What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance (2024)

9 Min Read | Dec 7, 2023

What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance (1)

By Ramsey

Reviewed by Jeff Zander

What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance (2)

What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance (3)

By Ramsey

Reviewed by Jeff Zander

There’s nothing worse than hitting a roadblock when you’re trying to do the right thing to protect your family, right? Like applying forlife insuranceonly to find out your application has been denied. If this happens, what’s your next move?

Don’t worry: Thereareoptions out there, and we’re here to walk you through exactly what you should do if your life insurance application is denied.

Ask for More Information

Opening that letter from the life insurance company and seeing, “Sorry, but . . . ” is enough to worry anyone—especially if you have a family who relies on your income. So if this happens to you, your first move should be to contact your insurance agent or company to find outthe why behind your life insurance denial.

Insurance companies look at your medicalandnonmedical risks when they’re running through your application to see if you qualify andfigure out costs. Their reasons could be anything from a serious medical condition (like heart disease) or poor results from your life insurance medical exam to nonmedical reasons like bankruptcy, a criminal record, a positive drug test or even a dangerous hobby—carriers are not fans of insuring base jumpers in squirrel suits. Yes, these are things.

Review Your Case

Once you have the reasons why, you can make sure they have their facts straight—because no one knows your situation better than you! If any of the information they sent back doesn’t look up to date or is just plain wrong, now is the time to appeal.

If the reason you were denied is based on incorrect or insufficient medical information, you have the right to appeal. For example, maybe you had high blood pressure a couple years ago and now it’s resolved, but the insurance company didn’t notice. The best way to appeal is by asking your doctor to provide the insurance company with as much up-to-date information from your medical file as possible.

You can appeal nonmedical reasons too, like an out-of-date financial record, an old driving offense, or incorrect details about your job and hobbies that put you in the high-risk category. If you’re not actually base jumping in a squirrel suit anymore, you should tell them—it’ll make a big difference.

Keep in mind, if you’re older and have enough money saved, you may not need life insurance because you can self-insure (this is where your investments generate enough growth to replace your income).

Check With Your Workplace

If it looks like your life insurance application denial is based on accurate information, it’s time to check with your employer. Your workplace could offer a groupterm life insurance plan that you could sign up for.

Here’s the deal: It won’t give you the10–12 times your income coveragethat we recommend, but it will offersomethingin the way of a death benefit until you can get your own term life insurance down the road.

A group plan usually doesn’t cost you anything either. If you want to increase its payout, you can “supplement” it, but this will cost you. Supplementing your group plan is an option if you need it and really have no other options. Butdon’tsign up for any extra “riders” the company benefits representative offers you—they arenotworth it!

Your workplace life insurance plancould help you get coverage in a pinch because they don’t ask for a medical exam. Just remember: If you leave your job, you’ll lose your coverage.

Reach Out to a Life Insurance Agent

If you haven’t done this already, it’s time to call an expert! Anindependent life insurance agent is a lifeline when you’re having trouble getting insured.

Compare Term Life Insurance Quotes

And the good thing about agents is that they know theins and outsof the life insuranceunderwriting process(all the behind-the-scenes stuff that decides if your application is approved or denied).

So, this means an agent should be able to pick up on—and work around—any red flags in your application that might have caused you to be denied in the first place. And it’s worth noting that just because you’re denied by one company, that doesn’t meanallinsurance companies will deny an application from you.

Unlike just going online on your own (and hoping to find a company that accepts you), agents can search across amuchwider market for a policy that’s worth it and works for you. They’ll also advise you on the next steps you need to take—which in some cases could mean they suggest you hang tight for a few months and apply at a later date.

Talking to an independent insurance agent with Zander Insurance worked for Teresa R. from the Ramsey Baby Steps Community on Facebook.

“I have mental illness and was automatically told I could only get a final expenses policy (10-year term, $100,000 policy for $75 a month) with no medical exam—because I wouldn't pass it,” she said. “Then I called Zander. I was able to get a 20-year term, $500,000 policy for $70 a month and passed a medical exam.”

Connect With an Agent You Can Trust

RamseyTrusted partner Zander Insurance will do their best to get you covered based on your unique circ*mstances. Get on the phone with them and see your options.

Get Connected With Zander

Allow for a Waiting Period

Sometimes when you’re denied life insurance, your best bet is to play the waiting game and give yourself a chance to correct any health issues that led to your denial.

For example, if your blood pressure is through the roof or you need to lose weight, it will take time to build healthy habits and see the results. Use that denial letter as motivation to improve your diet and take those daily walks! Life insurance is great—and you don’t need to give up on that goal. But you can never lose when you choose to get healthier.

