What is a Death Rattle? How Long After the Death Rattle? (2024)

Terminal respiratory secretions, commonly known as a “death rattle,” occur when mucous and saliva build up in the patient’s throat. As the patient becomes weaker and/or loses consciousness, they can lose the ability to clear their throat or swallow. This results in a wet, rattling sound as the patient breathes in and out through the secretions.

When does the death rattle usually occur?

Terminal respiratory secretions are a sign that the patient is transitioning to the final stage of the dying process. At this point, their body naturally begins toconserve energy and many organ functions slow or cease.

How long after a death rattledoes death occur?

Terminal respiratory secretions occur as the body’s breathing slows. This typically lasts no more than a few hours, but each patient is different and it can continue for as long as 24-48 hours. While the sound is difficult for family members to hear, it does not cause the patient pain or distress.

Tipsfor caring for a patient with a death rattle.

What is a Death Rattle? How Long After the Death Rattle? (1)

Now thatyou understand more aboutwhat is a death rattle,consider how tocarefor a patient experiencing a death rattle.Whenfacing this situationwith a patient, family membersor caregiverscan hold their hand, talk to them, and continue to offer comfort. They can also wipe away any secretions around the patient’s mouth. The patient can be repositioned on their side with their head elevated to aid in performing mouth care. If necessary, medication including Atropine or Hyoscyamine(Levsin) may be administered to decrease the production of saliva.

What are some of the other signs that death is imminent?

Terminal respiratory secretions are just onesign that death is approaching.Thepatient’sextremities may become increasingly cool to the touch, and the skin may display a mottled appearance. The patient may also want little to no fluid or food during this time.

We know what a difficult time this can be. Tobetter understand the changes your loved one or patient is experiencing, complete the formon this pageto download a complimentary guide to end-of-life signs and symptoms.

What is a Death Rattle? How Long After the Death Rattle? (2024)
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