Thinking about moving to Italy and want to know your Visa options! - Dreamhomes (2024)

Thinking about moving to Italy and want to know your Visa options! - Dreamhomes (1)Thinking about moving to Italy and want to know your options!

There are 2 different ways to gain residency in Italy for non-European citizens, the first is elective residency for property investment and the other is an Investment visa for those who are looking to gain entry for themselves and their primary family in order to obtain permanent residence. In the following paragraphs I will explain how to go about this.


The Italian government has recently introduced a specific discipline within immigration law, the so-called “Investors Visa”. The new Investors visa allows the entry and residence in Italy, outside of the entry quotas established annually by the government, to foreigners who wish to do one of the following:

  • invest at least € 2 million in securities issued by the Italian government, to be held for at least 2 years;
  • invest at least € 1 million in equity instruments of a company incorporated and operating in Italy, to be held for at least 2 years;
  • invest at least € 500.000 into an existing Italian innovative start-up company;
  • make a philanthropic donation of at least € 1 million to support a public interest project, in the fields of culture, education, immigration management, scientific research, recovery of cultural and landscape assets.


The Minister for Economic Development, in cooperation with the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, adopted on July 21st2017, a decree implementing the provisions of article 26-bisof TUI. The implementing provisions clarify that the issuance of the visa and the relevant residence permit are subject to verification of an actual investment or donation, provided that it is kept for at least for two years. The issuance and the validity of theInvestor Visaare also subject to verification of the lawful source of the investment.

The implementing decree grants the power to issue theInvestor Visato anad hocInterministerial Committee. The decisions of this Committee will be approved by a majority of the members, except those concerning the release of the certificate of no impediment (nulla osta) to entry in Italy which will be approved in the absence of opposing votes.

Documents required

The foreign applicant shall submit to the Committee:

  • Copy of a passport valid at least 3 months beyond the visa validity;
  • documentation proving the beneficial ownership of the sums used for the investments and that these sums are available and can be readily transferred in Italy;
  • A certification proving the lawful source of the funds, which consists in (a) a self-declaration of the applicant and (b) a copy of the applicant’s criminal records that show the lack of criminal convictions and pending charges in the ten years prior to the application;
  • A declaration by which the applicant commits to make, within three months from entrance in Italy, the investment and to keep it for at least two years. The declaration must also include a description of the recipient and the characteristics of the investment.

The Committee will render a decision within 30 days from the submission of the application.

In case of a favorable decision, the Inter-ministerial Committee will send the clearance to the relevant consulate that will issue theInvestor Visa.

TheInvestor Visaholder shall receive a 2 years valid investor residence permit, renewable for further 3 years, subject to verification of the maintenance of the investment in Italy. Indeed, the issuance of the permit is subject to the verification that the investment has effectively been completed within 3 months of entry in the country. The permit can be revoked even before its expiration date, if it is ascertained that the investment has been withdrawn before the 2-year term (or 3-year term in case of renewal).

Permanent residence permit

As per the current law provisions, after 5 years of legal stay in Italy, the holder of anInvestor Visacan request a permanent residence permit (i.e. EC residence permit for long term residents).

The permanent residence permit has no expiry date, must not be renewed but only updated, assigns the foreigner the right to enter Italy without a visa, and is not related to any investment or donation made in the past. The permanent residence permit may be requested by foreigners who:

  • are legally residing in Italy for at least 5 years;
  • are holders of a valid temporary residence permit;
  • have an annual income from legitimate sources equal, at least, to the amount established yearly by governmental authorities (€824,91 for 2017);
  • pass an Italian language test.


Entry visa for foreign nationals intending to come to Italy to inspect properties for purchase

An Elective Residence Visa allows entry into Italy for residence purposes, to foreign nationals intending to settle in the country, who have the financial resources to support themselves independently, without active employment. The Visa is issued only if all requirements have been met and all documents attesting to their reliability have been produced. It will be valid for 6 months, for short stays up to 90 days (valid throughout the Schengen area).