If you keep up good habits like eating healthy (mmm, kale), quitting smoking, and exercising regularly (you can do it!), it could make all the difference the next time you apply. Don’t give up! Try to change the things youcancontrol.

And time could help with the nonmedical reasons for denial too—like letting enough time pass for those multiple speeding tickets to fall off your record. A short break might be all you need to get approved the next time you apply.

While you’re in the waiting period, use that time to boost your emergency fund. Any extra amount you can save will give you more peace of mind while you’re searching for life insurance.

We know it can feel like the world’s against you at a time like this, but if you can make some small changes while you’re waiting, you’ll be in a stronger position moving forward.

Apply Again, But for aDifferentPolicy

It could be that you’re just reaching an age when your usual insurer doesn’t offer the kind of life insurance you applied for. For older folks, the policy term for term life insurance gets shorter. Getting approved for life insurance as a senior may be as simple as applying for a shorter term.

If your problem is a serious health condition, however, and other routes (like your employer-offered life insurance we mentioned earlier) aren’t available, there are a fewno medical exam life insuranceplans you can consider. But they will still ask you all the same medical questions. (You’re probably not thinking this, but just know, if you fudge on your health status when filling out a medical questionnaire, your life insurance might not pay out when your family eventually files a claim.)

If you’re uninsurable, these plans offer yousomething—and that’s better than not having any coverage at all. But you should always speak to an insurance agentbeforeapplying to see which—if any—option is right for you.

Simplified Issue Life Insurance

These policies don’t require a medical exam, but you’ll have to fill out a medical questionnaire along with your application. The questions will ask if you have any serious medical conditions—so if you do, you probablywon’tget approved for this type of coverage. Simplified issue premiums will cost you more because the company only has information from the questionnaire instead of a professional medical exam to make its decision. Payouts are usually limited to $500,000 or less, but this type of policy could work if your health condition isn’t serious.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

If you’re older or have a serious medical condition, a guaranteed issue plan allows you to get life insurance without a medical examandwithout having to answer dozens of questions in a medical questionnaire. But the downside is the payout: It’s small—usually only up to $50,000.

And some policies will limit your benefits payout if you die in the first couple of years. So you might get back the premiums you paid—but nothing more. If you have a serious medical condition, you’ll need to weigh whether it’s worth paying a hefty premium for such a small payout (or none at all).

Mortgage Life Insurance

Mortgage life insurance only covers your mortgage balance. You won’t need to take a medical exam for this type of policy either. If you already have a mortgage, you’ll just need to answer a few health questions once your mortgage is issued. So this could work if you’ve been denied regular life insurance and don’t have aseriousmedical condition. You can also get this type of life insurance with no health questions if you’re refinancing your mortgage.

Only use this as a last resort if you can’t get anything else. If you can get term life insurance, that should be all you need.

Bottom line:No medical exam policies like mortgage life insurance will cost more than regular term life insurance, and the payout won’t be as good. But they‘re worth considering if your options are limited.

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Don’t Give Up

The reason you get life insurance is to replace your income so your family is provided for if anything were to happen to you. And when you struggle to get approved, it causes worry and stress. But thereareways to get back on the road to coverage—and people you can call on to help.

Next Steps to Get Life Insurance

  • Still have general questions about coverage? Check out ourRamsey term life resource page.
  • Maybe you’re wondering how much coverage you need? We got you. Check outthis handy term life calculatorto get a realistic idea of how much coverage you need for your specific situation.
  • Wondering about cost? Hey, we love it when you get intentional with your budget!This term life estimatorcan give you a solid sense of how much you can expect to pay for term life insurance.
  • If you’re ready to get covered now, reach out to RamseyTrusted provider Zander Insurance today! Zander has decades of experience in matching people with the right term life insurance plan. They’re the experts you can trust to find you the best term life quote.

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Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance (2024)


What to Do If You're Denied Life Insurance? ›

Contact the insurer

Providing additional supporting documentation may help you contest the denial. This may include medical records, autopsy reports or insurance payment receipts. For instance, if you produce receipts of the policyholder paying their premium on time, you may be able to disprove policy delinquency.

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Contact the insurer

Providing additional supporting documentation may help you contest the denial. This may include medical records, autopsy reports or insurance payment receipts. For instance, if you produce receipts of the policyholder paying their premium on time, you may be able to disprove policy delinquency.

Can I get life insurance after being declined? ›

You can sometimes find life insurance coverage even if your first application was denied. Take the following steps to better understand your options. Talk to an insurance agent — A licensed life insurance agent may have more success than you if you are working on your own.

