How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (2024)

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (1)

It can be tough to deal with an immature child.

They may be frustrating, and it can seem like they are never going to grow up.

But don't worry, you can help them grow up!

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for parents that will help an immature child grow up into a mature adult.

Parenting Therapists in Colorado

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (2)

Katherine Fijman, LPCC, LACC

Aurora, Colorado

(720) 449-4121

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (3)

Susan Mullen, LPC


(719) 345-2424

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (4)

Margot Bean, LCSW

Colorado Springs, Colorado

(719) 345-2424

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (6)

Hailey Gloden, MA, LPCC, NCC

Colorado Springs, Colorado

(719) 602-1342

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (7)

Katherine (Kate) Taylor, MBA, MA, LPC


(719) 345-2424

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (8)

Naomi Kettner, LPCC, NCC

Colorado Springs, Colorado

(719) 452-4374

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (9)

Kathleen (Katie) Quick, LPCC


(720) 449-4121

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (10)

Marie Whatley LPCC


(719) 345-2424

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (11)

Kimberly Nefflen, LPCC

Colorado Springs, Colorado

(719) 602-1342

How do You Help a Child Become More Mature?

It is not uncommon for children to act immaturely.

They may tantrum when they don't get their way, refuse to cooperate with others, or make careless mistakes.

While immaturity is a normal part of childhood development, there are ways to help a child become more mature.

One way is to encourage thoughtful and deliberate decision-making.

This means giving them time to think through their choices and providing them with guidance when needed.

It is also important to teach children how to handle frustration in a constructive way.

This may involve helping them identify their feelings, problem-solving together, and role-playing different scenarios.

Another way is to provide opportunities for your child to practice taking responsibility.

This could involve helping out around the house, caring for a pet, or doing chores.

It is also important to praise your child when they take responsibility for their actions and show maturity.

And one another idea is to set a good example!

Children often look up to their parents and other adults in their lives.

So if you want your child to be more mature, be sure to model the behavior you want to see in them.

These are good thoughts to think about when learning how to help an immature child grow up.

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How Can You Tell if Your Child is Immature?

Many children develop at different rates, so it can be difficult to know if your child is immature.

However, some general signs may indicate that your child is not yet ready for certain tasks or responsibilities.

For example, if your child regularly has meltdowns or tantrums, this may be a sign of immaturity.

Similarly, if your child is chronically late for school or appointments, this may also indicate a lack of maturity.

Additionally, children who are frequently forgetful or disorganized may need more time to develop their organizational skills.

Of course, every child is different, and it is important to discuss any concerns with your child's teacher or doctor.

However, if you notice that your child is consistently struggling with age-appropriate tasks, it may be an indication that they are immature.

What are Some of the Causes of Immaturity in Children?

Many things can cause immaturity in children.

One cause could be unresolved trauma or attachment issues from early childhood.

This might make it harder for the child to form trusting, secure attachments with others and to feel comfortable in relationships.

Another possibility is that the child has difficulty self-regulating their emotions and behaviors, which can lead to impulsive and immature actions.

Some children might have developmental delays which can impact their social and emotional skills.

Finally, some children might simply lack age-appropriate experiences or role models, which can prevent them from developing a sense of maturity.

Ultimately, there are many potential causes of immaturity in children, and it is important to explore the specific reasons why a child might be acting immature in order to best support their needs.

It's important to keep this in mind when learning how to help an immature child grow up.

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (12)

What Are the Benefits of Maturity for Children?

One of the joys of parenting is watching your children grow and mature. As they learn and develop new skills, they also begin to view the world in a more nuanced way.

This process of maturity can bring several benefits to children.

For one, they are better able to understand and cope with difficult emotions. They can also develop stronger relationships, both with their peers and with adults.

They may become more independent and responsible. As they mature, children are better able to navigate the challenges of life.

With each new milestone, they gain a greater sense of confidence and self-assurance. All of these factors can lead to a more positive outlook on life.

So as your child grows up, take pride in their accomplishments and enjoy watching them blossom into adults.

When Do I Seek Professional Help?

If you are concerned about your child's level of maturity, it is always a good idea to consult with their doctor or another professional.

They can help you better understand your child's development and offer guidance on how to best support their needs.

Additionally, they can provide referrals to other professionals, such as therapists or counselors, if necessary.

Do not hesitate to reach out for help if you are concerned about your child's development. With the right support, your child can grow and mature at their own pace.

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (13)

What Should I Avoid When Helping My Child's Maturity?

There are a few things to avoid when helping your child's maturity.

First, do not compare your child to other children their age. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and can hinder their development.

Second, do not be too critical of your child. They are still learning and growing, and they will make mistakes along the way.

Third, do not try to force your child to grow up too quickly. They will reach maturity in their own time.

Finally, avoid using shaming or punitive tactics when trying to encourage maturity. These methods are ineffective and can damage your relationship with your child.

