Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (2024)

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (1)


Updated on Mar 25 • 6 minute read


Italy’s pleasant weather, delicious food and peaceful culture attract more than 120,000 immigrants per year. Depending on where you're coming from, you might need a residence permit (Permesso Di Soggiorno) to stay in Italy.

For each permit type, we’ll walk you through:

  • The eligibility criteria
  • The requirements
  • The application processGetting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (2)
What is a residence permit?

First things first, what is a residence permit and when do you need it?

A form of an Italian residence permit is a legal document that you must have if you intend on staying in the country for more than 3 months.

As per the Italian immigration law, there are two types of residence permits- Temporary and Permanent. Each of them comes with a series of benefits.

Benefits of the temporary residence permit

Even though having a temporary residence permit doesn’t provide you with the same rights as an Italian citizen, it’ll give you the following benefits:

  • Freedom of travelling to other EU countries
  • The right to work in Italy
  • A clear path to obtaining a permanent residence permit
Benefits of the permanent residence permit

The permanent residence permit, on the other hand, grants foreigners the same rights as every Italian national. You can apply for it after living in Italy for five uninterrupted years. Securing your permanent residence in the country means that you’re entitled to:

  • Using the complete set of health care services provided by the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN)
  • Freedom to relocate to any other EU member state
  • Partake in pension schemes

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (3)

Temporary residence permit for Non-EU citizens

If you’re a non-EU citizen who intends to spend more than 90 days in Italy, you must obtain a temporary residence permit within 8 days of your arrival in the country.

Find out about the application process and requirements below.

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (4)


An essential prerequisite for your successful residence permit application is the possession of one of these long-term visas:

  • Work visa
  • Student visa
  • Self-employment visa
  • Family reunion Visa
  • Elective residence visa
  • Golden visa

Once you’ve entered Italy, you’ll need to submit a filled-out application form within 8 days of your arrival date.


The acquisition and successful submission of the application form is a two-step process.

Your first stop is at the local police station (Questura). You’ll have to fill in a declaration of residence (dichiarazione di residenza) and your fingerprints are going to be taken.

Once you sort out the procedure at the police station, your next stop is one of the local post offices (Patronato), where you’ll complete and submit some additional paperwork. The paperwork referred to as “The Kit”, is a set of documents in Italian that you must fill out in order to get your appointment at the police station.

The appointment is typically set for 60 days after the submission of "The Kit", but can also take up to six months.

In order for your application to be considered valid, you’ll need to bring the following with you:

  • Four passport-sized photos
  • A valid passport
  • Documentation confirming the purpose of your stay (e.g. an employment contract or proof of enrollment)
  • All the documents you used in your visa application
  • Proof of private health insurance from a company authorised to operate in Italy

You must bring an original and a photocopy of each of the documents.

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (5)


The total cost of the residence permit is € 76,46 as of September 2022. The specific charges that make it up are:

ChargesCost (€)
Acquiring the residence card€ 30,46
Application Stamp€ 16,00
Mailing fee€ 30


The validity of your Italian residence permit depends on the purpose of your stay in the country. The most common types of residence permits and their corresponding validity are as follows:

Purpose of residence permitValidity
Academic1 year
Seasonal work6 to 9 months
Regular employmentUp to 2 years
Family reunification2 years

Renewing your residence permit

The following timelines apply based on the validity of your Italian residence permit:

ValidityRenewal requirement
Up to 6 monthsA minimum of 30 days before the expiration date
1 & 2 yearsA minimum of 90 days before the expiration date

You’ll have to bring the same documents as for initial application to your extension appointment. You can file your extension request at the local post office, trade unions or the municipality.

The cost of the renewal varies depending on the purpose of the residence permit, with the prices starting at € 80.

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (6)

Permanent Italian residence permit

Regardless of your country of origin, you are eligible to apply for a permanent residence in the country after 5 uninterrupted years of residence in Italy.

The permanent residence permit is also referred to as an EU Long Term Residence Permit.

