Plantar Wart Removal - Custom Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre (2024)

Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Trina Scarrow, BSc, DCh, has been treating plantar warts for over 20 years.

Plantar warts usually occur on the sole of the foot and are contagious. People of any age can get a plantar wart.

Plantar warts usually are rough and spongy, and most are gray, brown, or yellow with dark pinpoints. The dark pinpoints are tiny capillaries that supply blood to the wart. Scraping a wart may cause it to bleed.

Plantar warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and can occur on the sole (plantar surface), heel, or ball of the foot. Pressure from standing and walking often causes them to grow into deep layers of the skin. Plantar warts may cause pain.

The virus can exist wherever you go barefoot. Areas that are wet or damp (shower stalls, pools, gyms, hot tubs, spas, dojos, dance studios, etc.) can often harbor the virus, and it can easily be passed on within families.

Plantar warts are unsightly and can be painful, affecting work, inhibiting lifestyle and recreational activities for prolonged periods. It is in your best interest to get them treated.

A plantar wart is similar in structure to an iceberg — the part on the surface of the skin is a small part of the plantar wart. Often, the portion of the wart under the skin is at least twice as big as the part you can see.

If left untreated, plantar warts can grow up to 1 inch in circumference and may spread into clusters (called mosaic warts). In severe cases, they cause a change in gait or posture that results in leg or back pain.

Plantar Wart Removal - Custom Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre (2)

Can you go in a hot tub with plantar warts?

The short answer is yes, you can go in a hot tub with plantar warts however warts are very contagious. It is advised to wear flip flops or shoes on the deck area, and keep the area covered with a bandaid if possible.

It is also important to remember that warts do very well when they are wet so staying in the hot tub for long periods of time is not advisable. It is very important to get treatment for your plantar warts so they do not spread or become painful.

Plantar Wart Treatment

If you are searching on the internet for treatment for your plantar warts, you have possibly already tried over the counter topical remedies or even liquid nitrogen at the doctor’s office. Both are ineffective, and often destroy healthy tissue around the wart.

There is hope. We have several practical and effective treatment options for plantar warts at Custom Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre in Guelph and Milton.

Treatment regimens range from applications of safe, powerful medications applied to the warts in clinic to shrink the wart and kill the blood vessels (black dots within the warts), to at home regimens with prescription medications.

In the case of stubborn warts where conservative treatment has failed, surgical techniques are available. The most popular is autoimmune inoculation needling treatment. This unique therapy involves depositing a small amount of the virus into the deeper layers of the dermis, which activates the immune system.

Once the immune system is activated it usually requires four to eight weeks for the virus to be eradicated.Typically one treatment is required. Once the immune system is activated, it will target the virus anywhere on the body. For example, if there are warts on the other foot or hands, they will disappear there too.

Contact us today to get rid of your warts, so you don’t have to feel embarassed by them anymore.

Trina Scarrow, BSc, DCh, is a Registered Chiropodist and Foot Specialist who has been helping patients for over 20 years.

Chiropodists and Podiatrists are the only regulated health professionals who specialize in treating conditions of the foot. In Ontario, there are 600 Registered Chiropodists and only 60 Podiatrists.

Chiropodists today must complete 7 years of post-secondary education before they get their professional designation. Chiropodists do complete case management of foot problems, including assessment, treatment and ongoing care.

Plantar Wart Removal - Custom Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre (3)

Chiropodist Trina Scarrow, BSc, DCh
*Picture taken before COVID-19, now full safety protocols in place including air filtration systems

Let's Connect

I am an experienced Foot Specialist and Registered Chiropodist with locations in Guelph and Milton.

I provide a full assessment, biomechanical exams, and gait analysis. I will be able to help address your foot discomfort with a variety of techniques including foot care treatment, custom orthotics, orthopaedic shoes, medication, laser, or physical therapy.

I can help get your feet functioning better to help you feel better. Contact me today.

Plantar Wart Removal - Custom Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre (2024)


What is the average cost of plantar wart removal? ›

How much does it cost to remove a plantar wart? The pricing varies, but usually covered by health care insurance. Cash prices vary from $50 with topical medication, $100 with cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen), to $500 if surgically removed.

