Melina | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)



Melina | Elden Ring Wiki (1)

Location The beginning of the Tarnished's journey.
Role Maiden
Voiced by Martha Mackintosh

Melina is an NPC in Elden Ringwho acts as a guide to the player throughout the game's narrative. She is a mysterious young lady seen in an opening cutscene with Torrent, the Spirit Steed, and firstmetatthe beginning of the Tarnished's journey.Melina wears a black robe and approachesplayers while they are resting atdifferent Sites of Grace. She offers guidance throughout the game, grants the ability tolevel up and teleports you to certain key areas. She also later becomes available as an NPC Summon.

I can play the role of maiden. Turning rune fragments into strength. To aid you in your search for the Elden Ring. You need only take me with you.

Melina Location inElden Ring

  • Melinawill reveal herself at differentSites of Grace along the game's storyline. The player is also able to conversewith her via a "Talk to Melina" option when sitting at other Sites of Grace even when she does not automatically appear.
  • Melina is first met after resting atGatefront Site of Grace, byGatefront Ruinsoranotheroverland Limgrave Site of Grace, after activating a certain number of them. Other potential Sites of Grace:Church of Elleh,Seaside Ruins, and Agheel Lake South.
  • When activatinga Site of Grace on the overland that is located outside of Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula, resting upon one will trigger dialogue after whichMelina will transportthe player to theRoundtable Hold. The common Sites of Grace that trigger this are the Lake-Facing Cliffs inLiurnia of the Lakes, and Sellia Under-Stairor Smoldering Church inCaelid. Theselocations can be accessed relatively early if the player knows how to reach them. (Sellia Under-Stair can be reachedthe earliest, through a transporter trapchest in a basem*nt cellar inDragon-Burnt Ruins that brings the player toSellia Crystal Tunnel, from which they can exit to find the Sellia Under-Stair Site of Grace).
  • NPC Summon: Morgott, the Omen King.Progress in theMelinaquestline until she leaves. Her summon sign is at the top of the stairs on the right, in front of the fog gate. She wields theBlade of Callingand uses Erdtree/healingincantations.

MelinaQuestline: How to complete Melina's Quest

(Melina does not have a traditional completable "NPC Quest", since she's so strongly tied with the "Main Quest" of the game, but the following lists the opportunities forinteraction)

  • After resting at a Site of Grace (outside of theChurch of Elleh)on the overland, Melina will manifest herself and reflect on the absence of a guidance during your journey so far, appearing out ofthe air with a blueish aura around her. Melina proposes an accord: to act asyour "maiden", that is, as a guide throughout your journey, for you are "maidenless". In exchange, sherequests you take her with you to the Erdtree. She volunteers to "turn your Runes into strength", enabling you to level upyour character. She will also bequeath a ring,the Spectral Steed Whistle,allowing you to summon the spectral steed Torrent who has "chosen you".
  • At the next Site of Grace you rest at before entering Stormveil Castle, selecting the "Talk to Melina" option will trigger aconversation about the Sites of Grace.During this, Melina conveys the golden auras at the different Sites of Grace are in fact the grace of the Erdtree, and by following them, the grace will guide you through your burden. She informs you that a Shardbearer resides in Stormveil Castle, and that if the rays signal the castle, the Elden Ring is beckoning you.
  • At the next Site of Grace you rest at before entering Stormveil Castle, selecting the "Talk to Melina" option will trigger a conversation with Melina about her purpose, where she describes her search for her purpose and also apologizes for acting as aFinger Maiden while being unable to offer guidance, as she is "no maiden" and without purpose.
  • At the Third Church of Marika, when resting at the grace and selecting the "Talk to Melina" option, Melina will appear and declare that spoken echoes of Queen Marika the Eternal are present, and if you wish she will convey them to you. Select the "I'm interested" dialogue option and she will continue to describe the echoes.
  • At the Church of Pilgrimage, in the north of the Weeping Peninsula, when resting at the grace and selecting the "Talk to Melina" option, Melina will again appear and give the option to elucidate on the echoes.
  • Upon reaching the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace (or any grace in Leyndell), Melina will appear and say that she will be leaving, but that she will let you keep Torrent and the ability to turn runes into power. She reasserts her confidence that you will become the Elden Lord.
  • Melina may be summoned for the fight against Morgott, the Omen Kingvia a sign directly outside the boss arena.
  • After defeating Morgott, trying and failing to enter the Erdtree and resting at the Elden ThroneSite of Grace, Melina appears. She offers a new accord: to bring her "to the flame of ruin, far above the clouds, upon snowy mountaintops of the giants", so she can set theErdtree aflame, and help you become Elden Lord.
  • Melina will then have additional dialogue when resting at certain Sites of Grace, the Godrick the Grafted Site of Gracefor example. She will remind the player of the new goal in the land of the giants. She can then be spoken to a second time, and she will say thatalthough her purpose was giving to her by her mother, she is now acting on her own volition and has "set [her] heart upon the world that [she] would have. Regardless of [her] mother's designs."
  • Melina must be talked to in theForge of the Giants Grace,and her quest will befulfilled.
    • If the player has inherited the Frenzied Flamedespite Melina pleading them not to do it, Melina will not appear in this grace. Instead, she will appear after the ending of the game if the player continues with the Frenzied Flame path, and will threaten the Lord of Frenzied Flame with Destined Death.

