Where can i watch hunter x hunter 1999? (2024)

Where can i watch hunter x hunter 1999?

The 1999 version of hxh isn't copyrighted, so you can find it legally on sites like YouTube. Actually, don't watch any site other than youtube.

Is Hunter X Hunter 1999 on Netflix?

The first 3 seasons of the popular anime series Hunter x Hunter is now available to stream on Netflix!

(Video) How To Watch Hunter x Hunter in The Correct Order!
Is HXH 1999 and HXH 2011 the same?

Hunter × Hunter 2011 is the 'reboot' of the original series of 1999. It was created in order to improve the quality of the animation (ex. cute Bisky), and because the 1999 series was very popular; they rebooted the series to gain some more popularity.

Is HXH 1999 on Crunchyroll?

Hunter x Hunter - Streaming Online - Watch on Crunchyroll.

(Video) the 1999 hunter x hunter is... odd
Which version of Hunter X Hunter should I watch?

In my opinion, the 2011 adaptation of Hunter x Hunter is far superior to the 1999 anime adaptation. Not only do the visuals look better given the time period in which both of these shows were released, but the story arcs were also adapted, which extended beyond the Greed Island arc.

(Video) Hunter x Hunter 1999 vs 2011 Comparison - Kurapika's Bidding War
(Radar Duker)
How old is killua in season 6?

8 Killua Zoldyck (12 Years Old)

(Video) Why You Should Still Watch Hunter x Hunter 1999
How old is gon HXH?

Gon Freecss
SeriesHunter × Hunter
Age11 (debut) 12+ (currently) 14-15 (according to the Timeline)
Birthday5 May (Taurus, Children's Day)
6 more rows

(Video) Hunter x Hunter 1999 episode 1 subtitle Indonesia
(Lan Killua)
Is kurapika a girl or boy?

Kurapika can be described as a male gender.

It's been confirmed by the entire team Hunter x Hunter And by the voice actor Noriko Hidaka.

(Video) Hunter x Hunter 1999 vs 2011 Comparison - Arm Wrestling Gon VS Shizune
Is hisoka a good villain?

Hisoka is often considered as a very unusual villain, as he suffers from antisocial personality disorder despite being genuinely affable.

(Video) Hunter × Hunter - Killua vs Jones (1999-2011)
(Jakob Eisenhardt)
What arc does HXH 1999 end?

Yorknew City Arc/Phantom Troupe Arc.

(Video) the 1999 hunter x hunter is pretty weird... (part 2)

How old is killua Gon?

16 Hunter x Hunter Characters Statistics Chart
Gon Freecs12154 cm (5'1")
Killua Zoldyck12158 cm (5′2″)
Kurapika Kurta17171 cm (5'7")
Leorio Paradinight19193 cm (6'3")
11 more rows
Mar 4, 2022

(Video) Hunter x Hunter Fans React To 1999 Hunter x Hunter
(Wassup, WeebTaku!)
Why does killua leave Gon at the end?

In Hunter x Hunter, Killua had to leave Gon because he wasn't able to defeat Shoot, and Bisky told Killua his weakness and one day he would leave Gon to die. Later on, Killua removed the thing Illumi implanted into him, which changed him.

Where can i watch hunter x hunter 1999? (2024)
Which is better HXH 1999 or 2011?

The filler episodes in Hunter X Hunter 1999 are much more fun and interesting in comparison to most anime fillers, and is definitely worth checking out for fans of the original four characters. It also contains the Second Hunter Exam, which was left out of the 2011 version of the show entirely.

Does gon pass the fourth phase?

Fourth Phase

Hisoka then kills Geretta, but gives Gon back his plate and then his own. Gon recovers in three days and comes across Leorio and Kurapika; he eventually helps Leorio to acquire his target's badge.

Does Gon meet his dad?

At the end of the Hunter x Hunter anime, Gon finally meets his dad, Ging Freecss.

What version of HXH is on Netflix?

Yes, you can watch season 5 of Hunter x Hunter on Netflix.

How many episodes is HXH 1999?

A total of 62 episodes were broadcast on Fuji Television from October 16, 1999 to March 31, 2001. The series has additionally aired on the satellite television station Animax.

How do I download Hunter Hunter on Netflix?

How to Watch Hunter x Hunter Season 5 and 6 on Netflix - YouTube

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