What type of doctor is best for plantar warts? ›

You'll likely start by seeing your primary care provider, who may then refer you to a specialist in disorders of the skin (dermatologist) or feet (podiatrist).

Does insurance cover plantar wart removal? ›

Most do but not all insurances cover the treatment or removal of warts. Call your insurance company to inquire as to coverage, copay, coinsurance and deductible.

Do podiatrists cut out plantar warts? ›

Surgical plantar wart removal

The podiatrist then removes the wart tissue to expose healthy skin.

Where can I go to get a plantar wart removed? ›

For complete plantar wart removal, visit your healthcare provider, who will use one of a few effective methods for getting rid of plantar warts, including: Cryotherapy. One of the most commonly used plantar wart removal methods involves freezing them off, a procedure known as cryotherapy.

What is the lifespan of a plantar wart? ›

Plantar warts are caused by an infection with HPV in the outer layer of skin on the soles of the feet. The warts develop when the virus enters through tiny cuts, breaks or weak spots on the bottom of the foot. If left untreated, warts can last from a few months to 2 years in children, and several years in in adults.

Is it better to go to a dermatologist or podiatrist for plantar warts? ›

The answer is yes – when it comes to the treatment of plantar warts, turn to a podiatrist for help. This medical specialist specializes in treating foot and ankle problems and can effectively treat abnormal growths on your feet.

Is it better to see a dermatologist or podiatrist for warts? ›

Podiatrists use a variety of treatments to remove warts more quickly. These include topical medications, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and surgical removal. If you have foot warts that are bothering you, please consult with a podiatrist.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a plantar wart? ›

Management and Treatment
  1. Cryotherapy: Your healthcare provider applies extreme cold to freeze and destroy the plantar wart. ...
  2. Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy helps your immune system fight HPV. ...
  3. Laser treatment: Your healthcare provider uses laser light to heat and destroy the tiny blood vessels inside your plantar wart.
Apr 12, 2023

Can a dermatologist cut out a plantar wart? ›

For warts that are stubborn or those that cause pain such as plantar warts, the dermatologist may recommend more invasive treatment to achieve relief sooner. In a curettage, the doctor can scrape off or cut the warts out using a sharp tool.

Do you go to a dermatologist for plantar warts? ›

Plantar warts, like other common warts, will often clear up on their own. However, they can be quite painful and many patients choose to remove them with at-home remedies or work with a dermatologist to remove them more quickly.

Why are plantar warts so hard to get rid of? ›

We still do not fully understand why the immune system in a healthy person cannot get rid of plantar warts. But the leading theory says that the virus hides itself and its DNA inside the skin cells (epidermal cells), which is why the immune system cannot recognize it.

Can you walk after getting a plantar wart removed? ›

Surgical excision allows you to walk immediately following the procedure, although you will be advised and expected to rest for 48-72 hours to reduce complications such as bleeding and increased post-op pain.

Does plantar wart mean I have HPV? ›

There are different kinds of HPV. The viruses can cause warts, such as plantar warts on the bottom of the feet, and genital warts. They can also cause different kinds of cancers. These include cervical, throat, and anal cancers.

What happens to a plantar wart if left untreated? ›

If left untreated, plantar warts can grow up to 1 inch in circumference and may spread into clusters called mosaic warts. In severe cases, they can cause a change in gait or posture that results in leg or back pain–our job is to make sure that doesn't happen. What are the prevention/treatment options?

Can plantar warts be removed without surgery? ›

Cryotherapy: This involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, which causes the wart to blister and eventually fall off. Evidence suggests that cryotherapy effectively treats plantar warts, with cure rates ranging from 50-70%.

How long does it take to get rid of plantar warts with compound W? ›

Check your product package and follow the directions carefully. You may cover the area loosely with a bandage. Repeat this procedure 1 to 2 times daily for up to 2 weeks for corns and calluses and 12 weeks for warts or as directed by your doctor.

Is it worth getting warts removed? ›

Warts are harmless. In most cases, they go away on their own within months or years. If warts spread or cause pain, or if you don't like the way they look, you may want to treat them.

Do dermatologists remove plantar warts? ›

In some cases, a dermatologist may use different types of surgeries and procedures to remove plantar warts. Electrosurgery and curettage: Electrosurgery is when a podiatrist burns off a plantar wart.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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