›

Is Lewis Carroll's tale really about sex, drugs, and colonialism? Some say yes. Others argue it's about eating disorders or the Wars of the Roses.

What is the #1 most banned book of all time? ›

What Is the Most Banned Book in America? For all time, the most frequently banned book is 1984 by George Orwell. (How very Orwellian!) The most banned and challenged book for 2020 was George by Alex Gino.

What is the number 1 banned book? ›

This is the list of the most banned books in the first part of the 2022-2023 school year, according to the PEN America Index of School Book Bans. Gender Queer: A Memoir remained at the top of the list, as it was in the 2021-2022 school year, joined this time by Flamer.

Why was Charlotte's Web banned? ›

Some school districts aimed to ban the book from schools because they believed the book has unsuitable topics for children to read about. One major complaints was that the story portrayed talking animals that can communicate and act just like humans.

Why is Huckleberry Finn banned? ›

Alleged racist content has been the reason most often cited for banning or challenging Huck Finn, particularly since 1957 and the rise of the civil rights movement in the United States.

Why was Winnie the Pooh banned in America? ›

Midwestern Ban

In 2006, school districts in the Midwest, especially in Kansas, have also banned Winnie the Pooh for religious reasons. They considered talking animals to be an insult to God, so they also banned any clothing with its characters on them.

Why Harry Potter is banned? ›

There were concerns over the violence and increasingly dark tone of the later books but most of the censorship attempts were for religious reasons. It was also banned in some Christian schools in the UK.

Are any books currently banned in the US? ›

Several books, such as Gender Queer, This Book Is Gay, and The Bluest Eye continue to be targets of censorship, while books such as Flamer, Push, and Milk and Honey were more frequently banned this school year than last.

Are any books illegal in the United States? ›

Note that there is no legal penalty for publishing a book, or a child or adult owning it, or reading it, in PEN's definition. No one is being punished for selling it. The “banning” is removal from a public institution, or restricting minors' access in that institution.

Are there any books banned in the US? ›

America is deeply divided on many issues, so of course, book ban trends vary dramatically by state. Some states ban hundreds of books in one semester, while many others ban none at all. In the fall semester of 2022, there were 1,477 total book bans involving 874 unique titles.

Which country has Alice in Wonderland banned? ›

The novels were banned in China in 1931, on the grounds that “animals should not use human language”.

What year was Alice and Wonderland banned in China? ›

In 1931, a government censor, General Ho Chien, banned books from Alice in Wonderland in China's Huan Province. The reason for his ban was that the animals depicted in the book were too humane.

Why was Alice in Wonderland controversial? ›

The novel is most often challenged for its alleged promotion of drug use. The most controversial scene takes place after Alice enters Wonderland and meets the philosophic caterpillar. The caterpillar sits atop a mushroom, smoking a hookah, offering Alice advice on how to find the white rabbit.

What is the Chinese name for Alice in Wonderland? ›

01 - Alice in Wonderland (Traditional Chinese): 愛麗絲夢遊仙境(繁體)

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