How many votes are needed to win the House speaker election? (2024)

By Ellen Uchimiya

/ CBS News

Since Rep. Kevin McCarthy was removed as speaker over two weeks ago, Republicans, who hold the majority in the House, have selected two nominees to replace him. Both have failed to secure enough support to win the speaker's gavel because neither reached the threshold necessary within their own party to guarantee victory.

All of the Democrats have voted to support House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries whenever the question has been put to a vote.

Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, lost a second round of voting Wednesday. With 22 Republicans voting against him, Jordan had even less support than he did in the first round. The House is voting for a third time on Friday.

How many votes are needed to win the election for House speaker?

The magic number is usually 218, a simple majority of the 435 members in the House. In the 118th Congress, however, it's currently 217.

This year, David Cicilline, Democrat of Rhode Island, resigned in June, and Chris Stewart, Republican of Utah, resigned in September. Both seats will be filled by special elections in November. For now, that means that it takes one vote less to reach a majority, if all 433 lawmakers are present and voting for a candidate.

Republicans hold 221 seats in the House, and Democrats have 212. It's a slim majority of 9 that allows the GOP to lose only four votes from their side on any measure if Democrats are united against it.

Candidates who fell short of 217 in race to succeed McCarthy

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and Jordan ran against each other within the Republican conference to be the GOP speaker nominee. Scalise was the first Republican selected by his party, but when he could not secure the backing of enough of Jordan's supporters, he dropped his bid.

Jordan had even less support — 55 Republicans said in a secret ballot last Friday that they opposed his candidacy. Over the weekend, he sought to change their minds, and by Monday evening, he had won seven new endorsem*nts that day alone. He and his allies predicted Jordan would win the speakership Tuesday when the House met. Jordan even suggested to reporters that he might win on the first ballot.

But the vote on Tuesday did not bear out his optimism. Jordan had only 200 votes Tuesday, and then Wednesday, he had lost ground and ended up with 199 Republicans supporting him, well short of the 217 he needed to win.

In the past: Winning the speakership without 217

It is possible to win the speakership without hitting 217 in this Congress, but in order to do so, a candidate would have to coax some of those in opposition to change their votes from "no" to "present." Measures are passed in the House with a majority of those who cast a vote.

For instance,McCarthy won the speakership in January on a vote of 216-212, convincing enough of his GOP colleagues who had voted against him to support his bid.The six remaining Republicans who withheld their support for McCarthy up to the final ballot — Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Bob Good of Virginia and Matt Rosendale of Montana — voted present.

Faced with a similarly small majority in 2021, Rep. Nancy Pelosi also won her final speakership with 216 votes. Five Democrats either voted for someone else or voted present, and all of the Republicans voted for McCarthy.

Ellen Uchimiya

Ellen Uchimiya is the Washington executive editor of and is based in Washington, D.C. She was previously the Washington bureau chief for Bloomberg Television and formerly worked as a producer at Fox News.Location: Washington, D.C.

How many votes are needed to win the House speaker election? (2024)


How many votes does it take to win Speaker of the House? ›

How many votes are needed to win the election for House speaker? The magic number is usually 218, a simple majority of the 435 members in the House.

Does the Speaker of the House have to be from the majority party? ›

Speaker of the House

Every two years, the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives vote on the first day of each new Congress. Both of the major political parties nominate one candidate for the position of Speaker. The candidate from the majority party usually wins.

Who is the next Speaker of the House? ›

Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) is elected Speaker of the House. On October 25, 2023, Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) was elected as the Speaker of the House. As a Congressman, Speaker Johnson represents the northwest and western regions of Louisiana.

Can a Democrat be the Speaker of the House? ›

In the 2006 midterm elections, the Democratic Party regained control of the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House, becoming the first woman to hold the position. President Bush acknowledged Pelosi as the first woman in that position in the opening of his speech.

How many votes are needed to win? ›

A candidate needs the vote of at least 270 electors—more than half of all electors—to win the presidential election. In most cases, a projected winner is announced on election night in November after you vote. But the actual Electoral College vote takes place in mid-December when the electors meet in their states.

What are the rules for winning the Speaker of the House? ›

Under the modern practice, the Speaker is elected by a majority of Members-elect voting by surname, a quorum being present. Manual §27; 1 Hinds §216; 6 Cannon §24. The Clerk appoints tellers for this election. However, the House, and not the Clerk, decides by what method it shall elect.

Who is the Speaker of the House in 2024? ›

Incumbent Speaker

The House Republican Conference has been led by Mike Johnson since October 2023, following the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House and the speaker election which elected him. He is the first congressman from Louisiana to be elected Speaker of the House.

How long does the Speaker of the House serve? ›

Term of Office; Vacancy Term Limit The Speaker's term of office begins on his taking of his oath of office, which immediately follows his election and opening remarks. The term ends on the expiration of the Congress in which he was elected, unless he has resigned, died, or been removed from office.

Who was the youngest Speaker of the House? ›

After the vote Ryan delivered his first remarks as speaker-elect and was sworn in by John Conyers, the dean of the House, becoming, at age 45, the youngest person elected as speaker since James G. Blaine (age 39) in 1869.

What party controls the Speaker of the House? ›

The majority party chooses a speaker, or leader, of the House of Representatives. The speaker traditionally has held considerable sway, especially when his or her party projects a united front. (The speaker is also second in the line of succession behind the vice president.)

Has a House speaker ever been removed? ›

McCarthy's removal marked the first time in American history that a speaker of the House was removed through a motion to vacate. The vacancy started a process to elect a speaker that began following an eight-day recess.

What is the nickname of the Democratic Party? ›

Members of the party are called "Democrats" or "Dems". The most common mascot symbol for the party has been the donkey, or jackass. Andrew Jackson's enemies twisted his name to "jackass" as a term of ridicule regarding a stupid and stubborn animal.

How does the House speaker vote work? ›

Once the House is in a quorum – meaning the minimum number of members are present to proceed – the speaker nominee from each party will be read aloud by the respective leaders before a roll call vote to elect a new speaker. The clerk then appoints lawmakers from each party as tellers to tally the votes.

How many votes are needed to expel a member of Congress? ›

Article I, section 5 of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member."

How many House votes to pass a bill? ›

If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate. In the Senate, the bill is assigned to another committee and, if released, debated and voted on. Again, a simple majority (51 of 100) passes the bill.

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