Application process

In order for you to apply for the EU long term residence permit, you’ll have to collect the so-called “yellow kit” from the local post office.

Once you’ve filled in the “yellow kit”, you’re expected to file it at the post office.

Required processing time

Your EU long term residence permit application will be processed within four to six weeks.


There are four conditions that you must keep in mind if you want to obtain a permanent residence permit:

  • You must be able to prove that you’ve been residing in italy for the past 5 years
  • You must be able to present a clean criminal record
  • You must pass an Italian language test proving that you have at least a proficiency level of A2
  • You must have income sufficient enough to support yourself and any dependents

Once you’ve secured your EU long term residence permit, you’re only five years away from securing your Italian citizenship!

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (7)

Do I need to obtain an Italian residence permit as an EU citizen?

No, you do not. The only requirement for entering Italy as an EU citizen is having a valid European ID, regardless of the intended period of the stay. However, if you plan to stay longer than 3 months, you'll need to register your Italian address (iscrizione anagrafica). If you move you'll need to inform the authorities of your new address within 20 days of moving.

Registering your Italian address

If you plan to stay in Italy for more than 3 months you'll have to register your address. Once you arrive, you've 8 days register your Italian address. You can do this at the local police station (Questura).

Process for registering your Italian address

Once you’re registered with the local Questura, you have to complete the following steps:

  1. Get your Italian fiscal code (Codice Fiscale)

This code is your unique identifier in the country and serves you in all civic matters in Italy.

  1. Make an appointment at the local registry

Securing your time slot in the local registry (anagrafe) has to be done quickly since the wait time can be up to 3 months. You can see the available slots on this website.

  1. Bring all the originals and translated copies of these documents to your appointment:
  • Passport
  • The completed declaration of residence (dichiarazione di residenza)
  • A registered housing contract
  • Proof of health insurance by a provider certified to operate on the territory of Italy
  • Proof of sufficient income to sustain yourself (at least € 448.52 p/m) or Proof of employment

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (8)

With all of the above sorted out, you can expect an official to visit your declared residential address to confirm its validity within 45 days of your application.

If you’re not home at the time of the visit, don’t worry. The official will leave a note informing you about the time and date of the next visit.

Once the official has confirmed your address, you’re all set to return to the local registry and collect your residency certificate.

Now that you have an overview of the process for acquiring an Italian residence permit from the perspective of EU and Non-EU citizens, you’re all set to advance on the rest of the items on your relocation checklist.

Note! Immigration laws can be subject to change. This guide has been prepared in accordance with the latest information as of September 2023. Always make sure to follow the guidance provided on the website of Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Please reach out to if you have any suggestions or inquiries about the content on this page.

Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024) (2024)


Getting your Italian residence permit as an international (2023-2024)? ›

You can apply for Italian citizenship after living in Italy for 10 uninterrupted years with this type of residence permit. 2. Carta di Soggiorno: a permanent residence permit issued for an indefinite period. You can apply for it after 5 uninterrupted years of residing in Italy with a temporary residence permit.

How can a US citizen get residency in Italy? ›

You can apply for Italian citizenship after living in Italy for 10 uninterrupted years with this type of residence permit. 2. Carta di Soggiorno: a permanent residence permit issued for an indefinite period. You can apply for it after 5 uninterrupted years of residing in Italy with a temporary residence permit.

What is the visa program for Italy in 2024? ›

Remote workers can now apply for the Digital Nomad Visa in Italy. As of April 2024, the country accepts applications for the highly anticipated Digital Nomad Visa. Call us on +44 (0)333 414 9244 for immediate help and assistance.

How to apply for an Italian residence permit? ›

To apply for permesso di soggiorno, or a residence permit in Italy, foreigners must first get a visa at the Italian embassy in their country of residence and then travel to Italy and apply for a residence permit at the local Immigration Desk.

How much money do you need to get residency in Italy? ›

In particular, the applicant must demonstrate a minimum of 32,000€/year of passive income. Italian Consulates generally require a little more to issue an Elective Residency Visa. (i.e., some US Consulates require a minimum of 50,000/60,0000€, depending on the nature of incomes).