How do I respond to a denied insurance claim? ›

If an insurance company denies a request or claim for medical treatment, insureds have the right to appeal to the company and also to then ask the Department of Insurance to review the denial. These actions often succeed in obtaining needed medical treatment, so a denial by an insurer is not the final word.

What not to say when applying for life insurance? ›

For example, applicants might lie about their age, income, weight, medical conditions, family medical history or occupation. It's also relatively common for applicants to lie about their alcohol or drug use.

What to do if I can't get life insurance? ›

If you've been denied coverage before and would still like to get life insurance, here's what you can do.
  1. Work with a licensed insurance agent. ...
  2. Apply with a different insurer. ...
  3. Look into a workplace life insurance plan. ...
  4. Try again later. ...
  5. Consider a different life insurance policy.

How to write an appeal letter for life insurance denial? ›

How to write an appeal letter to insurance company appeals departments
  1. Step 1: Gather Relevant Information. ...
  2. Step 2: Organize Your Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Write a Polite and Professional Letter. ...
  4. Step 4: Include Supporting Documentation. ...
  5. Step 5: Explain the Error or Omission. ...
  6. Step 6: Request a Review. ...
  7. Step 7: Conclude the Letter.
Feb 15, 2024

What disqualifies a person from life insurance? ›

Pre-existing conditions – meaning any health issue or condition that existed before applying for coverage – are often considered high-risk by insurance companies and can lead to disqualification. Chronic conditions that require long-term medication or treatment can also impact eligibility.

Is there an alternative to life insurance? ›

Annuities. These function like savings accounts that pay income to you during your life and into retirement. Pros: Annuities provide retirement income that can be used for everything from rent to travel. They can be set up to pay your loved ones upon your death the same way life insurance would.

How to get approved for life insurance? ›

To qualify for life insurance, you'll typically need to submit medical and lifestyle information. Insurers want to avoid risks, so if you're in good health, don't smoke and avoid hobbies like skydiving, you're more likely to be approved for a policy at a better rate.

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Steps to Appeal a Health Insurance Claim Denial
  1. Step 1: Find Out Why Your Claim Was Denied. ...
  2. Step 2: Call Your Insurance Provider. ...
  3. Step 3: Call Your Doctor's Office. ...
  4. Step 4: Collect the Right Paperwork. ...
  5. Step 5: Submit an Internal Appeal. ...
  6. Step 6: Wait For An Answer. ...
  7. Step 7: Submit an External Review. ...
  8. Review Your Plan Coverage.

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Six Tips for Handling Insurance Claim Denials
  1. Carefully review all notifications regarding the claim. It sounds obvious, but it's one of the most important steps in claims processing. ...
  2. Be persistent. ...
  3. Don't delay. ...
  4. Get to know the appeals process. ...
  5. Maintain records on disputed claims. ...
  6. Remember that help is available.

What are the possible solutions to a denied claim? ›

If you believe that the insurance company's decision was incorrect, you can file an appeal. This may involve submitting a written request to the insurance company explaining why you believe the claim should be approved. You may also be able to present your case to an independent review board.

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How to Apply for Life Insurance After Being Denied
  1. Consult a Licensed Insurance Agent. An insurance agent can provide valuable insights into the application process. ...
  2. Try a Different Insurance Company. Each insurer has its own set of underwriting criteria. ...
  3. Wait and Reapply. ...
  4. Look into Alternative Life Insurance Policies.
Mar 11, 2024

Why would someone not qualify for life insurance? ›

Insurance companies may choose to decline a life insurance policy application to people working in high-risk occupations. The same goes for high-risk extracurricular activities. These activities carry a higher risk than some life insurance companies may be willing toinsure.

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Medical history: Your life insurance application will ask about significant medical conditions you have or have experienced including chronic illnesses, past surgeries or other major medical treatments. Be as specific and detailed as possible about each situation, its duration and your ongoing or past treatment.

Can you fight a life insurance policy? ›

It's possible to dispute or contest a life insurance policy. However, doing so requires a legal court process. Since the process is quite complex, you should hire an experienced attorney to help you out.

Can you appeal a life insurance policy? ›

Your right to appeal

You may ask your insurance company to conduct a full and fair review of its decision. If the case is urgent, your insurance company must speed up this process. External review: You have the right to take your appeal to an independent third party for review. This is called an external review.

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Handling denied claims the right way helps keep costs as minimal as possible and gets your practice paid for your services.
  1. Track all claims. Keep meticulous records of all of your claims. ...
  2. Determine reasons for denials. ...
  3. Follow up in a timely manner. ...
  4. Engage a medical billing partner.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.