What to avoid before getting Sculptra? (2024)

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What should you not do before getting Sculptra?

Sculptra Pre-Treatment Recommendations

Avoid Omega 3s, Turmeric, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Supplements & Aspirin for 7 days prior. To lessen your chance of irritation & redness, pause the use of Retinol & exfoliating acids 3 days before your treatment & for 3 days after.

(Video) Sculptra treatment for collagen boosting | Dr. Medispa
(Dr. Somji Skin)
What supplements to avoid before Sculptra?

Sculptra Pre Care Instructions

Avoid the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Ginko Biloba, Garlic Supplements, Green Tea, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids for up to 1 week pre and post injection as they will increase your risk of bruising.

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(Integrated Aesthetics)
How can I improve my Sculptra results?

Hydrate and Nourish Your Skin:

Proper hydration helps keep your skin supple and plump, enhancing the effects of Sculptra™. Include a nutrient-rich diet that incorporates fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants, which promote healthy skin and collagen production.

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(Sam Lam)
Can I drink coffee before Sculptra?

Avoid caffeine for about 24 hours before your procedure and avoid other foods or drinks that have a dehydrating tendency, as this could slow the healing process. It's a good idea to reduce your salt intake for a couple of days before your appointment, especially if you're getting dermal filler.

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(Natural Injector - Emily Dowe, PA-C)
Can I drink coffee after Sculptra?

Swelling and bruising can give the appearance of 'unevenness' in the area treated. This will settle once the swelling and bruising has gone. Avoid Alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks, and spicy food for 24 hours, as these may exacerbate bruising.

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(Natural Injector - Emily Dowe, PA-C)
How should I sleep after Sculptra?

Sleeping in an elevated position or on your back can help minimize swelling and optimize the results. Neglecting follow-up appointments: Sculptra typically requires a series of treatments scheduled several weeks apart to achieve optimal results.

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(Natural Injector - Emily Dowe, PA-C)
Does drinking collagen help Sculptra?

Taking collagen at home won't give you the quick and targeted results that something like a Sculptra treatment provide. But it will help increase treatment benefits. It's one more you can keep looking as beautiful as you feel – from the inside out.

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(Dominique Sachse)
How do you prevent lumps with Sculptra?

Immediately before Sculptra injection, 2 cc of lidocaine is added into the Sculptra mix to make the injection process more comfortable to the patient. Not massaging the treated area by the “rule of 5's”. Massaging the treated area allows the product to be absorbed uniformly, and prevent unwanted Sculptra lumps.

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(The Budget Dermatologist)
Does exercise affect Sculptra?

Activities to Avoid After Sculptra

You'll also need to limit some of the activities you engage in after your session. For example, avoid strenuous exercises for at least 24 hours. This is to help prevent bruising. You should stay out of the sun as well, lowering your exposure to direct UV rays.

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(Dr. Anil Rajani)
Is 2 vials of Sculptra enough?

Typically, only one vial is needed per treatment, however, age and facial symmetry determine this and sometimes two vials are needed. Injections during the series are spaced about six weeks apart.

(Dr. Anil Rajani)

Can one session of Sculptra be enough?

Sculptra® Aesthetic requires a series of at least three sessions and then a “maintenance” treatment every year to continue to maximize results. One treatment of Sculptra® Aesthetic is never recommended and will show little to no results.

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Is there anything better than Sculptra?

That said, Sculptra and Radiesse are two of the most long-lasting fillers available. With effects lasting up to 24 months, Sculptra's results last significantly longer. Radiesse often produces results that last up to a year. You can maintain the effects of both fillers by getting regular maintenance procedures.

What to avoid before getting Sculptra? (2024)
Does drinking water help fillers?

Patients who moisturize daily and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water will enhance the water-absorption effect of hyaluronic-based fillers, helping treated areas remain plump and wrinkle-free!

Why no dental work after Sculptra?

So long term steroid use would counteract the results you would get from Sculptra. One dose should not matter at all. I do worry about dental procedures infecting fillers and Sculptra so I tell patients NOT to get dental procedures within 2 weeks after I inject them.

Does alcohol affect Sculptra?

