Mercury is the heaviest liquid.What is the advantage of the given property in the working of a barometer?a. It gives stability to the apparatus.b. It rises to a maximum height of 76cm which is the smallest value for a fluid.c. Other impurities float over (2024)

Hint: Mercury is very dense liquid for standard temperature and pressure (STP). Mercury density is the highest in the liquids; it will need a smallest column to measure the pressure. HG is the symbol for mercury and its Latin name Hydrargyrum, which means liquid silver. Determine the advantage of mercury in the barometer by using the above statement.

Complete answer:
Mercury is the ideal liquid for a barometer. Barometer is used to measure the pressure. Mercury is a very dense liquid for standard temperature and pressure (STP). Mercury density is the highest in the liquids; it will need a smallest column to measure the pressure. HG is the symbol for mercury and its Latin name Hydrargyrum, which means liquid silver.

It conducts electricity and we use it in a variety of devices such as thermometers, barometers, batteries etc. it is a very toxic metal and has to be avoided. In the nineteenth century, hat makers used mercury in their hats. Breathing the mercury fumes eventually caused kidney and brain damage. It is a silver white metal.

The most ideal liquid for the barometer is mercury due to the following reasons it is the heaviest liquid. Mercury rises to a height of only 75cm to balance the atmospheric pressure. Mercury gives more accurate reading and it will not stick to the glass. It is an opaque liquid and can be seen through a glass.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

Note: Mercury will not be not absorbed and metabolized. Mercury is a very dense liquid for standard temperature and pressure. Mercury density is the highest in the liquids; it will need a smallest column to measure the pressure. It is an opaque liquid and can be seen through a glass. It is a silver white metal.

Mercury is the heaviest liquid.What is the advantage of the given property in the working of a barometer?a. It gives stability to the apparatus.b. It rises to a maximum height of 76cm which is the smallest value for a fluid.c. Other impurities float over  (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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