Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Libra, and Pisces; Five Zodiac signs that ace the art of kissing - Times of India (2024)

Kissing is an art, and there is something special about it. Believe it or not, kissing is an integral part of any relationship, adding


and excitement that is unmatched. A deep kiss possesses enigmatic power, capable of leaving you enchanted like few other things. Well, did you know there are some

zodiac signs

that excel in the art of kissing? Stay tuned to find out if your zodiac sign is on the list.

Here it is:
Scorpios are known for their intense passion and mysterious nature. Their magnetic energy and ability to connect on a deep emotional level create a kissing experience that is both intense and unforgettable. The way they lock your senses with a kiss will leave you helpless, daydreaming about them for days or even months.
Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, romance, and sensuality, Taurus individuals approach kissing with sensuality. Their kisses are deliberate, tender, and focused on building a connection. A Taurus kiss is a slow burn, leaving a lasting impression that remains unforgettable.
This fire sign is packed with fierce energy and determination, which is evident in their kissing style. Leos pour their whole energy into their kisses, leaving their partners feeling like the stars of their own romantic movie.

Libras, ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, possesses an innate sense of aesthetics. This air sign is known for its graceful and harmonious approach to relationships. They are well-versed in the art of seduction, and their kisses are a graceful dance of touch, breath, and eye contact.
While Pisceans can be overly obsessed with their own world, they are known for their dreamy and intuitive nature, which translates into their kissing style. A Pisces kiss is a sensory experience, filled with emotion and connection. Their ability to understand their partners allows them to engage in the act equally, making the kissing experience dreamy.

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Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Libra, and Pisces; Five Zodiac signs that ace the art of kissing - Times of India (2024)


Who is the best kisser out of all the zodiac signs? ›

In general, water signs like Pisces and Scorpio have a leg up on the competition because they know how to bring the emotional intensity. Fire signs (like Aries and Sagittarius) also make great kissers because they've got a major zest for life—they're super passionate people.

Which zodiac sign is a bad kisser? ›

Gemini, Aries, Capricorn stand atop the list of 'bad kisser' zodiac signs.

Where does Taurus like to be kissed? ›

Taurus man/woman loves a nice neck rub. They would love the shower of kisses on their neck and those little nibbles on it. They are the sorts who don't mind hickies.

How do Scorpios like to be kissed? ›

Intense is the best word to describe how a Scorpio kisses. They prefer deep French kisses and are no stranger to marking their lovers with hickeys—if only to brag to the world about their raging libido. Their kisses derive from their passions and desires which are based on their bottomless emotions.

Are scorpios good kissers? ›

Yes, Scorpios are known for their passionate nature and loyalty, two most desirable qualities in a lover. So, when a Scorpio kisses, which he/she does only after being convinced about being in true love, it's full of irresistible passion and intensity.

Are Taurus good kissers? ›

From breath to death, all signs have their merits when it comes to kissing; Aries rules the mouth and ain't afraid to pull the trigger on impulse or intimacy. Fixed earth, Taurus is power and patience, it takes its time and moves with deliberate decadence.

What sign is very flirtatious? ›

When it comes to flirting, Libra is the GOAT - Greatest Of All Time. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, passion and romance. Librans appreciate aesthetic beauty more than any other sign and romanticize almost everything.

Are leos good in the bed? ›

Believe it or not, Leo's biggest turn-on is feeling desired. Leos are so terrific in bed because they're enchanted by seduction—both giving and receiving.

How do Leo kiss? ›

How to kiss a Leo: Leos are passionate kissers who will make sure to brush your hair away and look into your eyes first. Otherwise, they'll wrap their arm around your neck and pull you in to give you a good kiss on your cheekbone. You can make it enjoyable for them if you have an expensive scent in your hair or neck.

How do Libra kiss? ›

Libra. They kiss softly and you will hear some sexy moans when they do so.

Where do Pisces like to be touched? ›

Given that heavy load, “Pisces governs the feet, the anchor of the entire body,” she explained. “To really get this water sign swimming, be sure to treat your Pisces lover to a steamy foot massage in the bed or, better yet, the bath.”

How do Pisces kiss? ›

They kiss with a lot of tongue and a lot of head-turning. Pisces kisses will likely leave you wiping your mouth after a kiss, but what do you expect from a sign with a fish as their symbol? I must say I rank them a little higher because they are assertive while being consensual, without being too much.

Where do leos like to be touched? ›

Leos feel connected to their heart and spine, so these areas could be potential erogenous zones. They love feeling soft touches up the spine and feeling soft hands giving them a back massage.

How do Scorpios like to be touched? ›

Try making soft physical contact with him, like a touch on the arm, hand, or back. Also remember to not give up too much information on yourself right up front. Make him work for it instead. Scorpios love discovering new things about people, so the more you hold back the more he'll want to chase.

How do Scorpios flirt? ›

He flirts by asking questions and will be flattered if you do too. Scorpios are observant and careful, so he'll make it his mission to learn as much about you as possible.

Which zodiac signs flirt a lot? ›

Geminis, Libras, Leos, Sagittarians, and Aries are the top flirts of the zodiac. Their cleverness, charm, confidence, sense of fun, and boldness make them irresistible to others. Each sign has a unique way of making people feel special and attracted to them.

Which zodiac is passionate kisser? ›

Leos, ruled by the sun, exude confidence and charisma in everything they do, including kissing. A Leo's kiss is a royal affair, filled with passion and a touch of drama. Their magnetic energy creates an electrifying connection, making them one of the most passionate kissers of the zodiac.

Who is the beautiful zodiac signs? ›

While beauty is subjective and multifaceted, Libra, Leo, Taurus, Pisces, and Scorpio are five zodiac signs often regarded as the most beautiful. Whether it's their charm, confidence, sensuality, mystique, or intensity, these individuals possess inherent qualities that contribute to their allure and magnetism.

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