How do major political parties split control of Congress? (2024)

While presidents often first sweep into office with their party controlling both the House and Senate along with the executive branch, every president since 1980 has faceddivided government, with the opposing party capturing the majority of at least one chamber of Congress, for at least some of his tenure.

That sort of division is not possible in many countries, but in the United States “it is not at all unusual,” says Alan Abramowitz, a professorof political science at Emory University and an elections expert.

The American founders all those centuries ago envisioned the House of Representatives (where the minimum age is lower and terms only last two years) to be more in tune with the public and the Senate (with six-year terms) to be a stabilizing counterbalance. “When the chambers are in the hands of two different parties, the differences are magnified,” says Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University.

The new — divided — Congressthat took office this month isn’t hugely different from the previous version, but a nine-seat change in party representation flipped control of the U.S. House of Representatives to the Republicans. Republicans won 222 seats to 213 for Democrats, though one elected Democrat has since died, leaving Democrats with 212 seats.

Democrats still control the Senate — with 51 votes instead of last term’s 50 plus the tie-breaking Vice President Harris. (The Democratic caucus, or voting bloc, includes three independents who vote with the Democrats.)

How do major political parties split control of Congress? (1)

President Biden, a Democrat, stays in the White House until he (if reelected) or another elected presidential candidate begins the next four-year term in January 2025.

So why do American voters choose people of different political persuasions to run different parts of the government? Abramowitz says it’s a function of a very close divide among Americans between the two parties. And he points out that while some voters chose candidates based on their party, many independent (“swing”) voters choose based on the particular candidates in their district. “The party balance is the outcome of so many different elections,” he says.

Divisions beget compromise

Divided government highlights a wariness voters have of politicians as a group, according to Baker, even when voters like their own local representative. “They feel stalemate is a good thing.”

The practical effect of different parties in the White House and the House of Representatives will mean enacting legislation will require compromise.

In the near term, “it’s going to be difficult, if not impossible, for the president to get parts of his legislative program enacted,” Abramowitz says.

Had the Republican party picked up a bigger slice of the House, it might have looked forward to pushing a heftier agenda of policies. “Republicans have a handful more members, but it isn’t a mandate,” Baker says.

Abramowitz says that within Congress, the switch to Republican control of the House means that the party can control what legislation is voted upon and use its investigative powers to dig into things the party doesn’t like. Republicans will control the many committees and subcommittees that oversee budgets and policies. On each committee, a Republican will fill the chairman’s seat and the party will seat a majority of the committees’ members and employ more staffers than will members of the Democratic party.

How do major political parties split control of Congress? (2)

The advantages matter. For instance, the majority party controls the powerful House Rules Committee, giving it leverage over whichproposalscome up for a vote and what amendments toproposed billsare allowed on the House floorfor debate.

But with only 10 more votes than Democrats have in the House, Republicans will need to hold together to wield any power. Conservative firebrands on the one hand, and moderate Republicans on the other, will need to compromise, Abramowitz says. “The key is 218 votes.”

The majority party chooses a speaker, or leader, of the House of Representatives. The speaker traditionally has held considerable sway, especially when his or her party projects a united front. (The speaker is also second in the line of succession behind the vice president.)

After 15 votes, a majority of House members chose Republican Kevin McCarthy, who represents a district in California, as speaker. In doing so, they agreed to give more clout to small groups and even individual Republicans. The agreement allows just one Republican to call for a vote to oust the speaker. Such rules — as well as committee assignments — can be changed with each new session of Congress.

Senate sway over the judiciary

In the Senate, Democrats will run committees, but stricter rules there require supermajorities (well over the 51 votes that the Democrats control) to pass many measures.

Still, Democrats’ slim control of the Senate will mean that Biden will be able to get judicial and executive branch appointees confirmed more easily, since the Senate (without the House) controls the judicial confirmation processes.

If a seat opens up on theU.S. Supreme Court, for instance, Biden could have a lasting impact since his nominee, if confirmed, would serve for life.“It’s hugely important,” Abramowitz says.

By U.S. Mission Italy | 12 January, 2023 | Topics: News | Tags: U.S. political parties

How do major political parties split control of Congress? (2024)


What party has control over Congress? ›

Republicans won 222 seats to 213 for Democrats, though one elected Democrat has since died, leaving Democrats with 212 seats. Democrats still control the Senate — with 51 votes instead of last term's 50 plus the tie-breaking Vice President Harris.

How Congress is split? ›

Congress is a bicameral legislature divided into two equal institutions: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state sends elected representatives and senators to Congress.

Which refers to split party control of Congress and the presidency? ›

In the United States, divided government describes a situation in which one party controls the White House (executive branch), while another party controls one or both houses of the United States Congress (legislative branch).

How did the political parties split? ›

Beginning in the 1820s, Democratic Republicans in Congress divided over questions about the powers of the federal government, which set the stage for two new political parties.

Have the Democrats ever controlled the House and Senate? ›

The Democratic Party would not simultaneously control both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate again until more than a decade later, during the 117th Congress. The 111th Congress was the most productive congress since the 89th Congress.

What control does Congress have? ›

The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

Why is Congress split in two? ›

While they share legislative responsibilities, each house also has special constitutional duties and powers. To balance the interests of both the small and large states, the Framers of the Constitution divided the power of Congress between the two houses.

What is the political split of the House of Representatives? ›

United States House of Representatives
Seats435 voting members 6 non-voting members 218 for a majority
Political groupsMajority (217) Republican (217) Minority (213) Democratic (213) Vacant (5) Vacant (5)
Length of term2 years
27 more rows

How many Democrats and Republicans are in the House? ›

Total MembershipParty Divisions
· 435 Representatives· 217 Republicans
· 5 Delegates· 213 Democrats
· 1 Resident Commissioner· 0 Independents
· 5 Vacancies

What was the split within the Congress party? ›

On 12 November 1969, the Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi was expelled from the Congress party for violating party discipline. The party finally split with Indira Gandhi setting up a rival organisation Indian National Congress (Requisitionists), which came to be known as Congress (R) or Indicate .

What is it called when one political party controls everything? ›

A one-party state, single-party state, one-party system or single-party system is a governance structure in which only a single political party controls the ruling system.

What refers to split party control of Congress and the presidency quizlet? ›

Divided government is the term used in the USA to refer to the situation in which one party controls the presidency while the other party controls Congress.

Which party controls the US Senate? ›

United States Senate
Minority WhipJohn Thune (R) since January 20, 2021
Political groupsMajority (51) Democratic (48) Independent (3) Minority (49) Republican (49)
29 more rows

What are two major political parties in the United States? ›

In the U.S. these two parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Other parties, often generally termed “third parties”, in the U.S. include The Green Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party and Natural Law Party.

When did the US government split into two parties? ›

Emerging political parties transformed American politics between 1824 and 1840, engaging the general public in politics and organizing two rival parties dedicated to a different vision of the Constitution and government.

Which party currently holds the majority in the Senate? ›

United States Senate
Political groupsMajority (51) Democratic (48) Independent (3) Minority (49) Republican (49)
Length of term6 years
29 more rows

What is the makeup of the Congress? ›

Congress has 535 voting members: 100 senators and 435 representatives. The U.S. vice president has a vote in the Senate only when senators are evenly divided. The House of Representatives has six non-voting members.

Does the president have control over Congress? ›

The President has the power either to sign legislation into law or to veto bills enacted by Congress, although Congress may override a veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses.

Who leads the Senate? ›

The United States Constitution designates the vice president of the United States as president of the Senate.

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