Study Says The Oldest Child Is The Most Responsible (2024)

If you’re the youngest sibling in your family you know a few things to be true: Your older sibling will always know when you steal something from their room, and your oldest sibling is far, far more organized than you.

And, that’s not just our opinion, it’s a scientific fact.

In 2015, YouGov conducted a research project evaluating if long-held beliefs about birth order and what effect they have on personality traits really hold water. According to the findings, every stereotype of the oldest being the most responsible and the youngest being the rabble-rouser is true.

“In short, it turns out to be true that the oldest child in a family feels a greater weight of responsibility, while the youngest child feels a higher level of breathing room,” the study’s authors wrote.

To come to this conclusion, YouGov polled 1,782 British citizens on their opinions on personality traits of siblings. For the poll, the team split out the first and last born siblings in British families with more than one child, which represents 86 percent of the population.

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Fifty-four percent of first borns said they are more responsible than their siblings, compared to 31 percent of last borns. Younger siblings also touted themselves as the funniest in their family, with 46 percent saying they were the family comedian compared to 36 percent of elder siblings saying no, they were in fact that funny one.

In the survey, younger siblings were identified as the most relaxed, while older siblings were identified as not only more responsible but also more successful, organized and self-confident too.

But, according to clinical psychologist Linda Blair, author of Birth Order: what your position in the family really tells you about your character, we should be taking these survey results with a giant grain of salt.

“...there is no proof behind such wide generalizations for humanity. It’s not possible,” she told The Guardian. “But there will be certain tendencies. There is no other influence on us for as long in our lives. Our parents are unlikely to live for as long as our siblings. The effect is like dripping water on a stone. It does make a difference.” Blair, an elder sibling herself, added, “Little Miss Helper Out, I’m the first. Oh dear, oh dear, I’ll help you. I’ll sort your life out.”

But hey, what do I know, I’m the youngest so I’m just too relaxed to be worried about survey results. I’ll leave that up to my older sister.

Study Says The Oldest Child Is The Most Responsible (2024)


Is the oldest child the most responsible? ›

Eldest kids, for example, aren't necessarily more responsible than their siblings; instead, they tend to be given more responsibilities because they are older. That role can affect how you understand yourself.

Why is the oldest child expected to have more responsibilities? ›

Many times, parents give their oldest kids more responsibility because they know they can handle it. This comes from starting off with small responsibilities and building to larger ones. As older siblings become more proficient in what it is that they are asked to do, parents do not need to get involved as often.

Which birth order results in the most responsible child? ›

Your eldest child will probably have more in common with other firstborns than their own brothers and sisters. Because they have had so much control and attention from their first-time parents, they have a tendency to be over-responsible, reliable, well-behaved, careful and smaller versions of their own parents.

Which child is the most responsible? ›

In particular, firstborn children are usually characterized as responsible, Type A personalities who are often drawn to leadership-type roles in the family and in their lives. Being the oldest sibling may have its perks, but it also can feel like a burden at times.

Is it true that the oldest child is the smartest? ›

The University of Edinburgh study reported that the oldest child tends to have a higher IQ and thinking skills than their younger siblings. This is due to higher mental stimulation the first-born receives, CBS affiliate KUTV reports.

Why are firstborns responsible? ›

Parents, especially new ones, tend to be more cautious, strict, and demanding with their first child. As a result, firstborns are often characterized as responsible, reliable, and ambitious. They're known to be high achievers and natural leaders but may also lean towards perfectionism.

What is the eldest daughter syndrome? ›

Signs of Eldest Daughter Syndrome

You worry a lot and probably have anxiety. You struggle with people-pleasing behaviors. You have a hard time placing and upholding boundaries. You resent your siblings and family.

What is true about the oldest child? ›

Oldest Child Characteristics. Since firstborns follow their parents' lead, they often like taking charge and may have oodles of confidence, says Kevin Leman, PhD, author of The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are.

What sibling is the most successful? ›

First-born kids tend to be leaders, like CEOS and founders, and are more likely to achieve traditional success. Middle-born children often embody a mix of the traits of older and younger siblings, and they're very relationship-focused.

Which birth order is the happiest? ›

Prior research demonstrated that parents rated that last-borns and only children aged 3–9 years were happier than first-borns and middle-borns in the US (20). Our study is the first to report that middle-born children rated themselves as the most unhappy.

Why do firstborns struggle? ›

Under certain circ*mstances, firstborn children are indifferent to their mothers, and the mother-child attachment becomes unstable. Firstborn children exhibit more dependent behavior, sleep problems, misbehavior, and regressive behavior than only child. Cortisol is a biomarker of the stress response system in mammals.

Which sibling has it the hardest? ›

In a study done by MIT, economist Joseph Doyle surveyed thousands of families in Florida and Denmark and found that second-born children — particularly second-born sons — end up being the most troublesome. And they are not just the most difficult in their own family but in society as well.

Which sibling has the most responsibility? ›

Older siblings, particularly those with significant age gaps, hold a profound influence over their younger siblings' lives. With the nature of this role shaped by family dynamics and individual personalities, firstborns bear the responsibility of upholding the family's reputation and setting the path for success.

Are eldest children more successful? ›

Older kids, on average, have slightly higher IQs than their younger siblings, do better in school, and tend to earn more money as adults, as abundant research has shown.

Who is more responsible for a child? ›

Parents should invest equally, but the mother should be more available for the child emotionally because of the 'bond' they share. The father should be there too to be a father figure the child needs. On a scale of 100, 70 – 80 per cent of the time, the man should take the major responsibility.

Is it better to be the oldest child in the family? ›

Many researchers have found that the oldest child in a family is likely to have higher intelligence and perform better in school than subsequent siblings, probably because they were the only child for a period of time and received all of their parents' attention during infancy and early childhood.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.