Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations: Where to get every technical machine in Galar (2024)

TM00 Mega PunchThe target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM01 Mega KickThe target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM02 Pay DayNumerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage. Money is earned after the battle.South of the Motostoke Inn, near a man in whiteTM03 Fire PunchThe target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM04 Ice PunchThe target is punched with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM05 Thunder PunchThe target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM06 FlyThe user flies up into the sky and then strikes its target on the next turn.From Cabbie in a Stow-on-Side houseTM07 Pin MissileSharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.Hidden loot in the fields of Route 4 near Poke Kid RhysTM08 Hyper BeamThe target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can’t move on the next turn.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM09 Giga ImpactThe user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user can’t move on the next turn.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM10 Magical LeafThe user scatters curious leaves that chase the target. This attack never misses.Turffield Gym RewardTM11 Solar BeamIn this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.Surf up the Turffield river to the northTM12 Solar BladeIn this two-turn attack, the user gathers light and fills a blade with the light’s energy, attacking the target on the next turn.Wyndon Stadium StoreTM13 Fire SpinThe target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM14 Thunder WaveThe user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.Rotom Rally RewardTM15 DigThe user burrows into the ground, then attacks on the next turn.Hidden on Route 6 by the campTM16 ScreechAn earsplitting screech harshly lowers the target’s Defense stat.From a Hiker in the right0hand side Circhester HotelTM17 Light ScreenA wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM18 ReflectA wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM19 SafeguardThe user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM20 Self-DestructThe user attacks everything around it by causing an explosion. The user faints upon using this move.Battle Tower StoreTM21 RestThe user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status conditions.Hidden under some mushrooms on the right-hand side of BallonleaTM22 Rock SlideLarge boulders are hurled at opposing Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also make the opposing Pokémon flinch.Route 9, west of the Ice Lake on a small beachTM23 ThiefThe user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. The user can’t steal anything if it already holds an item.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM24 SnoreThis attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.Hidden to the left-hand side of Glimwood TangleTM25 ProtectThis move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM26 Scary FaceThe user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat.Hidden left of Worker Georgia in Galar Mine No. 1TM27 Icy WindThe user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon’s Speed stats.Circhester Gym Reward (Shield) NPC in a Circhester House after completing Gym (Sword)TM28 Giga DrainA nutrient-draining attack. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.Battle Tower ShopTM29 CharmThe user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers the target’s Attack stat.Hidden up the stairs and to the right by Hammerlocke VaulltTM30 Steel WingThe user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers the target’s Attack stat.Hidden on Route 6, right of Backpacker RuthTM31 AttractIf it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.Hidden on Route 5, bottom right corner behind a rockTM32 SandstormA five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except Rock, Ground, and Steel types. It raises the Sp. Def stat of Rock types.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM33 Rain DanceThe user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM34 Sunny DayThe user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM35 HailThe user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except Ice types.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM36 WhirlpoolThe user traps the target in a violent swirling whirlpool for four to five turns.Hulbry Gym RewardTM37 Beat UpThe user gets all party Pokémon to attack the target. The more party Pokémon, the greater the number of attacks.Hidden on Route 3, after talking to Sonia, head to the left and backTM38 Will-O-WispThe user shoots a sinister flame at the target to inflict a burn.Motostoke Gym RewardTM39 FacadeThis attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.Wild Area - Motostoke RiverbankTM40 SwiftStar-shaped rays are shot at opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.Gift from Hop after beating Route 2TM41 Helping HandThe user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally’s attack.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM42 RevengeThis attack move’s power is doubled if the user has been hurt by the opponent in the same turn.Stow-on-Side Gym Reward (Pokemon Sword only) Inside the second house on the left in Ballonlea (Pokemon Shield only)TM43 Brick BreakThe user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect.Hidden on Route 8 past the Crustle in the northTM44 ImprisonIf opposing Pokémon know any move also known by the user, they are prevented from using it.Battle Tower ShopTM45 DiveDiving on the first turn, the user floats up and attacks on the next turn.Hidden on Route 9 from the woman on the beach in the bottom-leftTM46 Weather BallThis attack move varies in power and type depending on the weather.