Reyyan Şadoğlu (2024)

Reyyan is the daughter of Zehra Şadoğlu and adoptive daughter of Hazar Şadoğlu.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Relationships
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Trivia


When her mother discovered that she was pregnant with her, she went with her father to give him the news, he did not take it very well and asked her to have an abortion, which Zehra Şadoğlu refused. Eventually Zehra would marry Hazar Şadoğlu, who raised her as her own daughter. Reyyan would suffer the rejection of her adoptive grandfather Nasuh Şadoğlu since he knew that she was not the daughter of Hazar and the envy of her adoptive cousin Yaren Şadoğlu. Despite this, Reyyan grew up as a good and noble young woman who believed in miracles. When she meets Miran Şadoğlu she believes that he is her miracle and she falls in love with he without knowing that it is a plan of Azize Aslanbey. Reyyan and Miran get married, she doesn't know that the marriage is false and after the wedding night he leaves her leaving her disgraced. Miran regrets what he did to reyyan because he fell in love with her and tries to get her to forgive him. Despite her pain, Reyyan manages to forgive Miran and decides to marry him despite the confrontation between the two families. Over time Miran and Reyyan will discover the past that Azize tries to change as Miran is the son of Hazar and she is adopted. Time later she gets pregnant with twins but things get complicated for her when Füsun Aslanbey poisons her and loses her daughter, thanks to Azize Umut Şadoğlu was saved but due to the poisoning she had a high risk pregnancy, she decided to hide this because she did not want to abort her baby. When Miran discovers that Füsun poisoned her, he decides to go kill her but is stopped by Reyyan who reveals that she is dying, he loses control but decides to contact a doctor specialized in these cases recommended by Azra Yilmaz, this works and Reyyan together with Miran, Firat, Zeynep, Zehra and Azra go to istanbul for her to give birth. Reyyan manages to have his son at the same time that her adoptive father dies, after birth she remains in a coma for a few days. Fortunately she wakes up and returns to Midyat where she discovers that Hazar died, some time after that her Umut is kidnapped by Füsun which causes her to lose control, but thanks to Miran and Cihan Şadoğlu she recovered her baby and also Füsun was arrested. Five years after these events, Reyyan managed to become a teacher and announced that she was pregnant with twins.






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I'm an enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of the characters and plotline you've mentioned. The information you've provided is related to a character named Reyyan in a television series. Here's a breakdown of the concepts used in the article:


  • Reyyan is the daughter of Zehra Şadoğlu and the adoptive daughter of Hazar Şadoğlu.
  • Her mother, Zehra, faced rejection from her father when she revealed her pregnancy, but eventually married Hazar, who raised Reyyan as his own.
  • Reyyan experienced rejection from her adoptive grandfather Nasuh Şadoğlu and envy from her adoptive cousin Yaren Şadoğlu.
  • Despite challenges, Reyyan grew up as a good and noble young woman who believed in miracles.
  • She meets Miran Şadoğlu and falls in love with him, not knowing it's part of a plan by Azize Aslanbey.
  • Reyyan and Miran get married, but she later discovers that the marriage is false.
  • Despite the pain, Reyyan forgives Miran and decides to marry him, leading to confrontations between the two families.
  • Over time, they discover Miran's true parentage, and Reyyan becomes pregnant with twins.


  • Family includes her mother Zehra Şadoğlu, adoptive father Hazar Şadoğlu, husband Miran Şadoğlu, son Umut Şadoğlu, and others.
  • Maternal half-sisters, maternal half-brother, adoptive grandfather, grandmother-in-law, adoptive uncle, and various cousins are mentioned.
  • Allies include friends like Melike Aştutan, Nigar Katırcı, Fırat Aslanbey, and Zeynep Aslanbey.


  • Reyyan is described as a good and noble young woman who believes in miracles.


  • Her real maiden name would be Reyyan Erdoğan if she hadn't been adopted by Hazar Şadoğlu.
  • Ironically, she becomes the bride of her adoptive family by marrying Miran Şadoğlu and becomes the mother of the first-born great-grandson of the family, Umut Şadoğlu.

These details provide a comprehensive overview of Reyyan's character, her relationships, and the plot twists in the series. If you have more specific questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask!

Reyyan Şadoğlu (2024)


Does Reyyan have a miscarriage? ›

Time later she gets pregnant with twins but things get complicated for her when Füsun Aslanbey poisons her and loses her daughter, thanks to Azize Umut Şadoğlu was saved but due to the poisoning she had a high risk pregnancy, she decided to hide this because she did not want to abort her baby.

