The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (2024)

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by Heather · Published · Updated

The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (1)If I were to subtitle this post, it would be: “Why I have a 12-year-old unopened can of Mr. Pibb in my refrigerator.”Because I do.

Let’s go back to the late 90s-early 2000, when I was in college, pulling all-nighters on ambitious art projects and downing inordinate amounts of caffeine. Mr. Pibb (often styled asMr. PiBB) was my savior. My soft drinkof choice. Until 2001, when Coca-Cola reformulated the drink and replaced my beloved original with Pibb Xtra.

It is branded as a “bolder” version of the original Mr. Pibb.Most claim it to be spicer, possibly having added cinnamon. It was rumoredthat Pibb Xtra contained additional caffeine as well, but that isn’t true. And some people say it is exactly the same (it’s not). I gaveXtra a shot, butdidn’t like it as well. At all. When I realized then, over a decade ago, that the original wasn’t coming back, I hoarded cases whilethey lingered in storesand drank it sparingly. When that was nearly gone, I left the one unopened can you see above — a reminder, a memorial, if you will — in my refrigerator. And it goes where I go.

The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (2)To this day, Pibb Xtra is still the Dr. Pepper of the co*ke world, with the original Mr. Pibb nowhere to be found. I’m not alone in my sadness over the loss. There’s even an entire American Dad episode about it. Details of its history and demise are often mentionedon wikis and message boards. even has someavailable — each can is $24.95.

Eventually, I traveled over to the Dr. Pepper camp, andit’s been my love ever since. Some oftensay that Pibb Xtra and Dr. Pepper taste the same, but they really donot, and of the two, I think Dr. Pepper is superior. And, if I’m only given a choice of Coca-Cola products, I get co*ke, not Pibb Xtra. I might have a grudge.

Tags: discontinuedflashbackloved and lostmr. pibbnostalgiapibb xtrasoft drink

The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (3)


The little leading lady at The Plain Cheese. Read the About for more. My fav snacks are Doritos, Red Vines, Reese's, Sour Patch Kids, Popcorn, Oreos, Sprees, Nachos...

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  1. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (5)Hunter-M3 says:

    I am a huge fan of Pibb Xtra. It has the edge on Dr. Pepper in my opinion because I like the added cinnamon. However, I can’t really compare it to the old version because, although I remember having the old version, I don’t really remember how it tasted compared to the new one,

  2. I’ve got a funny story about Mr. Pibb. Back in the day, it was my drink of choice. Way way back. Mr. Pibb and a Zero bar or a Clark bar… hey it was before I discovered the awesomeness of Snicker Bars. I think my mom secretly kept me from knowing how good they were because they were her favorites, but I digress… Go with me back to about 1976-77 or maybe ’78… it’s winter in Evansville and there was a blizzard. Me and my family lived in Executive Manor apartments and my dad talked me into trudging through the thigh high snow to buy him some co*kes and I got a Mr. Pibb. I totally did it. Mom wrapped my legs and feet in bread bags for the trip to the co*ke machine a few apartment buildings away. They were probably about a quarter each back then for a can.

  3. Oh and I think it took me about an hour to walk there and back in the snow dressed like an eskimo!

  4. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (9)T says:

    I actually prefer Pibb Xtra over Dr. Pepper but I think the original Mr. Pibb was better than the Xtra as well. My love for Mr. Pibb started at Silver Dollar City, my husband bought some warm cinnamon pecans and he went to get a soda for us while I waited on a bench. When he brought it back and I took a sip, I was like “OMG this is the best Dr. Pepper I’ve ever had!” He laughed and said it was Pibb Xtra. Been hooked ever since. It tastes great with warm cinnamon pecans by the way lol.

    • The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (10)Donna says:

      Love Silver Dollar City. Went every year with the kids. Sadly we move away. Still love the Pibb. Both of them

    • The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (11)Elijah says:

      It’s so cool that your love for Mr Pibb started at Silver Dollar City! I associate Pibb with Silver Dollar City myself because I remember drinking it there every summer and then being shocked when Pibb Extra replaced Mr Pibb during my annual field trip there.

  5. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (12)Who Cares says:

    You Pibb Xtra lovers sadden me!

    Don’t you realize that the only reason a company would switch and later eliminate an original formula is for economics alone. The heavily marketed and extra modern fake PX wasn’t selling well enough, fast enough, so they just dropped the original after “introducing” it at fast food joints and convenience stores (which often were “out” of the original before the final takedown.) I don’t know which ingredient made it so expensive, or how much cheaper or how many more excito-toxins PX contain, but that stuff is SWILL.