Melina Dialogue inElden Ring


  • Greetings. Traveller from beyond the fog. I Am Melina. I offer you an accord.
  • Have you heard of the finger maidens? They serve the Two Fingers, offering guidance, and aid, to the Tarnished. But you, I am afraid, are maidenless.I can play the role of maiden. Turning rune fragments into strength. To aid you in your search for the Elden Ring. You need only take me with you. To the foot of the Erdtree.


  • Then its settled. Summon me by grace to turn runes into strength. Ahh, another matter. I bequeath to you this ring.
    [Hands over Spectral Steed Whistle]
    Use it to traverse great distances. It will summon a spectral steed named Torrent. Torrent has chosen you. Treat him with respect.

If Refusing

  • I understand. I'm asking you to put faith in but a stranger. Yet I'm certain that we can reach an understanding.
    Summon me by grace if you should reconsider.
  • Have you reconsidered my offer? (if talked to at a Site of Grace after your refusal)

§More on Melina

  • This tiny golden aura is the grace of the Erdtree. This light once shone in the eyes of your Tarnished brethren.
    But now it is all that guides you. Or so I hear. The rays of grace, that guide you through your burden.
    Upon the cliff, in Castle Stormveil, is a shardbearer. A demigod who inherited a fragment of the shattered Elden Ring.
    If the rays of grace signal the castle, then the Elden Ring beckons you.
    As an ally by pact,...I pray that you are fit... To face the challenge presented by the Ring.

§When Leveling Up

  • Shall I turn your runes to strength? Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment.
    Share them with me, your thoughts, your ambitions, the principles you would follow.
  • Phew. It is done.
    (It is verified that this line exists in version 1.0. Later version might have removed it. To play 1.0, you need to play on disc and disconnect the Internet.)


  • Me, I'm searching for my purpose given to me by my mother inside the Erdtree long ago, for the reason that I yet live, burned and bodyless.
    There is something for which I must apologize. I've acted the finger maiden yet I can offer no guidance, I am no maiden.
    My purpose was long ago lost...

§When resting at Third Church of Marika

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here, as well.Shall I share them with you?
  • Very well. In Marika's own words.My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace.
    With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between.Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.
    Well? Perhaps that might serve you in lieu of a maiden's guidance.

§When resting at Church of Pilgrimage

  • Spoken echoes linger here. Words of Queen Marika, who vanished long ago. If you wish, I will share them with you.
  • In Marika's own words.
    Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed.
    Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring.
    Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.

§When resting at the Grand Lift of Dectus Site of Grace

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
  • In Marika's own words. The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine. Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it. To wallow at the fringes; a powerless upstart.

§When resting at Altus Plateau

  • The close. Only a little further till the foot of the Erdtree, and the accord is fulfilled. It takes me back. I was born at the foot of the Erdtree. Where mother gave me my purpose. Though now, everything is lost to me. I...have to ascertain for myself. The reason for which I live, burned and bodiless.

