Spelunker (2024)


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Guide
    • 2.1 Requirements
  • 3 Update History


Spelunker (1) Explore all caves


Currently obtainable in Single player & Multiplayer.

One of the most difficult achievements in the game, time consuming and difficult. Exploring different caves on different gamesaves will not combine for progress.

This achievement is tied to the map found in Cave 2, it is advised to get it as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary backtracking.The fastest way to get the map is to die once at the beginning and take map and compass in the small cave area the player wakes up at, before leaving for the surface.


Spelunker (2) fully exploring the following caves:
Cave 1 - Dead Cave
Cave 2 - Hanging Cave
Cave 3 - Wet Cave
Cave 4 - Baby Cave
Cave 5 - Submerged Cave
Cave 6 - Lawyer Cave
Cave 7 - Chasm Cave
Cave 8 - Sinkhole Cave
Cave 9 - Ledge Cave
Cave 10 - Waterfall Cave

Update History[]

v0.65(Multiplayer) Fixed building related tasks and achievements for clients Revamped cave exploration tasks, instead of being based of invisible triggers it is now based on revealed map areas, which should make cave exploration tasks clearer and the spelunker achievement possible without cheats
See Also

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Spelunker (2024)


Spelunker? ›

Meaning of spelunker in English

What is the meaning of Spelunker? ›

: one who makes a hobby of exploring and studying caves.

Why are they called spelunkers? ›

The word spelunker comes from the Middle English word spelunk, which literally means cave or grotto. Therefore, the word spelunker simply refers to a person who enters a cave, usually for the first time.

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To spelunk is to explore natural caves. Geologists do a lot of spelunking. This is a weird-looking word, but it has a simple meaning: to explore natural caves.

Is it spelunker or caver? ›

…Note that (in this case) the term 'spelunker' denotes someone untrained and unknowledgeable in current exploration techniques, and 'caver' is for those who are. This sentiment is exemplified by bumper stickers and T-shirts displayed by some cavers: "Cavers rescue spelunkers".

What is a Spelunker person? ›

noun. a person whose hobby is the exploration and study of caves.

Is spelunking derogatory? ›

What do you call people who like to recreationally explore caves? Most people believe they're called spelunkers. Using that term for a serious caver, however, is considered a grave insult. Spelunker is a perfectly reputable term coming from the Greek σπήλαιον and Latin spelunca (meaning cave or grotto).

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Spelunking is the leisure activity of going into underground caves and tunnels. [US]regional note: in BRIT, use potholing. French Translation of. 'spelunking'

What does Swack mean in the dictionary? ›

noun. ˈswak. plural -s. chiefly Scottish. : a hard blow : whack.

How do you use spelunking in a sentence? ›

Examples of spelunking in a Sentence

Her hobbies include hiking, biking, and spelunking. They love to go spelunking.

Who died spelunking? ›

Fatal accident and closure

On November 24, 2009, John Edward Jones (January 21, 1983 – November 25, 2009) became stuck and subsequently died in the cave after being trapped inside for 27–28 hours.

What is the difference between a speleologist and a spelunker? ›

For those that do it simply for the adrenaline rush, it can be considered spelunking. Whereas, for those that enjoy exploring caves from a conservation or biological standpoint, that can be considered caving. However, this differs from the scientific study of caves, which is called speleology.

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List of Spelunkers
16 more rows

What do spelunkers do? ›

A spelunker is an explorer of caves. If you hope to one day be a spelunker, you probably have a love of dark, damp spaces and headlamps.

What does the name spelunking mean? ›

noun. spe·​lunk·​ing spi-ˈləŋ-kiŋ ˈspē-ˌləŋ- : the hobby or practice of exploring caves.

Why is Missouri called the spelunkers Paradise? ›

Why is Missouri called a "spelunker's paradise"? There are 5,600 caves featuring stalactites, stalagmites, cave life, and fossil remains. The tourist map of Missouri is also called a geopolitical map.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.