    I am supposed to be polite and say to each their own, except their your own eliminated MY own.

    My own take in the flavor differences between Dr. Pepper are that Dr. P has the high, sugar sweetness of a Pepsi type drink with flavors, and original Mr. Pibb had the acidic bite and burn of Coca Cola Classic with the deeper flavors. Real stuff costs, man. I drink Dr. P because I have to, but hold out a little hope that they will bring it back for us old timers, even if only for a little while…


    –Someone who crossed a state line for one last glass bottle of Mr. Pibb

  6. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (13)T says:

    I absolutely love Mr Pibb.. Getting so hard to find.. Theres a few places I can get my hands on some but not often. Found bottles at Subway and even office depot. We drive 3 hours to buy a 12 pack!

  7. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (15)Melissa says:

    I’ve always liked both Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra over Dr. Pepper, and both of those over any other soft drink, although Mt. Dew has grown on me and now I like it too. I always get excited when a restaurant says they have Dr. Pepper but when I taste it I know it is Pibb and so much better! I love that you are holding on to that one last can. Maybe they will bring it back some day, we can hope 🙂

  8. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (16)Kathy says:

    Dear Lord how I appreciate this feeling you have! I am constantly complaining about the difference between Mr. Pibb (yes, I will always call it that) and Dr. Pepper (a doctor in which field exactly?) and no one believes me, the bastards! I want my Mr. Pibb back – hell, even McDonald’s stopped carrying my beloved Pibb and have converted to “Dr.” Pepper!! But wait, I traveled to Washington several times, and living in the whorish state of California I have to travel through Oregon and guess what I was not able to find at all in Oregon? Yup, no Mr. Pibb … WTF?? I will continue my struggle and be thankful that at least WalMart still carries my favorite drink! Kudos to you for holding out with that one can – I don’t know how you do it without cracking it open. Admit it, you snuggle with that can of Pibb at night sometimes don’t you? I know I would!

  9. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (17)David says:

    With the resurgence of retro beverages…Surge and Crystal Pepsi, it’s a good time for co*ke to bring back Mr. Pibb.

  10. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (18)randy c. says:

    Original Mr Pibb all the way! Bring it back co*ke!

  11. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (19)Daniel Hinton says:

    Mr. Pibb was so good, I have found the closest equivalent to be Dr. Thunder which is Walmart’s store brand. I don’t recommend anything else sold there.

  12. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (22)paul tidwell says:

    Personally my family knew that’s what I drank but they knew that I could BARELY tell Dr Pepper apart from Mr Pibb in the Era but everrrr so slightly favored Mr pibb.

    Now if I’m at a restaurant due to the fact that I have a vendetta against anticompetitve contracts that businesses sign to ensure that they only sell ONE companies products on premises so a “co*ke franchise” will only sell co*ke and a “pepsi’ one will only sell pepsi and I think this kind of thing is bullsh*t and it needs to stop.

    So when A Business Only has Pibb Xtra I will often lash out by ordering water, or looking around for near by gas stations with one I can buy a Doctor pepper and ask for a cup with ice to pour it in.

    I will -not- Drink Pibb Xtra.

    Do you hear me co*ke? And businesses? Ever. If i’m truly desperate I’ll take water.

  13. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (23)LaMonica Moorer says:

    These people kill me I have highly upset with co*ke, dont they know just because you put xtra on a can doesn’t mean it taste better. I miss my old mr. Pibb (put it in your head) can I haven’t had this drink in over 20 years. It saddens me, really really saddens me that people act as if we don’t care. Most companies state we dont have Mr. Pibb but we have dr. Pepper as if that could substitute mr. Pibb I am highly highly upset. I really want to see my Mr Pibb back the (original mr. Pibb) not pibb extra I’ve heard they pay high price money for a can of the old original but I have yet to find it. someone please please contact co*ke and tell them to recreate the original mr. Pibb.
    Signed a very concerned customer!!!!

  14. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (24)Dewayne says:

    Hi , I love pibb zero but I didn’t find it very ofton .a friend said to order it online, its outrageous, did they quit making it? Its 23 bucks for a 12 pack

  15. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (25)Teresa K. says:

    About 10-12 years ago, I bought a 20oz bottle of Pibb Xtra. I took about two sips of it and threw it in the trash. That stuff was disgusting. I wish they would bring back the original Mr. Pibb because I preferred that to Dr. Pepper. It was a lot smoother going down. You would think the makers would have both to give people a choice.

