Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (2024)

Fumigation is a method of fighting pest infestation using toxic gases. It’s very effective and eliminates all pests, including those that hide in the deepest parts of structures. This focused approach kills bed bugs, termites, co*ckroaches, mosquitos, and rodents.

Scheduling fumigation may be essential to making your home a pest-free space. Additionally, cleaning after fumigation is necessary to help clear the smell and any residue left behind.

What You Need to Have After a Fumigation

For a successful fumigation process, it’s best to hire professional pest control technicians. But before scheduling the pest control treatment, ensure you have all the cleaning materials you need to clean your house immediately after the fumigation process is over.

Some of the items you need for cleaning after fumigation are:

  • Any cleaner with germ-killing properties. You may also mix vinegar with water to form a cleaning solution.
  • Spray bottle
  • New cleaning clothes, if possible.
  • Buckets
  • Duster or cleaning cloth
  • Furniture polisher
  • Mop
  • Scrub brush
  • Vacuum cleaner: To clean carpets, furniture, curtains, cracks and crevices, and fabrics.
  • Broom

Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (1)

Step-By-Step Post-Fumigation Cleaning Guide

It’s not easy to clean your house after fumigation. It’s a tedious process that may take several hours. That’s why it’s advisable to hire a professional cleaning company to do it on your behalf.

The steps to follow in cleaning your house are as follows:


Once you get into your house, open all the doors and windows to ensure your house aerates before you can start the actual cleaning. Airflow helps eliminate the smell from chemicals used for fumigation.


Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (2)

Dispose of any food items exposed to the fumigation process as a precautionary measure. Don’t make the mistake of eating them or letting your pet come anywhere near them.


Prepare your cleaning solution using the antibacterial or germ-killing cleaner. Your spray bottle should contain 75% water and 25% cleaner. Preparing this solution ensures the maximization of the germ-killing cleaner to avoid wastage.

Pour 8 capfuls of the antibacterial cleaner into each bucket. Don’t overfill them, or you may spill when you start mopping or wiping.


Plan where you want to clean first and get down to work. Always start from the top to the bottom. This means that you should start with the ceiling, not forgetting the ceiling fan. Then, proceed to the walls with items displayed on them. Next should be all your furniture, including chairs, desks, tables, cupboards, and drawers. Finally, clean the floor.


Vacuum any dead pests around your house and discard the vacuum bag immediately. Empty all your drawers and cupboards and vacuum them as well. Also, vacuum the chairs, curtains, and couches. Move furniture as needed so you can clean every inch of the house.


Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (3)

Eliminate any fumigant, warning agent, and dust by wiping surfaces around the house. Use a damp cloth or rag of which you should discard immediately after use. Use the solution you made using water and germ-killing cleaner and wipe the surfaces, cabinets, drawers, cupboards, and doorknobs once again.

After wiping your wooden items, including wooden picture frames, ensure to wipe once again, this time with the furniture polisher. This ensures you wipe any water residue on the wood to avoid damaging it.


This is the proper time to mop the floors. Use warm soapy water to remove any remaining fumigants. Don’t forget to mop the bathroom floors too. Before you finish cleaning, wipe all the restroom surfaces.


Take out your sheets and linens, including curtains, for washing. Before cleaning the linens, be sure to wipe your washing machine to get rid of any fumigants.

Also, vacuum your bed, mattress, and pillows, before bringing in clean bedding. If any of your rooms have carpeting, you should spray it with disinfectant. Let it dry for about 24 hours.

Once you’re through with cleaning, try to stay out of your home until it’s well aerated. Sometimes, you may notice an unusual smell after fumigation. It’s best to stay out until the smell fades away.

Fumigation FAQs

Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (4)

Here are some frequently asked questions about fumigation:

What are the common contents of fumigants?

Most fumigants consist of sulfuryl fluoride or methyl bromide. These are for various pests, including insects and rodents.

Is it better to hire a cleaning crew after fumigation?

Cleaning after fumigation is pretty tedious. It’s a process that requires a deep cleaning of every corner and part of your house. For some, it’s best to hire a cleaning crew because they’re good at what they do.

It may take them up to five hours to complete, but you can be sure they won’t leave any furniture, item, or corner unturned. However, this does create an additional expense.


Fumigation is a great way to deal with pests in houses and live in a clean home. Of importance is to handle your home fumigation well. It helps avoid any dangers associated with fumigation. And, of course, ensure you clean your home thoroughly after fumigation before moving back in.

Every time you require fumigation in your home, leave it to the professionals to do it on your behalf. Contact Stampede Pest Controlto learn more about termite control and make your home pest-free!

Cleaning After Fumigation: How To Get Back Into Your Home Safely (2024)
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