WelcomeBC / Languages in BC (2024)

Canada has two official languages: English and French.

People who immigrate to B.C. do not need to understand French. However, you should be able to speak, read and write in English if you plan to live, work or study in British Columbia.

English is the main language of communication in British Columbia. Strong English skills can improve your chances of finding a good job and becoming financially established in B.C.

You also will find it easier to access services and perform day-to-day tasks like banking and shopping if you can understand English.

Many languages are spoken in B.C.

Most people in B.C. speak English at home. After English, the most common languages spoken at home are Cantonese and Mandarin, Punjabi, German, Tagalog, French, Korean, Spanish, and Farsi.

In 2011, 26 percent of people in B.C. spoke a language other than English or French as their first language.

Indigenous languages also are spoken in B.C. However, only a small number of people are fluent in Indigenous languages. First Nations communities and the provincial government are taking action to protect and revitalize Indigenous languages.

WelcomeBC / Languages in BC (2024)


What are the 2 major languages in Canada today how did each become a major language there? ›

Since the Official Languages Act of 1969, both English and French have been the official languages of Canada. The majority of Canada's French-speaking population lives in Quebec. The province follows the Charter of the French Language and uses French as the main language in both the government and daily life.

Which two languages are predominant in Canada responses? ›

French and English are the languages of inclusion

In 2021, there were over 200 other languages. The most important, Mandarin, was spoken by 679,255 people (1.9%). French and/or English are spoken by 98.1% of Canadians.

How many people in B.C. speak Mandarin? ›

Most common languages other than English or French spoken at home1, British Columbia, 2016
LanguageNumberPercentage of total population
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino)94,8552.1
1 more row
Apr 10, 2019

What Chinese languages is the most commonly reported non English non French mother tongue in Canada? ›

The two Asian languages with the most persons reporting them as their mother tongue are Punjabi (460,000) and Chinese, n.o.s. (441,000). Three immigrant mother tongues have between 350,000 and 400,000 persons: Cantonese (389,000), Tagalog (384,000) and Arabic (374,000).

What is Canada's 1st and 2nd language? ›

English and French are official languages in all three territories.

What is Canada's first language? ›

In 2022, 87.1 percent of the total population in Canada spoke English as their native tongue.

What is the fastest growing language in Canada? ›

The fastest growing languages in the number of speakers are Punjabi, Mandarin and Spanish, which have increased from 2016 to 2021 by 49 per cent, 15 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively. Other languages that have seen dramatic growth are Arabic, Tagalog, Urdu, Portuguese, Gujarati, Hindi and Malayalam.

What is the most bilingual city in Canada? ›

Of Canada's biggest cities, Montréal stands out for its complex and diverse language dynamics. This is first and foremost because of a large English-language minority in the city, but also because of high rates of multilingualism among its population.

Is Canada officially a bilingual country? ›

The Official Languages Act was adopted in 1969, making English and French Canada's official languages. Official bilingualism is both symbolic and tangible.

What are the top 5 languages spoken in British Columbia? ›

Many languages are spoken in B.C.

After English, the most common languages spoken at home are Cantonese and Mandarin, Punjabi, German, Tagalog, French, Korean, Spanish, and Farsi.

What is the hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

What is the Canadian silent language? ›

The natural language of Deaf people is Sign language. In Canada there are two legitimate Sign languages: American Sign Language (ASL) and la Langue des Signes Quebecoise (LSQ); there is also a regional dialect, Maritimes Sign Language (MSL).

Which country has English as a mother tongue? ›

English is the primary natively spoken language in several countries and territories. Five of the largest of these are sometimes described as the "core Anglosphere"; they are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Why does Canada have 2 official languages? ›

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and his successor Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the Canadian government implemented a policy of federal bilingualism to ensure fairer treatment for francophones across the country. The Official Languages Act was adopted in 1969.

What are the 2 official languages of Canada Why are they the official languages? ›

The purpose of the Act of 1969 was to make Canada an officially bilingual country. It guaranteed the equality of status of English and French in Parliament, federal laws and courts, and gave Canadians the right to be served by and to communicate with federal institutions in the official language of their choice.

Does Canada have 2 languages? ›

The Official Languages Act was adopted in 1969, making English and French Canada's official languages. Official bilingualism is both symbolic and tangible. On one hand, it reflects the importance of English and French in Canada's history and identity, and in the everyday life of communities across the country.

What are the two major languages spoken in Canada as a result of Canada's history of exploration and settlement? ›

French and English are the two official languages of the Canadian government as a whole, but the French people in Quebec, fearing that English was dominating the media, the Internet, and industry to such an extent that it was endangering their French culture, have declared French as the only official language of the ...

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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