About Boc

  • Your seamster, Boc... I see him crying, from time to time. I think he misses his mother. He wants someone to tell him he's beautiful. Does being born of a mother... Mean one behaves in such a manner?

§When resting at the Capital Outskirts

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
  • In Marika's own words. Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices...

§When resting at the Queen's Bedchamberafter defeating Morgott, the Omen King

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
    In Marika's own words. O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.

When resting at Minor Erdtree Church

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
  • In Marika's own words. I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order. Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. My comrades; why must ye falter?

Upon encounteringMargit, The Fell Omen, or when first resting at a non-dungeonSite of Grace outside ofLimgrave (most likely trigger would be Caelid's Sellia Under-Stair, found outside of Sellia Crystal Tunnel, which is reachable through being ensnared by Dragon-Burnt Ruins' transporter trap chest)

  • Forgive me.I've been...testing you. To see whether or not grace truly does guide you.
    And...whether you are fit to face the challenge that entails. It seems my worries were unfounded.
    Torrent had your measure from the very start. Whereas I merely pretended.
    There is but one other thing I can do to offer you guidance.
    I can take you to the Roundtable Hold... Gathering place of Tarnished champions, guided by Grace...
  • Very well. Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment.

When reaching Leyndell, she can appear onceyou reach the East Rampart site of grace.

  • My utmost thanks. For bringing me to the base of the Erdtree. Here, I can govern my own movement. And thus, the accord is fullfiled. I shall depart to ascertain the purpose I was given. Farewell. I shall leave Torrent, and the power to turn runes into strength, here with you. I wish you luck, in realising your ambition. You have fought long and hard. I have no doubt you will become Elden Lord. May you take the throne.

§When being unable to enter the Erdtree, she appears at the near site of grace.

  • Hello again, old friend. Allow me a moment to converse with you. You were unable to enter the Erdtree, no? Prevented by the mantle of barbs. The thorns are impenetrable. A husk of the Erdtree's being; that spurns all that exists without. The only way to stand before the Elden Ring...and become the Elden to pass the thorns. My purpose serves to aid in that very act. So I'd like you to undertake a new journey, with me. To the flame of ruin, far above the clouds, upon the snow mountaintops of the giants. Then I can set the Erdtree aflame. And guide you. Down the path to becoming Elden Lord. (She gives the player a Rold Medallionand makes a red mark on the map.)

§Upon resting at the Cathedral of Forsaken, inSubterranean Shunning-Grounds

  • If you intend to claim the Frenzied Flame, I ask that you cease. It is not to be meddled with. It is chaos, devouring life and thought unending. However ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair, life endures. Births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not? If you would become Lord, do not deny this notion. Please, leave the Frenzied Flame alone.

Going deeper past Sealed Nomad Merchant Clan...Frenzied Flame Proscription

  • I ask you, one more time. Please, seek not the Frenzied Flame. As one who strives to become a Lord, deny not the lives, the new births of this world. Those who would are not fit to be called Lord. When the land they preside over is lifeless.
  • Please put a stop to this madness. The Lord of Frenzied Flame is no lord at all. When the land they preside over is lifeless.

After speaking to Enia about burning the thorns

  • "Think not, of the kindling. I shall see to that.
    All I ask of you is to make the journey.
    To the snowy mountaintops of the giants, far above the clouds.
    I know... I'm asking you to commit a cardinal sin.
    But it must be done to reach the path beyond.
    And that is the path I wish to travel.
    What is your mind?"

§Upon resting at the Snow Valley Ruins Overlook Site of Grace

  • There is something I'd like to say. My purpose was given to me by my mother. But now, I act of my own volition.
    I have set my heart upon the world that I would have. Regardless of my mother's designs.
    I won't allow anyone to speak ill of that. Not even you.

§When resting atFirst Church of Marika Site of Grace

  • Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here as well. Shall I share them with you?
    In Marika's own words.Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance has delivered ye through ordeal to the place ye stand. Put the giants to the sword and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!
  • We are almost there. The flame of ruin lies just ahead. I'm glad it was you I traveled with. I must tender my thanks to Torrent, too. Thank you, Torrent. Please continue to lend your aid. Till the end.