Having obtained an Elective Residence Visa and made entry into the country, the foreign national can, within 8 days and with all the indispensable guarantees, convert his Entry Visa into a Elective Residence Permit.

An Elective Residence Permit can also be extended to a cohabiting spouse, underage children and adult children both cohabiting and dependent, on condition that the above mentioned financial resources are also considered adequate and applicable to them. Financial resources are around € 31.000,00 per person per annum.

The task of assessing the adequacy of the foreign national’s financial means to support him/herself and family members is referred to the competent Police Authority.

Duration, Renewal and Cancellation

The Visa is issued for 1 year and is renewable in Italy by the Police Authorities with territorial jurisdiction on condition that all the original requirements continue to be met over time.

The residence permit cannot be renewed or extended if the foreign national has interrupted their stay in Italy for a continuous period of over six months, unless the interruption was due to military service obligations or other serious and substantiated reasons.

After 5 years, it is possible to apply for a long-term Residence Card valid for 5 years.

After 10 years it is possible to apply for Italian Citizenship.


Long term multi-entry tourist visa for a person investing in Italian real estate.

Anyone wishing to make a real estate investment in Italy who does not intend to transfer residence can obtain a long term Schengen visa (5 years), if the requirements of their stay in the country do not exceed 90 days every 6 months. The requirements needed to apply for this type of visa are the same as those needed to obtain a normal tourist entry visa, in addition to proof of having completed the purchase of a property in Italy.

The holder of this type of visa is allowed to travel freely throughout all the countries in the Schengen area.

Schengen Area

The Schengen Convention allows European Citizens from member states to travel freely through the 26 countries within the Schengen Area with a simple id card.

The area is made up of 22 EU member states:

Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia

and four participating countries (i.e. non EU member states):

Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein

(Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the United Kingdom are part of the EU but have not adhered to the Schengen Agreement – the United Kingdom will be leaving on the 29th March 2019)

Foreign nationals already resident in a Schengen State and holding a residence permit, do not require visas for stays not exceeding 3 months, on condition that entry into Italy does not occur for reasons of subordinate employment, salaried employment, self-employment or training.

If you should be interested in more information on any of the solutions aforementioned please do not hesitate to contact us at –

Thinking about moving to Italy and want to know your Visa options! - Dreamhomes (2024)


Thinking about moving to Italy and want to know your Visa options! - Dreamhomes? ›

There are 2 different ways to gain residency in Italy for non-European citizens, the first is elective residency for property investment and the other is an Investment visa for those who are looking to gain entry for themselves and their primary family in order to obtain permanent residence.

Can I buy a house in Italy and live there permanently? ›

If you plan to live in your Italian property, or intend to spend vast amounts of time throughout the year there, you will need to apply for a visa. A visa is necessary if you plan to spend more than 90 days in any Schengen area country, including Italy, in a 180-day period.

Can a US citizen move to Italy permanently? ›

You can apply for Italian citizenship after living in Italy for 10 uninterrupted years with this type of residence permit. 2. Carta di Soggiorno: a permanent residence permit issued for an indefinite period. You can apply for it after 5 uninterrupted years of residing in Italy with a temporary residence permit.

How long can an American stay in Italy if they own property? ›

Purchasing a holiday home means that American citizens may spend 90 days in Italy with a visitor visa. After 90 days the visitor visa expires and American citizens will have to go back to their country or another non EU country in order to re-enter Italy after a few days.

What is the golden visa program for Italy? ›

Italy Golden Visa offers non-EU nationals an opportunity to get a residence visa in exchange for an investment in Italy. The program grants a residence permit that is valid for two years. After this period is over, the permit can be extended for three years.