Another popular question is how soon after getting a Sculptra injection you can drink. In general, alcohol is a product to avoid after any injection, medical treatment, or surgery. This is because it can cause inflammation and may even interact with particular compounds in the medicine.

What is the diet for Sculptra?

Proper hydration helps keep your skin supple and plump, enhancing the effects of Sculptra™. Include a nutrient-rich diet that incorporates fruits, vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants, which promote healthy skin and collagen production.

What should I eat after Sculptra?

Since the ultimate results rely on how well your body forms collagen in response to the Sculptra®, it is important to eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein and Vitamin C, exercise to encourage good circulation to the skin, and avoid smoking.

Can I have a glass of wine after Sculptra?

Don't drink alcohol for at least 3-4 days prior to your appointment. You can count on a lot less bleeding and bruising if follow this guideline. ► Don't drink alcohol for at least 24 hours following your treatment, either.

Does Sculptra lift the face?

Sculptra is an essential injectable that helps maintain your overall facial volume and shape, while providing natural results. Sculptra lifts, restores, and smooths. Imagine re-inflating a sagging balloon.

What happens if I don't massage after Sculptra?

But if left alone to increase in size, a tiny pinhead grain can develop a pea-sized nodule and must be excised. ​ ​It is much easier to massage and spread the fluid into a thin, uniform layer rather than allow it to pool.

Can I use Retinol after Sculptra?

Tips for after your Sculptra appointment:

Avoid excessive sun or heat exposure for 24 hours post-treatment. Do not exercise for at least 24 hours. Avoid saunas for at least 6 hours. Avoid the use of Retinol and exfoliating acids (or any potentially irritating skincare products) for 4 days following treatment.

Is it OK to take Advil after Sculptra?

After Your Treatment AVOID all daily anti-inflammatory medications for 2 weeks before and after each Sculptra treatment, if possible. This includes aspirin, Advil, Aleve, and prednisone. You can take Tylenol, if needed.

What is the downtime for Sculptra?

There is no downtime required after being treated Sculptra, and you are not required to schedule any time off of work. However, exercise is not recommended for 24-hours after injections. What Is the recovery process after Sculptra injections?

How soon do Sculptra nodules appear?

Injection site nodules mostly occurred several months after injection, starting from 1-2 months to 14 months after last Sculptra Aesthetic administration. In some cases, the nodules went away on their own or after treatment with corticosteroid injections; other nodules lasted up to 2 years.

How much does Sculptra cost?

TreatmentSingle Treatment From
Sculptra treatment£545.00£545.00

Can Sculptra migrate?

Unlike other dermal fillers, Sculptra® will not shift or move around under the skin once injected.

Can I take Tylenol after Sculptra?

Within the first 24 hours, apply ice or an ice pack wrapped in cloth (avoid putting ice directly on your skin) to the treatment area to help reduce swelling. Massage the treated area for 5 minutes 5 times a day for 5 days after your treatment. You may take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for discomfort if needed.

Where is the best place to inject Sculptra?

Here's what you need to know. Sculptra is best at boosting natural collagen production to sustain natural facial contours; the “framework” of the face: Along the outer border of the face, from temples to chin. Injections should be inserted along the natural bony contours to achieve the best results.

Does Sculptra change your face shape?

While cosmetic injectables can highlight the fun stuff like lips and cheekbones, Sculptra maintains a youthful face shape without changing your natural features.

How much is one syringe of Sculptra?

However, according to Healthline.com, you can expect the average vial of Sculptra to cost about $923.

How much is 1 vial of Sculptra?

How Much Does Sculptra Cost? A single vial of Sculptra costs $700 each. The general rule of thumb for Sculptra is one vial per decade of life.

How much is 4 vials of Sculptra?

4 vials of Sculptra for $2,400, regular price $3,600.

Will one vial of Sculptra do anything?

Sculptra® Aesthetic requires a series of at least three sessions and then a “maintenance” treatment every year to continue to maximize results. One treatment of Sculptra® Aesthetic is never recommended and will show little to no results.

Can you overdo Sculptra?