  16. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (26)Erika says:

    You can still find Mr. Pibb in some restaurants! We were at ESPN zone in Downtown Disney (at Disneyland resort) last week, and I was so excited to be able to order a Mr. Pibb! It was SOOOO good. I made us eat dinner twice there. Lol! I miss it! And hate that you can’t buy it in stores. 🙁 Pibb Xtra is good, but not as good as the original.

  17. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (28)xxlagueritaxx says:

    I don’t care. I just want a Pibb. Either is fine with me. I relocated to Chattanooga and I can not find a flipping Pibb, AHHHHHHH!!!!!

  18. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (30)Brandy Siniard says:

    I have to travel a good two hours to get my Pibb Xtra or order it online but it’s worth it I love the stuff !

  19. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (31)Wesley says:

    My experience with Pibb in general has been somewhat exclusive based on the circ*mstance that I was born in 1999 which means that I had no idea that Mr. Pibb was ever a thing. However, I’ve had limited access to Pibb in general due to the fact that my family despises the drink. On the rare occasion, I have be able to get Pibb Xtra which appeals to me as an exotic looking flavor of soda. The bold brand name with a wavy red background is quite captivating and unique. I have always been fascinated with the flavor of Pibb Xtra due to it’s scarcity as opposed to the mediocre flavor.

  20. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (32)Wendy says:

    Slice, diet slice, and Pepsi light, loved them.

  21. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (33)Marilou Kishur says:

    Love me my PIBB!

  22. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (34)Marilou Kishur says:

    Does anyone still remember the original can with the variegated sides?

    • The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (35)Vaff Angool says:

      Variegated means multi-hued and mottled or patchy. You might have meant corrugated or crenelated. I remember those cans fondly and they might be best-described as fluted, ,furrowed, grooved, channeled, or ribbed.

  23. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (36)Lacy says:

    I grew up on Mr. Pibb, my high school had a soda machine that dispensed it! :D. But I moved briefly to California in 2001 where you couldn’t get it. When I returned to Texas it had changed. Honestly, I hadn’t had a Pibb in 3 years so I didn’t notice a difference in the taste, I just glug-glug-glug-aaaaahhhhhh! That’s the stuff. Pibb and Pepper are definitely NOT the same. Pibb is a lighter, fruitier taste while Pepper is heavier and always gives me the hiccups (wtf?). You should give Pibb another try now that your tastebuds have forgotten the original, you might come home again.

  24. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (37)Mike the rookie says:

    My parents live in Florida and come back in May. I have them “smuggle” a few cases back north every year and save for my Sunday macaroni. Pibb and pasta!

  25. After mrPiBB was so rudely reformulated, Pepsi released a drink called Mr. Green under the Sobe brand that tasted close to PiBB, except for the gritty ginseng taste. That product was discontinued. It wasn’t until after 2010 that Doc360 showed up and was amazingly close (I’d say about 80%) to mrPiBB. (For reference, id say Pibb Xtra is 25% of it’s parent). Unfortunately, WisPak did a reformulation on Doc360. It now has a lot more caffeine and is known as Doc X. The more caffeine does throw the taste off, bit it’s still without a doubt the closest thing out there to original mrPiBB that you can find today.

    And side note, you girls all rock!

  26. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (39)Dwight Reynolds says:

    Atmore ala sells it,, i buy it all the time

  27. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (40)Lisa says:

    I miss Mr Pibb too.

  28. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (41)Sheri Davis says:

    Yes. I too really miss the original Mr . pibb . The pibb x-tra is not the same nor as good as the original regular mr pibb. It’s too bad the good products they get rid of too early .

  29. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (42)Mike says:

    They dropped the “Mr.” because it is sexist. LOL

  30. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (43)Edward says:

    I miss Mr. Pibb “Put it in your head” version. Pibb Xtra is good but not my fave

  31. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (44)Fairportfan says:

    When Mr Pibb hit the market, back in the 70s, it was not available in Atlanta, Coca Cola’s home town, because the local bottlers {bottlers were franchised rather than owned by the company back then} had the Dr Pepper franchise, and he tasted Pibb, considered it a grossly inferior imitation Dr Pepper, knew Pibb would be a money-loser and refused to give up his Dr Pepper franchise before the license expired…

  32. I’ve grown up w Pibb Xtra and have been fascinated by the brand my whole life. I always wish I could’ve tried a Mr. Pibb! co*ke would make millions if they brought it back for a limited release! I have so many good memories drinking Xtra but yeah I’ve died to taste Mr. Pibb, I’ve collected Pibb memorabilia too

  33. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (47)Flip says:

    I’ve grown up w Pibb Xtra my whole life, have so many fond memories of such but I’ve always wished I could’ve tasted Mr. Pibb. They would make so much money if they did a limited release of it!!!!! Then it could be permanent. I’ve collected so much memorabilia over the years, and I wanna taste Mr. Pibb really badly! I had Pibb Zero in Texas and it was nice as well!

