Fumigation - Target - Customer Portal - Nylofume Fumigation Bag 20" x 36" (100) (2024)

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Description Nylofume Fumigation Bag 20" x 36" (100)

Nylofume bags are made from a special nylon polymer film. Research has shown that double-bagging items achieves optimum protections.

Nylofume bags protect food, feed, drugs and medication (including items in refrigerator). All such items must either be removed from the building being fumigated or be sealed in protective bags such as Nylofume Fumigation bags.

Dimensions: 20in x 36in

100 bags/box
10 boxes/case
12 cases/pallet




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Fumigation - Target - Customer Portal - Nylofume Fumigation Bag 20" x 36" (100) (2024)


What is a nylofume bag? ›

The Bottom Line

Nylofume is an ultralight, durable, inexpensive, easy-to-use pack liner. It gives me confidence that if I'm wading through deep canyon water, packrafting across a river, or suffering through a day of non-stop rain, the essential parts of my kit I depend on will be dry at the end of the day.

How to use Nylofume bags? ›

While bags are still empty, place one inside another. Place items inside the inner bag. Twist the top of the inner bag. Fold once and secure the fold in place using tape or a twist tie.

What bags to use for fumigation? ›

You will use Nylofume bags, which are specially designed to protect your unsealed food and medicines. They are available from your pest management professional. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to have all items on this checklist done before the crew arrives. Failure to do so may postpone the fumigation.

Can I use toilet paper after fumigation? ›

Is toilet paper safe after fumigation? No, toilet paper is not safe after fumigation without certain precautions. The safety of toilet paper post-fumigation depends on various factors such as the type of chemicals used, the duration of exposure, and the storage method during fumigation.

Are Nylofume bags safe? ›

If certain food items are left un-protected, they may no longer be safe for your family to consume. That is why we use special Nylofume® bags , per government regulations, that are made specifically to protect food items during fumigation. A Nylofume bag is a thick, plastic bag that won't allow fumigant through.

Are Nylofume bags reusable? ›

If you want to protect the contents of your backpack from moisture, these hardwearing Nylofume® bags are a great lightweight option and are tougher and lighter than most trash compactor bags. With care, you can expect these to last for several months of continued use. Features: Watertight and reusable.

Can I leave my refrigerator on during fumigation? ›

You need to turn off pilot lights in your home, air conditioners, and more as these can be the reason for your home to be at risk. Also, unplugging your refrigerator is a must because leaving it turned on will suck the chemicals released by the foggers.

Do you need to wipe everything down after fumigation? ›

Eliminate any fumigant, warning agent, and dust by wiping surfaces around the house. Use a damp cloth or rag of which you should discard immediately after use. Use the solution you made using water and germ-killing cleaner and wipe the surfaces, cabinets, drawers, cupboards, and doorknobs once again.

Can I leave my clothes in the house during fumigation? ›

The only risk is to the moths and bugs that may be hiding among your clothes. While termite removal agents are meant to get rid of termites, they may also work against other pests, so the risk of insect damage to your apparel is reduced. Your clothes can be left in the house during fumigation.

Can I sleep in my house after fumigation? ›

Allow extra time for airing out your home, with windows open, before moving back in. Sulfuryl fluoride has been measured in homes up to 48 hours after clearance.

What to do with pillows during fumigation? ›

Fumigation bags are available to help protect your consumables. Take the sheets, pillows and comforters from all beds. Some customers feel more comfortable removing these items, and some customers' double-bag their linens and closet contents with fumigation-proof bags.

Do I need to wash dishes after fumigation? ›

So the simple answer is no, you do not need to wash dishes or clothes after the fumigation process. We have many customers, though, that wash their dishes just for their own peace of mind.

What needs to be bagged during termite fumigation? ›

These items can include drinks, pantry items like soup, and medicines. Dry goods packaged in bags and/or cardboard boxes need to be removed or double bagged even if they haven't been opened. These items include cereal, chips, rice, etc.

Does makeup need to be bagged for fumigation? ›

If they do not provide bags, all food items must be REMOVED from the property. THIS IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Does makeup, shampoo/conditioner, and lotions need to be removed? Make-up, shampoo/conditioner, and lotions DO NOT need to be removed.

Are fumigation tents real? ›

During the termite fumigation process, a trained pest management professional will place a tent (tarps) over a home before releasing a fumigant throughout the structure. The fumigant will circulate throughout the home to reach cracks and crevices between and inside wood where termites can tunnel and thrive.

Do I need to remove bedding for fumigation? ›

As an additional precaution, consider removing your mattress and bedding from your home before fumigation. This is because we do not know how sulfuryl fluoride may get trapped in and released from some materials, like memory foam, that are used in mattresses and other furniture.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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