Pedicure Etiquette: The Do’s & Don’ts Of Getting Pedicures (2024)

There’s a certain amount of pedicure etiquette that goes into making the experience great for you, your pedicurist, and the people around you. If you’ve never gotten a pedicure in Tucson before or if you’re unsure whether or not you’re taking the necessary steps before and during your appointment, there are a few things your pedicurist would like for you to know.

Do Arrive To Your Pedicure Appointment On Time

Appointments are booked to optimize guest experience. If you’re 20 minutes late for your pedicure, your pedicurist will have to rush through your pedicure and rush through the preparation for the person coming in after you. This can create a domino effect where the rest of the pedicures for the day aren’t as great as they should be. If you’re going to be late, it may be better to cancel or reschedule your appointment to avoid disrupting the flow. It affects more people than you may realize.

Do See A Podiatrist For Serious Issues

Your pedicurist can do a little bit to maintain the health of your feet. He or she can keep your feet clean, help to remove calluses, and work with mild ingrown toenails or prevent ingrown toenails. Your pedicurist is not a foot fungus specialist or a foot surgeon – those kinds of jobs require proper medical certification. For serious issues, visit a podiatrist.

Do Play With Fun Nail Polish Colors

Salons and spas offer hundreds of colors because they want you to use them. You don’t have to stick to a conventional neutral color all the time. Try the turquoise. Pick something shiny. Lacquer your big toe in multichromatic glitter. Do something fun. If you’re unsure whether or not you like it, your pedicurist may be willing to paint a test toe to see how it looks. Nail polish is an extremely temporary commitment. Be creative and expressive.

Don’t Eat During Your Pedicure

Polish off your relaxing afternoon with a snack, or polish off a great meal with a relaxing afternoon. Please don’t bring snacks to your pedicure. It’s unhygienic and disruptive to munch away while your pedicurist is working to massage your feet and legs. Your drink is fine – there’s always a place for that. Just save the chips for a little later.

Don’t Chat On Your Phone The Whole Time

Many people treat pedicures as a relaxing experience. They want to close their eyes and take a load off their minds. They may even use headphones to listen to their favorite chill out tunes on their phone. When you’re chatting on your phone, you’re negatively impacting the experience for everyone around you. They’re not much interested in hearing half of a conversation that doesn’t concern them while they’re trying to unwind. If you have to speak with someone, shoot them a text.

Don’t Cut Your Calluses Or Your Ingrown Toenails

Cutting off your calluses with a knife or a blade and snipping away at ingrown toenails with a pair of clippers or scissors can ultimately make the problem worse. You can cut your feet and leave a problem for your pedicurist to fix if you don’t intend on going to a podiatrist first.

Instead, use a foot file to gently buff away calluses and file the sides of your ingrown toenails straight to prevent them from digging into the skin. If you don’t think you can do that for yourself, leave them both alone. Your pedicurist can do it for you.

Don’t Feel Embarrassed About Your Feet

Many people feel embarrassed about their feet and vocalize to their pedicurist that they believe their feet are ugly. Some people even apologize. Your pedicurist is a pro. He or she sees dozens of pairs of feet every week, and it’s unlikely that yours are the worst. It can also come off as a subtle insult to your pedicurist, implying that you look down at their job or that the work they do is lowly. You may not mean it that way, but it can certainly be perceived as such. Consider the implications.

Don’t Wear The Wrong Shoes

Even though nail polish is dry, it may not be fully cured. It can take a few hours to set completely. Jamming your feet into narrow or pointy toed shoes is the quickest way to mess up a fresh pedicure. Flip flops are the best pedicure shoes. They keep your toes from touching and allow the air to circulate around the polish, speeding up the curing process.

Do Book A Pedicure Today

The pedicure pros at Greentoes in Tucson are ready to give you soft, beautiful, healthy, and relaxed feet. You can book an appointment online or by phone for the ultimate soothing pedicure experience. We’re not here to judge you for your feet – we just want you to have a great time.

Pedicure Etiquette: The Do’s & Don’ts Of Getting Pedicures (2024)


Pedicure Etiquette: The Do’s & Don’ts Of Getting Pedicures? ›

Tell your technician what kind of manicure or pedicure you want, and be specific about any design or color preferences you have. Be gentle with your hands and feet. Don't kick or fidget around while your technician is working on you. Don't bring your phone or other electronic devices into the salon.