How much money do you need to get residency in Italy? ›

In particular, the applicant must demonstrate a minimum of 32,000€/year of passive income. Italian Consulates generally require a little more to issue an Elective Residency Visa. (i.e., some US Consulates require a minimum of 50,000/60,0000€, depending on the nature of incomes).

Can I move to Italy without a job? ›

A little bit of a stretch – the Elective Residency visa

If you want to move to Italy without a job, the other option you might be able to apply for is the elective residency visa. This is often known as the retirement visa, as it is much more appealing to retirees.

What is the downside of retiring to Italy? ›

Whether you are American or British, anybody who retires in Italy is subject to tax. Expect to pay a seven percent tax on any foreign income, including pensions. In terms of tax incentives, new residents can pay a flat €100k annual tax fee on foreign income remitted to Italy for 15 years.

Where do most Americans live in Italy? ›

Once you've decided on your location, you'll need to look at apartments or homes for rent. Rome, Florence, and Milan are all popular cities for Americans moving to Italy, so there's no shortage of options.

How hard is it for Americans to move to Italy? ›

Americans must have an entrance visa which should be obtained at an Italian consulate before coming to Italy, in order to remain in Italy more than three months and gain resident status. This procedure will take several weeks to complete so it is advisable to apply well in advance of the departure date.

What jobs can an American get in Italy? ›

Job Vacancies in Italy
  • Software development, banking, engineering.
  • Graphics, digital production, and media.
  • Marketing positions, customer service, and sales.
  • Teaching English and translators.
  • Tour guides and hospitality managers.
  • Accountants and personal assistants.

What is the 183 day rule in Italy? ›

The Physical Presence Test. The Legislative Decree introduced this new test of residence effective for FY 2024 onward. If you are physically present on Italian soil for more than 183 days (or 184 in a leap year) you are considered tax resident in Italy. Days or arrival in and departure from Italy count as a whole day.

Can I buy land in Italy as a U.S. citizen? ›

Buying property in Italy as a US citizen is fully permitted by Italian law. This is primarily because of the principle of reciprocity: Italy opens its property market to nationals from countries where Italian citizens are likewise permitted to purchase property.

Does buying property in Italy give you residency? ›

No, foreigners do not need an Italian residency visa or permit to buy real estate in Italy. The property purchase itself does not grant residency rights. At this time (2023) there's no specific Visa for real estate investments.

Does Italy allow dual citizenship? ›

Based on current laws, Italy recognises dual nationality and does not put any limit on the number of citizenships you may hold. This means an Italian citizen is allowed to have three or more passports as long as the other nations where they are citizens have similar laws that allow this.

How to immigrate to Italy in 2024? ›

Below you can find out the most popular ways to obtain a residence permit and immigrate to Italy in 2024.
  1. Residence permit for financially independent foreigners. ...
  2. Investor visa to Italy. ...
  3. Italian residence permit through business (business immigration) ...
  4. Italy Digital Nomad Visa. ...
  5. Self-Employment Visa in Italy.

Can an American buy a home and live in Italy? ›

Can Americans buy property in Italy and do I need citizenship? Absolutely yes, many Americans buy Italian property and you do not need citizenship. You can buy as a resident if you qualify and intend living there, or as a non resident.

What are the pitfalls of buying property in Italy? ›

Not fully understanding the local property taxes and maintenance obligations can result in unexpected costs. For instance, Italy has an IMU tax (a kind of municipal tax on property) that varies depending on the region and property type. Failure to understand these nuances can lead to financial strain down the line.

How to get permanent residency in Italy? ›

You must be able to prove that you've been residing in italy for the past 5 years. You must be able to present a clean criminal record. You must pass an Italian language test proving that you have at least a proficiency level of A2. You must have income sufficient enough to support yourself and any dependents.

Does it make sense to buy a house in Italy? ›

With its thriving cities, historic architecture, and beautiful landscapes, Italy is a popular place for expats to put down roots and purchase real estate. However, while property prices are lower than in some European countries, the Italian home-buying process can be longwinded.

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