Upon resting at the Giants' Gravepost Site of Grace and selecting "Talk to Melina". Flame Peak, Mountaintops of the Giants.

  • We're almost there. The flame of ruin lies just ahead. I'm glad it was you I travelled with. I must tender my thanks to Torrent, too. Thank you, Torrent. Please continue to lend your aid. Till the end.

§Upon resting at the Forge of the Giants Site of Grace in Mountaintops of the Giants.

  • I have long observed the Lands Between.
    This world is in dire need of repair...
    and Death...indiscriminate...
    Are you prepared...
    To commit a cardinal sin?
  • (Answering "I'd like you to wait")
    Very well.
    Tell me, when you are fully prepared.
  • (Answering "I'm Ready")
    Very well.
    Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment.
    (A cinematic of Melina igniting the forge)
    O Erdtree, you shall burn.
    Burn, for the sake of the new Lord.
    (Turns back at you)
    Thank you. For guiding me here.
    (Lifts hand and ignites more intensly)
    The one who walks alongside flame,
    Shall one day meet the road of Destined Death.

§Upon resting atany Site of Graceafter having inherited the Frenzied Flame

  • You... have inherited the Frenzied Flame. A pity. You are no longer fit. Our journey together ends here. And remember... Should you rise as the Lord of Chaos, I will kill you, as sure as night follows day. Such is my duty, for allowing you the strength of runes. Goodbye, my companion. Goodbye, Torrent...

"Lord of Frenzied Flame" ending cutscene

  • Lord of Frenzied Flame... I will seek you, as far as you may travel... To deliver you what is yours. Destined Death.

Elden Ring Notes & Trivia for Melina

  • Her dagger, Blade of Calling, can be found by jumping off the elevator from Leyndell to the Forbidden Lands into an opening in the wall.
  • The description of her dagger refers to her as the "kindling maiden"
  • Melinas internal name in the game files is "MaricaOfDaughter". Her dialogue in the game already heavily hints at Marika being her mother.

Melina Image Gallery

Melina | Elden Ring Wiki (5)

Elden Ring NPCs

Abandoned Merchant Siofra RiverAeonian SpiritAeonian Swamp SpiritAlbinauric Village SpiritAlbusAshen SpiritBlackguard Big BoggartBlaiddBloody Finger Hunter YuraBoc the SeamsterBrother CorhynCarian Manor SpiritD's Twin BrotherD, Hunter of the DeadDeathtouched SpiritDiallosDung EaterEclipse SpiritEdgarEniaEnshaErdtree Sanctuary SpiritFiaFinger Maiden TherolinaFrenzied SpiritFrustrated SpiritGate Town Bridge SpiritGatekeeper GostocGideon OfnirGodwyn the GoldenGoldmaskGowryGrape SpiritGurranq Beast ClergymanHermit MerchantHyettaImprisoned MerchantIrinaIron Fist AlexanderIsolated Merchant Raya LucariaIsolated MerchantsJar BairnKenneth HaightKingsrealm SpiritKnight BernahlLaiedd SpiritLatennaLionel the LionheartedLiurnian Highway SpiritLiurnian Lake SpiritLost Snow SpiritMaster LusatMerchant KaleMillicentMillicent's SistersMiquellaMiriel Pastor of VowsMorne SpiritNepheli LouxNomadic Merchant Mohgwyn PalaceNomadic Merchant West Altus PlateauNomadic MerchantsPatchesPidia, Carian ServantPreceptor SeluvisPrimeval Sorcerer AzurQueen MarikaRanni the WitchRennaRennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)RoderikaRyaRykardSanguine Noble (NPC)ShabririShaded Castle SpiritSiofra River SpiritSmithing Master HewgSorcerer RogierSorceress SellenStranded Graveyard SpiritStudy Hall SpiritTanithThe Great-JarThe Two FingersThopsThree FingersTower of Return SpiritTwin Maiden HusksTwo FingersVolcano Manor SpiritWandering Artist SpiritWar Counselor IjiWhite Mask VarreWindmill SpiritWitch-Hunter Jerren

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Melina | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)


Who exactly is Melina Elden Ring? ›

Melina is a mysterious, spectral girl who is the deuteragonist of Elden Ring. She offers an alliance with the Tarnished to help them on their journey.