  34. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (48)Cindy Canter says:

    Holy Hanna batman..i had no clue they had discontinued my Mr PiBB….didnt even realize that it had changed to Pibb Xtra…jst thought it was a marketing ploy…well guess have to buy plane ticket an fly to Japan cuz thats only place you will ever see them…Why…Why..Why???? Im gonna have to pay closer attention to American dad…i didnt take that episode as really being true…oh mother of sad now…jst ruined what lil enjoyment i recieved from some say soda i say pop….

  35. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (49)Curtis says:

    I come back to this article every now and then… Just to pay respects, and reminisce about my first time tasting MrPibb. (It was at a chuck e cheese birthday party. Knew it was my favorite immediately.) Today though, I’m back to say that what folks have said about the soda, Doc X is true; it does taste alot like classic MrPibb. It’s not quite perfect, but it’s probably the closest we’ll ever get to tasting classic Pibb again. I sometimes mix Doc X and Doc X Zero. As for why, well, it’s been so long… Mixing the two and drinking them takes me back to vivid memories of when I drank MrPibb… I dunno if memory is wrong or hazy… But it feels closer… Like, for me, Doc X has the smooth, cherry pepper flavor that I think I remember. And Doc X Zero has the bold, crisp, refreshing taste that I
    think I remember. My memory may be wrong, but either way, it’s the closest thing I’ve ever tasted to classic MrPibb.

  36. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (50)M says:

    Surrounded by PibbX here in Florida, and I don’t drink a drop of it. Mr. Pibb was my favorite soda back in the day, and I did not like the taste of the change, so I have just been quietly sipping my Dr. Pepper for two decades now, longing for the days of regular old Mr. Pibb. sigh.

  37. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (51)Snowielady says:

    I feel the same way about co*ke Life, which was discontinued in 2020. It has the same great taste as regular co*ke but with one third the calories and it wasn’t given a fighting chance. I don’t know why the Coca Cola Company does this. I feel like, why try a new product from Coca Cola only to love it since they are eventually going to discontinue it, and I don’t want to be disappointed again.

  38. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (52)Cindy says:

    When I was pregnant back in 99 and 2000, Mr. Pibb was one of the only things that I could keep down. At the time that Pibb Extra was coming out I worked next-door to the Coca-Cola plant. I called them asking why I was not able to find Mr. Pibb all of a sudden and they said because they phased it out in order to bring about Pibb Extra. They said they were doing so to go after the Dr. Pepper market. I told them if I wanted Dr. Pepper I would be drinking it and not Mr. Pibb. I also asked them if they remembered the New co*ke fiasco. Obviously, it did not get me anywhere.

  39. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (53)Edward says:

    There’s a Coca Cola freestyle fountain machine in a pizza place by my company that had the original Mr. Pibb (as well as the heinous anus, Pibb Xtra). It even had the little Pibb guys head in the little icon. And the best part was that It taste just like how I remembered. The only way I can describe my joy is that I was happier then a 12 year old boy that received a Lisa Ann flesh light and 2 gallons of lube on Christmas morning. I would go there daily during the work week, sometimes twice a day (during lunch and after work) just to sit and drink copious amounts of this black gold. I even had a delightful conversation with a rather portly man about Mr. Pibb that was quite informative (I tell you, this guy was the Yuval Noah Harari of Mr. Pibb, a historian, if you will.) But one day, upon purchasing my refillable 32oz goblet for which holds one of the holy grails of soft drinks for drinking pleasure, the Mr. Pibb icon was black and white with a big “unavailable” sign on it while Pibb xtra was still available. Days turned into damn near 3 weeks and I finally asked the owner what the deal was with Mr. Pibb being unavailable. He told me that the Coca Cola vendor took it off their order list as it was DISCONTINUED!!!! He even told me that other customers had been coming in on a daily for this rare elixir and had also complained about the unavailability. WTF Coca Cola!!! It was better off dead then being introduced like the 2nd coming of Christ, only to be blown up with Russia’s RS-28 Sarmat “Satan 2” missile. What the hell were they thinking?!? What was the brainstorming behind this blunder back at the Coca Cola offices??? “Let’s co*ck tease the consumer with the original Mr. Pibb, then yank it right back out of there gullets with a swift knifehand strike to the esophagus” f you Coca Cola. I’m a laid back kind of guy with a insatiable appetite for medicinal grade marijuana and rare treats but this genuinely got my blood piping hot. There’s ultra rare soft drinks out in the wild that can be tracked down like Tahitian Treat and Jolt cola (although hoods and barrios that usually carry these soft drinks require a bullet proof vest and some cajones) Mr. pibb was gone and I had learned how to live life after my favorite drink had gone to that great big Mr. Pibb factory in the sky. I still go here and there to the dimly lit pizza place by my company in hopes of a Mr. Pibb resurrection but the icon isn’t even an option anymore so it’s looking like it was a one off and bounced out like a queef in the wind. I have hopes that Coca Cola will serve the small but loyal cult of original recipe Pibb consumers what we want but it looks like Pibb Xtra is here to stay and I do t like it.