What is proper etiquette when getting a pedicure? ›

Tell your technician what kind of manicure or pedicure you want, and be specific about any design or color preferences you have. Be gentle with your hands and feet. Don't kick or fidget around while your technician is working on you. Don't bring your phone or other electronic devices into the salon.

How much to tip for a $30 pedicure? ›

Understanding the Standard Tip Amounts

Generally, 15-20% of the total cost is considered standard for tipping in this industry. If we consider an example where your manicure costs $30, using this handy percentage calculator, that would mean leaving between $4.50 (for 15%) and $6 (for 20%).

Do pedicurists judge your feet? ›

Don't get it wrong: We're not talking about whether or not your pedicurist is judging your feet, legs, or body. After all, we've all got funky toenails or thick callouses every now and then — it's really no big deal. Nail techs don't care about the condition of your feet, and won't judge you for it.

How much do you tip for a $50 pedicure? ›

"For example, if your service costs $50, you should see it as costing $60." The widely accepted minimum tip in the industry is 15 percent, Kandalec says, but the most common tip at a nail salon is 20 percent. This is similar to what's expected when tipping at a hair salon, or for a massage or spa treatment.

Is it rude to not tip for a pedicure? ›

It is generally considered bad etiquette to not tip at a nail salon. Tipping is a way to show appreciation for the service provided and is an important part of the salon industry. Nail technicians often rely on tips as a significant portion of their income, so not tipping can greatly impact their livelihood.

What do podiatrists think of pedicures? ›

Possibly the most common question we get as podiatrists everyday is “Are pedicures safe?”A podiatrists point of view on pedicures is usually a little negative, mostly because we tend to see everything that goes wrong when pedicures go awry.

Why do they hit your legs during a pedicure? ›

They promote circulation

During a pedicure, you receive a massage of your feet and lower legs. The massaging helps promote the circulation of your blood.

What is the healthiest pedicure to get? ›

A paraffin pedicure is known for being very moisturizing, and people with very dry feet will often benefit from them. Regain beauty in your feet with this therapy. Stone pedicures give your feet a relaxing massage.

Is $5 a good tip at a nail salon? ›

While $5 can be considered a tip, it may be perceived as on the lower side for a comprehensive nail salon service. To express proper appreciation, consider tipping within the 15% to 20% range based on the total service cost.

Is $6 a good tip for a pedicure? ›

So what's a good tip? A 10% to 20% gratuity is standard at nail salons, but it's acceptable to leave more or less depending on factors like your budget and the service you receive.

How often should you get a pedicure? ›

For the complete pedicure service, try to wait about three to six weeks before getting another one. This will give your skin some time to regenerate before getting it treated again. While you can't run to the salon to get a pedicure anytime you want, you can always practice good foot hygiene from home.

Should I wear flip flops to a pedicure? ›

Jamming your feet into narrow or pointy toed shoes is the quickest way to mess up a fresh pedicure. Flip flops are the best pedicure shoes. They keep your toes from touching and allow the air to circulate around the polish, speeding up the curing process.

What do Pedicurists soak your feet in? ›

A standard pedicure begins with a foot soak in warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes. The water may include epsom salts, essential oils or exfoliants, which soften your skin and make it easier to exfoliate afterward.

Why can't you shave your legs when your having a pedicure? ›

You should avoid waxing or shaving your legs for at least 24 hours before your treatment, since doing so can create tiny skin abrasions, opening you up to the possibility of infection. Here are some pointers for picking a pedicure spa: Come in first. Try to be the first customer of the day.

What to wear when you get a pedicure? ›

Make sure to dress in comfortable clothes, bring your flip-flops, and let your nail tech do the hard work for you!

What should I do before my first pedicure? ›

Cleanse and Moisturize

Before your appointment, make sure your hands and feet are clean and free from any nail polish or product residue. Remove old nail polish using a non-acetone remover, which is gentler on your nails.

Do you have to wear open toed shoes to a pedicure? ›

Here's a list of shoes you should steer clear of and why: Tight, closed-toe shoes: Shoes that squeeze your toes can cause your nail polish to smudge or even chip. This is especially true if you're wearing regular nail polish, which takes longer to dry. Opt for open-toe shoes or sandals instead.

What do you get when you ask for a pedicure? ›

On the other hand, a basic pedicure service will include toenail cutting, cuticle removal, shaping, and buffing. Every salon has its way of providing pedicure services, so it is best to test out a few salons and choose one that treats you just the way you want it.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.