How long does it take to get a residence permit in Italy? ›

Once you've filled in the “yellow kit”, you're expected to file it at the post office. Your EU long term residence permit application will be processed within four to six weeks.

What is the elective residence visa Italy 2024? ›

The Italian elective residence visa is intended for foreigners who want to live in Italy without an employment contract, being able to support themselves autonomously (i.e. retired persons, persons with high self-sustaining incomes and financial assets).

Can I get residency in Italy if I buy a house? ›

No, foreigners do not need an Italian residency visa or permit to buy real estate in Italy. The property purchase itself does not grant residency rights. At this time (2023) there's no specific Visa for real estate investments.

What is the golden visa rule for Italy? ›

Defining the Italy Golden Visa

Under this program, applicants must make a significant financial investment in Italy which can take several forms: A minimum of €2 million in government bonds. At least €500,000 in corporate bonds or shares. A minimum of €250,000 in innovative startups.

How to immigrate to Italy in 2024? ›

Below you can find out the most popular ways to obtain a residence permit and immigrate to Italy in 2024.
  1. Residence permit for financially independent foreigners. ...
  2. Investor visa to Italy. ...
  3. Italian residence permit through business (business immigration) ...
  4. Italy Digital Nomad Visa. ...
  5. Self-Employment Visa in Italy.

How do I prove residency in Italy? ›

Providing proof of address in Italy should be fairly straightforward - you will need a certificate of history of legal residence in Italy (with an affixed tax stamp) and authenticated copy of your residence permit (with an affixed tax stamp).

Can I leave Italy while waiting for my residence permit? ›

In the waiting period you will have a receipt, issued by the Post Office, which testifies that you complied within the terms of 8 eight days with the Law requirements. Please note that with this receipt, you can leave Italy but you cannot re-enter Italy.

What is Italy residence permit called? ›

The Italian residence permit, “permesso di soggiorno,” is usually issued for a period of up to 5 years. After living in the country for 5 years, you can apply for permanent residence, and after 10 years, you may become eligible for citizenship.

What is the easiest way to get residency in Italy? ›

Italian Permanent Residency forNon-EU Citizens
  1. .have a minimum income no lower than the annual amount of the welfare allowance.
  2. be regular resident of Italy for at least 5 years.
  3. provide police clearances certificates.
  4. pass an Italian language test, equivalent to the A2 level.
  5. .have a suitable accommodation.

Is it difficult to get residency in Italy? ›

To qualify for permanent residence, you must have lived in Italy for at least five consecutive years. You are not allowed to leave the country for a continuous period of more than six months, or a total period of more than 10 months. That said, the requirement can be eased in some cases.

Is Italy offering residency for retirees? ›

The Visas are available when Retiring in Italy

It is also known as an Italian investor visa and allows retirees to eventually gain Italian citizenship. In order to qualify for the elective residency visa, you are not permitted to carry out any paid work whilst living in Italy.

Can an American live permanently in Italy? ›

As a second immigration strategy, American citizens can permanently move to Italy by becoming Italian nationals. This is possible if you meet the requirements to apply for the Italian Citizenship. There are different types of Italian Citizenships you can apply for, depending on the requirements you meet.

Can you buy a house in Italy if you are a US citizen? ›

Can Americans buy property in Italy and do I need citizenship? Absolutely yes, many Americans buy Italian property and you do not need citizenship. You can buy as a resident if you qualify and intend living there, or as a non resident. Many Americans think citizenship is needed but this is not the case.

Can I get residency in Italy if I own property? ›

In Italy, a residence permit by the purchase of real estate is not issued automatically, it must be issued on another legal basis. In addition, the purchase of the property does not provide the right to legal stay in Italy.

How to retire in Italy as an American? ›

Getting an Italian Visa

While a visa is unnecessary if you're merely visiting Italy from the U.S., you'll need to apply for one in order to gain permanent residency if you plan to retire in Italy. You'll also have to provide proof of sufficient retirement funds with which you can support yourself.

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