  40. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (54)Tracy says:

    On Amazon, you can buy twelve packs for $35.00 … Also, 2 liter bottles are available. It makes me sick that co*ke is endlessly pushed at us, (yuck, btw) but, one little soda can’t happen,, as a present to loyal,(ie; fanatical) consumers. Say, In limited production, once a year, Guaranteed it would sell out, fast. Tho it wouldn’t be worth their investment, WHO CARES?!!? GIMME PIBB, DAMMITT ! … Ahem… excuse me. I think it’s time co*ke admitted they screwed up, and give us back our Pibb PERIOD. 💔🦤🥺

  41. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (55)period says:

    I too loved the original mr. pibb but i was only in grade school, I was just watching the american dad episode you were speaking of. I think it may be regional because i think in some foreign countries they still sell mr. pibb, but yes I too wish to have the old pibb back.

  42. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (56)J Michael Scheler says:

    There is and was only one Pibb and it will never be extra. Pibb had a bite that extra can’t.. . There is only one Extra and it will never be a Pepper. Pepper has a bite that extra cant.. . Bring back Me. Pibb! Until then, I’m a Pepper. Former member of the “‘Next’ Generation”. And fondly remember Mt. Dew when it was still being made with fruit juice pulp

  43. The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (57)FLgurl says:

    Ive loved Pibb for years. I “scored” some 20 ozs at Publix here in Florida a few wks ago. Not sure what happened but all 3 of the 6 packs were flat. I ended up pouring them out. The cans were fine but the bottles were horrible. Very aggravating. Walmart doesnt have them anymore but always has an overflow of Fanta. Get the hint and bring Pibb back.

  1. July 28, 2014

    […] announced that they had been discontinued due to “low sales volume.” Aargh! It’s Mr. Pibb and Jell-O Pudding Pops all over again. Companies seem to love taking away my favorite treats. I […]

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The Sad Story of Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra – The Plain Cheese (2024)


What is the story of Mr. Pibb? ›

First introduced as "Peppo" to compete against Dr Pepper, the name was changed to "Mr. Pibb" after Dr Pepper sued The Coca-Cola Company for trademark infringement. The original test markets for Mr. Pibb in 1972 were located in Waco, Texas, the birthplace of Dr Pepper, before the company moved to Dallas, Texas.

Is Mr. Pibb and Pibb Xtra the same? ›

Pibb Xtra (formerly known as "Peppo", and "Mr. PiBB") is a spicy cherry pepper style flavored soda released in 1972 in the United States and later in Japan which is marketed by The Coca-Cola Company. Pibb Xtra is a reformulation of Mr. PiBB that was released in summer 2002.

Why did Mr. Pibb change its name to Pibb Xtra? ›

The difference is cinnamon, which Coca-Cola says creates a bolder flavor, which is why Mr. Pibb is now called Pibb Xtra — for extra flavoring (via How Stuff Compares). With that, Pibb Xtra officially usurped Mr. Pibb in 2001 in most markets across the United States.

Is Mr. Pibb a rip off of Dr Pepper? ›

Yes, Coca-Cola company owns Mr Pibb, and some argue it was created to capture some of the market shares of Dr Pepper. They have an almost identical taste, and many companies have made a drink that tastes very similar to Dr Pepper and Pibb Xtra. When Pibb Xtra first came out, it was called Peppo.

What is the story behind Dr Pepper? ›

In 1885, one year before the invention of Coca-Cola, a young pharmacist named Charles Alderton began experimenting by mixing different fruit flavors together at The Old Corner Drug Store on Fourth Street and Austin Avenue. The resulting concoction would become the formula for Dr Pepper.

Which is older pibb or Dr Pepper? ›

For starters, Dr Pepper is the older of the two beverages. It goes all the way back to the late 1800s when a pharmacist who worked at a drug store in Waco, Texas created the soda.

