How to clean wood furniture with vinegar (2024)

How to clean wood furniture with vinegar (1)

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April 30, 2023 3 min read

Keeping your wood furniture clean is essential for its longevity and beauty. However, cleaning wood furniture can be a challenge, as using the wrong cleaning solutions or techniques can cause damage to the wood.

Fortunately, there's a simple and effective solution that you probably already have in your pantry: vinegar.

Vinegar is a natural and effective cleaning solution for wood furniture, as it can remove bacteria, dirt, and grime without harming the wood. In this article, we'll show you how to clean wood furniture with vinegar, step by step.

Why vinegar works for cleaning wood furniture

Vinegar is a mild acid that can dissolve dirt and grime on wood furniture. Additionally, vinegar is a natural disinfectant, which means that it can kill bacteria and germs on your wood furniture. Moreover, vinegar is safe to use on wood furniture, as it doesn't contain harsh chemicals that can damage the wood.

Preparing the wood furniture for cleaning

Before you start cleaning your wood furniture with vinegar, it's essential to prepare the furniture. Here are the steps you should follow:

Remove dust: Use a dry microfiber cloth to remove dust and debris from the surface of the wood furniture. This will prevent the dust from scratching the wood when you're cleaning it.

Test the vinegar: Before applying vinegar to your wood furniture, test it on a small, inconspicuous area to make sure it doesn't damage the wood. Apply a small amount of vinegar to the area and wait a few minutes. If the wood doesn't show any signs of damage, you can proceed with cleaning.

Protect the floor: Place a drop cloth or newspaper on the floor to protect it from any drips or spills.

Cleaning wood furniture with vinegar

Once you've prepared your wood furniture for cleaning, it's time to get started. Here are the steps you should follow:

Mix the vinegar solution: Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Spray the vinegar solution: Spray the vinegar solution onto the surface of the wood furniture. Be careful not to saturate the wood with the solution, as too much moisture can damage the wood.

Let the vinegar sit: Let the vinegar solution sit on the wood furniture for a few minutes. This will give the vinegar time to dissolve any dirt or grime on the wood.

Wipe the wood furniture: Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the wood furniture. Make sure to wipe in the direction of the wood grain to avoid scratching the wood.

Repeat if necessary: If the wood furniture is still dirty, you can repeat the process until it's clean.

Tips for cleaning wood furniture with vinegar

Here are some tips to help you use vinegar safely and effectively on your wood furniture:

Don't use undiluted vinegar: Undiluted vinegar can be too harsh for wood furniture and can cause damage. Always dilute the vinegar with water before using it to clean wood furniture.

Don't use vinegar on unsealed wood: If your wood furniture is unsealed, vinegar can penetrate the wood and cause damage. Only use vinegar on sealed wood furniture.

Don't use vinegar on waxed or oiled wood: If your wood furniture is waxed or oiled, vinegar can dissolve the wax or oil and cause damage. Use a cleaner specifically designed for waxed or oiled wood.

Use a soft cloth: Always use a soft cloth, such as a microfiber cloth, to clean your wood furniture. Hard materials, such as paper towels, can scratch the wood.

Don't use too much water: Too much water can damage wood furniture. Only use a small amount of water when cleaning with vinegar.

Clean regularly: To keep your wood furniture looking its best, it's important to clean it regularly. You can use vinegar to clean your wood furniture once a month or as needed, depending on how dirty the furniture gets.

Address stains and odors: If your wood furniture has stains or odors, vinegar may not be enough to remove them. You can try using a specialized wood cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water to tackle stubborn stains and odors.


Cleaning your wood furniture with vinegar is a safe and effective way to remove dirt and grime while maintaining the beauty and longevity of your furniture.

By following these simple steps and tips, you can ensure that your wood furniture stays clean and looking its best for years to come.

Remember to always test the vinegar on a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning and to use a soft cloth to avoid scratching the wood. With a little care and attention, your wood furniture will look as good as new.

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How to clean wood furniture with vinegar (2)

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How to clean wood furniture with vinegar (2024)


How to clean wood furniture with vinegar? ›

Vinegar: Mix three tablespoons of white distilled vinegar with one cup of water. Dampen a soft cloth with the mixture and dab on a test spot. If it has no negative effect, continue cleaning. Buff with a dry cloth afterward.

