Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (2024)

The Pokeballs catch rate in sword and shield is lower on average but they have been a defining item in every Pokemon game so far and Pokemon Sword and Shield are no different. There haven't really been any new Pokeballs added in the game but there are special Pokeballs found throughout the Galar region. T

Pokeballs have come so far that the Nintendo Switch even has a "Pokeball Controller" you can use for the console. This was introduced in Pokemon Let's Go: Eevee and Pikachu and you can still use this controller to get Mystery Gifts and catch Pokemon in-game.

Also read: Pokemon Sword and Shield: Where to find all Legendaries

There is also a "Ball Guy" in every Gym you go to and usually talking to him will give you free Pokeballs.

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (2)

Here is a short guide on the Pokeballs in Pokemon Sword and Shield and how to catch the pokeballs

#1 Poke Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (3)

Where to find: Poke Center (200), items on the ground

The Poke Ball is the first and most basic item you get in Sword and Shield, just like in every other Pokemon game. These are the most common Poke Balls and you can find them in Poke Centers. Pokeballs are recommended to catch Pokemon between Level 1-15.

#2 Great Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (4)

Where to find: Poke Centers (600), items on the ground

The Great Ball is the second best type of Poke Ball and it is also easily available in Poke Centers. You can get free Great Balls from NPCs and by finding them. You'll need a Gym Badge before they start becoming available in Poke Centers. Great Balls are useful for catching Pokemon between Level 16-25.

#3 Ultra Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (5)

Where to find: Poke Centers (800), items on the ground

Ultra Balls are one of the best Pokeballs in the game. You will unlock these at Poke Centers after progressing in the game and getting more Gym Badges. It is better than Pokeballs and Great Balls and are recommended for catching Pokemon over Level 25.

#4 Master Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (6)

Where to find: Professor Magnolia

The Master Ball is the best ball in the game. It will capture any Pokemon with a 0% chance of failure, including Legendaries. You get the Master Ball from Professor Magnolia after completing the Pokemon League. You will only get one copy of this Pokeball in the game so use it wisely.

#5 Premier Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (7)

Where to find: Poke Center

Premier Balls are a "commemorative item used to celebrate an event of some sort" by their description. However, its really just as powerful as a Pokeball. If you purchase 10 Pokeballs, Great Balls or Ultra Balls in a Poke Center, you'll get 1 Premier Ball for free.

#6 Friend Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (8)

Where to find: Motostoke, Turrfield, Wyndo Stadium (Ball Guys, Free)

Catching a Pokemon with a Friend Ball will make the Pokemon Friendly to you immediately. It's recommended to catch an Eevee or a Woobat or Pokemon that require friendship to level up since it will be a bit faster. You can only get these from Ball Guys and you can't buy them.

#7 Lure Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (9)

Where to find: Hulbury, Wyndo Stadium (Ball Guys, Free)

You can only get Lure Balls for free from Ball Guys. Lure Balls are more effective in catching Pokemon you encounter while fishing with a rod.

#8 Quick Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (10)

Where to find: Wyndon Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (500 Watts), Route 7 (free)

Quick Balls have the best success rate if you use them in the very first turn of an encounter. It can also fail due to not weakening Pokemon but the odds are much better than regular Pokeballs.

#9 Repeat Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (11)

Where to find: Wyndon Poke Center (1000)

Repeat Balls work best on Pokemon you have already caught before. This is useful especially if you're catching Pokemon for breeding purposes.

#10 Luxury Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (12)

Where to find: Route 8 (free), Wyndon Poke Center (3000)

Luxury Balls are the most expensive Pokeballs. After you catch a Pokemon with, its friendship level with you will increase at a much faster rate. Luxury Balls are a much better version of Friend Balls.

#11 Net Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (13)

Where to find: Hulbury (free), Motostoke Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (50 Watts), Wyndon Stadium (Ball Guy)

Net Balls are a very niche type of Pokeball. It has a better catch rate against Water and Bug Type Pokemon. Sword and Shield has plenty of them around.

#12 Heal Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (14)

Where to find: Motostoke Poke Center (300), Watt Trader (20)

Heal Balls restores the HP and eliminate status conditions of Pokemon you catch. It's the second cheapest Pokeball but it's also the worst one. In Sword and Shield, you can access your PC any time and sending your Pokemon to your PC will heal them automatically after which you can withdraw them at any time.

#13 Nest Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (15)

Where to find: Motostoke Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (50 Watts)

Nest Balls are used to capture Pokemon which are more effective the lower in level the Wild Pokemon is

#14 Moon Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (16)

Where to find: Circhester (Ball Guy)

Moon Ball has a better catch rate against Pokemon who evolve with a Moon Stone. There's only 2 Pokemon in Sword and Shield this is useful for: Clefairy and Munna.

#15 Dream Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (17)

Where to find: Wyndon Stadium (Ball Guy)

Dream Balls have a higher catch rate for Pokemon who are asleep in battle.