What is the oldest soda in the US? ›

Dr Pepper was created in 1885 and believed to be the first soda as we know it today followed by Coca-Cola one year later.

When did Mr. PiBB change to Pibb Xtra? ›

On June 26, 2001, the history of Mr. PiBB took yet another dramatic turn. The Coca Cola Company introduced a new version of Mr. PiBB - "Pibb Xtra" - into several Texas test-markets, including Houston and Dallas.

Does Mr. PiBB have cherry in it? ›

Pibb Xtra provides an intensely flavored, refreshing, spicy cherry alternative to regular cola.

What flavor is Dr Pepper? ›

What does Dr Pepper taste like ? Dr Pepper has been described as having a sweet and savory flavor, with subtle notes of cherry and caramel. Dr Pepper is not overly sweet like some sodas, but it still packs enough of a punch to satisfy your cravings for something refreshing.

Is Dr Pepper a root beer? ›

Is Dr Pepper a root beer? No. Dr Pepper is not a root beer.

What is the actual flavor of Starlight co*ke? ›

Many have described the taste as similar to that of fruit, vanilla or cotton candy. Junk food review site Candy Hunting stated it "tastes like strawberry, marshmallow, and/or cotton candy". Aly Walansky of Food Network wrote it tastes "kind of like minty cotton candy sprinkled with vanilla".

Is Dr Pepper already cherry? ›

Dr. Pepper is an Almond Black Cherry flavored beverage. If you dont believe me, buy some ordinary co*ke or pepsi, and add black cherry alone. It will simply taste like cherry cola.

Are they discontinuing Dr Pepper? ›

Pepper isn't being discontinued so please calm down.

Does Dr Pepper taste like cherry co*ke? ›

Dr Pepper is a unique blend of 23 flavors and does not contain any other sodas. Some people compare the flavor to a combination of cola and cherry, but Dr Pepper is truly its own unique beverage.

What does the 10 2 4 mean on Dr Pepper? ›

Not really, but at the time, it won an ad campaign request put out by the brand after research in the 1920s showed that folks generally suffer from a sugar low around 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Hence the need for a sugary, bubbly beverage like Dr Pepper to get you going again.

Why did Dr Pepper drop the period? ›

Dr Pepper says the period was dropped in the 1950s to make it easier to read on the smaller bottles of the time. The beverage tweeted a reminder back in July 2016, saying: “This just in: There is no period after Dr in Dr Pepper. Less time writing punctuation = more time drinking Dr Pepper #TheMoreYouKnow.”

Is Dr Pepper based on a real person? ›

But, unlike the brand name for Coca-Cola, which was derived from the two main ingredients, or Mountain Dew, which was old-timey slang for moonshine, Dr Pepper was named after a real person. In fact, he was even a real doctor.

Does McDonald's sell Dr Pepper or Mr Pibb? ›

Satisfy your taste buds with the unique taste of Dr Pepper® at McDonald's.

Does McDonald's have Dr Pepper or Mr Pibb? ›

OAKBROOK, Ill. — McDonald's will replace Coca-Cola's Pibb Xtra with Dr Pepper at all of its U.S. restaurants, giving Dr Pepper Snapple Group a greater foothold at the fast-food chain.

What are the 23 flavors of Mr Pibb? ›

According to The Daily Meal, mega fans of Dr Pepper believe the 23 flavors are (in alphabetical order) amaretto, almond, blackberry, black licorice, caramel, carrot, clove, cherry, cola, ginger, juniper, lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, prune, plum, pepper, root beer, rum, raspberry, tomato, and vanilla.

What is the most unpopular soda in the US? ›

After factoring in annual revenue data, consumer polls, and their number of fans on Facebook, it has been determined that Diet co*ke is the least popular soda in America.

Why is it called 7 Up? ›

7Up was the product of 7 ingredients: sugar, carbonated water, essence of lemon and lime oils, citric acid, sodium citrate, and lithium citrate. The “UP” part of the name referred to the lithium mood lift. The beverages were originally sold in 7-ounce bottles.

What is the oldest soda that is still around? ›

Schweppes (1783)

The oldest soda brand still on the market today is none other than Schweppes. Schweppes was founded initially in 1783 when Jacob Schweppes created carbonated mineral water (via Coca-Cola). The product's notoriety grew, and Schweppes began selling in Geneva and England.

Who was Mr. Pibb a competitor to? ›

Mr. PiBB was invented in the summer of 1972 after The Coca-Cola Company had the intention of creating a drink that would rival the growing success of Dr Pepper in Southern markets.