How long to leave vinegar on furniture? ›

How to clean your couch with vinegar
  1. Vacuum thoroughly to get rid of as much dirt, dust, and pet hair as possible.
  2. Fill a spray bottle with 1 cup warm water to ½ cup white vinegar and ½ tablespoon of liquid soap (like Dawn or Sunlight)
  3. Spray the vinegar solution over your sofa in an even mist.
  4. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

How much vinegar and water to clean furniture? ›

Dilute white vinegar with water.

Mix three tablespoons (45 mL) of vinegar for every cup (240 mL) of filtered water. You can also add a small amount of mild scented dish soap to the mixture to cover over any vinegar scent.

How to restore wood furniture with vinegar and baking soda? ›

Nothing beats white vinegar (once a year) to remove stains and impurities: if the wood is varnished, white vinegar instantly dissolves all the dirt and brings the wood back to life. Or you can use lemon combined with baking soda: rub the lemon cut in 2 well on the wood and clean it with baking soda, diluted in water.

Is white vinegar safe for wood furniture? ›

Because vinegar is acidic, it can corrode wood and stone, it can destroy wax, kill plants, and cause other damage.

What does white vinegar do to wood furniture? ›

Wood surfaces can receive remarkable benefits from vinegar, especially white vinegar. With the proper dilutions, it is an excellent cleaner. It acts as a mild acid because of the acetic acid in it. It's a powerful active ingredient that combats grime, grease, and buildup on wood surfaces.

Will vinegar take finish off wood? ›

Diluted vinegar can dissolve the finish that protects the wood and leave it looking cloudy, dull, or scratched. (The same goes for wood furniture.) Follow the manufacturer's cleaning recommendations or pick a cleaner that's made specifically for hardwood flooring.

What happens if you leave vinegar for too long? ›

The only real side effect from leaving vinegar to its own devices is that its acidity will gradually decrease over time, making it less potent. This is why a "best by" date can be found on the bottle, but it's still perfectly fine long past that — it isn't an "expiration date," by any means. Vinegar does not expire.

What is the best thing to clean old wood furniture with? ›

As a first step to removing layers of grime from old wood furniture, use an oil soap (Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, $4, Target) and water. Rinse and dry well. If the finish still seems dirty, clean lightly with #0000 steel wool dipped in a cleaning product.

Can you use Dawn dish soap on wood furniture? ›

A quick wipe down with a damp microfiber towel and a drop of dish soap, or even a scrub down with Clean-A-Finish for the worst pieces, will ensure that you are enhancing the brightest, cleanest version of your wood finish possible. Just clean, dry, then buff in a little polish to shine.

Does vinegar bleach wood? ›

Vinegar is typically 5% acetic acid. It will degrade wood with long exposure. It will dissolve calcium and other metallic compounds. If you expose wood for enough time it will bleach and soften it.

How do you clean old furniture with white vinegar? ›

Combine one cup extra virgin olive oil, one cup white distilled vinegar, and one teaspoon castile soap in a spray bottle. You can add 15 drops of your favorite essential oil for scent too. Shake bottle and test on your wood furniture. To use, spray on a microfiber cloth and wipe your furniture clean.

Why is my wood table sticky after cleaning? ›

Why is my wooden table sticky? A sticky surface typically comes from an accumulation of dirt, cooking grease and grime. Another possibility is from the buildup of furniture polish, especially waxes or oils.

How to make wood shine like glass? ›

The best option is to use a varnish or lacquer to give the wood a high gloss finish. While varnish can be sprayed or brushed on, lacquer is best applied by simple spraying. Spraying makes the surface seem finer than painting as it doesn't leave any strokes behind.

Is it good to clean wood with vinegar? ›

Diluted vinegar can dissolve the finish that protects the wood and leave it looking cloudy, dull, or scratched. (The same goes for wood furniture.) Follow the manufacturer's cleaning recommendations or pick a cleaner that's made specifically for hardwood flooring.

What is the best product to clean old wood furniture? ›

Denatured Alcohol: Choose denatured alcohol such as methylated spirits or a wood spirit. Denatured alcohol is basically ethanol with a few extra ingredients that make it a more aggressive substance. In other words, denatured alcohol is an excellent solvent for cleaning.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.