These are a few good ideas to think about when learning how to help your child mature and grow up.


Parenting an immature child can be challenging.

However, by understanding the causes of immaturity and the benefits of maturity, you can better support your child as they grow up.

If you have any concerns about your child's development, do not hesitate to seek professional help. With the right guidance, your child can reach their full potential.

How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up (2024)


How to Help an Immature Child Grow Up? ›

Parents can help by teaching kids to speak up for themselves and their boundaries. Try coming up with a script they can use when they feel overwhelmed. Modeling self-regulation can also help. For example, if your child is upset, you could say: “I know it can be hard to calm down.

How can I improve my child's maturity? ›

How To Raise Emotionally Mature Children
  1. Teach Them How To Identify Their Emotions. ...
  2. Don't Minimize Your Children's Feelings. ...
  3. Be An Example of Emotional Maturity. ...
  4. Don't Say Yes To Your Child's Every Request. ...
  5. Teach Them The Importance of Gratitude. ...
  6. Talk About Empathy For Others. ...
  7. Get Them Involved in Activities.
21 Nov 2021

Why is my 15 year old daughter so immature? ›

Acting immature can be a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. Hyperactivity, trouble with focus, and not getting enough sleep can be factors. Connect with other adults to find out what they've noticed, and work together to help kids develop skills.

Is immaturity a symptom of ADHD? ›

Delay in brain development

One reason immaturity might be confused with ADHD is that ADHD itself has been linked to a delay in brain maturation. An older child with ADHD might present behaviors that are typical in a younger child — and the opposite could be true if your frame of reference is older children.

What are the 5 signs of maturity? ›

It gives us five marks of spiritual maturity.
  • A mature person is positive under pressure. ...
  • A mature person is sensitive to people. ...
  • A mature person has mastered his mouth. ...
  • A mature person is a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. ...
  • A mature person is patient and prayerful.
26 Jul 2022

What causes a child to not mature? ›

Some children might have developmental delays which can impact their social and emotional skills. Finally, some children might simply lack age-appropriate experiences or role models, which can prevent them from developing a sense of maturity.

Is it normal for a 17 year old to be immature? ›

But even though many 17-year-olds think they are adults, their brains still have not yet fully developed. So while they may have skills to regulate their impulses, they also may behave recklessly at times.

Are 18 year olds still immature? ›

Should we really be giving full reign to an 18-year- old? According to research published by the National Institutes of Health, a child's brain doesn't fully develop until they hit 25. Their study shows many alarming things that young adults are susceptible to below that age.

How mature should a 16 year old be? ›

A 16-year-old knows that adulthood is not far away, so they will start to show more independence and engage in less conflict with their parents. They also will begin making decisions with that independence in mind. However, their choices may not always feel like the right ones to their parents.

At what age does ADHD peak? ›

The symptoms may peak in severity when the child is seven to eight years of age, after which they often begin to decline.

What age does ADHD mature at? ›

The brain's frontal lobes, which are involved in ADHD, continue to mature until we reach age 35. In practical terms, this means that people with ADHD can expect some lessening of their symptoms over time. Many will not match the emotional maturity of a 21-year-old until their late 30's.

Is my son lazy or ADHD? ›

People who are lazy typically don't make an effort to complete tasks at work, school, or home. ADD/ADHD people, however, may try really, really hard but still can't tackle what they want to accomplish. This can lead to frustration, low self-esteem, and feeling bad about your abilities.

Why is my 14 year old childish? ›

A 14-year-old boy's behavior is by and large controlled by the hormonal and neurobiological changes that occur during puberty. On top of that, there is peer pressure, self-doubt, and the growing need for acceptance. Your teenage son's brain is also still developing.

Is it OK to be childish at 16? ›

Almost everyone your age feels immature. Relax. It's normal. (A little secret: no one ever feels the kind of powerful confidence that you think adults are feeling.

How can I mature at the age of 15? ›

10 Ways To Become More Mature & Responsible
  1. Set goals. If you don't know what you're aiming for, how do you plan to get there? ...
  2. Practice self-control. ...
  3. Stay persistent. ...
  4. Respect other people's opinion. ...
  5. Build self-confidence. ...
  6. Take ownership. ...
  7. Listen more. ...
  8. Avoid negativity.
14 Aug 2018

What age do kids become more mature? ›

By the time girls reach age 15 and boys reach age 16 or 17, the growth of puberty has ended for most and they will have reached physical maturity.

At what age does maturity start? ›

From ages 13 to the mid-20s, humans develop a sense of identity, both as an individual and as part of a group, the cornerstones for this stage of maturity. During this time of life, individuals explore their sexuality and learn to deal with more mature relationships.

What age does maturity develop? ›

Under most laws, young people are recognized as adults at age 18. But emerging science about brain development suggests that most people don't reach full maturity until the age 25.

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