What is Pepsi's version of Dr Pepper? ›

Dr. Slice is a Pepsi product. It is found in towns where Pepsi does not distribute Dr. Pepper.

Does Mr. Pibb have cinnamon in it? ›

Pibb was reformulated and marketed with the words "New Taste" printed prominently on the products. In 2001, a new formula called Pibb Xtra added cinnamon flavor, replacing the original formula in many parts of the United States.

What flavor is co*ke? ›

The primary taste of Coca-Cola is thought to come from vanilla and cinnamon, with trace amounts of essential oils, and spices such as nutmeg.

What is on Doctor Pepper? ›

Carbonated Water, Sugar, Colour (Caramel E150d), Phosphoric Acid, Preservative (Potassium Sorbate), Flavourings Including Caffeine, Sweeteners (Aspartame, Acesulfame K). Contains a Source of Phenylalanine.

Does Dr Pepper have prune juice in it? ›

Contrary to soda pop mythology, Dr Pepper is not made of prune juice, nor does it have any part prune juice in it. It is made of a blend of fruit extracts. But the blend of flavors results in a uniqueness that makes many people swear that Diet Dr Pepper is the most undiety tasting soft drink in existence.

What is the most popular soda in the US? ›

It is no surprise here, but the number one most popular soft drink is hands down Coca-Cola Classic. Manufactured by the largest soft drink beverage company in the world, co*ke is the staple of the Coca-Cola Company. Crisp, delicious, and super refreshing, Coca-Cola Original is an all-time favorite.

Are there 23 flavors in Dr Pepper? ›

As authentic as a vintage "I'm a Pepper®" tee, Dr Pepper is always original. A signature blend of 23 flavors makes every sip of Dr Pepper truly unique. There's nothing like a Dr Pepper.

Is there black licorice in Dr Pepper? ›

For over 130 years, Dr Pepper has tantalized taste buds with its unique blend of 23 flavors including almond, amaretto, blackberry, black licorice, and caramel.

What root beer is owned by co*ke? ›

Barq's /ˈbɑːrks/ is an American brand of root beer created by Edward Barq and bottled since the beginning of the 20th century. It is owned by the Coca-Cola Company. It was known as "Barq's Famous Olde Tyme Root Beer" until 2012. Some of its formulations contain caffeine.

What was Sprite originally called? ›

The lemon-lime drink known today as Sprite was developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone ("Fanta Clear Lemon" in English) and was introduced in the United States under the Sprite name in 1961 as a competitor to 7 Up.

What co*ke tastes like cotton candy? ›

Coca-Cola said its new Dreamworld co*ke tastes like dreams, so I put it to the test. I received a small aqua-colored can, which immediately made me think of cotton candy. Don't worry, that's not what this co*ke tastes like.

What does co*ke marshmallow taste like? ›

This newest hit is a Coca-Cola Creations sparkling beverage feature inspired by the world-renowned artist, Marshmello. For the first time ever, discover the unexpected flavor of his tracks: strawberry and watermelon flavor with the same familiar great Coca-Cola taste.

What flavor is Dream World co*ke? ›

According to Mashed, the drink has a citrus and mango taste. Food-Sided's review of the drink described it as having a citrus candy taste. Taste of Home reviewed the drink and described it as too sweet and reminiscent of yellow Tic-Tacs.

Did Dr Pepper stop making cherry? ›

Dr. Pepper Red Fusion brought cherry flavor to Dr. Pepper, and fans drank it up in 2002 — but by 2004, it was no longer available. Fans were saddened, and some even created an online petition to bring it back.

What is a cherry Dr Pepper called? ›

Introducing Dr Pepper Cherry. The newest, smoothest addition to the Dr Pepper family that's so amazingly smooth you just have to try it. A kiss of cherry makes it the smoothest Dr Pepper ever. Drink it smoother.

What species is cherry pepper? ›

The Cerasiforme Group of Capsicum annuum is the Cherry Pepper. The pod-shaped pepper resembles a round fleshy cherry or cherry tomato. The pepper has a sweet flavor and mild to moderate hot taste. The plant is a member of the Solanaceae or Nightshade family.

Who is Dr Pepper biggest competitor? ›

Dr Pepper Snapple's competitors

PepsiCo is a company that produces, markets, distributes and sells beverages and convenient foods. Fever-Tree (also known as Fevertree Drinks) is a producer of premium carbonated mixers for alcoholic spirits. Red Bull is a company that sells energy drink products.

