9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (2024)

9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (1)

9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (2)

Are you considering investing in a short-term rental (STR for short)? Our formerly small, fringe business—which started a few decades ago with classified ads and word-of-mouth referrals—has met mainstream investing in a big way.

Thanks to unicorn startups like Airbnb (now a household name), shifts in the housing market, travel demand, and other factors, short-term rentals are now recognized as a legitimate investment opportunity by agents, lenders, and hoteliers.

Not only that, STRs give long-term rentals a run for their money when it comes to attracting investor attention. When studying short and long-term rentals side by side, short-term/vacation rentals often net nearly 2x more than their long-term counterparts. This makes STRs a prime opportunity not only for everyday real estate investors, but also for larger investment groups such as funds.

Of course, there are a number of steps between making your rental property investment and the ROI stage where you reap the benefits. It can be intimidating! You need the right know-how in order to earn passive income from a rental business.

That’s why The Distinguished Guest, along with vacation rental real estate pro Erica Muller of VRolio, are breaking it all down for you below with our top 9 tips to consider when purchasing an STR investment property.

Follow these in (roughly) chronological order and you’ll be covered for some of the trickiest aspects of making a property investment.

Determine your goals.

First and foremost, decide what type of buyer you are. Are you a hobbyist looking to cover the cost of your second home or vacation home before you retire there? A serial investor looking to build a real estate empire? Somewhere in the middle?

The answer to this question will determine the right location(s) where you begin your property search. If you are in the game for a second home to retire to, then your dreams will determine your location. If you are primarily an investor, then you will be searching for investments and locations that yield the highest ROI. (Ideally, if you’re looking for a retirement investment you’ll live in one day, you will also consider the viability of the STR market in that area.)

Erica Muller puts it this way: “Can you set your emotions aside and focus only on numbers, or is it essential to love what you purchase? These questions will help you narrow down your options and figure out what kind of investor you really are.”

Hire an agent that understands the STR market.

Once upon a time, STR-specific real estate agents simply did not exist. That has changed a lot. Take advantage and get yourself a knowledgeable agent that will save you time, and potentially make you more money.

Erica suggests getting to know your potential agent’s level of expertise when it comes to buying and selling STR properties with interview questions like:

  • How many vacation rentals have you sold?
  • What is the difference between an Airbnb and a vacation rental?
  • What is your strategy for valuing the asset & income side of the vacation rental?
  • Are you a Certified Vacation Rental Agent?

Understand local laws when it comes to property owners and short-term rentals.

Once you have an idea of your ideal location, it’s time for another extremely important step: do your research into the area’s STR regulations. Not all vacation/short-term rental markets are created equal—not by a long shot. In some places, it’s not even legal to operate a short-term rental.

Sometimes, there are tax implications between using a property as a primary residence versus a short-term rental investment.

With STR in the mainstream, most agents and relators are (or should be) well versed in regulations regarding their area. If you are upfront with your agent about your intent to STR rent, they can help you identify properties that suit your needs and also ensure that your new business venture is above board.

Be sure you understand the political climate of the area. How long have they allowed STRs? Are there permit fees? Registration requirements? Do I need to pay transient occupancy taxes on annual revenue?

Also, understand the possible direction of the local market in the future. Is there a history of failed legislation that keeps coming up year after year? That can be an indicator of the market’s future climate.

In some heavily regulated markets, advocacy groups are popping up to represent the interest of STR owners and investors, like NASTRA in Nashville, TN and Host 2 Host in Portland, OR. Look into whether or not your selected market has such a group; they can often provide a wealth of info and resources, as well as opportunities to get involved and be heard.

9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (3)

Look into your competition and do some market research.

Once you have your vetted agent, ask them to help you understand what a good investment in the rental market looks like in terms of:

  • Average occupancy
  • Average nightly rates
  • Seasonal rates
  • HOA Terms
  • Mortgage Payments
  • Upkeep
  • Operating expenses
  • Big Ticket events that draw guests at certain times of the year

Next, ask them to refer you to one of their past clients who is now running a successful STR in the area so you can get a second perspective on the above.

But don’t stop there! Scour the listing sites like Airbnb/Vrbo to make your own determination on rental and occupancy rates, as well as property taxes, insurance, and other relevant factors.

Run the numbers for cash flow and rental income.

Whether you’re a hobbyist or a serial investor, running the numbers is essential. Luckily, companies like Vrolio have free resources that can help you do just that—and it is specific to the STR industry. Make sure you look at both your interest rates depending on your credit score, your cap rate, and your cash on cash return. Understanding where you want to be with this is key to guiding your investment.

Be sure to factor in maintenance and property management company costs, if applicable.

Make an offer.

Now it’s time to place your offer and get this ball rolling! But first, there are more questions to ask, like:

What exactly is included in the purchase price? The existing bookings? Furnishings? What about any intellectual property, like property branding, a website, an email list of past guests, existing listings on booking sites, or other value-add items?Will you hire property management? How will you deal with delinquent renters?

Also, consider the legal logistics of the transfer of all of the additional assets. Does your loan program allow for you to protect the sale by writing the assets into the contract, or not?

Having your agent assess the asset and income value of the property will help you better understand if your offer is in line or not.

Do your due diligence on your short-term rental property.

Review all of the reports that you receive, like the home inspection, and give them a shrewd eye. That means running the numbers again (and again) and also preparing a capital plan.

Consider that some items in the home may need to be replaced over time, like large appliances, flooring, and paint, as well as roof repair and pool maintenance.

During this time, if you want to hit the ground running, you might also consider creating your listing on Airbnb and Vrbo, setting up your social media accounts and planning any upgrades needed to open your home for business.