The reason to have about 3 sessions, at least 6 weeks apart, of Sculptra to get to full correction is so that the risk of overfilling is less. Once overfilling has set in, it is hard to correct. Surgically removing the product/collagen can be done but this is probably worse than living with the problem.

Does Sculptra work on a 60 year old woman?

Typically, people require a vial of Sculptra per decade of their age. For example, a 60-year-old would need six vials of the injectable to augment sunken, hollow cheeks or correct severe volume loss in the chin region.

What is better thread lift or Sculptra?

Thread lifts are a popular option for treating age-related sagging and loss of volume including marionette lines. The results appear sooner than Sculptra and may last longer.

What is the best age to get Sculptra?

Patients range in ages from late 20's to early 80's, but the bulk of patients are typically in their 40s and 50s. As with most things, the earlier you start, the better and easier to maintain natural results at minimum cost. Typically, around 35 years of age is when someone might consider some volumizing with Sculptra.

What lasts longer than Sculptra?

Other Lasting Dermal Filler Treatments

While not quite as lengthy as Sculptra, the injectable filler treatment options listed below also can last long, including: Juvederm (Bellafill Juvederm and some variants) Radiesse. Restylane (Restylane Lyft, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Refyne)

How do you prepare for Sculptra injections?

Sculptra Pre-Treatment Recommendations

Avoid Omega 3s, Turmeric, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Supplements & Aspirin for 7 days prior. To lessen your chance of irritation & redness, pause the use of Retinol & exfoliating acids 3 days before your treatment & for 3 days after.

How do you prepare Sculptra for injections?

The filler material is freeze dried. Reconstitution with 5 mL sterile water or 4 mL sterile water and 1 mL lidocaine with epinephrine is recommended. Reconstitution with only 3 mL is possible, but this formulation should be reserved for experienced injectors who are treating the most severe cases, Dr.

How do you prepare Sculptra injections?

Sculptra powder should be reconstituted extemporaneously with 5–8 ml of sterile water for injection. Prior to injection, optionally add another 1 ml of local anaesthetic lidocaine (20 mg/ml) to the vial. Sculptra should be injected into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer.

What do I need to know before Sculptra?

To illustrate, it's important that you not apply products that can irritate your skin two to three days before treatment. This means you must avoid ingredients like glycolic acid, Retin-A, and benzoyl peroxide. You should also skip that glass of wine 24 hours before treatment.

Can you sit after Sculptra?

Sculptra vs BBL

No downtime. You can sit on your butt after! Treatment stimulates collagen growth. Results last five years or longer.

What to avoid after Sculptra?

Avoid Alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks, and spicy food for 24 hours, as these may exacerbate bruising. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen (These may thin the blood and exacerbate bruising) *Do NOT stop prescribed blood thinners without the consent of your medical provider. Avoid exercise or excessive exertion for 24 hours.

How painful are Sculptra injections?

Sculptra® injections are not painful. There might be some minor discomfort during the injection process, but this is typically minimal and well-tolerated by our patients. We educate patients on what to expect when undergoing injections in our office.

What are the rules after Sculptra?

Feel free to wear makeup a few hours after. Treated areas may be red, swollen, and bruised for the first 2-7 days. Do NOT get a facial or massage for 2 weeks after your filler procedure. Avoid strenuous workouts and alcohol for 24 hours if possible.

How long does it take for Sculptra to settle in?

You may notice some plumping in the area where the injections took place, this is just a combination of the water mixed with the poly-L-lactic acid and swelling. This effect will subside within a few days. Final results will gradually begin to appear over the course of a few weeks.

Can Sculptra go wrong?

Almost certainly after getting Sculptra placed in the lips, you will get nodules. They will last for months or years. It is recommended not to place Sculptra close to the lips or eyes because this is a known complication.

What will I look like right after Sculptra?

Some patients notice redness, mild swelling and tenderness at the injection sites after treatment. Minor bruising or lumps can also occur. These usually go away on their own within a week.

What happens if you don't massage after Sculptra?

But if left alone to increase in size, a tiny pinhead grain can develop a pea-sized nodule and must be excised. ​ ​It is much easier to massage and spread the fluid into a thin, uniform layer rather than allow it to pool.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

Last Updated: 21/05/2024

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.