Why is there no Dr Pepper in stores 2023? ›

The increased demand for this popular soda resulted in some supply issues. Production and supply have been widely affected due to the pandemic. But Dr Pepper has been striving to work out with its distribution partners by keeping shelves stocked nationwide.

Why doesn t Disney carry Dr Pepper? ›

Dr Pepper is owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., so it cannot be sold in the Disney parks. And you won't find it at the McDonald's on property either, because that's still in Disney World (trust us — we've tried).

What two pops taste like Dr Pepper? ›

Disaronno and Budlight mixed tastes like Dr. Pepper.

Does Dr Pepper have alcohol in it? ›

While the can itself is evocative of an artisan beer or spirit, readers should know that this Dr Pepper does not contain any alcohol. It's all artificial.

What's the difference between Dr Pepper and Mr. Pibb? ›

Pibb does not have as many different flavors as Dr. Pepper but the ones they do have are Pibb zero, cherry, and cherry vanilla. One big differences of the two soft drinks is that Mr. Pibb does not have a diet drink but it does have a zero calories drink and Dr.

What is the history of Mr Cola? ›

Mr. Cola was first introduced in 1962 by the Grapette Company with the hope that their cola could compete with Coca Cola and Pepsi. It caught on pretty quickly thanks in part because of its unique 16oz bottle size and creative marketing.

What was in 7 Up? ›

7Up was the product of 7 ingredients: sugar, carbonated water, essence of lemon and lime oils, citric acid, sodium citrate, and lithium citrate. The “UP” part of the name referred to the lithium mood lift. The beverages were originally sold in 7-ounce bottles.

What are the 23 flavors of Mr. Pibb? ›

According to The Daily Meal, mega fans of Dr Pepper believe the 23 flavors are (in alphabetical order) amaretto, almond, blackberry, black licorice, caramel, carrot, clove, cherry, cola, ginger, juniper, lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, prune, plum, pepper, root beer, rum, raspberry, tomato, and vanilla.

What is the oldest soda? ›

Vernor's boasts the oldest soda in America, but not the world. That belongs to Schweppe's, who created a carbonated mineral water in 1783. Other old sodas include Hires Root Beer (1876), Moxie 1876, Dr. Pepper (1885) Coca-Cola (1886) and Pepsi (1893.

What does 23 mean on Dr Pepper? ›

It is made up of 23 unique flavors blended together to create the classic Dr Pepper taste. Some of these include: cherry, licorice, amaretto (almond-flavored liqueur), blackberry, caramel, cola, ginger, lemon, peppermint and more.

What is the main flavor of Dr Pepper? ›

What does Dr Pepper taste like ? Dr Pepper has been described as having a sweet and savory flavor, with subtle notes of cherry and caramel. Dr Pepper is not overly sweet like some sodas, but it still packs enough of a punch to satisfy your cravings for something refreshing.

What did Cola stand for? ›

Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

What was the first Cola flavor? ›

A glass of cola served with ice cubes
TypeSoft drink
IntroducedMay 8, 1886, as Coca-Cola
ColorCaramel (with certain exceptions such as Zevia Cola and Kola Román)
FlavorCola (Kola nut, citrus, cinnamon and vanilla)
2 more rows

What did RC Cola stand for? ›

Founded during the early twentieth century in Columbus, the Royal Crown (RC) Cola Company is today owned by Cadbury Schweppes, which purchased the beverage company in 2000. In the mid-1990s RC Cola held 2.5 percent of the soft-drink market share.

What drug was originally in 7UP? ›

The 'lithiated' in the name came from the soda's ingredient lithium citrate, a compound used to treat patients with mental health problems like bipolar disorder, depression or mania.

Why do people drink 7UP when sick? ›

The quick and popular remedy — usually in the form of cola, ginger ale or clear sodas — is said to help settle the stomach with its slight fizz and replenish fluids and glucose lost by vomiting and diarrhea.

Why is Sprite called Sprite? ›

Lippincott created the name Sprite for the Coca-Cola Company's lemon-lime soft drink in 1961. The word means “elf, fairy, or goblin,” and comes from the Latin spiritus, for spirit.

What flavor is Pibb zero? ›


Pibb Xtra provides an intensely flavored, refreshing, spicy cherry alternative to regular cola - with zero calories. Click on the button to find out the available online retailers to buy the product!

Did mcdonalds have Mr. PiBB? ›

Food Roundup: McDonald's Dumps Mr. Pibb, Wal-Mart Opens Supermercado, Melamine Replaced and More - CBS News.

Is Mr. PiBB a cherry cola? ›

Pibb® Xtra provides an intensely flavored, refreshing, spicy cherry alternative to regular cola.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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