Does Miran and Reyyan have a baby? ›

Actor/Actress. Miran and Reyyan Şadoğlu's Unborn Daughter was a fetus who died of poisoning.

Does Aslan love Reyyan? ›

She decides to deliver the letter to Aslan so that he reveals the truth to Miran and ends the revenge, but Aslan burns the letter because he is in love with Reyyan and that letter would make the Şadoğlu not oppose the relationship between Miran and Reyyan.

Who is Reyyan's real father in Hercai? ›

He then learns that it was his father, Mehmet, who tried to kill Dilşah and Hazar, and later killed himself. Meanwhile, Aslan is working with Reyyan's real father, Mahfuz, who has come back to help his daughter expose Azize.

What episode does Reyyan get pregnant? ›

"Inconstant Love" 42. Bölüm (TV Episode 2020) - IMDb.

Is Yaren really pregnant in Hercai? ›

Some time later she would discover that she is pregnant with Harun's baby and this would make Füsun Aslanbey not kill her after discovering that she killed her son. Upon learning that she is pregnant, Yaren begins to be the same as before and tries to find a way to get rid of Füsun.

Why did Elif push Hazar? ›

One day she pushes Hazar Şadoğlu up the stairs of the Aslanbey Mansion by accident, leaving him serious, everyone thinks it was Miran Şadoğlu who pushed him because Hazar said that to separate him from Reyyan, Elif can't stand it anymore and decides to confess the truth what causes that her grandmother decides to send ...

Does Hazar find out Miran is his son? ›

Seeing this he decides to reveal to Hazar that Miran is his son so that he can stop the revenge. When it is revealed the truth, Aslan kidnaps Reyyan and tries to kill Hazar and Miran, but Mahfuz shoots him to stop him.

Does Aslan kidnapped Reyyan? ›

His obsession reached such a point that after Füsun Aslanbey revealed that Miran to be Şadoğlu he kidnapped Reyyan, this caused Mahfuz to shoot him to save his daughter, after this Aslan drives his car and crashes into a truck leaving him with burns and on the verge of death.

Who is Aslan's wife? ›

Aslan king of Narnia
Marital StatusDeceased/ brought back to life
Spouse(s)Rhea (ex), Wynter
Occupationking of Narnia
8 more rows

Did Reyyan shoot Miran? ›

Reyyan makes the choice that will determine whether they are two lovers or two enemies. She shoots Miran with a gun. The marriage, which was built with the fire of revenge between Miran and Reyyan, ended as planned by the Aslanbey family. Miran left Reyyan the next day.

Does Aslan have a daughter? ›

Kala Pevensie (16 years old) was the only daughter of Aslan and his unnamed wife, and the ruler of the Kingdom of Narnia after the White Witch`s demise along Peter Pensive. When she was a child to ensure her safety she was brought from Narnia to London, England and raised as one of the Pevensie children.

In what episode does Reyyan find out Hazar is not her dad? ›

E24 ∙ 36. Bölüm. When she learns that Hazar is not her biological father, Reyyan's world falls on her head. Reyyan, who did not feel belonging to the Sadoglu mansion for so many years and wanted to become a bird one day and fly, now understands better why her grandfather treated her like a stranger.

Why did Reyyan marry Miran? ›

Even though Reyyan's words to Hazar lacked conviction, it is clear that she loves Miran. But she marries him for two reasons. To protect Miran and her family, and to stop the bloodshed.

Who is Firat's mother in Hercai? ›

Biography. Firat is the product of a rape of Esma Demiralp by his father Nihat Aslanbey, his mother tried to give him up for adoption but regretted seeing Firat for the first time and decided to hide that he was an Aslanbey.

Who does Firat marry in Hercai? ›

Zeynep and Firat get married and go to live at the Aslanbey Mansion where he proclaims her as the lady of the mansion which enrages Yaren Bakircioğlu, who develops a rivalry with Zeynep since she wants to take her place, so he decides to abort her baby to be able to stay with Firat.

Are Gönül and Azat married in real life? ›

Trivia. She fell in love and married the two grandson of the Şadoğlu Family, Miran and Azat Şadoğlu. She and her cousin married Azat Şadoğlu. In real life, like Gonul and Azat Sadoglu, actors Oya Unustasi and Ahmet Tansu Tasanlar are married together.

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