Is Melina a demigod in Elden Ring? ›

Melina's clearest references to her background state she was born at the foot of the Erdtree and that her mother is currently within said Erdtree, heavily implying that she is part of Marika's demigod family tree.

What ethnicity is Melina? ›

Melina is a girl's name of Greek and Germanic origin.

Does Melina want to be sacrificed in Elden Ring? ›

She also shows that she's not afraid of death as she willingly sacrifices herself to allow the player to advance and become Elden Lord. However Melina has limits. If the Tarnished seeks to use the Frenzied Flame, Melina begs them not to.

Are Ranni and Melina the same person? ›

No, Ranni is the child of Rennala and Radagon and Melina would the the daughter of Marika and an unknown father. To be clear we know who the children of who are for the most part, like Radagon and Rennala had 3 children Ranni/Rykard and Radahn.

Why is Melina not a maiden? ›

However, the powers Melina uses to accomplish these feats are part of the reason why she is not a true Finger Maiden to the Tarnished. Melina is daughter of Queen Marika and thus a demigod like the Shardbearers the Tarnished must slay to become Elden Lord.

Is Melina dead after burning the Erdtree? ›

Melina will reappear after this point as if nothing happened and can still be summoned during the Morgott fight. She won't abandon you as she does in the Frenzied Flame ending. Given her role as the so-called Kindling Maiden, who exists to set the Erdtree ablaze, this method of her demise is perhaps to be expected.

Who is the most feared demigod in Elden Ring? ›

1 Starscourge Radahn

It's mentioned throughout the game how Radahn was the mightiest of the demigods, and we can see that proven through his feats of strength and magic that rivaled those of Gods in the Lands Between. He was a fearsome warrior who was inspired by Godfrey and rivaled him in strength.

Who are the 4 demigods in Elden Ring? ›

  • Godwyn the Golden.
  • Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
  • Mohg, Lord of Blood.
  • Godrick the Grafted.

Are Melina and Malenia the same? ›

They are sisters. Blame the guy who thinks it's cool to have every important NPC named after his initials when there are people out there who only remember the initials of names.

Is Malenia Radagon's daughter? ›

Radagon and Marika had a twin daughter and son: Malenia and Miquella. As they were born of a single god, they were both Empyreans, but were born afflicted: Malenia with rotting sickness and Miquella with eternal childhood. While married to Marika, Radagon studied incantations.

Who is Ranni the daughter of? ›

Overview. Originally known as Lunar Princess Ranni, she was the daughter of Radagon, a champion of the Golden Order, and Queen Rennala, head of both the Carian Royal Family and the Academy of Raya Lucaria. She had two older brothers, Radahn and Rykard.

Does Melina hate you if you save her? ›

You can save her, but unfortunately nothing special comes out of it besides a new ending. It saves her but she'll hate you forever :( There is, but requires you obtaining one of the three main endings.

Who is the hardest boss in Elden Ring? ›

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree already has a new contender for the hardest boss in the DLC, as the Blackgaol Knight is already humbling thousands of players.

What happens if you refuse Melina in Elden Ring? ›

You have to accept Melina's accord in Elden Ring if you want to level up and get your horse. While suspicion is wise in a FromSoftware game, you really have to say yes here. Because without her, you'll be cut off from some crucial tools.

Who is the father of Melina Elden Ring? ›

Malenia was born the child of Queen Marika the Eternal and her second husband, the Elden Lord Radagon. She had an elder twin brother by the name of Miquella.

Was Melina the Gloam-Eyed Queen? ›

While unconfirmed, the identity of the Gloam-Eyed Queen in Elden Ring is widely believed to be Melina, the Tarnished player-character's Maiden. Melina is a helpful character in her role as a Maiden, though there is seemingly more to this character than some players ever get to learn.

Who is Finger Maiden Therolina? ›

Therolina is a Finger Maiden who never met the Tarnished she was meant to guide, even though it was promised that the guidance of grace would ensure that the pair be brought together. She uses healing incantations and Holy Water Pots, but she is not a fighter by nature and is ill-suited to battle.

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