What to Do Before and After a Fumigation Termite Treatment? (2024)

  • Aug 24, 2022

What to Do Before and After a Fumigation Termite Treatment? (1)What is Fumigation Treatment?

Fumigation is an effective termite treatment against drywood termites. It is often recommended when the infestation is severe and is present in multiple places. Fumigation treatment involves the usage of fumigants which help get rid of the termites present in the property. These fumigants consist of harmful chemicals and hence it is important to prepare your house before and after the treatment.

Before Fumigation

Preparing your home before fumigation ensures the success of the treatment. The termite exterminator might provide you with a set of instructions that you should follow.Here are some common tips for you to take note of.


  • Trim the plants and shrubbery and leave a gap of at least 18 inches from the outer wall of your house so that the tent can be erected.
  • Water the plants to keep them moist and safe from the chemicals.
  • Remove all plants present in your home.
  • Rake the gravel and dirt around the house to ensure that the tent stays strong.

Household Items

  • Remove the plastic covers from the mattresses if possible or remove the mattress itself since these covers can bring down the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • To ensure that the chemical spreads through the house, open all doors between the rooms.
  • Open all cabinets, cupboards, drawers and drapes.
  • Pack away all clothing and bedding. Double bag and store them in the appropriate place for effective protection from the fumigants.
  • Porous items absorb gas and hence should be stored away.
  • Unplug all electrical appliances. Talk to the gas company and have them cut the supply until the fumigation is over.
  • Leave the keys to your property so that the termite exterminators can do a thorough job.
  • Take your valuables with you and drop off your pets at apre-arranged area of accommodation till the treatment gets over.

Food Items

  • Remove all edible items like food and medicines or double bag them.
  • Food in plastic covers, glass jars and cans can be left as it is given that the seal is intact.
  • Double bag frozen foods and leave them in the refrigerator.
  • Use special bags that offer maximum protection against fumigants for sealing food items.

Also Read:Benefits of Fumigation Termite Control

After Fumigation

Cleaning your house after fumigation is important to get rid of the residual chemicals before you get back to the house. Here are some steps to follow before moving into your home after the fumigation treatment.

  • Open all windows and doors before you start the cleaning process.
  • Go out and clean all the dead pests. Vacuum them and then throw out the vacuum bag. This allows time for your house to be aired out.
  • Look around the house for any edible items that you have left open by mistake. Throw away any food or open containers before you start the cleaning.
  • Empty all drawers, cupboards and cabinets.
  • Now, start vacuuming the house and do not miss items like couches, chairs and fabrics. Move all furniture and vacuum all corners.
  • Wipe all surfaces of the home using a damp cloth to get rid of dust and fumigants. Discard the cloth immediately.
  • Next, wipe the surfaces with a solution that consists of 50% water and 50% vinegar. Discard the cloth immediately.
  • Mop the floor using soapy water to get rid of the residual fumigants.
  • Collect all sheets and curtains and take them for laundry.
  • Vacuum the mattress before replacing the bedding.
  • Avoid staying at your home for at least two days.
  • Keep the “clear to enter” sign intact since it might be requested by the utility company representative before he turns on the gas supply.

Fumigation is perfectly safe for humans if performed by experienced professionals. Also, make sure you follow all precautions before and after the fumigation termite control treatment for the best result.

Hi Tech Termite

Getting rid of termites is important but make sure that you do it safely. For safe and effective fumigation, contact us at (888) 322-8889.

What to Do Before and After a Fumigation Termite Treatment? (2024)
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