#16 Dive Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (18)

Where to find: Hammerlocke Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (50 Watts), Route 9 (free)

Dive Balls are similar to Lure Balls and they work best for Pokemon who live underwater. But they can be used for both fishing as well as surfing encounters.

#17 Level Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (19)

Where to find: Hammerlocke Ball Guy (free), Wyndon Ball Guy (free)

Level Balls are used to catch Pokemon that are lower in level than your Pokemon.

#18 Love Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (20)

Where to find: Ballonlea Ball Guy (free), Wyndon Ball Guy (free)

Love Balls are more effective when catching Pokemon of the opposite gender.

#19 Heavy Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (21)

Where to find: Stow-on-Side Ball Guy (free), Wyndon Ball Guy (free)

Heavy Balls are used to catch heavy weight Pokemon. The heavier the Pokemon, the better the success rate.

#20 Dusk Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (22)

Where to find: Hammerlocke Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (50 Watts), Galar Mine No. 2 (free)

Dusk Balls are more effective in catching Pokemon at night or in dark areas such as caves.

#21 Timer Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (23)

Where to find: Hammerlocke Poke Center (1000), Watt Trader (50 Watts)

Timer Balls are the opposite of Quick Balls. The more turns there have been in a battle, the more effective a Timer Ball becomes.

#22 Beast Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (24)

Where to find: Stow-on-Side, Wyndon Ball Guy

We're not sure why this Poke Ball exists. It has the least success rate of all Poke Balls but it does look pretty cool.

#23 Fast Ball

Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (25)

Where to find: Finish 10 Rotom Rally (free), Wyndon Ball Guy

Fast Balls are effective for Pokemon who have a high speed or a higher speed than yours. A good strategy is to switch out to your lowest speed Pokemon which makes Fast Balls much more effective.

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Edited by A. Ayush Chatterjee


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Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate (2024)


Pokemon Sword and Shield: A guide on all Pokeballs catch rate? ›

Without a doubt, the Master Ball is the best device for catching Pokemon, as it has an astoundingly high catch rate modifier of x255.

What Poké Ball has the highest catch rate in sword and shield? ›

Without a doubt, the Master Ball is the best device for catching Pokemon, as it has an astoundingly high catch rate modifier of x255.

What Poké Ball has a 100% catch rate? ›

Ball Success Rates
BallChance to catchAvg. tries
Generation I
Great Ball41.0%2.4
Ultra Ball62.4%1.6
Master Ball100.0%1.0
41 more rows

Which Poké Balls have the highest catch rate? ›

In fact, in Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go, Eevee, a second one can be found in Cerulean Cave, not far from Mewtwo himself! Although the item's rarity hurts it, the Master Ball is the overall best Poke Ball in terms of catch rate.

What is the catch rate of each Poké Ball? ›

For a Poké Ball, it is exact for Pokémon with a catch rate of at most 230; For a Great Ball, it is exact for Pokémon with a catch rate of at most 175. For an Ultra or Safari Ball, it is exact for Pokémon with a catch rate of at most 125.

Which Poké Ball Cannot fail catching? ›

Master Balls will capture any Pokémon without fail, but they're also the rarest of all Poké Balls.

What Poké Ball is a guaranteed catch? ›

The Master Ball guarantees one uncontested catch, so you'd better use it wisely. There's only ever one of these treasures to be found in a Pokémon game, and it actually isn't necessary to complete your Pokédex — though it sure helps.

Which is the rarest Pokémon? ›

The 17 Rarest Pokemon Of The Original 150
  • 8 Lapras.
  • 7 Kangaskhan.
  • 6 Aerodactyl.
  • 5 Dragonite.
  • 4 Alakazam.
  • 3 Omastar.
  • 2 Kabutops.
  • 1 Mewtwo.
Jul 11, 2023

Can a Master Ball fail? ›

Yeah Master Ball cannot fail anymore because its catch rate was changed to 255. It used to be able to miss, but almost never. You would need a Pokemon with 999 HP left and 999 Maximum, and a Pokemon with 3 or less catch rate (no pokemon has less than 2 catch rate).

What is an ultra ball catch rate? ›

The Ultra Ball (Japanese: ハイパーボール Hyper Ball) has a 100% higher chance to catch a Pokémon than a regular Poké Ball, and a 33% higher chance than a Great Ball. It has a catch multiplier of 2.0. What is the factor that makes Poké Balls such as the Ultra Ball and many others different from regular Poké Balls?

Is Premier Ball better than Ultra? ›

Ultra Balls work better than Premiere Balls, but Dusk Balls (if used at night in a game with a day/night cycle or in caves) works even better than Ultra Balls! An Ultra Ball is more likely to catch a Pokémon. The Premiere Ball is equivalent to a normal Pokeball.

Is luxury ball better than ultra ball? ›

ultra ball has a higher chance of catching a pokemon. but luxury ball gives the pokemon a friendliness boost.

What is the best ball to catch Zacian? ›

Lure Ball is best for Zacian.

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