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM47 Fake TearsThe user feigns crying to fluster the target, harshly lowering its Sp. Def stat.Dancer in right-hand sideCirchester HotelTM48 Rock TombBoulders are hurled at the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed stat by preventing its movement.Circhester Gym Reward (Pokemon Sword only) Talk to man in house next to Pokemon Centre (Pokemon Shield only)TM49 Sand TombThe user traps the target inside a harshly raging sandstorm for four to five turns.Hidden in Galar Mine No. 2 next to Rail Staff VincentTM50 Bullet SeedThe user forcefully shoots seeds at the target two to five times in a row.West Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM51 Icicle SpearThe user launches sharp icicles at the target two to five times in a row.Near the bath in Circhester to the rightTM52 BounceThe user bounces up high, then drops on the target on the second turn. This may also leave the target with paralysis.Battle Tower ShopTM53 Mud ShotThe user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed stat.Galar Mine No. 2, requires bike water mode to surf past GastrodonTM54 Rock BlastThe user hurls hard rocks at the target. Two to five rocks are launched in a row.Outside a dead-end exit to the left of Galar Mine No. 1TM55 BrineIf the target’s HP is half or less, this attack will hit with double the power.West Hammerlocke Pokemon Center57TM56 U-TurnAfter making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.Hidden in Glimwood Tangle after Madame judyTM57 PaybackThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.Behind Professor Magnolia's House on the right-hand sideTM58AssuranceIf the target has already taken some damage in the same turn, this attack’s power is doubled.Hidden on Route 7 behind some rocks by Gentleman CadeTM59 FlingThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.Battle Tower ShopTM60 Power SwapThe user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target.Wyndon Stadium Pokemon CenterTM61 Guard SwapThe user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def stats with the target.Wyndon Stadium Pokemon CenterTM62 Speed SwapThe user exchanges Speed stats with the target.Wyndon Stadium Pokemon CenterTM63 Drain PunchAn energy-draining punch. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.Wyndon Stadium Pokemon CenterTM64 AvalancheThe power of this attack move is doubled if the user has been hurt by the target in the same turn.Hidden on Route 9 via Rotom Bike surf to the west from the bridge at the topTM65 Shadow ClawThe user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily.Wild Area - Lake of OutrageTM66 Thunder FangThe user bites with electrified fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with paralysis.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM67 Ice FangThe user bites with cold-infused fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM68 Fire FangThe user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM69 Psycho CutThe user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.Hidden on Route 2 when you Rotom Bike surf to the other side of the lakeTM70 Trick RoomThe user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.Battle Tower ShopTM71 Wonder RoomThe user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon’s Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.Battle Tower ShopTM72 Magic RoomThe user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon’s held items lose their effects for five turns.Battle Tower ShopTM73 Cross PoisonA slashing attack with a poisonous blade that may also poison the target. Critical hits land more easily.Wild Area - Dusty BowlTM74 VenoshockThe user drenches the target in a special poisonous liquid. This move’s power is doubled if the target is poisoned.On the roof of a Stow-on-Side house on the far leftTM75 Low SweepThe user makes a swift attack on the target’s legs, which lowers the target’s Speed stat.Wild Area - Bridge FieldTM76 RoundThe user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round to increase the power of the attack.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM77 HexThis relentless attack does massive damage to a target affected by status conditions.Old lady in second house on left in Ballonlea (Pokemon Sword only) Stow-on-Side Gym Reward (Pokemon Shield only)TM78 AcrobaticsThe user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.Artist on the left in Ballonlea if you wear a fire-themed outfitTM79 RetaliateThe user gets revenge for a fainted ally. If an ally fainted in the previous turn, this move’s power is increased.Gift from Sonia in the Hulbury restauramtTM80 Volt SwitchAfter making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.Rotom Rally Reward (20,000 points)TM81 BulldozeThe user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground. This lowers the Speed stats of those hit.Wild Area - Giant's SeatTM82 ElectrowebThe user attacks and captures opposing Pokémon using an electric net. This lowers their Speed stats.Hidden behind Hulbury lighthouseTM83 Razor ShellThe user cuts its target with sharp shells. This may also lower the target’s Defense stat.Battle Tower ShopTM84 Tail SlapThe user attacks by striking the target with its hard tail. It hits the target two to five times in a row.Wild Area - Rolling FieldsTM85 SnarlThe user yells as if it’s ranting about something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stats of opposing Pokémon.Spikemuth Gym RewardTM86 Phantom ForceThe user vanishes somewhere, then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.Hidden in the Slumbering Weald across the fallen treeTM87 Draining KissThe user steals the target’s HP with a kiss. The user’s HP is restored by over half of the damage taken by the target.Ballonlea Gym RewardTM88 Grassy TerrainThe user turns the ground to grass for five turns. This restores the HP of Pokémon on the ground a little every turn and powers up Grass-type moves.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM89Misty TerrainThis protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM90Electric TerrainThe user electrifies the ground for five turns, powering up Electric-type moves. Pokémon on the ground no longer fall asleep.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM91Psychic TerrainThis protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns.East Hammerlocke Pokemon CenterTM92Mystical FireThe user attacks by breathing a special, hot fire. This also lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.Battle Tower ShopTM93Eerie ImpulseThe user’s body generates an eerie impulse. Exposing the target to it harshly lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.Hidden at Rose Tower behind the big sign at the entranceTM94False SwipeA restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.West Motostoke Pokemon CenterTM95Air SlashThe user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky. This may also make the target flinch.Wild Area - Axew's EyeTM96Smart StrikeThe user stabs the target with a sharp horn. This attack never misses.Hidden on Route 8 behind the red signTM97Brutal SwingThe user swings its body around violently to inflict damage on everything in its vicinity.Hidden near Turffield Stadium to the rightTM98Stomping TantrumDriven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user’s previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.Hidden on Route 10 on a hidden path immediately to the right as you reach the peak of the hillTM99Breaking SwipeThe user swings its tough tail wildly and attacks opposing Pokémon. This also lowers their Attack stats.Hammerlocke Gym Reward
Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations: Where to get every technical machine in Galar (2024)


Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations: Where to get every technical machine in Galar? ›

It's worth noting that while in the Pokemon games of old, TMs were single-use items, they're now infinite so you can give the same move to a number of Pokemon if you'd like to. We've got the complete Pokemon Sword and Shield TM list here, so you can find which ones you're missing.

Where can I find all the TM in Pokemon shield? ›

Pokémon Sword and Shield TMs: locations and where to find them
TM No.TM Move NameLocation
TM01Mega KickHammerlocke - East Poké Mart
TM02Pay DayMotostoke - lower area in rear of city by a man in white
TM03Fire PunchWyndon - Poké Mart by Stadium
TM04Ice PunchWyndon - Poké Mart by Stadium
45 more rows
Jan 12, 2021

Are TMs infinite in sword and shield? ›

It's worth noting that while in the Pokemon games of old, TMs were single-use items, they're now infinite so you can give the same move to a number of Pokemon if you'd like to. We've got the complete Pokemon Sword and Shield TM list here, so you can find which ones you're missing.

Can you buy TMs in Sword? ›

There are 100 TMs in the game and they can be tricky to find. While some are just laying around on the floor, designated by a yellow Poké Ball, some can be bought from shops for high prices.

Where can I find Giga Drain Shield? ›

Giga Drain is available for purchase at the Battle Tower.

Can you get more than 1 TM? ›

The selection of TMs available for you to make grows as you continue your adventure. A single TM can only be used once, but if you have enough LP and the right materials from Pokémon, you can make as many as you like using the TM Machine.

Where can I find TM 75? ›

TM75: Swords Dance is given to you by Actress Meredith for defeating her at Poni Meadow.

How rare are elite TMs? ›

Elite Fast TMs and Elite Charged TMs are rare items that are only available during limited times. They may be available for purchase in the Shop during special events like Community Days or as part of end-of-season rewards in GO Battle League if you reach a high rank.

Why is there no GTS in Sword and Shield? ›

There's a good chance it was removed. The GTS was made because of the need for 3-4+ games to fill your entire pokedex and expecting everyone to have access to all those games wasn't reasonable. Now you need exactly 2 games; Sword and Shield.

How to get TM Hypnosis in Pokemon Shield? ›

Hypnosis is learned by Ralts at level nine. If you accidentally forgot it, you can relearn it from a Move Tutor at the Pokémon Center.

How do you use GTS in sword? ›

If you want to use the GTS, follow these steps: Tap the "Trade" tab at the top of the screen to access the app's trade features. Select "GTS." Once a trainer has accepted your trade, you will see a symbol in the GTS option on the trading screen.

Where can I find TMs in Pokémon? ›

TMs and HMs can be found in a variety of places, such as lying on the ground or bought at department stores. Some TMs are also given away by Gym Leaders as prizes for defeating them. They can be used multiple times, so only one of each will be obtainable.

Where can I find TM 24? ›

TM24: Thunderbolt is found behind a boulder inside Sandy Cave, the cave to the south of Big Wave Beach on Melemele Island. To reach the TM, you must use Lapras to cross the water and then use Machamp to shove the boulder into the hole.

Where are all the trades in Pokemon sword and shield? ›

NPC Trade Quest List
LocationTrade Quest
Ballonlea: GymGalarian Yamask for regular Yamask
Circhester: courtyard, at the food cart by the fountain.Vanillish for Throh (Sword) or Vanillish for a Sawk (Shield)
Spikemuth: inside the gym, to the back left at the vendor.Obstagoon for Kantonian Mr. Mime
6 more rows
Nov 15, 2019

Where can I find TM 46? ›

There's only one TM46 in the whole game, so pick which Pokemon to teach it carefully. The TM is at Eterna City, and you'll first need to defeat Eterna's Gym Leader Gardenia. Once you've defeated her, you can then start using the HM Cut outside of battle. In the city's north, there lies Team Galactic's Eterna Building.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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