Close the deal.

At this stage, make sure any bookings made prior to your purchase have all been turned over to you or your manager, and any advance deposits and down payments collected are accounted for on the closing statement (if applicable). Review the numbers with the title company, make sure insurance is in place, and that utilities have been transferred.

Get ready to open for business!

There are a ton of excellent resources out there for the new STR investor. For one place to start, check out The Distinguished Guest’s Modern Hospitality Guide for tips and tricks to make guests happy, get great reviews, and rake in the repeat business that will set you up for success.

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9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (4)

9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR (2024)


9 Things To Consider When Investing In A STR - Buying a STR? ›

Short-term rentals can be an attractive investment thanks to the potential for greater cash flow. But they also bring new challenges for investors more familiar with traditional long-term rental properties, from fast turnover between guests to extra regulations.

Is a STR a good investment? ›

Short-term rentals can be an attractive investment thanks to the potential for greater cash flow. But they also bring new challenges for investors more familiar with traditional long-term rental properties, from fast turnover between guests to extra regulations.

What are the three most important factors in real estate investments? ›

Home prices and home sales (overall and in your desired market) New construction. Property inventory. Mortgage rates.

How do you analyze short term rental investment? ›

How to Analyze Short-Term Rental Markets
  1. Choose a Location.
  2. Determine the Demand.
  3. Consider Seasonal Activities.
  4. Look at the Property Type.
  5. Calculate Occupancy Rates.
  6. Estimate Your Income.
  7. Factor in Expenses.
Nov 15, 2023

What is a str in real estate? ›

STR stands for Short-Term Rental. This refers to a property, usually furnished, that is rented out for a short period, often less than six months. They're most commonly used for vacation rentals.

What is a good return on short term rental investment? ›

The higher the annualized ROI, the more profitable the investment. Look for vacation rentals with projected annualized returns of 15% or more. Debt Paydown Return Another factor to consider is the forced equity you build as mortgage debt is paid down. This can add 1-3% annually to your overall ROI.

Can you make money with STR? ›

Well, the secret to making more money from your STR is giving your guests a better experience they'll pay more for. That way, even with higher rates, you'll still be offering guests fantastic value. Here are proven ways to improve your guests' vacation rental experience: Researching your competition.

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Remember the 3 A's for retirement saving: amount, account, and asset mix.

What are the four factors to consider when selecting an investment? ›

Here they are, in no particular order:
  • Return on Investment (ROI) ROI is often considered to be the holy grail of all metrics when it comes to assembling one's portfolio. ...
  • Cost. ...
  • Time to Goals. ...
  • Tax Considerations. ...
  • Liquidity.
Dec 23, 2022

What is a key factor in the success of residential real estate investments? ›

Perhaps the most well-known mantra in real estate, the location of your investment property can significantly impact its value and potential for appreciation. Factors such as proximity to amenities, economic stability, development plans, and neighborhood trends should be thoroughly evaluated.

How to evaluate str market? ›

An STR analysis takes into account factors such as location and demand, seasonality and occupancy, along with revenues, expenses, and appreciation. Metrics used to measure STR property performance include ADR, RevPAR, and gross annual revenue.

How do you calculate ROI on short-term rental property? ›

The formula for this calculation is as follows:
  1. ROI = (Annual Rental Income - Annual Operating Costs) / Mortgage Value. ...
  2. Cap Rate = Net Operating Income / Purchase Price × 100% ...
  3. Cash-on-Cash Return = (Annual Cash Flow / Total Cash Invested) × 100% ...
  4. Related Articles.
Nov 28, 2023

How do you maximize short term rentals? ›

14 ways to maximize vacation rental income
  1. Achieve multi-channel distribution. ...
  2. Update your listings regularly. ...
  3. Perfect your pricing. ...
  4. Create a direct booking website. ...
  5. Optimize your online presence. ...
  6. Automate stays and workflows. ...
  7. Provide a great guest experience. ...
  8. Leverage upsell opportunities.
Jan 3, 2024

Is STR a good investment? ›

5 Things Investors Should Know About The Short-Term Rental Market (STR) In 2023. The short-term rental (STR) market has emerged as one of the most lucrative investment options in recent years. The high returns and potential for steady income have attracted property investors from all over the world.

What is the average return on STR? ›

In general, short-term rental businesses have higher profit margins compared to traditional long-term rental properties. According to industry reports, the average profit margin for a short-term rental property can range from 25% to 50%, with some properties earning even higher margins.

What is a str listing? ›

STR - “Short-term rental.” A property intended for shorter stays, often less than 30 days. Interchangeable with “vacation rental.” Supply - Total number of available short-term rental (STR) listings.

Is a short-term rental business profitable? ›

Short-term Rentals

According to industry reports, the average profit margin for a short-term rental property can range from 25% to 50%, with some properties earning even higher margins. However, it's important to note that these margins can be affected by a variety of factors.

Are short-term rentals a good investment in 2024? ›

Opportunities. The STR market in 2024 is ripe with potential, highlighted by a nationwide surge in demand and strategic opportunities to boost income. Here are some of the top reasons to be positive about STR growth this year.

Is it smart to invest in Airbnb? ›

Typically speaking, Airbnb makes it easy for hosts to make a solid income with very little experience and upfront costs compared to traditional, long-term investment properties. Simply put, you don't need to be a real estate expert to make money with Airbnb.

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Short-term investments: Safe but lower yield

You likely won't be able to earn as much in a short-term investment as you would in a long-term investment. If you invest for the short term, you'll be limited to certain types of investments and shouldn't buy riskier assets such as stocks and stock funds.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.